Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 45

by Trina Bates

  I repeat what she had just told me, which doesn’t go over so well.

  “Love, if anything happens to you, she’s the only one that can get to you. This isn’t safe at all, not if she’s the only one that can find you if anything happens. She might be strong and able, but she’s not us. She doesn’t have our gifts,” Merrick replies with pleading eyes. I can tell he doesn’t want to go through with this, and looking around the only people I see that have my back are my brother and Torunn, even Blue looks around with questioning eyes and unease in her posture.

  “Bugs, I agree with Merrick, you went through enough. I won’t, yes, you heard that right, won’t, let anything happen like that again. From your mother being taken, to just losing Alyria. While you’re here, I expect two of us to be with you, no matter what, at all times. Preferable myself for my abilities and Gor would be the next best since he’s your brother and also of this world,” Ebbin says. His words, though understandable, still piss me off. I don’t need to be fucking reminded!

  “Fine, I concede, but you better stop throwing shit in my face that I have no control over, and still is forefront in my own mind.” I huff out, turning quickly away from my group. I need to calm down before I end up in a rage that I can’t get out of until I release the power. But I don't want to expend any energy before we meet with my father. I want to save it all for that bastard.

  -Mira, I am with you, always. Do not fret, you are safe here. We are a group of warriors that will stop at nothing to keep you safe, and die for you.-

  Cynide’s testament makes my chest ache, but my heart bloom from her declaration.

  -I love you Cynide, just pray it doesn't come to that. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to any single one of you.- I tell her honestly and smile when I feel her giant head land on my shoulder, giving me comfort.

  The footsteps coming up on my other side are swift, heavy and not human. I turn my head to see a giant purple horse running to our group, it has eight legs and isn’t slowing. I stop dead in my tracks and am quickly shielded by my Agathion and the rest of the group. I notice the monster of a thing change course and is heading straight to my brother. Misery and passion fill me completely, I push my way through the group and rush to his side willing my powers to come forward but stay within me, letting me be the one to use them. Not the other way around. I’m happily surprised when they do since I have yet to work on my own powers besides my flying. I don’t know if it’s this Realm, the charm that I wear around my neck, or if I’m just this capable. I hope it’s a little of all three.

  “MIRA!” Ebbin yells though I don’t stop to see what he’s screaming about. I know I’m running into the fire once again, endangering myself, and my little girl, but Cynide is right by me, and I won’t leave her side. If anything does happen, she will be battle ready to take it on before I even get a chance.

  “I’m not going to leave my brother without protection and Cynide is right here! You’re only a few steps behind me, stop with the theatrics!” I shout back grinning when I hear him grunt unhappily at me but knowing I’m right.

  The eight-legged beast stops right before it can reach Gor. I’m standing at his side with Cynide in front, protecting both of us. The strange horse growls low in its throat, and Cynide kicks the ground with one giant hoof and shakes her large head.

  -Cynide, can you speak to this beast?- I wonder to her.

  -I can; he is Gor’s Agathion. His name is, Vieruz. He is what is called a Sleipnir. His second form, which he already has…- I can tell she’s not happy about that with the growl she sends in my mind. -A swarm of locusts that will decimate anything they are commanded to by their master. Anything.-

  Her warning doesn’t go unnoticed. She’s right, but I have to trust in my family, that includes trusting in my brother, which I do. I know what kind of heart he has. A true lightness that’s not easily tainted. He’s got this. This isn’t my Agathion, it’s Gor’s. I know he will always do the right thing and protect the innocent. If he ever were to send them out, it would be for the right reason.

  -I trust Gor, I know he’ll do the right thing, by any Realm. We all have to believe that. I think we need to let him figure this out on his own, and tell us when he’s ready. Please give Vieruz my thanks, and maybe sometime I can get a chance to get to know him.-

  She nods her large head at me, that now looks dwarfed in comparison to the massive size of Vieruz’s head, and leaves my mind, which I assume is so she can relay what I just asked of her. I look between a wide-eyed Gor and a placid-looking giant Sleipnir, his head bowed in front of Gor, seeming to ask my brother for his touch. I can guess he can’t hear his thoughts yet since they haven’t touched. When Gor turns to me, I nod my head with a happy smile and see Vieruz’s shoulders drop, like the weight of the worlds was just taken off of them. He needs my brothers touch but didn’t want to push him. That’s just like what Cynide did when we first bonded.

