Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 58

by Trina Bates

  Nobody, beast or man alike, are attacking anybody at this moment. They know that we’re only having fun now that we’re trying to figure out what will happen to them. Merrick, Lyanna, Casey, Blue, and Gor are all staring at what we are, Torunn and her magnificent change. The looks of complete awe written across their faces. I grin seeing it and it grows when I watch the hair around Torunn, still whipping around her with the magic from inside her blade, and she smiles at me with glee. It’s infectious and I start to laugh. Things were so heavy and dire only moments ago, but now it’s back to the light, comfortable feeling of, safety. How can you not feel relief and joy at that.

  “I’ve never felt anything so... undeniably powerful and addictive! I know this was all in fun, and a way to learn, but there’s something so strong that I can’t deny, all I want to do is fight!” she confesses, with appreciation and adoration, wiping her sword around seamlessly, the sharp blade cutting through the air with precision as she changes hands and twirls it every which way.

  Looking down at her own weapon, she closes her eyes and inhales a deep breath. I feel her magic disburse through the cold air and, I pull my own back to me.

  I feel instant gratification, and relief, when the bodies have once more shifted. Beasts now men, and happy ones at that. “How is everybody doing?” I ask loud enough so everyone can hear me.

  Blue’s men all wear and looks of fierce joy. I can feel the happiness off of the five of them but so too can I feel their pain from shifting so much, so quickly.

  “I know it’s time to stop. We’ve all been through so much, we need to eat, sleep, and fuck the day away! There’s only so much light left and I know there’s still much to do. But for now, we have seen what my powers can do with my blade and Torunn’s as well. Let’s go relax!” I exclaim, with my arm held high in the air in triumph as we all start back for the cabin.


  “Siv, there’s something that I’ve been wanting to ask you about, and I keep forgetting. When Lyanna and Casey were using their lust powers against you, it’s seemed to have no effect on you. I know I might be out of bounds here, but it’s very crucial that we know everything there is to know about each other. I feel awkward asking you this, not knowing really anything about you, and being your daughter... but, we need to figure this out,” I ask her sheepishly.

  I asked the guys to get dinner going before I followed Siv, and they all got quickly to work, getting out succulent meats and corn on the cob with a lot of other things they’re all too happy to grill up. I went in search of Siv after, and here we are. Awkward!

  She looks to me with sad eyes and an even sadder smile.

  “There is no love for me left in any of the Realms or worlds. It has all been taken and was so the day that you were lost to me. After what Alastor did... I am never going to open my heart to anyone again, ever. Not now that you are in my life. You are all that I need, to see the smile on your face, the determination and your bones, and feel the love in your heart, is all I will ever need. I don’t need another man, not after what has happened.” Her admittance hits me right in the heart, causing me to physically take a set back.

  I could never close myself off from love, but I have so much of it, then maybe, just maybe, it will be enough for her too, though I would love to see her smile. Smile at someone the way I smile at my men, and the way that they smile at me. Feel what we feel for each other, she might have many years behind her but there are still so many ahead of her. I don’t want to see her alone, nobody should ever have to go through that.

  “I hope one day that will change, but lust has nothing to do with love, so that still leaves the question open. I know it’s awkward, and I feel really, really strange asking you about this, but it had a very large effect on me, and only went away when I pulled my magic to me. You didn’t seem to have any trouble, and as far as I know, I didn’t feel anything magical coming from you,” I admit to her, looking in her eyes, trying to make sure she understands what I’m trying to say.

  She looks at me strangely once more, cocks or head to the side and seems to think on my words for a moment before she answers.

  “You were right. I did not use the magic that is within me to hold back the lust. I think that is all gone from my life. Like I said, when you were taken, he ripped my heart from me, he ripped everything else away as well. The feeling I once felt from, or for a man, are all gone. I have looked at many men in the years past, and have never felt anything for anyone of them. I think there’s too much fear for me. A Valkyrie afraid to love... that is something, isn’t it?” A wistful smile barely gracing her lips. I don't know if it's a question more for her, or me.

  “I think I understand your words, I don’t understand the feeling. I hope I never do, but I do hope one day you get to feel that again. Everybody deserves happiness, everybody deserves the freedom to feel lust, love, and joy. I’m not sure if that’s enough to figure out the lust factor from Lyanna and Casey... but it’s all we have to go on, and since that didn’t affect you, I would feel appreciative, and comfortable if you were by my side on the front lines When we go up against Alastor, would you be willing to do that?” I question, with hesitancy in my voice as I shuffle my feet beneath me. The shock and satisfaction that spreads across her face and the evil gleam in her eyes answers my question before her words even come.

  “I would want for nothing more as long as there is full trust from you. I won’t leave your side ever again. If that is what you truly want, then you must also learn to trust in your heart, and trust in me, that I will do, just like I always have in the ways I was able. I want to keep you safe, to love you and protect you with everything in my being,” she says with determination and power. Her hands in fists, driving her point home, making me understand her and her feeling a bit more.

