Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 78

by Trina Bates

  -So it shall be. Grunwald, you are forever aligned with the Neutral. Should you ever stray from the path of light, your mind will come to the father, you fate sealed and you shall be no more. Let it be done,- the mother states and then, as quickly as she was in my mind, she’s gone, leaving me reeling.

  “I will never stray!” Grun shouts and stomps over to me with a giant smile, lifting me in his arms and kissing the top of my head.

  Confused, I pull away and stare at him like a mad man. This is what he wanted?! Why the fuck couldn’t he just tell me that?!

  “Grun! What the hell?! What happens now and why didn’t you say something before?!” I glare at him with my finger poking into his chest, my breathing rapid and hard at how mad, addled and completely stressed I am.

  “I could not sway matters of your heart. It had to be your choice. What happens now, is I am bound to you… Not like your men!” he quickly says when he sees the panic on my face. I don’t see him like that… “You are mine and I am yours, but never a lover. I am forever yours, forever in this body, forever powerful. The day you cease to exist, is the same for me. I am like Cynide is to you, but able to wield the gifts that others have shared with me. I can leave and never worry about being rooted again.” He sounds so happy, I have to be too. I know he’s repeating himself but I would be f I had just gotten something so dear to me. I only wish he would have told me so, sooner.

  “What do you want out of life? You really want to be bound to me like that?” I question, worried he doesn't fully understand what he’s just done.

  “Being bound to you is not what you are thinking. I can go places if I want, but I must be around you once every four days of Earth’s time. You are my anchor, my energy, and source of being. When you are in danger, I will feel it and come to you immediately. I do not know how that will happen yet, but I’m sure with time we will find out. I can already feel all of you, your body, inside and out, sorry that sounds so strange, and I can hear your mind like I can with others like me. What I want out of life is to find what you have. Love, children, family. Let us leave here. There’s much to tell the others. And Mira.” He stops, pulling me into another hug, “Thank you,” he whispers and takes my hand leaving me speechless behind him as I aimlessly follow.

  * * *


  With the new revelations of Grun being tied to me, and the fact that my life has never been my own, my guys are enraged and elated. There’s nothing to be done, and when I tell them that we all agree to let it go.

  “There’s still something I’m missing. Something that I feel is right there with me, at the front of my mind, but I can't quite grasp it. It’s infuriating!” I tell them and Rhett comes over to me with a worried look, taking Alyria out of my arms and handing her to Rhydian.

  “Let me look, gorgeous,” he offers.

  I nod and we both close our eyes.

  “There’s something there, but it’s like a void. Right when you said it, it sounded like a spell of memory control was placed. It’s like that, but something more powerful than anything I’ve ever seen. I can’t unlock it, not yet,” he growls and kisses me when I open my eyes. I would have felt defeated if it weren’t for that.

  “Why would someone take a memory?” Merrick bites and Grun places a hand on his shoulder. He turns to Grun and waits for his answer, as do we all.

  “The mother gives, but also takes. Knowledge is given if you are willing and open, but when you cease to be open to it, it is taken. I think the same has happened with me as well. Do not wait on it too long, we will figure it out later. Right now, we must get Blue and her mates back home. Would you like me to stay here with Alyria so she is protected and safe? Gor, Torunn, Rial, and Siv are here with me. You will all have the time to figure other things out if needed,” Grun suggests and we all look to each other wondering what the other thinks.

  “She would be safe from the Conclave, Alastor and most likely Apollyon… wait!” I scream, something about his name is grating at me, something to do with the memory that was taken. “Shit, I still can’t reach it, but I have a feeling it has to do with him,” I grind, hating that my mind doesn’t feel like my own. Like someone has taken a part of me and hidden it away, for good.

  “What’s up, bugs? What’s wrong?” Ebbin rushes out coming to my side and rubbing my arm.