  I’m going to have to tell him about certain types of Agathions, the ways they come to be and what they go through. Thinking back on it, I try to remember what it was that Cynide told me when she first came to me. Something like, she was just a spirit, a ghost in our world. Nothing but aether or something like that before she heard my call and was sent to me. They ‘lived’ and learned from their surroundings only knowing the minds of other Agathion spirits.

  -He would very much like that. He seems very formidable, maybe I misjudged him. He is anxious for this bond. I should give him a chance. He also sees you as the Alpha here, he senses that your powers are the greatest from everyone here. He has much respect.-

  I roll my eyes at Cynide, hearing the reverie in her voice, she has a little crush! I can’t wait to jab her with it later. Might be a little childish, but it’s also very cute. I want to see her happy, and if this, eight-legged horse beast will do that for her, then why not?


  Watching Mira, I doubt she knows what she looked like just moments ago, her hair whipping in the air, no winds to be felt, her eyes ablaze, ready to set this entire world on fire, and her skin was glowing red. She was containing her powers beautifully but seeing such a change in her, it feels like every time she uses her abilities, something else comes to light. Before it was her hair and eyes, now this? I can’t help but feel angst about her, and anguish for what it’s doing to her, and our daughter. I know she can take on more than what any of us truly know, but after everything that has happened in this last few weeks, none of us can be too careful.

  I know she’s talking to Cynide, her eyes keep shifting back and forth from her to the strange purple people eater horse. I want to say something, but seeing Gor, standing in front of this strange creature, with his hand outstretched, we’re all shocked silent, waiting to see what happens. It’s clear, to at least me, this is his Agathion. We all knew he would get one, it was more a question of when. Of course it would be here, in literal fucking Hell, and the giant thing suits him. It’s a perfect size for him to ride if needed, just like Cynide is for Mira.

  I didn’t notice before, when everything went so crazy, but its eyes, the horse like creature’s eyes, they seem to be smoking. The opalescent white has a purple haze around them, and it looks like it's swirling fire. The rest of him is a deep amethyst, a strange color for such an enormous beast. I want to get closer, but again, Gor has yet to make a move, and I’m starting to wonder if, he ever will. The eight legged Sleipnir from tales I remember long ago stands with a respectfully bowed head, waiting for something.

  Finally, after what feels like an eternity later, which on our world, it just might be. I know time moves differently here and in our world, Gor seems to jolt forward or be pulled, when his hand connects with the beast, I can’t help but snicker when the large man moans, and closes his eyes, looking like he’s just nut his breeches. Mira turns around and slaps my chest, I try to look innocent but the fact that I’m biting my bottom lip and my eyes are wide, I know I look guilty as fuck.

  -Oops.- I tell her in
her mind, making her squint at me, but I see her devilish smile, the one she tries to hide by glaring harder.

  The only thing that saves me is when I hear Rhett, ever the joker, say under his breath, but not quiet enough, “Did Mira’s brother just nut in front of us all?!” I bite harder and don’t dare turn my head towards him. I know I’ll lose it if I do. His voice is right behind me, so I take a subtle step back and step on his foot, trying to shut him up, but it has the reverse effect. Instead, he shoves me forward, and in bracing myself, my hands in front of me, my hands land on Cynide’s rump, startling her, making her jump forward which scares Mira, and I find myself face down in the fucking dirt. All hell breaks loose, and I hear bouts of laughter, startled shouts, and more laughter. I lay there with my hands under my face, keeping it out of the soil, shaking my head, grumbling nonsense.

