Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 69

by Trina Bates

  “So what, you want to use it, or give it over to them in exchange for us to be left alone? You do know, the Conclave here, isn’t going to follow that rule. They don’t even know we’re here. If we go anywhere and register, they are going to want to know what her, Ebbin, and Alyria are, and they have the tools they need to make that happen, willingly or by force. The only reasons the fucks from home are looking for us is because they have a feeling Mira is an Other. Alastor set that all in motion. If they reach us, anywhere… there’s no telling what they will do. It will only get one sect off our backs, not all of them. We need to use it, not hand it over,” Merrick surmises with hatred seeping from him. His eyes are filled with conviction and anger and I hate that he’s right, but we really don’t have any other choice unless we change realms, and who knows what’s waiting for us in any other place.

  “Yggdrasil is our only bet, I know Mira loves it there, we all do too, but that’s not somewhere she’ll want to be for the rest of her life. However long as that is, and we all know it. Not to mention, the consequences of using the Owhengkeui would be too high for her to agree to as well. Coming out here was a shit idea all around. She won't go for any of it. We have to petition the Puissant. If any of us use Owhengkeui, we could go mad, it’s not a guarantee, but there’s always that, what if. None of us really want to take that risk.” I take a deep breath and rub my face with both hands after I set the staff down. Touching it is risk enough. He’s right though, handing it over could go bad for more beings than we could ever know. We have to keep it hidden and find a different way. If we simply kill them, more will come and they will be lead directly to us.

  “Why not just get Mira to call back Apollyon and ask him to take care of it? There has to be something else we can do besides go to the Puissant.” I know Merrick doesn’t mean that, though it’s tempting to ask. We can’t, we have to find another way, no matter how long it takes us.

  “For now, we worry about Alyria. We get her and Mira to safety tomorrow. Then we come back to this shit when we come home. We need to get everything locked up and hidden once more. Clean the place out so there’s no trace that we’ve been here. Tell Rhett to portal our things to the lake house where they think we are, and douse the place in our scents. Not Mira’s, only Ebbin’s since they still think he’s your guard detail.” I stalk back to the house as I give my orders, knowing full well this is what he excels in, he knows though, that I need this right now. I need to have something to do and thankfully, he gives it to me. Nodding like a soldier as he rushes in ahead of me, already getting things in order.

  We have to say goodbye to our new friends. Blue will want to be with Mira, so she, I’m sure, will be joining us on our way to Yggdrasil. Lyanna and her men aren’t needed any further and I do wonder about Rial. He and Siv have gotten close. We all wonder if it’s something more than what it looks to be, so his choice will let us in on that when the time comes. I hate to be the one to break this news to Mira, her resilience is astounding, but leaving her home once again is going to be painful. As will saying goodbye to Lyanna, I’ve seen how fond they both are of each other, we will see them again, and that’s a promise I intend to keep when I tell everything to Mira.

  Going our separate ways, I peer into Mira’s mind before I look for her. I don’t want her to be in the middle of something with Cynide and interrupt something they both need, time together.

  Her heart is lighter and her mind clearer. She’s saying goodbye to Cynide in the office and now is the perfect time to ruin her good mood by coming to her with this new information. I have to tell her all options. Keeping things from her isn’t how I any of us get anywhere with each other.

  “Mira?” I ask, knocking on the closed door to the office with a hesitant rap in my fingers.

  “Yeah! In here,” she calls from the other side.

  I open the door to find her head in a book, but when she looks up she has a bright smile on her face when she sees me. She makes a move to stand, before she can, I put my hand up, halting her movements.

  “There’s some things I want to talk to you about. I’m sorry to ruin your good mood with the shit I’m about to go over with you,” I tell her, filled with regret as I pull up a chair and sit next to her at the desk.

  “What’s going on…” Her voice full of worry. Her head cocked to the side. Her heart is starting to beat faster and I need to calm her down before she goes off.

