New Love

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New Love Page 23

by Mj Fields

  “Do what?” he asked coolly.

  “That. I kiss you and you… I don’t know it just,” she said and let go of him and looked at him and stood waiting for him to say something.

  “Do you want him?”

  “No,” she laughed.

  “I don’t find it funny, why do you?” he asked crossing his arms in front of him.

  “It’s stupid Lucas, I love you and you know that.”

  “Your mouth was on his...” Lucas began.

  “Alright that was a mistake, and what were you doing before that with that brunette?” “Should I be angry about that?” she asked.

  “You would be if you saw me hugging her and acting all happy when I saw her ass. Or if I told you I could love her someday,” he said sternly.

  “Okay. I won’t talk to him if that’ll make you feel better. Because that’s not how I feel about him. He’s my friend Lucas. I explained before that what I feel for you could not ever be with anyone else, but if you’re having reservations about my feelings for you, it makes me wonder why,” she turned to walk away.

  He grabbed her waist and pulled her into him. "I don't want to fight, baby.”

  “I don’t either Lucas, but I’ve never given you reason to think I’d be anything but faithful to you. You, on the other hand,” she stopped, “I forgave you.”

  “Tessa, I didn’t cheat on you,” he whispered.

  “But you would have, that’s the difference,” she said quietly.

  She turned around and looked at him, what she said stung him and she knew it.

  “Tessa I’m sorry, I trust you. I want to know that you trust me, too.”

  “I do now,” she whispered.

  He kissed her, and she kissed him back, their tongues met, he pulled her tighter to him.

  She pulled away, “We need to go back outside Lucas.”

  “Now?” he kissed her again.

  She smiled and pulled back, “Yes now, or we’ll be missing for a long time, and with my parents now on high alert I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “It can be quick, Baby,” Lucas kissed her slowly walking towards the stairs.

  “I don’t want quick,” she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  “No?” Lucas bent down and lightly bit her breast.

  “Lucas,” Tessa moaned.

  They heard someone walking in, and she ran to the bathroom and shut the door.

  “We’re good, right?” he asked when she came out.

  “Yeah, real good,” she said, and they walked out hand in hand.

  It was getting dark, and John turned on the lights. The tents, dance floor and yard were all lit up. Jade, Phoebe, and Becca were dancing. Lucas sat with his parents, and he was a bit on edge; it was weird to be sitting there with the four of them. Audrianna and Landon each held one of the sleepy girls on their laps.

  “How are you doing, Lucas?”

  “Good Dad,” he sat watching her dance.

  “How’re you feeling about Syracuse?”

  “Pretty excited,” he smiled and looked at him.

  “Excellent,” Landon smiled.

  A slow song played, and Tessa around, “Got to go.”

  He grabbed her, and they danced, slow and very close looking into each other’s eyes.

  “Do me a favor?” she asked him.

  “Anything,” he said his eyes locked on hers.

  “Go ask my Mom to dance?”

  “Oh wow, alright,” he kissed her and walked away.

  Tessa grabbed her Dad, and he danced with her. Lucas and Maggie came up beside them and danced.

  The song changed another slow one.

  “Dad I want to dance with Lucas, could you ask Mom to dance?” she turned to her Mom, “May I cut in?”

  John stood there looking at her, “Mag’s… dance with me?”

  "Sure," she blushed.

  Tessa looked away and smiled at Lucas.

  “You’re very sneaky baby,” he smiled.

  “Well I feel bad for them, they fell out of love. I’m pretty sure they can find their way back,” she giggled, “Plus neither of them have had sex in a year!”

  “Truth is you want them back together right?”

  “Yes very much,” he pulled her close. “Look at my Dad’s eyes, he loves her. She never had sex with Dr. Feel Good, and she misses our family. But I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone, so it’s top secret, alright?”

  “Testing one two,” came from the microphone.

  “Tess come sing for us,” Ben smiled.

  She looked up at Lucas “What should I do Lucas?”

  “Go sing for me baby,” he kissed her.

