Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 75

by Trina Bates

  “Do you know nothing about us, really?” Rhydian quips coming into the room with a grin on his gorgeous, chiseled, handsome face.

  I cock my head to the side, and raise my eyebrows at him. “What do you mean?” I ask, trying to figure out how he can possibly think any of this is funny.

  “We have been together for such a short period of time, in the scheme of things, but long enough for you to know what we do,” he replies sitting on the edge of the pads and taking my feet into his lap, my shoes quickly falling from me as he starts to massage my feet, I’m sure a little drool dripping from my lips with how good it feels.

  “Merrick owns some crazy, big wig company, and you two work for him. Some corporate deal that you guys don’t have to worry about really, seeing how you are all here with me, and nothing seems to be impertinent to your jobs…” I let out with a throaty moan when he hits a particular spot on my feet. My eyes roll back in my head and I lean it on Rhett’s shoulder, already starting to drift off to sleep.

  Rhydian and Rhett both chuckle softly and I can feel the shake of Rhett’s head above mine. “What?” I groan, obviously not getting it.

  “That’s… yeah. But, no. Merrick owns a bunch of businesses, sure, and we do work for them,” Rhett cuts Rhydian off and takes over, my eyes, peeking open when he stopped talking.

  “My work is probably, the simplest. I’m a programmer. I love anything tech and can hack about anything and leave no trace behind. I get paid to attempt to breach other companies defenses to find vulnerabilities in their security networks.” Impressed I nod my head to him, having no idea what all of that means, but still thinking he has a pretty awesome job since he seems to talk about it like he loves it. “Rhydian, well, that’s a funny one…” he draws out starting to laugh, shaking me awake enough that I turn my glare onto him when I have to move.

  “How is it funny, ugh I hate you all sometimes. Ebbin, love me!” I yell with mock anger and pull myself away from Rhett and fall into an amused looking Ebbin’s arms.

  “Shit was so much simpler when it was you and me,” he huffs out with a laugh and he starts to play with my long hair. “The guard and the bar wench,” he finishes. I laugh at that, long and hard. I love how he gets me and can set my mind at ease with something so simple. I hit his hard abs and snuggle deeper into him, setting my gaze back on Rhydian, waiting for him to tell me what he does.

  Rhydian looks away with a shy smile, so unlike him, his face and neck turn a deep crimson and I know then, it’s something that’s going to make me laugh.

  “He’s a fucking lady bit doctor,” Rhett says loudly, hitting Rhydian in the shoulder and then starts to laugh uncontrollably when the wide, embarrassed, and anger filled glare of his brother lands on him.

  I shake my head confused and sit up, “What the fuck does that mean?” I question hitting Rhett so he will shut up for a second. Ebbin coughs behind me and when I turn to him he quickly averts his eyes to his hands. I lift a brow at him, and turn my gaze back to Rhydian.

  “I don’t get it, what?” I throw my hands up in the air and glare at him.

  “I, well, I’m a gynecologist,” he states so matter of fact it still takes a few moments for my mind to catch up.

  “Wait, if, uhm, no. If you’re a fucking OBGYN, then, why did we need Lyra? I mean, okay, yeah for the blood part, but I shouldn't have needed to go to her again!” I shout, confusion, anger, and shock race through me, my mind going a million miles a minute as I try to really process all of this.

  “Why do you think you always had a hearty meal, or little snack ready for you, filled with protein, water always waiting? Also, dude is always rubbing your belly, and if his fingers being inside of you are any indication of anything, it’s checking to see how things are progressing,” Rhett laughs his words to me and I thrust my hand out, clapping it tightly over his mouth, hating how he described it, but also appreciating what Rhydian has done.

  “We really haven’t had the time to talk about things like that, but I feel like a total bitch not knowing, even after all this time, those things about both of you. Rhydian, it’s amazing what you do. I didn’t mean to react that way. It’s a strange job for sure and one I never would have imagined that you do. It actually helps a lot. If… if things do go topsy turvy, can you do what needs to be done, here? It’s hardly sterile and there’s no equipment,” I say to him with a hand on his arm, really wanting to know the truth of it all.

