Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 65

by Trina Bates

  Unwanted - A child that has been abandoned, given up. Usually, Others but can sometimes be Hollow. The Conclave takes them in and experiment on each one to find out their abilities.

  Conclave - Eight Others that run each major city, controlling and watching over all the supernaturals (Others).

  Spriggan - Tree spirits that can speak into the minds of people that touch them.


  He’s dead. His heart is laying on the ground right next to me while I hold him in my arms and weep for the life lost and my broken heart.

  The spell that was cast around me to shield the others from my feelings breaks. My emotions are sent in waves to those above me. I can hear the cries start to drift down to the cell and a portal open in front of me, Rhett and Torunn rush through, their own pain etched on their faces as my turmoil and rage seep deeper into them.

  They see the cause, Rhett falling to the ground at my side, tears falling down his face as he looks from me to Ebbin over and over. He’s asking me something with his questioning stares, but I can’t answer. All I can do is lay here, screaming and weeping into my lost mate's dead body.

  Torunn hugs me and whispers in my ear, words that make no sense and I think I must be going mad.

  “Bring him back. Pull his soul from the rift,” she says it over and over, and when I finally have had enough of her cryptic words, I reach and elbow back and hit her right in the bridge of the nose, trying to get her away from me.

  The crack of her nose breaking rings through the air, and that's when it hits me. I’m a fucking Death Demon and a Valkyrie. I can pull his soul back!

  Laying his head gently on the ground, I close my eyes and reach deep within myself, and find only the light. I already kept a soul from passing on in Yggdrasil. The disgusting man that was going to hurt a little boy. I hope since I hadn’t Ascended yet, that it doesn’t affect what I’m about to do. Valkyries can only bring one soul back every so often. They have to be pure, which I know for a fact Ebbin is.

  Feeling my way through the air, with my eyes still closed, my hand passes through a cold spot and I know it’s Ebbin, waiting for me. I pull at the coldness, Ebbin’s soul willing it back into his body, but before I let go, I ask for Rhett’s help.

  “Clean off his heart with your magic and place it back in his chest. I don’t know this shit, please, hurry.” With that, he does as asked. His jade eyes fearful, hopeful, and confused.

  Once he’s done, I send a silent prayer to Alyria and let go of Ebbin. Nothing happens for a few moments. My once hope filled heart starts to shatter again and the tears begin to fall faster. I cling to his chest, screaming and crying out for him. Strong arms wrap around me and a hoarse voice I feared I would never hear again starts to speak.

  “I knew you could do it. I love you so much, thank you for bringing me back.” Ebbin’s voice is heaven to my ears. I look up and cry happy tears this time, kissing him all over.

  “I was so scared, don’t ever fucking do that to me again! I can’t lose you, not now, not ever. Are Caius, Enbarr and Rigar alright?!” I ask, checking him over, making sure he healed and isn’t going to leave me again.

  His cocky smirk riles me, but I push it aside. All that matters at this moment, the times to come, is him. He’s my heart, my reason for living my everything. They all are. I couldn’t live without a single one of them. Ebbin, Merrick, Rhydian, Rhett, Alyria, and all the friends that have crossed my path for only a moment, and the ones that will never leave. My blood family included.

  “They’re fine, just happy to know they have someone like you on our side. They were being pulled, the universe, whatever was trying to take them back. Luckily, they’re all strong enough, and stayed until you figured out what you had to do to get us all back. Watching you like that, I could still feel you even though I wasn’t in my body. But I could feel your pain, your hate, and rage, all the things that were coursing through you.” I pull myself back and look at him when he stops talking.

  His eyes are filled with tears, he’s swallowing hard and he’s looking not at me, but at the ceiling. He’s at a loss and I hate to see him this way. Instead of words, I crash my mouth onto his and kiss him with all the love in the worlds that I feel for him. I don’t stop when I hear the rushing footsteps coming down the hall, or when I hear Merrick and Rhydian trying to figure out what’s going on. I keep kissing Ebbin, and he kisses me back like all we have is right now.