  “Damn it Ebbin, you are such a goofball,” Mira says, and I feel her hands grasp me under the arms, trying to help me up. I get up and look at everyone, my turn to glare, and save the last piece of my ire for Rhett. When my eyes fall on him, I give him the best death glare I can and ask my companions for help. No one knows I have been doing this, not even Mira, so when they see my eyes change to that of Enbarr’s, a tail grows from Caius, and Rigar’s talons sprout from my hands, I hear a mass of gasps, and Rhett’s eyes go wide in apprehension.

  He puts his hands out in front of himself, trying to calm me, and make himself look defenseless, I’m not truly mad, but seeing him like this gets my humor going so I push a little harder.

  -Enbarr, can you push a little more? Rigar can you fall back and give Caius the lead? I want his claws.-

  -With pleasure Doyen,- Rigar tells me.

  -I do love to mess with the funny one,- Enbarr says with mischief in his voice. His snake-like tone, more ‘S’ than anything.

  -I would like to pull the tail and try for some fangs, if that is acceptable?- Caius asks me, I send them an image of me nodding so not to alert the others on the outside of what’s about to happen, and then I feel it all.

  The tail pulls in, my mouth becomes dry, and the pressure from the fangs pushing through is distressing, but not to the point I’m unable to keep a straight face. I feel Enbarr push, my neck expands, and I feel his hood start to form. I stare at Rhett the entire time, and by the time we’re done, I don’t think his eyes can get much wider. He’s taken a few steps back, which I match him for. The soft touch of Mira’s hand on my shoulder alerts me that she’s scared. I can smell it. Immediately, I ask my companions to retreat which they do swiftly, I turn to her with a slow smile and try to wrap my arms around her, but her misery and indecision stop me.

  “I was just messing with him, Bugs, you know me… Come on,” I plead with her, listening to her heart rate, it’s too fast, and I’m doing nothing but worrying her more. I call to Rhydian in my mind and give her a sad smile before I turn and walk away from her.

  -What have I done?! That wasn’t the reaction I was expecting, especially, not from her.- I think to myself, knowing Rigar, Caius and Enbarr are listening, at least… I’m hoping they are so they can maybe shed some insight on what I did that was so grievous, to make the love of my life look at me like I truly was a monster.

  -She is still new to this world Doyen. You must remember, she has yet to see the things, not only you can do, but us together or singular,- Rigar tells me, with the knowledge of years behind him. He’s the wisest of all my companions and though I can see the truth in his words, I don’t fully understand.

  -She’s something no one has ever seen before, and she can’t accept me?- I wonder to him, trying to figure out his cryptic message.

  -Doyen, she does not fully know you, listen to Rigar’s words, your own as well. You know it yourself to be true that you haven’t told any of the others what we can do. It will come as a shock, as you saw from Rhett’s face and your mates. You must give them time to acclimate. They gave you time Doyen, give them more. It will all come to be a wondrous thing when it’s accepted. Time.- Caius tells me.

  -Mira is one of the most amazing creatures I have ever had the pleasure of watching and learning from. Her counterpart might be… unstable, but she has only shown herself that one time. She accepted all of us without regret or much doubt. She will do the same with this new… knowledge once she has had a chance to process it.- Enbarr says, I can’t believe he’s still mad about Mira’s Demon half calling him ‘Dense’. It was funny, but he needs to get over it.

  -Thanks guys, I know you’re right, it’s just not like her, I’ve seen that face and felt that fear from her, towards me, once before. But it was the horror for me, not of me. It just threw me off for a minute. I need some time of my own if you don’t mind. I need to think and get my bearings.-

  They all quickly agreed and I kept walking, trying to clear my head of everything, at least for a moment before I heard the footsteps rushing up behind me. I didn’t want to turn, nor did I have to, to know who was sneaking up behind me. The thought that she was even trying lightened my mood and I was once again smiling.


