Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 62

by Trina Bates

  I hear the shouts of my name, but I can’t turn around. I need to get away from here, away from them. I need to get away from myself. I rush deep into the woods calling Cynide to me. The last time I felt something so intense, filled with this much darkness, was when I was in Yggdrasil. The destruction I caused to that landscape, and taking a Spriggan’s life when Siv revealed who she really was to me.

  -Cynide, I need you to stay with me something's not right. Something is inside of me, a strange feeling took over me when Rhett touched me with his magic, while I was holding his hand. I need it out of me. I have to purge myself of this… whatever this is. Can you stay with me and watch over me? I don’t want anybody else with me right now.-

  I run fast, racing past trees, knocking the snow from heavy branches as I hit them, one catches my hair, pulling a chunk out, but even that doesn’t stop me as the sting from the pain brings tears to my eyes. I pump my legs harder trying to get as far away from my loved ones as swiftly as I can. Cynide doesn’t let me down and answers back in an instant as I keep running.

  -Anything for you. I’m on my way.- Her voice rushes to me, her own worry and panic adding to my own. She doesn’t know what’s going on, but she will soon enough, I only hope she can help.

  Within a few seconds, she mists before me, the look of worry apparent on even her little lynx face. Her eyes wide as she twists her head, making sure we’re alone, and safe.

  “I don’t know what’s going on, Cynide. I just know that I have to get this out of me. What do I do? Is there anyway that I can purge somebody else’s touch? Somebody else’s magic from me? Have you ever heard of anything like that?” my rapid fire questions laced with panic as the heaviness of the dark magic seeping deeper into my core with each passing second as my feet race across the newly fallen snow.

  I know I’m far enough away, but I keep running, hoping against all odds, I might outrun myself and this disgusting, cursed thing inside of me.

  -I have not, but I think if you pull your light to yourself and immerse yourself in it, that might just help.- she looks away unsure, when she turns back to me, her little eyes are filled with anguish as she tries to come up with something, anything that will help me.

  Without a second thought, or a reply, I do what she says. I close my eyes and hug myself tightly, drawing from that invisible well inside of myself, pulling from it, only the light.

  Slowing my breathing, I envision myself being cocooned in a bright, shimmering light. I use this light to create of sort of healing shield, and pull that shield into myself, and will it to remove the corrupted darkness inside me.

  When I don't feel the light bending to my will, I open my eyes, frustrated that it didn't work. Straightening my spine, I attempt to try something new because I can't afford to give up. I try using only my light magic and thrusting it out of me. My eyes jolt open when I hear the cracks begin to take up the silent air around me, the trees have all splintered and then somehow, just like before with the cinder block, when I was with my brother, they all mend themselves back together.

  -Is that this new thing that you told Rhett about last night?- Cynide asks with wonder in her voice. I nod to her, unable to talk.

  My words are caught in my throat as I stand there looking all around me; the pure white still embellished all around us flows back into me, I feel free of the darkness that entered me from Rhett, and again I know that this is something to do with the pendant I wear around my neck, the new one that Gor and Merrick re-worked from my mother.

  “I think it was perfect. What you told me to do; it worked and I feel so much lighter now. I wonder if I can send that blast, the light and with the dark without it taxing me so much. I can't contain it yet, I still don't have the control over it, it's something I'll have to work on but light fighting against dark is powerful, I feel how immense it is, when it intermingles with the darkness already inside of me. It's like the light in the dark were meant to work together, not against each other. The balance I understand, but it just feels right when I use both together. Alone, they’re powerful in their own rights, but together I can't explain or describe to you, or anyone, how much more I feel.” I exhale, enjoying the new strength and light I have inside.