  “I, ahh! I don’t know. I can’t fucking figure it out. Fuck it. Okay, back to what we were talking about, Alyria will be safe here with all of them. I do need to get in contact with Apollyon, see where he’s at with my father, and we need to check in with yours too Ebbin. What do you all think?” I ask looking at each of them, waiting patiently while they weigh the pros and cons.

  “I think it’s our best bet. Grun, take her to Corinthea’s, her youngest loves Alyria and if anyone did try anything, they wouldn’t think to look there. But all of you have to go. No exceptions,” Rhydian states sternly. I love it when his daddy side comes out. This little one is never going to go without, she’s going to be spoiled but not to the point she’s a brat and can’t be trusted in society. She’s going to know love in the truest forms and I’m so proud of all of my men for that.

  I nod in agreement and see the other three do the same, with that, I rush into the back room and grab a bottle from the cooler with my milk in it, her bag and the stroller wheeling everything out.

  We say our goodbyes, mine the longest with lots of kisses and promises to my little girl and then we go in search of Blue. She’s already said her goodbyes while Grun and I were gone. Got in her snuggles with, Ria, as she calls my daughter and thankfully, they’re all outside waiting before I change my mind, race back and grab my babe.

  * * *

  Touching down, the only place I figured would be safe, Merrick's family home where that I have only visited once, seems so depressing with how unkempt it now is. The yard now overgrown and unkept. When we all take in the state, he curses under his breath and walks to the front without a word.

  “Fuck!” he shouts and we all rush after him.

  The door is hanging wide open, papers litter the floor inside the entry and the house looks completely ransacked.

  “The Conclave…” he bites out punching the wall.

  I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder, my own anger rising, seeing the destruction they caused in trying to find us.

  “This needs to fucking end! Didn't your dad, the Puissant, call a stop to this?!” Rhydian yells, rounding on Ebbin. I quickly stand between them, not willing to let the wrong person be accused here.

  “Stop it! All of you. We have no idea when this happened. If it was before, or after it was called off. Hell, it could have been Alastor himself. You all heard what the hounds found at our place, so stop. If anyone is to be put at blame, it’s me. You all wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for me. Fuck!” I hiss and walk back out of the house.

  “It’s not going to be safe for you at the bar. I would call Keri and have her stay on a bit longer until we all get this fucking taken care of. Is there somewhere else you can go?” I ask Blue and hang my head in shame. This really is my fault and it’s eating at me, bad.

  “There is, Vali, can you shift yet?” she asks the giant, sweet man. His green eyes twinkle with mischief, he looks to his brothers with a toothy grin and nods once. I give all of her men each a hug, my hug to Vali and Avid a bit longer than those to Hakon, Caler, and Brandt. I love the gentle giant and the jokester. They are the two I’ve gotten to know the most. They’re all kind, but those two, I can’t get enough of their strange behaviors.

  They all shift, Blue hugging me fiercely, “Call me when you land in, right away. I want to know everything that’s going on. I’m going to get ahold of Jeremy and see if he’s found out anything more. Bring Ria to me as soon as possible. You know Hakon is a brute but he adores her,” she laughs and I have to agree. Out of all five of her men, he’s the only one that doesn’t seem scared of her, like he will break her if he gets near.

  “I w
ill, promise.” I tell her meaning every word. “Where will you go?” I query. I want to know for me, but also so I can come to her if needed.

  “When you call, I will tell you.” She leans in and whispers in my ear, “Search for the name Bluneth. That’s it. Find me in the registry and that will be the way to reach me. Get a new link system before you do. I don’t want the Conclave to have any knowledge of any of us, clear?”

  I lean away looking at her with surprise and confusion at the name, I think that’s her full name, first, but I have maybe heard it twice in my entire life. Shaking my head trying not to dwell on that, I look at her with serious eyes and say, “Gotcha. Love you, stay safe.” I demand more than anything and lean into her, holding her tight for a few minutes longer than I should have.