  “Calm down, it’s just some things about what happens next. We have a few options. I only want to go over them with you. Do you want everyone here for it, or have me just spit it out?” I hadn’t thought about the others, Merrick yes, because it’s his family’s weapon that could come of use to us. With the way Ebbin and Rhett reacted earlier, I should have called them in before hand.

  “If it’s something important, they need to be here.” She sighs, her head turning the other way. She’s not ready to face them and that kills me. This is more duty bound than mates being honest with each other. Assholes.

  “Okay, I’ll get them,” I tell her hugging her from the side and kissing her on the side of the head.

  She dips her head once, still looking away and I call for her other mates to meet us in the office. They amazingly make it here quickly. Not dawdling like I thought they would. Ebbin walks in first, his eyes searching out Mira and when they find her, they soften, his shoulder drop in defeat and he sighs heavily. I can feel his regret across the room and it takes everything in me not to shout at him to go and hug her, make shit right.

  He stands there like a fool when she finally looks to him, but unlike his eyes that are filled with regret, hers are filled with longing and pain. I shake my head at both of them and turn to Rhett who walks in next. Unlike Ebbin, he walks up to Mira with determination and wraps her in his arms, kissing her neck and whispering his apology into her ear. Ebbin sit down heavily on the small sofa and I go to sit by him but am waylaid when Merrick walks in and takes the seat. I glare down at him and he smiles smugly back.

  “Dick, fine. Okay, there’s a few things that we have to hash out before anything else can happen.” I wait until all eyes are on me before going on. When I have everyone's attention, I lay it all out once Mira sits back down with Rhett standing sentry behind her.


  “We have a weapon that can help us with the Conclave issue that we’re having. The only problem is that we don’t know if the consequences it took on the previous user, will happen again. The Owhengkeui takes souls and makes the beings enthralled; mindless beings that will do whatever the master of the souls demands. It made the last wielder go mad with the voices from inside the staff and after that, he threw himself in the waters of Gojehiem, stripped of his powers and immortality, he killed himself.”

  “No, fuck no, not happening. Next option,” I exclaim standing abruptly from my chair and start pacing chewing on my fingernails. My fear at the story seeping out of me and I’m sure into my guys, as they all start to groan, Merrick and Rhydian’s legs shaking with the anxiousness I hold inside. I really need to remember to put the barrier back up.

  “How the hell did you manage to get the staff?” Rhett questions, with animosity as his glare shifts from Merrick to Rhydian a few times.

  Ebbin is silent as a mouse, watching the now silent feud go on between my other three mates. When he looks to me, he still says nothing and it hurts. I would much rather him yell at me, get his feelings out in the open, than have him acting the way he is to me right now. Cold, distant, and apprehensive. I roll my eyes and look away. I don’t want to say anything about our earlier quarrel with the seriousness of this conversation still at hand.

  “It’s been here since before you had come into the picture. It’s never come up because we never thought about it. The only reason I did now, is because we aren’t safe. Mira, Alyria, and Ebbin aren’t fucking safe. We don’t want to use it, but will, we had to tell all of you so we can figure out what we’re going to do next. We can permanently to go Yggdrasil…” Rh
ydian trails off looking pointedly at me.

  He wants this to be my decision, not fair for one, and two, he knows damn well I can’t make it. There’s never been any other place that has felt like home as much as that realm, but to live there? Leave everything and everyone behind. I don’t think I could do that, not permanently.

  “I couldn’t live there, not for...eternity,” I whisper feeling like a traitor to my own people for saying.

  I look down at the ground filled with shame and quickly lock my heart away when I hear the sighs and shuffling from my men. Pulling both the light and the dark, I ask for my heart to be my own, the only feelings others may feel are good unless they are an enemy. When I feel the familiar shield lock into place, I look up sheepishly and mouth sorry to them.

  “I figured as much, and thank you for putting that back in place. Your emotions are insane,” Rhydian chuckles out rubbing the back of his neck, still feeling some of the lingering feelings from me.