  “That’s the beauty of magic babe, it’s limitless and if need be, I have the tools for the physical part, don’t worry about that.” Rhydian smiles and his posture seems to relax, the red in his face dulling with each second that passes. He’s relieved. “Rhett and Blue have the rest of it covered if anything else should happen. Alyria has dropped, she’s ready to make her debut, and she’s perfectly placed. I don’t see anything wrong with her coming into this world.”

  “Thank you,” I sigh with my own relief washing over me. “What you do, taking care of women in their most raw state, bringing babies into this world, it’s commendable. I think you’re even more amazing knowing that. And who wouldn’t want a hot ass doctor like you taking care of them? I bet your client list is exclusive and there’s most likely a list of women that want to be under… your care,” I joke with him, loving how he shakes his head at me and then lays his head on my thighs, running his hands up and down my legs.

  “You’re the only one that is exclusive. I actually only look over Others. Magic births are far harder than what people think. I once had a woman pregnant with quadruplet cubs, a wolf shifter, and one of the babes thought it would be a good idea to choose an alpha before birth, his brother. The other two were girls. Somehow blood was exchanged and the cub was born as a wolf. Thankfully last, but he did some major damage to the mother’s insides, and his other siblings. Claws on a cub are sharp, almost severed the cord of his brother too. That wasn’t the worst I’ve had to deal with, but you’re nothing like those stories. The bad ones always have to do with shifters and Centaurs. Shit,” he pauses rubbing his face with his hand, sitting up, his gaze far off as he remembers some situation.

  “Centaurs?!” I shout, having no idea they’re real, and now chomping at the bit to see one.

  “In the Immortals realm, yeah. Amazing creatures, I’ve only been once and I won’t ever go again. That place is overrun with Vamps and the war between the Immortals and Vampires is nothing you want to get in the middle of. I went there simply to say I had, but when Rhett portaled us in, it’s not something I ever want to go back to. I’ll tell you more about that later. Now, I think you should rest, no food if you’re sure labor is going to begin. Water is fine, but no food. Sorry you won’t get to see the ocean before she comes, but you should be fully healed by tomorrow and we can take Alyria out, and see all there is to offer in this amazing place,” Rhydian tells us all more than me, and I catch his not so subtle way of changing the subject away from the Centaurs that I want to learn so much more about.

  Before I can reply, Merrick walks in, with a worried look on his face. I give him my attention with a lifted brow, trying to figure out what’s wrong.

  “Hey love, how are you feeling?” Merrick asks, pushing Rhydian over so he can sit and run his hands down my sides, and rub the swell of my stomach lovingly.

  “Good, ready to get this over with so the anxiety I’m feeling can fuck off,” I joke trying to lighten the mood in us all. Blue and Siv walk in the door, taking us all in. That’s when all hell breaks loose.

  “No men in the birthing suite, Valkyrie tradition. Mira, you must cleanse your body, go into the bathroom and wash yourself. You didn’t get the proper Valkyrie birth you deserved, but your daughter will,” Siv says with determination in her voice, instantly pissing me off. Everyone, including her, must see something on my face. I know my eyes are practically bugging out of my skull, but I also feel a heat, start deep within me but it’s not something I’ve ever felt before.

  “Siv, you need to leave, you just pissed off t
he daughter, and the mother,” Rhydian growls. I look to him surprised and then down to my stomach. It’s Alyria, the heat is her anger and it’s still growing. It tampers down my own rage and I the only thing I can think to do is start to sing.

  “Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are…” I turn away and finish my lullaby, rubbing comforting circles and sending all my love to the little one that has just shown that even inside of the womb, she can show her powers. Everyone felt them.

  The voices behind me are drowned out and when I finally hear nothing, I turn back around to see only my men and Blue left in the room.