  Tessa went up and picked a song. She wanted to keep it slow so her parents would still dance.

  Tessa sang Eternal Flame and her parents continued dancing. Lucas grabbed Kendall who shook her head no, but caved.

  She sang and looked at Lucas the entire time.

  “Your turn, Ben.”

  He bound up and grabbed the microphone; he sang the song from the video he had posted on Facebook, Shimmer by Fuel.

  Tessa watched him and smiled. She looked for Lauren and went and dragged her to the dance floor with Phoebe, Becca and Jade. She grabbed Kendall and kissed Lucas. He smiled and sat next to his Dad. Tessa was dancing with Kendall and Lucas’ sisters ran out to her, and she danced with them. The first verse finished, and Ben walked out and grabbed Lauren and winked at Tessa. He turned Lauren to him and danced with her. He walked back up towards the DJ and sang the chorus. Phoebe looked at Tessa and smirked. Tessa looked away. The song ended, and Tessa walked the girls over to Audrianna.

  “What was that about?” Audrianna whispered.

  “Nothing,” Tessa blushed.

  “Tessa, he winked at you,” she whispered.

  “I didn’t notice.”

  “Ok. You and Lucas alright?”

  “Absolutely,” she smiled. “Audrianna I have known Ben forever, there’s nothing. A failed attempt to stay away from Lucas, which I never wanted to do. Lucas knows, he just gets so angry, and I don’t want him to be. Ben and Lucas have exchanged blows once, I don’t want that again. I chose Lucas and would over and over and over again.” Audrianna looked up, “He’s standing right behind me isn’t he?”

  “Yes I am,” he pulled her up to him “I love you, baby.”

  She turned and smiled “Anyways?”

  “Yes of course. Boy… are we going to have fun at his party,” he said smiled sarcastically.

  Audrianna smiled, “Thank God.”

  “Can I sing again?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  She went up and picked a song, she dragged Kendall with her.

  “No,” Kendall said.

  “Kendall you know this one,” she dragged her up.

  Don’t Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John played. They did the duet and she sang to Lucas, and he smiled. He watched Tessa and Kendall being childish and laughed. All the older people were enjoying themselves, and she forced Kendall to sing Daniel.

  When they finished, Ben sang a couple Steve Miller tunes. Then asked Tessa to come sing with him, she looked at Lucas, and he smiled and mouthed, go.

  They sang Crocodile Rock and danced with the crowd and laughed. They threw in all the silly dance moves they could. When the song ended they were trying to catch their breath and laughed.

  “Another one?” she asked Ben.

  “Not right now, I’ll save it for later,” he hugged her quickly and pointed towards Lucas “Go, he’s very impatiently waiting.”

  She ran up to Lucas and jumped on him and kissed him.

  “Will you dance with me?” she asked.

  “Of course baby, anything you want.”

  “I left you a present in your back seat,” she smiled, “I want that later.”

  “How about now?”

  “Oh no, not now, too many people,” she laughed. “But feel free to go look if you want, but I’m not coming with you.”

p; “Go dance, I’ll be right back,” Lucas said.

  Lucas came back, and his eyes were very dark and heated, she grinned at him. He tapped his wrist and mouthed let’s go. She shook her head no, and laughed until her belly hurt it felt crampy. She walked fast into the house and went to the bathroom. Great, she thought.

  She walked out, and he was standing there.

  “Tessa everyone’s dancing, we could disappear for an hour, and no one would know baby please.”

  She shook her head, “Not for a few days, Lucas.”

  “No way,” he banged his head against the wall.

  “Sorry,” she rubbed his head and laughed.

  “You didn’t know?”

  “Really Lucas, do you think if I knew I would have put that in your vehicle?”

  He laughed, “No… your appetite is bigger than mine, let’s go get some cake, baby.”

  She looked at him, “I’m sorry.”

  “For you or me?” he laughed.

  She pushed him away and he smiled.


  He brought her cake and pulled her on his lap. She snuggled into him, and he fed her cake.

  “We’re taking off, Mom and Dad are tired,” Ben laughed.