  “The other option, we can go to the Puissant. Petition for amnesty. Request we aren’t to be tested, Ebbin, Mira or Alyria when the time comes. We tell them what they need to know. Ebbin is a shifter, a panther. That’s his most dominant scent, even though it’s not his most dominant beast. Mira is a Demon, though we don’t know what class. They can see it from her eyes and hair. Alyria will be half Demon, half Black Schuck. That’s what they will have on file. If he agrees and any other Conclave comes after us, we go from there. We will have written documentation,” Rhydian sighs, he’s not relieved, he’s nervous.

  He doesn’t think it’s going to work. If I want to keep us out of the Conclave’s hands, and make sure no testing happens, this sounds like the best course of action. I have no doubts there will be requests on the Puissant’s end, but we can handle that part when it comes.

  “Have any of you ever met him? What is he?” I know it’s the one reigning Other that is neutral. I’ve never looked into it, or cared much, so here I am again, ignorant in things I should know.

  The Others, that have always known what they are, look to each other with questioning glances. I can tell from that they don’t know.

  “We know he’s an alpha of one of the most rare races of Other, though we don’t know of what.” Merrick answers with an apologetic tone.

  “Yeah, but someone has to know. Remember the stories our parent told us, shit we heard about him. He disappeared for almost a year. The entire Other community was in an uproar, trying to figure out who should take over his position. One day, he shows back up, but angry, hateful. My father used to say he was a fair and just man, but when he returned he locked himself away, only coming out to deal with affairs of our kind. Maybe we can ask my father?” Rhett wonders as he starts to walk to the door, I can only assume he’s on his way to do just that, but Rhydian steps in front of him before he can get his hand on the door.

  “We can’t let anyone know about this. The world thinks your father is dead. If they know he’s not, they can question him and find out whatever they want to about us. Including where this place is and what our plans are. This has to be kept between only us,” Rhydian’s demanding voice flows to us all, letting the ramifications sink in.

  “He’s right. It has to be the five of us, and Cynide. Demons are known to have Agathions so why not. It will also show them that I’m truly a Demon, and a powerful one with her by my side.” I start getting pumped up, liking where this is going, more sure that this is the way we need to handle things. Before I make that decision, it has to be unanimous from everyone. I have to stop doing this to my guys and myself, making rash decisions without them.

  “Ebbin, what do you think?” I ask him, hoping he will see I’m trying.

  He looks at me like he wants to say something more than what I’m asking, but at the last second decides not to. “There’s going to be a lot more to it than knocking on a door, asking to meet this guy and then getting what we want without him wanting something in return. But, it does seem the best course of action if we all want to stay here, lead somewhat normal lives and” He smiles slightly at me and I in turn I smile back, feeling appreciative and relieved. I sigh heavily feel a bit better, glad that he’s looking at this from all angles.

  “Rhett, Rhydian, Merrick. What about you three?” I turn to them, crossing my arms above my stomach as I wait.

  “Yes,” Rhett hurries out as he mimics my stance.

  “Only if you’re sure,” Merrick states as he starts to stand up.

  “We have to go now. No packing, nothing. We don’t have time to wait if we want to get to Yggdrasil in time for Alyria to get here,” Rhydian says opening the door.

  “Wait, what?! Why can’t we do it after Alyria is born?!” I yell after him.

  “Because, they will scent more after she is born. If he’s an alpha, he will be able to scent the newest Valkyrie on her no matter what, and what kind of Demon she is. Our scents are… more, when we’re first born. That’s why the Conclave will want Alyria so badly. They didn’t get to you when you were still fresh, and you didn’t show signs. That’s why you were assumed Hollow. If they get Alyria, they will know the Valkyries still exist, Death Demons are being bred and they will take her and hide her away so they can use her and her powers later in life,” he growls when I catch up to him. My heart racing and the fear of what they can do really sinking in. I knew I had to keep what I am a secret, but not why. I thought it was so I wasn’t tested on again, not because Valkyries are supposed to be extinct or some shit.