  “You can go back now, I actually think I want a few minutes to myself, if you don’t mind...” I let out, hoping not to offend her in any way. I don’t look at her, but instead, ahead at the wide expanse of untouched snow. The gorgeous, white ladden landscape with the green of the evergreens around me, sparsely showing through the dense snow that’s packed onto their branches. I breathe out heavily and smile at the tuft of cold air that flows visibly from my mouth, doing it again, my hot breath making a cloud in front of me. The strangeness of an action so small making an impact so immense that I feel the day’s worries start to ebb away and smile up at the cloud cover sky, giggling when a snowflake lands on my nose.

  -You do remember that I can feel what you feel… You need to stop with that, I know what it's like to want to have a moment to yourself. I will give you the time, but I will also stay close, so I know that you are safe. The storms keep starting and stopping but there's something chilling in the air and I feel these are not natural storms.-

  “Do you think it has anything to do with my father, or the Devil?” I ask, dreading the answer before I even finished with my question.

  -Both,- she replies back, leaving me reeling from her answer.

  Of course nothing can be easy in my life.

  I roll my eyes at her fleeing form and turn back to the silent nature that lays all around me.

  Closing my eyes again, I call on the light within me once more, slowly, trying to get a feel for it, trying to understand it and acclimate to its own nature. The comfort of having it so close to the surface relaxes me into an almost zen-like state as I sit cross legged on the ground with my palms laying up, atop my knees. I can feel a cool, soothing sensation start to rise from my hands, and when I slowly crack open my eyes, there’s a white shimmering stream of fire, lightly inlaid with blues and pinks. I don’t know if it’s truly fire, and I don’t want to lose full concentration if I try to reach out and touch it, but it looks just like a real fire, only a different color.

  I start to slowly move my fingers and laugh when the flames dance along each tip with the new movements. The comfort inside of me has yet to cease and to be honest, I’m not ready for it to.

  I let the strange new magic caress my skin as I will it up my arms and the soft gentle touch that comes when it reaches my cheek is like silk, gliding seductively down my bare body. I close my eyes and enjoy it. The flames aren’t hot like I thought, they’re more of a cooling, cleansing flame. Something that shouldn’t be real, but is.

  Letting the light consume me for a few moments longer, I start to worry that with the initial blast, I might have done something to my Demon half, the sensual alluring darkness that I have grown so comfortable with. I reach within myself and pull easily at the familiar magic and raise it to the surface. A sigh of relief falls deftly from my lips into the air, making a plume of icy breath form before me. I can feel the chill in my bones and use more of the darkness to keep me warm, calling on my Hellfire.

  Surprisingly, the light doesn’t disperse, but seems to mingle like an old friend with the dark. The tendrils caressing each other as they protect me and keep me safe.

  “I have always wondered when someone would figure out, with a dueling power like yours, that light was never supposed to outshine the dark, and the dark never to consume the light. They aren’t warring forces like so many think. When used against each other, they’re volatile, yes, but when used together? My, my. Imagine the power that comes from what was truly meant to be…”

  My head snaps in the direction of the unfamiliar voice, as I stand, my powers at the ready. I glare at the dark looming figure and ask that my powers don’t fail me now. I ask them to stay with me, both the dark and light, and help protect me from this stranger. The zing that runs through me has me standing
taller and I feel invigorated. I cock my head to the side at the intruder and wait for his next words.

  “There’s no fear in you, how strange, and how utterly satisfying. I was hoping to catch you by surprise, which I have, but all you have done is hardened yourself to what could be. You are confident, brave, and stupid. You should flee, though I must say, there’s no reason. You haven’t need fret about me. I am just here to see what treasure my old friend has bred. It seems you and your brother are the only true powerful beings to come from his loins. I can feel the warring sides inside of you, though they seem to be settling in quite nicely. If only my father could see this. Maybe then he would see I was right all along.”

  My Hellfire rises fully, engulfing me in its flames, and the sweet light joins in, my body now a show of dancing fire. I glare harder at the man, still trying to see his face, but he wears a cloak and his head is hung low. Before I can take a step towards him, Cynide blasts in front of me, along with all of my lovers, and even Vieruz. They stand at the ready with new weapons I haven’t seen and each man wearing looks of hatred, horror, and spite.

