New Love

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New Love Page 33

by Mj Fields

  "You took off after both of them like a momma bear.”

  “It's my fault,” she said.

  “Okay, keep talking Tessa I knew this was coming,” he stood back and looked down at her.

  “Really you get to get pissed about this Lucas?”

  “Tessa, please just let it all out.”

  She looked at him like she could not believe he was saying that to her.

  “Not trying to fight baby, I just know I got it coming.”

  “Forget it, I’m not doing this right now, go I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said and he grabbed her before she walked away.

  “Tessa, don’t. Let’s get it out now, please baby,” he pulled her into him.

  She knew she wasn’t going to calm down, and he wouldn’t let up. She leaned back and closed her eyes trying to calm herself and end this spat.

  “You’re so faking this right now,” he whispered in her ear.

  She turned around and kissed him; she rubbed her hand down his back and rested her thumb in his waist band. He rubbed his hand up her side and she moved her body slightly. He gently pulled her hair back, so she was looking up at him, “Still full of shit, baby.”

  “What would you like me to do drop to my knees to make this all better for YOU?” she asked.

  He let go and stepped back and looked pissed.

  “You don’t get to be mad, Lucas. You’re riding with Jose right? You’re keeping him waiting. I’ll see you tomorrow night Lucas, I get that neither of us asked for them to go after my sister but we aren’t the victims here, I need to be with her.”

  “Okay Tessa,” he took her hand and walked fast to their friends, “You ready Jose?”

  “Sure man,” he said.

  “Kendall are you okay?” Lucas asked.

  "Yes,” she smiled.

  “Good, I’m sorry Kendall” he hugged her “Good game ladies, goodnight Tessa,” he kissed her head and walked away.

  “Alright that was nice” Ben said, “Anyone up for pizza, my treat?”

  They all went and had pizza, Ben sat across from Tessa.

  “You okay Tess?”

  “No, that crap today was because of me,” Tessa said quietly.

  "I don't think it was you girl. You did good tiger; remind me not to mess with you Ross’s. You just have bad luck or choose guys with crazy girlfriends or ex girl friends” he laughed referring to Lauren, “How’s that toe anyway?”

  She laughed, “So you’re sticking up for Lucas?”

  “Now would I do that? Just telling how it is, I didn’t expect Lauren to pull that nonsense. I’m sure Lucas didn’t expect them to do that again.”

  “After New Year’s eve Ben, what did he expect?” she asked defensively.

  “He expected at that point that you hate him right? He was trying to push you away. You’re all in now, think about it,” he sat back and winked at her.

  “Kendall you’re okay right?” he smiled.

  "Fine thank you," she blushed.

  “See, not the same as what happened to you. I think we all should hit the hot tub,” he grinned at Tessa.

  They pulled into the farm and got out, Phoebe, Alex, and Ben all got changed. Tessa and Kendall were doing the same.

  Her phone chimed it was him

  I’m back…LL

  Okay see you tomorrow…LT

  You sure?...LL

  Yes, goodnight…LT

  Kendall had no bruises she was alright. Tessa was upset but knew there was nothing she could do to change what had happened.

  They went down and got in. Ben laughed, and Tessa smiled.

  “Did you get a new suit?”

  Tessa had on a rash guard and shorts.

  "No," she blushed.

  “You know you still look hot,” he whispered.

  She splashed him.


  Tessa pulled into the parking lot at South Campus and walked into his dorm, she ran up to the third floor and walked into the common area; she was a little early and figured she would just wait for him. She sat on the couch and Jose walked out.

  “Hey girl, how you feeling today, a little less pissed off,” he laughed.

  Jenny and Lucas got off the elevator laughing; she rubbed his back “See you later Links.”

  Lucas walked by and didn’t notice her.

  “No, not really.”

  “Links, your girl’s here,” he called after him down the hall.

  Lucas turned around and saw Tessa and walked back and pulled her up.

  “Hello Tessa,” he kissed her, “I see you’re still not happy.”

  “I’m fine Lucas,” she looked down.

  He walked towards his room, “You coming baby?”