  He took me all wrong, I know he thought I was frightened of him, but it’s the exact opposite. I’m frightened of what was happening to him. Was he hurt, were the others he carried inside of him forcing this? I didn’t know what was happening in that moment but watching the agony streak across his face hurt me more. I didn’t know what to say, so I let him walk away. I didn’t want to say something to offend the men inside of him, that they might strike out and cause him more harm. I was at a loss of words, but only for a few moments before I mumble, “Fuck it,” under my breath and rush after him, trying to be as quiet as I can so I might be able to sneak attack him and jump on his back. I always used to do that with him when he was being obtuse, maybe it will work again.

  The last few steps, I start to kick the ground a little harder and I rush and take a flying leap, and am pleasantly surprised when right before I get to his back, he turns and catches me in the air with a bright, loving smile taking over his handsome face, his blue and gold speckled eyes staring me down and his mouth his half lifted in a grin. Sadly, as soon as it came, it was gone, replaced with a sad, regretful look.

  “Ebbin, what’s wrong? Please don’t be mad at me. I was so scared for you, not at you! Please, you have to understand,” I plead with him trying to make him understand, see that he’s not a monster.

  “Are you sure?” he asks me, unsure and rubbing the back of his neck after he sets me on my feet.

  I wrap my arms around his neck, nuzzle his nose with my own and smile up at him as I say, “Of course I’m sure! I was scared that they were making you do that without your consent, it looked so… painful!” I worry to him, hoping he will hear the truth in my words.

  He finally grasps my waist with his large hands, pulls me close against him and lifts me by my ass, making me wind my legs around his hard torso as we kiss. He pushes his hands on my lower back, grinding my throbbing core onto his hardening dick while I moan into his mouth wishing we had the time to see where this could go.

  Pulling regretfully away, I sigh and lean my forehead to his while we both try to get our breathing under control.

  “I really need to fuck you again, soon,” he laughs into my hair when he sets me down once more. I laugh along with him. I still haven’t caught my breath, so I nod my head under his chin vigorously, letting him know I agree.

  “Forgive me?” I ask after I’ve finally caught my breath.

  “Always,” Ebbin says, grabbing the back of my neck and holding me closer to him. I can feel the tension leave him as his shoulders relax and he breathes a sigh of relief.

  “We really do need to get going, I know there’s a lot to be worried about, with two people in our group, plus the complete unknown of this place, but we have to try, I feel like every second we waste standing here doing nothing, is a second more that Alastor can fuck with my mom,” I tell him, feeling the every comforting feel of my fury and revulsion rise inside of me.
r />   “Let’s go,” he growls, turning me around, grabbing my hand as we walk back to our little group.

  “What the fuck was that, man?” Rhett asks, his voice still shaky and wringing his hands out of nervousness.

  Ebbin rubs the back of his neck, looks to me with a shy smile and finally lets us all in on his little secret.

  “I’ve been working with my guys. Turns out that, I can shift parts of my body when they push and I pull. Comes in pretty handy when trying to climb a tree and I need Caius’ claws to help, or when I got stuck in some snow, Enbarr shifted my legs into his ‘tail’ and I was able to slither out.” When he says that, even he gets a chill at the memory, these are things I have been completely left out of, and I have no recollection of.

  -When the hell have you had the time to do all of this?- I wonder just to him. He looks at me sheepishly, his cute dimple showing on the left side of his cheek and his hair falling in front of his face.

  -Here and there, just random time, when you were asleep, I managed the tree, when you were back in Yggdrasil with Blue, I was messing around in the snow, seeing what all the property had to offer. Just random times.-

  -Ah, well, maybe keep me in the loop with this, so I can be prepared, and not panic that your companions are fucking with you…-

  -Deal, Bugs.-

  We return to where the others are gathered, waiting for us to get our shit together. They’re unaware of what we just talked about, thankfully, so I start to make a plan with them after I check on Gor, glad he and his Agathion have transitioned well, their minds perfectly melded and he seems to be a steady companion. I know Gor will do right by him and Vieruz will do well for Gor in return.

  No one says anything about Ebbin’s sudden change. I think we all have enough going on even with that surprise, and I feel their feelings; acceptance, appreciation, a little jealousy, but above all else, love.


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