  He finally pulls away as much as he can since I’m smothering him from on top. “He got away because I was here, because I intervened. I’m so fucking sorry. There has to be another way. We have to get him back and end this. We lost the best chance we had,” he growls out, sitting up with ease, still getting used to the strangeness of being brought back to life.

  “That wasn’t your fault at all, don’t even go there. We will get another chance, I already know what I want to do, but it’s time to send everyone home. There’s no need for such a large army when it’s only going to take one of us for this next part, me.” I stand up, dust myself off and take a calming breath. They can’t get in the way of what I’m about to do, and I need them to understand as well, I’m doing it on my own.

  “Lucifer,” Rhydian surmises, knowing already where my thoughts have gone.

  “Yes, and I’m doing it. But first, I want to say goodbye to the rest of our friends. I don’t need them here for that. He doesn’t need to know who all is here. I don’t want him having the knowledge of who they are in case it does go wrong. But I want all of you to stay with me. Torunn, you and Gor need to go as well, take Siv and Rial to Yggdrasil. We will meet you there after we meet with him. I will get Lyanna and Blue, along with their mates together and we can all say goodbye in the house, where it’s warm.” I don’t look back as I start to walk away but Merrick catches me by the arm and pulls me into a fierce hug. He’s sweaty and covered in blood, some being his own. We all knew the risks, even the hellhound that I’m quite sure has passed on. Lyanna’s mate. I need to go to her first.

  I look back at the group of people with me and hate that I see so much worry. Ebbin, still sitting, his arms holding onto one leg as he stares at me, pleading for me to reconsider. Rhett, his mouth open, stuck trying to think of something to make me change my mind. Torunn, standing tall and proud, her shoulders back and arms crossed, but on her face, she wears a look of hurt and confusion. Rhydian, the most worried, his hands clasped tightly in front of him as he looks from my face to my belly several times. I can’t worry about any of their woes right now. I let go of Merrick without looking at him and walk away.

  * * *

  Walking up the last few steps, and finding my way out of the makeshift gym, I come out to blood of many colors on the snow-covered ground, dead beasts and my friends and family milling around, picking up random weapons and talking amongst themselves. One group, in particular, looks weary. All huddled together, hugs and tears falling from their eyes. Lyanna.

  Walking over to her, my heart goes out to her. I know the pain, the immediate feeling. But something else hits me, Siv. She can pull Brad, her fallen hellhound back from the other side.

  “Siv!” I scream picking up the pace, rushing to Lyanna. Lyanna turns to me with anger filled tears streaming down her face, “That son of a bitch is going to pay. Not only will he be drained, over and over again, but he will get nothing but an eternity of torture and pain before he finds death. I want him,” she seethes. Her anger isn't for me but my father, and that’s something I know all too well. But she’s going to have to get in line.

  I smile to her wickedly which makes her eyes go wide and instant regret and fear takes over. She felt my powers, has watched what I can do. I out rival her, but she mistakes me. Before I can say anything to calm her, Casey and Adam stand in front of her, protecting her, but then Siv comes around the corner, running as if her life depends on it.

  Out of breath and staring from me to Lyanna and then the dead hellhound, she nods without having to be told anything, gets down on
her knees and closes her eyes. I can feel her powers coursing through her and watch as she finds his soul, and pulls it back to his body. Lyanna doesn’t understand what’s going on though and almost breaks Siv’s concentration by trying to push her away. Thankfully, her mates hold her back. They can feel Siv’s power too and know she's trying something.

  “Stop, what the fuck do you think you're doing?! Stop touching him! Casey, Adam, get the fuck off of me… Now!” she screams, her own powers leaking through as her men stand in front of her, literally iced over. I step in front of her, calling to my flames and touch each of her men, de-icing them as I look at her with regret and shake my head over and over, with a frown on my face, willing for her to calm down.