  He put his books on his desk, and she sat on his bed.

  “We going to talk about yesterday?” he asked.

  “I don’t need to, do you?” she asked quietly.

  He looked at her funny.

  “What did you do after your game?”

  “Got pizza,” she glanced at him briefly.

  “With who?”

  “Everyone,” she answered.

  “Oh was Ben there?”

  “Yes, he drove Alex remember?”

  “And after pizza?” he asked sitting back.

  “We went back, and you texted me,” she answered and looked down.

  “And then what Tessa?”

  “And then we ALL went in the hot tub.”

  “That’s nice.”

  “You know you can get pissed, but he defended you.”

  “Oh really, what did he need to defend me from Tessa?”

  “He knew I was upset and pointed it out. I wasn’t talking shit if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  “I have a great idea, why don’t you go home and call Ben?” he opened the door.

  “Fine if that’s what you want,” she said and stomped her foot.

  “Not what I want Tessa, but apparently that’s what you need,” Lucas said.

  She walked out and walked through the common area she quickly noticed all the girls and laughed.

  “You leaving, girl?” Jose called from behind her.

  “Yep have a good night Jose,” she ran down the stairs. He followed her as she stormed towards her car.

  Jose yelled from behind her, “Hey Tessa-- wait up.” She stopped and was trying not to cry, “You can’t drive all pissed off.”

  "I'm not pissed off.”

  He laughed “I have seen that look on your face, just chill for a few minutes, come sit down just for a few minutes.”

  Tessa sat next to Jose on the bench and tried to calm herself down.

  He pointed out a guy picking his nose, “What do you think he is thinking?” he laughed. “Huh?”

  She laughed and looked towards the door, and Lucas was walking out with Jenny and two other girls. They were all laughing, and Jenny was rubbing his back. They walked past without noticing Tessa and Jose.

  “Links, where you going?” he yelled.

  Lucas didn’t look back, “My dinner date bailed, so we’re all going to grab dinner you want to come?” the girls laughed.

  “No man I’m going to sit here with your girl for a few more minutes.”

  Tessa shook her head no, but it was too late, Lucas had stopped. Jenny took her hand off his back, and he turned around.

  “Catch you later, Links,” they all said giggling.

  He turned around and walked towards them. “I got this Jose, thanks.”

  Jose got up and walked away. Lucas sat down and looked at the ground.

  “I thought you left,” he said quietly.

  “I see that. You can go… I’m leaving, Jose wouldn’t let me, but I certainly don’t want to stop you from doing whatever that was?”

  “What?” he asked defensively.

  “I don’t know-- where is Miles?”

  “At tutoring,” he answered matter of fact.

  “Is he okay with Jenny’s hands on you?”

  “This coming fr
om the “hot tub queen”,” he snarled.

  “I was with my family Lucas, and I can assure you no one’s hands were on me. Hot tub queen? You really want to go there?” she shot back.

  “Tessa I’m hungry and tired. Are you going to fight with me or can we go eat?”

  She looked at him, “That’s all you got Lucas? he said nothing and looked at her. “Okay then.”

  She stood to leave.

  “I’m hungry Tessa, are you going to take me to eat?” he asked again.

  “I’ll drop you off with your friends,” she walked towards the Jeep, and he got in. “Where to?”

  “I don’t care,” he sat quietly.

  “Well tell me where to go.”

  He grabbed her face and kissed her. She slowly started to pull away.

  “Lucas…” she started.

  “Shhh,” he kissed her again, “I don’t want to fight baby. Why don’t you let me drive,” he got out and opened her door.

  She sat for a minute and got out. He grabbed her and kissed her again. She met his kiss and he shut the door behind her.

  “Come inside,” he took her hand and they walked in.

  The elevator door opened, and they stepped in. Lucas pinned her against the wall and kissed her, a moan escaped her mouth as his hand started up her shirt.

  They got off the elevator and passed Jose in the common area. Jose smiled at Tessa. They disappeared into his room. She came out to use the bathroom and fix her hair. When she returned she saw Jenny knocking on the door and Lucas opened it in just his shorts.