  I watch her walk away and professionally get on the back or Vali’s giant Dragon back, leaning down onto him and holding his neck tight. She winks at me and all at once the six of them dart into the air, the wind whipping around us from the harsh beats of their wings and then, poof, they’re all gone. Flying in the distance with a speed and agility I wasn’t expecting from such large creatures.

  Turning back, I follow the rest of my men into the house and start to clean up the mess someone has left for them. I’m stopped by a heavy hand on my shoulder and when I look up, Ebbin’s concerned gaze is settled on me.

  “What?!” I demand, hating that look on him. He looks like his heart is broken and I can’t stand it.

  “We have to go. Caius and Kigiree hear vehicles approaching. If they have hounds, they’re already going to know we were here but we can’t risk being caught, no matter who it’s by. Take us to my father. We need to find out if the Conclave is listening to his orders, or not.” He turns away and walks to the others that are already waiting. I wish I would have had Cynide come. She will if there’s danger, but her and Vie need all the time they can get. She would know how to mask the magic, hell Rhett and I should, but we don’t have the time to do it together. We need to go, now.

  “Wait, Rhett, maybe you should do this. They can’t sense your magic. We still don’t know about mine…” I wonder more than ask, there’s still so many things I don’t know and to be on the safe side while we’re here, I need to follow their lead. They know the ins and outs of how to avoid detection more so than I do.

  “Good idea, gorgeous. Alright! Here we go!” He nearly shouts with glee as a portal opens up and the front of the Puissant’s house, rather mansion, comes into view. We all walk through, and Rhett closes the portal keeping whoever was approaching off of our trail for a bit longer.


  Before the burly guards can detain us, I bring out my flames, glaring at them. They realize who we are before any damage can be done. They open the doors to us silently and we all walk in, heading straight for the office that we know is where Ebbin’s father must be.

  “Warlen. We need to speak with you, now,” Ebbin shouts urgently before we can reach the stairs. A rushing of heavy steps sounds above and there stands the almost identical twin to my mate. Ebbin’s father. I smile as sweetly as I can, still unsure about this man and wait for him to descend the stairs and give his own greeting before I say anything.

  “Back so soon! Does that mean the deed is done!? Is Alastor dead?” Warlen asks with an excited tone. One I don't appreciate. I might hate the man, even want him dead. But for another to be so callous about someone’s parent dying isn’t the way I would think a man of his stature should go about things.

  I gare at the side of his head and look away when his starts to turn to me.

  “Mira, so small, is my grandchild here, did you bring her?” he asks me before anyone can answer his previous questions.

  Since it’s obvious no apparent to him, I smile and nod, not trusting that I won’t sasy something that will offend him. Ebbin takes over the other parts, thankfully.

  “We don’t know that yet. About Alastor. What we are here to ask about is if you for sure called the Conclave off of us. We went to another house that is known to them, but one we didn’t think they would truly care, or know about. They, or someone had been there, trashed the entire place. We barely got out of there in time before someone else showed up.” Ebbin pauses, his rage at what happened showing through and in his words. It might not be his direct home, but we are all in this together and that’s what matters. I hold on to him and lend him some strength and comfort elated when Rhydian, Merrick, and Rhett do the same. No one knows to go there but family and from what… Rhydian said, the scents were off and not of someone they knew. Alyria is safe, healthy, and strong. You can meet her when we know it’s safe for us too,” he ends with his eyes hard on the man before us. He can feel the implication in Ebbin’s words, we all can.

  “The order was sent out right after you all left the first time we met. I gave you my word,” Warlen says with a slight plea in his words, his hands shoved in his pockets and his shoulder drawn in. He’s sincere, I can feel it. So can the others.

  Taking a deep breath, I step away from Ebbin and think on what I need to ask him next, if I should. I have to and I think I’m the only one that will. Me and my big mouth…

  “Why do you want my father dead so bad? Not the reasons you’ve stated before about him being a stain to the realms, we all know that, but if feels more personal than what you’re letting on. You know him, not just of him but know...him. How?”