  The thought of anyone trying to take my daughter riles me and I can feel my powers start to awaken from inside, ready to take on anyone that tries. That’s when it hits me. I’m more powerful than anything they’ve ever come across, maybe even the Puissant himself. Of course they would want to take me and my daughter and use us as they see fit.

  “Fine, now. Cynide!” I scream through the house.

  -I heard it all. Everyone has been alerted and know what’s happening. Though I left out the details and asked Vie to as well. We are ready.-

  “I fucking love you,” I tell her out loud when she mists to us.

  Blue is in the kitchen with a hopeful look on her face as she holds a coffee cup in her hands.

  “Stay safe, take no shit and if you need us, Vie can get us to you. Cynide, take care of her,” Blue says as she sets down her cup and hugs me tightly.

  “I’ll be back soon. Make me some bacon… please?” I laugh out hugging her back, and reaching behind her grabbing a granola bar and an apple since I’m still hungry.

  “Deal. Go.” She swats me on the ass as a portal opens to my left and I take Ebbin’s offered hand with a bright smile, thankful for the olive branch he’s giving me and I can only hope we’re on the way to him finding a way to forgive me for all of this. We walk into the swirling vortex that will lead us hopefully to our salvation.

  * * *

  I'm always amazed by the sights that greet me each and every time I emerge from portaling to new places. Ebbin and Merrick step out of the portal before me, Ebbin once again offers me a hand as my balance is off with this giant belly. As my eyes adjust, I take in scene in front of me, wide expanse of nothing but lush grass and a lined road with maples tree following the road. In the distance I notice a white and gray mansion,. From where we are, it looks so tiny, I have a feeling that once we reach it, it’s going to be massive. I look down at clothes and start to fret. I’m still in Ebbin’s t-shirt and fucking sweatpants.

  “No, not happening. I’ll be right back. I’m changing and now that you are all here, I can teleport right back. I’m not wearing this to meet the head of all Others,” I exclaim and watch with a glare as all of my guys start to laugh. I’m nervous about meeting such a poignant man. I want to look my best and for them to laugh is starting to grate on my nerves. I feel Alyria kick harshly and feel bad that she can feel everything I’m feeling. I take a deep calming breath and suck it up.

  “I’ll come with you,” Ebbin says through breaths, still laug
hing and yet again reminding how much he’s trying to be the bigger person and fix what’s been slightly broken.

  “Fine,” I huff out, taking his hand.

  I will my magic to take us back to our bedroom, I picture it in my mind. The purple and green colors, my favorite chaise in the corner and my giant bed.

  Steady on my feet when I get us there, I rush to the closet and tear off my clothes, searching for something suitable to wear. I find a crisp white summer dress that’s billowy and will accommodate my baby belly just fine. Finally getting the gawd awful dress on, after stumbling a few times and trying to pull it over my belly, I run into the bathroom and brush my hair and throw on a little makeup. Coming out, Ebbin is still laughing, and I look at him and raise a brow. He’s wearing a tank top and gym shorts. When he sees what I do, he rolls his eyes and runs into the closet changing his clothes too.

  “Ass!” I yell at him and wait for him to come out.

  Jeans and a button up don’t do him justice. The pants are tight and his ass looks delectable, his arms and chest pushing the boundaries with how much muscle he has. I lick my lips and watch the smile grow on his face.

  “Let’s go, you little pervert.” Grabbing my hand he waits for me to take us back.

  It only takes me a few seconds to find the magic once more and when we do, what greets us isn’t what we left.

  Merrick and Rhett are being detained by four burly men and Rhydian has changed into Kigiree.

  “What’s going on!” I scream, letting my Hellfire emerge and take over my hands as I step up to Kigiree’s side and wait for an answer.


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