  “She’s coming!” I scream when a powerful ache starts to clench the lower part of my stomach and my body bows forward trying to ease it in any way possible. “Oh my fucking shit!” I barely get out through gritted teeth. Someone holds me from behind, guiding me to the bed, I lay down in a huff and throw one arm over my eyes and keep the other carefully on my lower stomach.

  “Do you want me to take the pain away now?” Rhett asks gently.

  I can’t speak, but I shake my head, I need to experience some of this to understand for myself how and what is actually happening.

  “Love, you’re going to have to take off your clothes, at least the bottoms, but naked would be best,” Merrick whispers in my hair, kissing the side of my head.

  “In a second,” I breathe not ready to move.

  “Rhydian, how do we know when it’s time?” Ebbin asks him from the other side of me and I feel his hands start to knead my thighs.

  “I need to check her. Typically, females dilate with time, but with her, I have no idea. Everything has been so strange with her pregnancy. The quickness that Alyria grew. The fact that she’s a dual blood, Demon and Valkyrie, I’ve never taken care of either… We’re all in for it, but birth should be the same. Dilate, push… I hope,” Rhydian whispers the last few words under his breath but I catch them, we all do.

  Another torturous ache shoots through me and my knees draw up as a scream is torn from me.

  “That’s too soon, they should be much further apart.” Rhydian’s worried voice reaches my ears and I pull the arm away from my eyes and stare at him, pleading and scared. “Babe, I need those panties off of you, now. I want to check and see how dilated you are, okay?” he tells me already leaning down, pulling at the thin fabric on my hips.

  I bite my bottom lip praying that pain still twisting my insides subsides. I lift as much as I can giving him better access, and close my eyes, knowing he’s about to shove his massive fingers inside of me. I cringe when the intrusion starts and try my best not to flinch.

  “Rhett, now. We have maybe thirty minutes before this little one comes,” Rhydian commands, his tone and demeanor changed from what I’m use to, causing me to open my eyes and stare at him. His jaw is set, his eyes hard. He’s in his doctor mode and that’s what’s needed, but I hate that he has to do this. I want him here as a father, not someone cold and calculated with what lays in front of them.

  “Bugs, you have to relax. Caius is here with me, they all are but he’s acting strange and needs to be at the forefront. Can you talk to him?” Ebbin asks, his strange request momentarily taking my mind away from the, now of things.

  I nod once and close my mind off from all but the panther within my mate.

  -I smell blood Mira, there’s a tearing within you, one I’m unsure that your mates can stop. You must heal yourself, the pain will ease with the spell your other mate is casting over you now, but the bleeding is profuse. You will grow weary and weak. Take heed of my words. I am doing what I can to close off from the scent, but it is tantalizing, not as a predator, I would never harm you, but because I know what comes of it. Death.-

  -Caius, I don’t know how to heal myself like that. Cuts, wounds, they do it on their own. What do I do?!-

  My fear apparent, running rampant through me, he said death.

  -Am I going to die, Caius?- I all but scream into his mind.

  -I do not know. There is an abundance of blood ready to pour from you after the child is born, you must close off the vessels before it is too late. Clear your mind Miss Mira, heal yourself, now!- The urgency in his tone leaves no room for rebuke and I tear away from him, trying to find the calm within.

  I follow the path of the light and that dark, the intertwining forces inside of me ready for anything I need of them. I think of the tearing inside of me and pull my powers, willing them to heal the wrong inside. Not only does the pain start to ebb, but a complete calm takes over me and when it settles in place, I pray again that it stays and that the wounds are healed. I know there’s going to be blood after she’s born, I send all four of my mates the conversation and then what I did after. I don’t want there to be any surprises.

  Unease, panic, dread, and grief start to sink into me from the others. I open my eyes after a moment and try to give them all a strong smile. I know it doesn’t fool them, they know I’m terrified as well.

  “The pain is gone, I do feel better. Rhydian, what do I need to do?” I ask hoping the detour of emotions and thoughts helps us all.

  “Rest now, I will keep checking you, but rest. Your body knows what to do. When it’s time, I will tell you to push and babe, I am gonna need everything you have, okay?” he says with a wink and gets off of the padded bed.