  “There’s no fight from me today. As I just told your lovely mate, I just came to inspect what is part of my Realm.” And with that, the man disappeared into thin air, leaving nothing but yellow and green mist floating in the air.

  Ebbin turns around quickly and rushes to me, running his arms up and down me, seemingly trying to find a wound.

  “Did he hurt you!? All we were told was that you were in danger and to hurry. Cynide said it was of great importance. Rhett came to us and portaled us all here. Who was that, Bugs?” he asks, his eyes wide and his hands still flowing over my body trying to find something that isn’t there.

  “No, no. Not at all. Like he said, he came here, said what he had to say and then disappeared. I have no idea who it was, but from the things he was saying, I’ll give you three guesses, though I think you’ll only need one,” I huff out, shaking my head and trying to move away from Ebbin's still worried hands. I should be scared, terrified even, but I’m not. When he was here, there wasn’t anything about him that made me frightened, maybe that’s a bad thing, I don’t know. One of his, tricks. I shake the feeling from my mind, keeping my thoughts on the now and turn to my men.

  “Lucifer,” he growls. His bright eyes set on something behind on me as he glares death into it. I turn and see nothing. I know his mind is racing, but we really don’t have time to stop now. We have to capture my father and rid the Realms of him before we tackle the Devil himself.

  “I promise, he didn’t do anything. I can feel Alyria and she’s doing fine. All I feel is rage right now. I wasn’t scared of him, but there’s something we’re missing. Lucifer might not be something I know a lot about, but there is one thing I do know. Even Cynide confirmed it. He can’t leave Hell for long, but here he was. He came here after being gone for so long… why is that?” I wonder aloud, finally able to have my thoughts back, and not sit and worry as to who he was, or what he wanted.

  Rhydian, Merrick, and even Rhett are all silent, listening to me talk to myself. I shake off the thoughts and change the subject.

  “Pretty nifty new weapons,” I say with admiration, walking up to Merrick as I finger the edge lightly of his long sword. Only a man his size would be able to wield one of these with ease.

  He grunts at me and holds it up, the light from the sun that’s barely peeking through the cloud covered sky catches the edge of the blade, almost blinding me as I take in the gorgeous sword.

  “Is this your work?” I ask proudly, biting my lip as my hand reaches his on the grip and lightly run my fingers over the top of his hand.

  “It is. Gor has come in very handy in teaching me a few things. That’s why we were gone so early this morning as well. I wanted to get a jump start on the weapons before we did anything. We still have the rest of the group to go, but for now, your little harem is well armored and equipped. Gor is trying to use Blue’s men’s weapons, since they weren’t destroyed like we all thought when you helped return their humanity. The metals they have are nothing like what we have seen before, much more powerful in their own rights, and are harder material than what I have here. He is trying to see if he can infuse their blood into the already set metals. After that, we are going onto Lyanna and her men,” he states as he sheaths the big sword on his hip in a giant scabbard I hadn’t noticed before.

  When I turn to Rhett, he stands proudly with knuckle rings and two curved wicked looking daggers crossed against his chest with his throwing knives I got for him in Yggdrasil proudly on display on his forearms.

  Rhydian has a strange looking spike, the thing seriously has to be at least seven feet long, tipped with a double edged serrated one foot long tip. I look to him questioningly. He shrugs his big shoulders and grins.

  “I’m much better with long poles than I am with short things.” He winks, making me snort at the analogy. I shake my head and turn to Ebbin.

  As usual, when he’s ready for guard work, he wears more hidden blades than the ones that are actually visible.

  The swords crossed on his back are there, and not new. But what is are the two eight inch knives that are in each hand. They have guards in front of where there are holes for his fingers, and a blade that goes over that. The most intriguing thing though are the actual blades. They swirl in a circle all the way to the tip. Not straight blades but fucking curved.