  Brad’s cough makes her stop her power hungry game and look at me with wide eyes. I smile serenely to her and move out of her way. She takes a hesitant step forward and puts a hand up to her mouth as she stares at her mate. He gets up, with a hand from me and my mother, takes one step and pulls Lyanna into his arms, hugging her so tight, I don’t know how her little body can take such a strong hold. She holds him just as tight, crying into the crook of his neck as she pulls them both to the cold ground, unable to hold herself up.

  “Get them both inside, everyone needs to get clean and warm up,” I tell her other two mates who nod, dumbfounded and relieved.

  “Thank you so much Siv,” I say to her as I walk by and grab her arm.

  Before we get far, she’s surrounded by four bodies, me being pushed out of the way as Lyanna and her men surround her, whispering their heartfelt thanks and gratitude to her.

  “I’ll meet you inside. Everyone! Go get showered and meet me in the living room please,” I yell, knowing my voice reached to everyone. Cynide and Vie appear at my side.

  -If you do think that, none of us will leave you. He is a force to be reckoned with. His tricks, promises, and calm demeanor are of legend, but no doubt true. Be careful what you do with him.- Vie warns, his massive black body standing proud, but as he looks at me with his swirling white eyes, I can feel the seriousness of his words too. He knows more than he’s letting on, but that’s okay. I already know what I need to win this. I would say I would give anything, but that’s not true. I won’t give anyone's life and if that’s the price, we will have to come up with something else, but I have a feeling that’s not what he wants anyway.

  Walking into the cabin I walk upstairs, passing by people without looking at them and go into my room, shutting and locking the door behind me. I want to shower and be left alone, if only for a few minutes. I need some time to think and get my head straight.

  Getting out of my armor alone is a task in itself, trying to untie all the little bands and bending over with my belly so big now, I feel like a beached whale. Finally undressed, I get in the shower, letting the hot water clear away the grime and ease the tight muscles in my shoulders. I stand under the water for as long as I can before I start to wash.

  Standing in clean clothes, sweat pants and one of Ebbin’s shirts with a pair of fluffy socks and some fur lined booties, I walk out of my room, turning off the light with a sigh as I look longingly at my bed, wishing for a few moments of rest under the thick blankets.

  Walking down the stairs the hushed voices of those in the room waft up the stairs to me. The sounds of someone cooking and the drumming of a single person, pacing wildly back and forth also reach me. There’s so much tension in the room and I’m half tempted to walk back up the stairs and go hide in Alyria’s room. But, of course, they heard me coming and Rhydian is at the stairs in seconds, his tall form looming over me from the bottom stair. His deep blue eyes twinkling as his ebony hair falls in front of his face. I love that he’s wearing a long white sleeved shirt. I can see the silhouette of his tattoos underneath his clothes, and the ones peeking out from his neck and wrists. Just knowing what lies beneath makes my mouth water. I love him so much it hurts. He’s beyond gorgeous and has the body of a god. All of my men do, and they’re all gorgeous in their own ways.

  He looks down at my belly and smiles a big toothy grin, placing his hands on either side as I stand before him. My own long blond hair, tipped in red falling in front of my face when I look down.

  “She’s so close to being here, I can’t wait. Are you ready for her?” he asks with an awe-filled tone as he keeps rubbing my belly. She starts to kick like mad under his touch which makes him laugh, but I wince at the onslaught of jabs. She’s so strong and loves to try and break my ribs.

  “I’m ready for her to be out of me, that’s for sure. Before the kicks were passed off for cute little flutters, and I didn’t have the time to think or enjoy them with all that’s been going on, but now, it hurts and I’m over it,” I say with a sigh. I’m not sure what’s going to happen after she gets here, I just hope she can wait until we rid the realms of her grandfather before she makes her debut.

  Rhydian nods knowingly and leans down to whisper in my belly. He knows I can hear, but his words still make me giggle.

  “Stop giving your momma grief. I know you want to come out, but you’re not ready yet. Enjoy the safety of being inside her. Soon enough we are going to be loving on you so much, never letting you go that you’ll be sick of us in no time. Just wait, my little girl.” I put my hand on the back of his head, playing with his hair while he told her all of that and he stands slowly, letting my am drift to his cheek with his rising form, he leans in and kisses me gently and then lifts me off my feet, making me yelp in surprise.