  “Where are you going to school Ben?” Lucas asked and fed Tessa another bite.

  “Ithaca, actually.”

  “Lauren did you graduate this year?” Lucas asked.

  “Yes, I’m going to Ithaca as well.”

  “Cool, Lucas is going to SU,” Tessa said, “Drive safe Ben.”

  “Of course, we’ll text you when we get home.”

  “Please do,” Lucas said, “Tessa worries about her friends.”

  They left, and Lucas finished feeding Tessa. She saw her parents watching them. She waved them over.

  “Hey, can Lucas spend the night?” she asked.

  “Tessa,” her father said warning her not to push.

  “What Dad, I have my period and anyway for some reason Lucas has a no hands policy when we’re here,” Tessa shrugged and took a bit of Lucas’s cake...

  “Fine… he can stay in Alex’s room…with the alarm,” John walked away flustered.

  Maggie walked with him, “You’re really okay with that?”

  “How do you say no to her?” John asked.

  “A no hands policy Tessa?” Lucas asked smiling.

  “I’m pretty sure it’s been your mouth in the house,” she laughed.

  “I can’t stay tonight, I told them I would stay with them at the hotel,” Lucas said as he played with her hair.

  “You sure it’s not because of my condition,” she said sarcastically.

  “I’m very sure,” he ran his fingers across her lips.

  She turned around and smiled, “May I please?”

  “Did you seriously just ask that?”

  “Oh sorry,” she said and buried her head against his chest.

  He lifted her chin and his eyes were heavy, “Baby, I wasn’t saying no. I just feel bad because I can’t.”

  She pulled him up and quickly grabbing another piece of cake walked towards the barn.

  “Why the cake, Babe?” he asked.

  “Chocolate cake and Lucas Links, yummy,” she smiled.

  “No shit?” he gasped.

  “None,” she laughed.

  They emerged from the barn smiling, and he kissed her.

  “Tessa Ross,” he smiled.

  She smiled back at him and wrapped her arm around his waist. “Lucas Links.”

  “Tessa Links,” he whispered.

  “Lucas Ross,” she said and laughed.

  “If that’s what it takes.”


  “No!” he laughed.

  Chapter 14

  On Sunday, Molly insisted they go to church. During joys and concerns Cory announced that Molly had accepted his proposal, and they would be married in August.

  “By the way, this isn’t a shot gun wedding,” he laughed.

  Molly’s jaw dropped.

  Tessa hugged her sister, “Wow Molly… that’s so exciting!”

  They went out to dinner to celebrate, at the lake again. Tessa’s parents sat next to each other. Lucas came in and kissed Tessa. He shook Cory’s hand and hugged Molly congratulating them. They talked about the fact that Molly would be transferring to a school twenty minutes from him, and they would look for an apartment soon. They just didn’t want to be apart anymore. They wanted a small wedding at the local state park and would honeymoon next year.

  “Mag’s why don’t you tell her?” John said.

  “Well we have enough money saved for you to have a bigger wedding Molly,” she began. “Each of you has a savings grandma started when you were born. It was supposed to be for college, but your father and I have been able to manage that because you’re amazing students, and scholarships help. Which means Molly; you have about twenty five thousand to play with. I think a small personal wedding would be great and when you two decide to buy a house you could use that as a down payment, but it’s yours so you can make the decision.”

  “Wow,” Molly said. “Okay Cory and I will discuss it, but I think we will both agree that we truly want a very small wedding.”

  Cory nodded in agreement.

  “So how much do I have?” Jake asked.

  “Not as much as Molly does Jake, she is older. Interest and wise investing will help your cause though,” John laughed.

  Lucas and Tessa left. They drove to his house to hang out at the pool.

  “Work tomorrow, Mr. Links?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” he smiled. “I’m kind of excited about bossing people around.”

  “Really? You into dominating people?” Tessa asked.

  He laughed.


  They lay at the pool with his Mom and her new boyfriend all afternoon. Lucas took her out to dinner and brought her home. Her mother’s car was still there.