  “They will go in smooth and do more damage with how large the base is when it enters,” he explains as he watched me eyes his new weapons with interest.

  They are all well suited and ready for war. I can’t help my own proud, wicked grin when it takes over my face, nor the wetness that has decided to coat my panties while I look over all of my lovers with their devious smiles and sexy weapons adorned proudly on them or in their hands.

  “I think I’m a little chilled. Anyone up for a shower?” I say teleporting out before any of them can reply.


  Teleporting in to my room, I rush and jump under the covers taking off my clothes as I go. I can't help the laughter that leaves me even though I'm in here alone I know within seconds that the rest will be joining me and I can't wait to see what that brings.

  Just like I knew it would happen, within a matter of seconds, I hear feet shuffling and clothes hitting the floor. I peek my head out from the covers and standing before me naked, are all of my men, standing there, ready and willing to give me everything my heart desires. I shake my head and laugh once more, pulling the covers above my head, hiding from them waiting to see what they'll do.

  “Don't think you can get away from us that easy. I know this little game you're playing. We've done it enough, but now since you left us out there cold, worried and in the snow all alone, It's your turn to be punished,” Ebbin growls seductively making my insides quiver with anticipation and my thighs even wetter waiting to see who gets the first touch.

  The covers lift and I screech as cold hands touch my calves.

  “What the fuck! Go warm that shit up and let someone else in here. Cold doesn’t work for me. Merrick, I know it’s you. I swear if I feel anything cold like that again, the only place your dick is going to be is stuck in someone else’s ass that has the same fucking issue!” I scream to them, knowing Rhett can warm his hands with his magic. That’s who I really want. I know it’s fucked up of me to single them out, but I have been without his touch for too long and I want nothing more than to pull his long hair in my own hands while he fucks me senseless.

  On cue, his hands take over from where Merrick's were, Rhydian and Ebbin have both followed Merrick into the bathroom, hopefully to warm themselves in the shower.

  I wonder if anything will go on there?

  And with that simple thought, I’m hot and waiting. Ready to tear Rhett’s hands away from my chilled legs and rush out to see what might go on when I’m not there.

  Thankfully, he rips the blankets away from me, leaving me naked and on a sweet display fo
r him. I look down and immediately cringe. The bump that was once non existent, now protruding and making me hate the way I look while Rhett stares at me hungrily.

  I shy away and try to turn on my side, pulling the blankets with me, but he’s not having any of that.

  “Hell no. You’re a beautiful contradiction. The most delicious sin. One that I plan to taste before you go anywhere.” With the words said, he pulls my hip back down flush with the mattress, spreads my legs and dives in.

  His hot mouth devours me, making me moan with each light nibble of my clit. My body shuddering as with each languid lick he gives. Right before I can start to feel the beginning of my release, he pulls away and I lay there panting, glaring at him.

  “I tasted. Now I want that sweetness coated around my dick. Bend the fuck over, Mira,” Rhett growls huskily to me. His eyes mere slits as he stares at the my body, still wet, and glistening with a light sheen of sweat.

  I do as asked, biting my lip as I feel my insides clench with need. Wanting and waiting for him to fill me. Before he has the chance, Merrick lifts me up, placing me on to of himself, entering me in one swift motion. I swallow audibly and moan at how delicious it feels to finally be pummeled.

  I look down and glare, knowing full well he took over where Rhett was supposed to be. No matter how good he feels, I needed some time with Rhett.

  “Don’t worry, love. You’re going to be fucked and filled by the both of us. He wants this just as much as the rest of us. But you ruined the boy when you let him have his first taste of that sweet little ass of yours. It should be my turn, but I’ll let him have it, for now…” Merrick says making my eyebrows shoot high on my forehead as I’m pushed forward, and I hear the bottle to the lube being opened. Not even a full second later and I feel the tip trying to enter me. Rhett moaning low as he slowly pushes inside.


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