  “Hey hotty new quarterback, I brought you dinner,” she smiled.

  Tessa brushed past her, “He’s already eaten Jenny. Why not save that for YOUR boyfriend?” she slammed the door in her face. She looked at Lucas, “You want to tell me what’s going on?”

  “Nothing Tessa, she is just --nice to everyone. I am kind of hungry still,” he laughed.

  “Get dressed—I’ll take you to dinner.”

  They walked out, and Jenny and her friends sat on the couch.

  “Don’t they have a place of their own?” Tessa asked loudly.

  Lucas picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, “No worries baby.”

  They sat at dinner, and he looked much more relaxed.

  “Do I need to worry about this Lucas?”

  “No Tessa, you don’t,” he said kissing her hand. “Do I need to worry about Ben?”

  “You’ve never had to worry about anyone Lucas,” she said looking into his eyes.

  “Okay then,” he smiled. “How is Kendall?”

  “She’s fine,” she said softly.

  “How about you TT?”

  She nodded her head, “Perfectly fine.”

  “You’re wild,” he laughed as he took a bite of his asparagus.

  “They deserved it.”

  “I know.”

  They walked back into his dorm, and there wasn’t anyone in the common area.

  “Stay with me?”

  She smiled, “For another hour or so.”

  “Perfect, I love you baby.”

  “You better,” she laughed.


  Tessa went to practice the next day. The principal was there and scolded her for her behavior and asked that she consider having a mediator come meet with the girls involved. Tessa said she would think about it.

  After practice, she and Kendall went to visit Jade. They planned a shower for the week before deer season. Jade was happy, and Tessa was happy for her.

  Ryan came home and kissed and hugged her. “I love you,” he said “I’m going to shower. Hey little guy,” he said and kissed her stomach.

  “Jade, he loves you so much.”

  “I’m very blessed,” she said and rubbed her belly, “We’re so blessed.”

  His phone chimed it was her

  -hey, I am going to ride up with Jade and Ryan to watch your game. And you invited Ben, would it be alright if he rode with them also?...LT

  -Sure baby, I’ve missed you…LL

  -busy couple days, can’t wait to tell you all about it, good luck today!!!…LT

  Tessa, Jade, Ryan, and Ben walked into the Dome and went to the box with Landon and Audrianna.

  The game started, and Tessa stood at the glass and waved to Lucas and smiled. She signed I love you. He did it back.

  “Hey Tessa, is everything okay?” Audrianna asked looking at Ben.

  “Yes, Lucas invited him. He’s my friend and Lucas, and he have actually become buddies,” she said.

  “Okay,” Audrianna laughed.

  The last quarter SU was down by seven and Miles took a hard hit from a Georgetown linebacker. He lay on the ground for awhile. The coach put Lucas in. Lucas looked very serious and threw a thirty yard pass that resulted in a tie game. The crowd went crazy. Lucas looked up, and she blew him a kiss, he caught it and grabbed himself, she grinned. Landon and Audrianna laughed. Undefeated Georgetown fumbled the ball, and it was recovered by SU. Lucas looked up and she clapped and smiled. He had the ball and no one to pass to. Lucas ran it in for a thirty yard touchdown, and SU won the game. The team rushed in and grabbed Lucas, and he was in the air. Tessa, Landon, Audrianna, Jade, Ryan, Ben and Lucas’s sisters made their way down from the box and ran on the field. Tessa watched as Jenny grabbed Lucas and hugged him and grabbed his head and kissed his cheek. Audrianna looked at Tessa and Ben grabbed her arm.

  “Tess, she grabbed him. Nothing he could do, go get your guy,” Audrianna looked confused, she was sure this boy liked Tessa, what was he doing?

  Tessa took a deep breath and turned back towards Lucas, he was surrounded by fans, mainly female.

  Landon reached through the crowd and Lucas saw him, he hugged Lucas and patted his back,

  “Excellent job, son.”

  Lucas saw Tessa and could tell she was faking her smile; he motioned for her to come to him. She walked up and hugged him.


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