  “You never do anything halfway do you. Always gotta go all out.” I laugh leaning my head on his shoulder as he carries me to the couch.

  He sits down with me still in his lap, nestled safely in his arms, I take a few moments of calm while being encased in his warmth and strength before I have to get up and address everyone.

  How do you tell a group of people that have all become so dear to you, that your efforts have failed, and that you can go home now? We lost and there’s no need for them anymore.

  Blunt, direct and without feeling. That’s how. But that’s not how I can do it right now. They need to know how much they mean to me, to us all. The things they did, the time they took out of their own lives to come and help, it’s amazing, and I hate that we didn’t catch Alastor, but we did make headway. He’s running scared and thinks that we lost two of our own. That I’ll need time to mourn before coming after him again. He’s wrong and I have something else up my sleeve, I just hope that works in my favor…

  Standing and shaking myself of those thoughts, I take a look at everyone in the room. Slowly, I cast my gaze over each person to assess what lays beyond, what normal eyes can’t see. Battle worn, exhausted to their cores, but also happy. Everyone made it back, two might have lost their lives but the thanks being said and the joy coming from seeing both Ebbin and Brad alive and well brings the elation back to them. They know we didn’t catch Alastor, and it brings tears to my eyes when I hear them already making new plans to find him once again and trap him.

  “He will not be expecting us so soon, we should hit him now, take him by surprise once more. His battle tactics are that of a welp barely off the teet. Hit him now hit him hard and slice him from balls to gullet with one slice of a pike!” Arvid, one of Blue’s mates exclaims, his excitement rallying the others, gaining ascents from his brothers in arms, and those of Gor and Torunn. Lyanna watches quietly to the side, Adam whispering in her ear. She smiles devilishly and nods her head to his words.

  “Okay, okay, look… I need for everyone to calm down, please. Can you all take a seat and hear me out?” I yell, getting everyone's attention. It only takes a few seconds for everyone to sit down or lean against a wall, waiting and listening with rapt attention.

  “There’s not going to be another fight. I’m done with tactile moves, I’m hitting him right where it will hurt the most and do the most damage. From the fallen angel that rules him. I’m calling on Lucifer and seeing what kind of a deal he will make. I can’t pull anyone back from the o
ther side, neither can my mother or Torunn…” Before I can say another word, Adam, the big man jumps up, and says “Why not? It didn’t look like it took that much. I know you lost your mate, but why can’t we do it again? Hell, bring in more and we can just resurrect them!” he exclaims, he’s not angry, but still battle ready. His words annoy me and when I glare at him, he sits down, glaring back, but knowing who the true alpha is here.

  “I don’t know enough about my Death Demon half. But, Valkyries can only bring one person back every so often and they have to be pure of heart. That means that Siv and Torunn are tapped out, as am I with bringing back Ebbin.

  “How is Torunn out? Who else was killed?” Lyanna asks. Her interests piqued as she stares at everyone in the room once over trying to figure it out while she sits perched on the lap of her mate, Casey.

  “My daughter,” I reply and then turn away from her hoping that's enough of an answer for her to leave it, especially with the sadness that leaked through my voice.

  I look to Blue and give her a sad smile and immediately regret it. She swallows hard as she looks swiftly away from me and down to the ground with regret. Vali, the big strong, silent man pulls her into her lap and nuzzles her neck, giving her his comfort. That man senses and knows fucking everything!

  “What do you mean, your daughter? Do you have another child?” Brad asks. I look to him, and he immediately shies away. Instead, his gaze locks on Blue as she steps forward.

  “I killed her, the daughter she carries in her belly now. Alyria. There are a few things that were happening and I wasn’t in the right state of mind. I didn’t know what was happening. I can never make up for what I did, but it was me, and I will live with that knowledge for the rest of my life.” Vali stands behind her, towering over her still giving his comfort with his hands resting on her shoulders as she strongly tells him the answer to his question.


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