  He starts to fidget on his feet, his eyes darting on the room avoiding anyone. He’s been caught and he knows it. I jut my hip out, cross my arms and purse my lips, waiting.

  “I don’t know if that’s something that can be discussed, or that I want to. The reasons are there, or you would not have already been in the midst of doing it yourself. There are some things that need be kept secret for the time being. I’m sure you all can agree on that since there’s still so much I’m not aware of about any of you…” Warlen draws out, his smug arrogance pissing me off.

  “True, I’ll give you that. But when you so easily, and joyously, ask if he’s dead in front of his child, don’t you think I will have questions? I may not know the man, not entirely, I may want him dead, it’s what’s coming to him for everything he’s done but, to act so cold and eager, it’s… outrageous, especially for who you are and what you’re supposed to represent.” I take a step closer to him, wanting the submission he hates to give to me.

  He tries for a beat to keep eye contact but it’s no use, I’ve bested him once before and I will do it again and again if needed. It might be wrong to push him, but he needs to be brought down a peg or two. Not only for his actions, but also to be humbled and let people see he’s a person and not some dictator that is all powerful, because he’s not. Neither am I for that matter. There’s always going to be someone bigger, and badder. We all need to remember that, it’s never far from my mind, but it’s been gone from his for too long apparently.

  “I’m sorry, but there are things you don’t know, yes. I will give you that, and those things will stay with me until I am ready to tell that particular story. For now, my apologies. I was callous. And I’m also sorry for the fact I need to be going. Ebbin, one of your aunts is with child, she has been having a much harder gestation than what we’ve seen before,” Warlen says, directly to Ebbin and I let go of all my anger, now worried about a mother and child that are essentially my family, whether by extension or not.

  “Do you need us? Rhydian and I might be able to help, since he’s a doctor and I’ve just given birth myself?” I ask him which seems to surprise him.

  “I, uhm, yes that would be wonderful but it’s no up to me. Let me call on her, one moment,” he says pulling out his link system and walking away.

  When he comes back, his face is drawn and a sour look is etched between the lines. “She doesn’t want any but our line there. Thank you, maybe come back in a few days time if you’re able and you all could meet her, that might lighten her angst against others. I must go, Ebbin come back soon, and with that little one.
I swear on my life no harm will come to her, or any of you, when you are in the presence of me and our people.” He thrusts his hand out and shakes everyone's hand, including mine and rushes off leaving us all standing at the base of the stairs, wondering what we do next.

  “I think it’s time to portal to the cabin. We need to summon the fucking Devil,” Merrick growls making me smile.

  I walk over to him, grabbing his luscious ass and give it a squeeze, “Shut up and kiss me, grumpy.” I snicker and love how the instant, molten heat rushes into his eyes when he gazes down a me, his lips in a half smile.

  He pulls the back of my hair and crushes his lips to mine, demanding everything thing I have and I gladly give it. Right there, in my… father in law’s home.

  “Ahem, portal’s open,” Rhett laughs and I pull away from Merrick with a dopey smile, wishing there was time for more, with all of them.

  * * *

  Home, the fresh crisp air, cold and so comforting. We aren’t dressed for the snow, any of us. Grateful that we still have everything we need here, we all rush up the stairs, throwing on layer after layer. We don’t bother turning the heat on knowing we won’t be coming back after this, not for awhile. Instead, we all march directly to the back farmhouse where the gym was built. Opening the door, I blow out a breath and watch the mist, billows out from my lips and sit heavily down on one of the weight lifting benches. I close my eyes and imagine Apollyon, calling to him, not even nicely anymore.

  -Can we make this quick? I have a little one to get home to.- I grumble in my mind and stop my charade when I hear the snorts from all four of my sound around me. I didn’t know my mind was still open to them and I inwardly cringe hoping their snickers are a good thing and that I’m not going to get in trouble for being such a wench to the literal Devil.


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