  “Come in with me?” she asked.

  “Tessa, I have to be up at four,” Lucas got out of the SUV, “I’ll walk you in.”

  “Stay with me?” she asked.

  “Let me get through this week, this schedule is going to kick my ass,” he kissed her.

  “Well my schedule is pretty open for the next two weeks until I start work. I’m going to miss you,” she looked down.

  “No you won’t, you can come have lunch with me every day. It’s only an hour I think we could get a lot accomplished, that is after your situation is resolved,” he laughed.

  “I am going to miss you Lucas,” Tessa felt a lump in her throat, “I’ve been able to see you at school every day with no more than a forty five minute break between each time. This is going to be so hard.”

  “We’ll get through it and see each other often,” Lucas laughed. “I did ask you to move in, and you told me no, offer’s still on the table. Think about it. I got to go baby, it’s ten. Six hours of sleep is going to suck.”

  She smiled “Suck?”

  “I’m going to text you tomorrow. I want you to come to lunch, I love you.” he quickly kissed her and got in his car.

  Tessa stomped in the house. Her parents sat at the table. She smiled and kissed them both.

  “Goodnight…oh you two should check out the hot tub,” she skipped up the stairs.

  She grabbed the laptop, a graduation gift from her parents. Ben had posted pictures of the party on Facebook. He tagged her in it. She had a friend request from Lauren, she accepted it. There was a great picture of her and Lucas dancing and tons of her and the girls.

  Her phone chimed, and it was him:

  -Baby I’m home and really wish I had taken you up on that offer, I miss you already!...LL (Which means Love Lucas… easier that way)

  - Miss me or my hot mouth? Glad your home safe…LT

  - You’re so bad…but both! Switch those letters around way hotter …LL

  -very funny, I love you, I want you, I miss you, add some extra L’s to your sign off and well let’s just say if
I close my eyes I picture your tongue making me very happy…LT

  -come to lunch tomorrow? Noon? LL

  - go to bed! I could have been almost finished with you by now!...LT

  -LUNCH?!?! …LL

  -Hmm I’m not sure I am a very busy girl you know…LT

  -I will text you the address tomorrow, sweet dreams dream girl…LL

  -awe so sweet, sweet dreams to you, sex slave…LT

  -seriously I need to sleep, and this is not helping…LL

  -Rock a bye baby, with me on top…LT

  - I’m shutting my phone off, you are being wicked!…LL

  -There’s a whip in your backseat… maybe I need to be spanked?…LT

  -Are you fucking kidding me?!?! Very frustrated…LL

  -Good, now you know how I feel…how I feel Lucas...LT

  -Baby I really need to sleep, I need to be on top of things tomorrow…LL


  - What…LL

  -you said on top of things…LT

  - Tessa, please baby…LL

  -I will just take things into my own hands…that’s what I am doing right now…LT

  -Tessa stop...LL

  -Oh no I’m almost there Lucas…LT

  -You better not without me! You’re pissing me off Tessa…LL

  -okay I’m sorry I love you Lucas, good night…LT

  -much better, Lunch?...LL

  -Yes love…LT



  Tessa went downstairs to use the bathroom and then went to grab a drink. She looked out the window and her parents were in the hot tub making out. Tessa did her happy dance and ran upstairs.

  “Alex come here quickly and quietly,” she dragged him in the kitchen.

  “Look at the hot tub,” she said smiling.

  “Is that Mom and Dad?”

  “Yes,” she said smiling.

  “Oh gross-- my eyes are burning!”

  Her phone Chimed:

  -I woke up an hour ago thinking of you, I hope you're happy...LL

  -Good morning Lucas, I’m very happy…LT

  -Can you meet me for lunch?…LL

  - Are you going to feed me?...LT

  -of course, where do you want to go?...LL

  -A new place, DOWNtown…LT

  -Oh Tessa, you better show up…LL

  - Or what…LT

  - Or nothing, come hungry…LL

  -I will… have a great day Lucas I love you…LT

  -I love you …LL


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