  Blue walks over to me, I had almost forgotten she was in the room, her worried but happy eyes take me in and when she sits down, her hand grabs mine, holding it tight. We don’t say anything, but there’s a knowing between us. There’s too many of us here to let anything happen.

  “I wish I was a different sort of Blood Witch. My magic can’t reach what’s wrong. Not within you. If you were my mate it might, you wanna try switching sides?!” she quips, waggling her brows at me in mock desire.

  I snort and roll my eyes thankful for the reprieve and glad to hear the others around me have a quick chuckle as well.

  “Tempting, it really is, but I think everything's going to be okay now. While we have this time, I want to get some wards set up, Rhett, Blue, I need your help to do that,” I tell them and wait for the shoe to drop, no doubt someone is going to tell me not to exert myself and that it’s not a good idea to do that right now. But it is, we need as much protection from everything and anything, especially my father while I’m in labor.

  “Vali, Rhett, and even Merrick are going to help me do that. Gor too. We’re going to use blood magic, Vali and Gor are waiting outside right now, already setting their blood in place for it. You might help, but there’s nothing that can get through all of us when we work together. Close your eyes and rest. You’re gonna need it,” she tells me with a pat to my leg, getting up and taking Rhett and Merrick with her before I can say a word.

  I glare at the now closed door and only look away when Rhydian takes the spot that Rhett just left and he and Ebbin take one of my hands. There’s nothing said for a beat, but I know there’s a lot left unsaid that we’re all worried about. I don’t want to go there right now, so I decide to be an ass like I always am.

  “I spy with my little eye…”

  “I love you, weirdo,” Ebbin laughs out and kisses the side of my head. I stick my tongue out at him and turn to Rhydian.

  “Something, white with pink stripes!” he says making me laugh and turn to find what it is he has in mind.


  “Push Mira!” I scream at her, fear of the unknown, and elation at meeting my daughter, both warring inside of me, pushing me to stay on track and see that both my girls are okay.

  “Fuck you! I’m trying!” she cries out, her face red, her hands holding the back of her thighs as she leans forward, breathing heavy and pushing with all she has. “Rhett, the pain!” she screams and falls back into the pillows, our entwined fear reaching everyone. We all look from her to each other, and then all at once to Rhett.

  “Do something!” Merrick growls, his skin changing and his silver eyes swirling with the magic of the Fae behind them.r />
  Rhett stares at Mira, his concentration solely on her, his lips moving but we hear nothing. “I can’t! Something is blocking me!” Rhett’s tortured voice hits us all, sending us into a dazed shock and we all stop. Blue is the only one that seems to have any wits about her, she pushes me out of the way, leans over Mira and pulls her face forward gently with her hands.

  “Look at me, Tatts. Get your shit together and, push!” she says sternly. Mira seems to snap out of it, and she nods curtly once, taking her legs in her hands once again, leaning forward and pushing while Blue looks down and screams, “I can see her head!”

  All at once, the four of us jump into action, grabbing various things like scissors to cut the cord, warm blankets, warm water and a wet cloth to wipe the sweat away from Mira’s head. “Tatts, you beautiful bitch, breathe, and give me just a little bit more, we’re almost done!” Blue says to Mira behind us and I hear a growl come from my gorgeous mate. I turn to see fire in her eyes, directed at her best friend.

  “We’re?! You fucking mean me! I’m pushing and doing all of this, fuck you!” she yells and then gives one last push. I lean in closer and watch as my little girl, a full head of black hair and strangely enough, one thin streak of blonde, is turned over, her shining still black eyes taking everything in right before she wails an angry little cry. I thrust my hands forward, ready with a towel, and the basin of water to wash her clean. Ebbin cuts the cord with shaky, but proud hands. We get the most gorgeous baby cleaned up, together while the babe screams a cry I know from others, she’s hungry, cold and needs her momma.

  Turning around, my senses about everything going on around us kick into high gear, blood, too much blood. A weak, pale looking Mira lays back panting gently, her breaths coming shorter and shorter with each passing second.


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