  Her words are almost to plea and I can’t help but feel something warming inside of me and everything she’s just admitted. I want to believe her and there’s a part of me that does, but there’s a part of me also that’s still filled with fear. Fear of the unknown, fear that she will leave, or that she’ll be taken once more. Fear that it’s all a lie. I’ve lived with too many lies,and too much fear. Is this something I can overcome?

  “I think that will still have to come with time. I’m trying my best, but there’s still so much uncertainty. It doesn’t change the fact that I want you by my side. I will do what you’ve asked and try to forgive and to trust, that’s a promise I can’t make,” I say to her with a smile. My hands open in my own kind of silent plea.

  She smiles back at me and nods her head once before she turns around and goes to a box in the corner that sitting on the table a box I didn’t take notice of until now. She pulls from the box a small bracelet, silver in color and brings it to me. It’s so small, there’s no way it would fit on my hand, a toddler’s maybe but not on mine. She looks down at the small thing with affection, raising her hand she offers it to me and when I read the words that are inscribed on the tiny band, tears well in my eyes.

  Alyria’s descendant, Sigrid. Half light, half dark. Pure on both sides.

  “This was forged for you when you’re just a babe. We went to the Realm of the Fae and they read you and your heart. That is what they inscribed on your band, that was the last thing that I found of yours in the car the night that you were taken away from me. This holds much power and if there’s a way, the metal and the magic inside needs to be shrunken down and turned into another pendant of yours. Not only is it protection, but it’s pure magic from Fae. It will add to your own powers. It is one that you can keep on at all times without having to worry that it will hinder your own gifts that you already carry inside,” she explains, as I take the small trinket from her, knowing exactly who will be able to do that for me.

  I peer into her gorgeous dark blue eyes and hug her once, then rush out of the room, yelling my thanks over my shoulder.

  As I rush outside, I scream Merrick’s name and then I call for Gor. Merrick’s to my left by the grill with
all the other men, and Gor is sitting by Torunn, happily holding hands with her.

  They both turn to me swiftly as I start to jog towards the barn. Jumping up after me, I hear their feet pounding behind, asking each other questions as to what they think might be going on. I stop just inside the door with the little bracelet still held tightly in my hands and look at them both with happiness in my heart and wonder spread on my face.

  “Siv just gave me this. I need it melted down, but the magic inside of it that’s still there, saved. It’s from the Realm of the Fae, and was made for me when I was a baby,” I trail off, trying to catch my breath with how fast my words are coming, and the smile breaking my face doesn’t help when I try to get things out. I most likely look like some little psycho, ranting and raving as I smile wickedly. All I need now is a knife in my hand and some blood on my shirt to really sell it. Shut up, Mira, back to the task at hand, stop thinking in third person! “I think it might hold some of my power in it. Something that was taken from me before I even acquired it. She told me this is something I can continually where that will protect me, and boost my powers. I don’t know which one of you can do it, but Gor, can you help Merrick? I need it made into something smaller, that I can wear,” I ask, with a little trepidation in my voice as I look at them hopefully. My hands clasped tightly together waiting impatiently for their answers.

  “Of course I can, so can he,” Gor says, turning to Merrick with his own questioning glance.

  Merrick nods to him with an appreciative smile, kisses me on the cheek and holds his hand out waiting for me to place the bracelet in his hand. I gently set it down and walk away to one of the machines that has a seat and sit down and wait for them to start.

  I can barely hear what they’re saying, but I catch a few words here and there, such as, “Pull it to you, feel the power, will for its shape request it to be what it wants. Don’t tell it what to be, ask for it.” After that, I sit for what seems like hours, waiting for Merrick and Gor to finish. My knees bouncing rapidly up and down in anticipation as I chew on the skin around my fingernails watching the muscles bounce deliciously in Merrick’s shoulders. That right there makes me stop, watching like a lustful hussy as my man teases me, unbenounced to him, with his sexy body.

  Gor has his hands placed over Merrick’s helping his powers along as Merrick inhales deeply every so often, his eyes tightly closed as he uses his Fae magic to change the tiny objects he holds so gently in his hands. They both finally stand and walk over to me. Merrick, with a proud smile on his face, as he hands me the new trinket.

  It’s a half crescent moon with a star dangling from the middle. The moon is black as onyx, and the star is a bright shimmering white.

  “The light in the dark just like I am.” I smile proudly at both of them, and take the trinket out of Merrick's hands gently, staring at it.

  Another tear, These damn tears, threatens to fall from my eyes, but I hold them back. They’re happy tears thankfully, but still tears nonetheless. I’m seriously sick of fucking crying no matter if they’re happy or sad tears.

  “Thank you both so much!” I exclaim, jumping from my seat and hugging them both around there gigantic necks. “It’s perfect, I can feel the magic coursing through it still, and I know somewhere deep inside of me, this has been missing from me for far too long and it’s just another piece that is finally made its way back to me; the rest of the puzzle will come together soon, I can feel it,” I say in a whisper as I close my eyes, hugging the pendant to my chest. “Do you think I’ll have to wear my other necklace? Or will this be enough to not only help guide my powers, but to keep them in check too?” I wonder aloud, not expecting a real answer, nor do I get one. I look up into my brother’s eyes, and stand silently, still holding both of my men.

  Gor laughs heavily into my neck when he hugs me again and Merrick kisses the other side, sending tingles down my spine like he always does, when he touches me.

  I let go of them both and take one of the other necklaces I’m wearing around my neck, and place the little trinket on it, holding it tightly in my hands before I let it settle on the skin off my chest. It’s final place, it’s home. Exactly where it should be. I feel something new course through me something… frighteningly perfect. It’s almost like a zing, a comfortable wave of euphoria rushing through me all at the same time. I know it’s more power, and I can’t wait to see what else it gives me.

  Grabbing both of their hands, I pull them with me as I exit the gym and walk back to where the food is. My heart happy and my soul lighter.

  The smells drifting through the air make my mouth water and I can’t wait to dig in and see what all they have made for us. Ebbin stands proudly at the grill, happily cooking. When he sees me walking up to him, he puts down the spatula and wraps his arms tightly around me and asks, “What was that all about, Bugs? Is everything okay?” Though he was all smiles moments ago, his voice is laced with worry so I pull away and smile brightly, vigorously nodding my head as I pull the small pendant away from my chest and show him it proudly.

  “What’s this?” he asks, lightly fingering the pendant.

  I pull it away from him and place it securely back onto my chest and tell him, “It’s another piece to my puzzle, something else that I seem to have been missing. Something that I didn’t even know about. My mother had it made for me as a child, an infant. And she returned it to me a little while ago. It’s from Fae, and she tells me that it will add to my powers, and keep me safe. Safe from what exactly... I don’t know, but anything will help at this point. I just wish Rhett were here to see all of this happening and to help…”

  I bite my lip thinking about him, and Rhydian comes up behind me, sliding his arms around and linking his hands on my stomach. I know it’s him just from his scent and the way that Alyria starts moving inside of me. I don’t turn, but I put my cheek down on his hand when both slide away from my belly, and smile when his thumb caresses me behind the ear. I bite my lip thinking about that simple touch and what it does to me. I sigh and close my eyes, but within seconds they jolt open, hearing his next words.

  “I think it’s time you find him in your mind once more. The last time I did, things were much better, and I think you’ll find he’ll be home much sooner than any of us anticipated.” His breath hot on my way, sending shivers down my spine, awareness caressing my senses as I listen to him. His voice filled with love and affection for not only me but the brother that has been gone from him, for far too long, no matter how short of a time it has been.

  I do as he says and close my mind to everything around me but open it to only Rhett.

  He’s no longer laying on the ground with all the eerie candles strewn about. Now he’s up and standing in front of a man I have yet to ask anyone about. I can feel the apprehension within my lover's heart, but also the wanting that’s so strong within him I can feel it coursing through my own veins like it’s my own wants and needs.

  There’s also something else inside of them that I can barely touch when I reach for it, sense it and feel it, but I know is there. A lighter side to him, a completeness that he was missing for so long that I don’t think any of us ever knew the true full extent.

  Maybe he did, but that something he will have to tell me on his own terms and I will except that. I don’t feel that dark place inside of him anymore like I did right before he left, I feel like a weight is completely gone from inside of him, and there’s something that is put back together, his own puzzle pieces forming the man I can’t wait to see once more.

  I pull away from his mind right when I feel that he can feel me there, but before I do fully, we both send each other love, and I know I’ll see him before the night’s over. I have many questions for him and for some reason I know he’s ready to answer.

  Opening my eyes, I breathe out a cleansing breath and look up to all of my men and the rest of the people around us and hug myself tightly with more fucking tears but a contentedness inside of me, that I don’t want to ever be without.<
br />
  “He’s coming home, he’s coming back to us and I know deep inside that whatever had ahold of him, that was changing him, is cured! That piece of him that was broken, somehow the man that was with him... he’s done this for Rhett. He’s the one who’s bringing him home to us. One of you is going to tell me what’s going on if he doesn’t. I want to give him the time to do so, but I still feel like there’s parts of all of us that we are missing. Secrets we haven’t shared, worries we hold inside. I want that to change. I know we’re all in each other’s minds but that’s far from being truthful, honest, and one hundred percent with each other,” I tell my men with a stern tone.

  I see looks of worry, understanding, and feel the hope bloom within everyone, their feelings seeping into me, becoming my own.

  “I think there’s things we’re all holding back. It’s not to keep secrets, but sometimes, there’s things within us all that we keep trapped for our own safety, not for yours or anyone else’s but our own. To keep our own hearts safe, to keep our own minds clear and to lessen the load that we are carry. It will come with time, but, love, we have that time, we have an eternity! And for me, I am not giving that up for anything,” Merrick says with adoration as he places a hand on my cheek and kisses my forehead, turning swiftly back around before I can answer him. I smile at his wide back and shake my head knowingly.

  He doesn’t want anyone outside of our own group to see his true emotions. I can honor that. But we all know what kind of a man he really is. -A big fucking teddy bear.-

  -I heard that.-

  -I know,- I think back with a snicker.


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