31 Days of Summer (31 Days #2)

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31 Days of Summer (31 Days #2) Page 30

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘Are you getting all romantic on me?’ I whispered as my heart fluttered again.

  ‘I’m trying, I have a lot to learn when it comes to romance, so you may need to guide me.’

  ‘You’re doing pretty well so far, with my beautiful dress and shoes and stunning jewellery, but just sitting here with you, with such an amazing view is romantic, you don’t need to buy me gifts.’

  ‘And you don’t need to keep telling me that, I do it because I want to, because I can. I wanted to get you the matching necklace too, but I didn’t want you to feel obliged to wear it, as I know how important this is to you,’ he advised, as he lifted his free hand and caressed my locket between his finger and thumb. ‘So did you finally fill that empty side with a picture of Oliver? Your someone special and deserving?’

  ‘Take a look and see,’ I advised with a nod and a smile. He let go of my hand and carefully opened it and a look of confusion ran over his face as he looked back up at me.

  ‘You have a picture of me in here.’

  ‘It’s been in there since the night I discovered I was pregnant. I knew no one would ever fill my heart the way you did and having you in there made me feel like you were still with me, that my family was complete, even if the three of you were missing.’

  ‘I know I didn’t know them, but I bet they’d be so proud of you,’ he sighed, as he carefully shut the locket and let it drop back down between my breasts as he clasped my face and gently kissed me.

  ‘I think they’d have loved you,’ I said quietly, as we just rested our foreheads against each other.

  ‘I’d love to have met them, they must have been amazing parents to turn out a woman like you.’

  ‘Don’t,’ I moaned. ‘You’ll make me cry.’

  ‘I mean it, Ellie. I’m so in love with you it hurts.’

  ‘Tell me about it,’ I replied, as I flung my arms around his neck and kissed him properly. We broke apart when we heard a knock at the door behind us.

  ‘Come in,’ Dan called as he held my hand again, his thumbs tracing circles on my palm, sending crackles up my arm. ‘We have four courses so I hope you’re hungry.’

  ‘Four? That’s unusual,’ I observed.

  ‘Is it? Starter, main, dessert and then me, what’s wrong with that?’ he asked with a wicked twinkle in his eye.

  ‘Dan,’ I laughed, as the waiters filtered in carrying all sorts of items.

  ‘I’d quite happily skip the first three courses and go straight to the last, but I don’t want you passing out on me, so food first.’

  ‘Ok, let me just check in with Mrs. McAdams before we start,’ I suggested, as I reached for my clutch.

  ‘They’re fine,’ he advised as he grabbed it and moved it out of my reach. I looked at him feeling hurt.

  ‘How can you be so sure?’

  ‘Because she has the number here and she’d ring if there was a problem. Relax, be here, with me. It’s one night, we’re going to have a minimum of one night a week when it’s just the two of us, so you need to start getting used to it. The worst that will happen is another toilet disaster of one kind or another and she’s been through it all before.’

  ‘I worry,’ I sighed as I thought of him getting sleepy, without me to cuddle him and sing him to sleep.

  ‘You’ll always worry, but that’s why I’m here, to help you share that and lessen the load.’ He kissed me again and I smiled as he took my hand again and our food was placed in front of us, covered with silver domes. He was right, it was one night and Oliver probably wouldn’t even notice I was gone.

  ‘Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight,’ Dan sighed as he kissed my neck again, making me moan.

  ‘You have, but I pale into insignificance next to your hot handsomeness,’ I replied as I squirmed in my chair. He’d spent most of our delicious meal with one hand under the table, up my dress, stroking my inner thigh. His fingers had been tantalisingly close to my bare pussy, but never quite touching it, leaving me breathless with anticipation, seriously wet and currently frustrated. ‘Why am I accessible if you refuse to touch me?’

  ‘I am touching you,’ he reminded me with the lightest of touches that grazed my swollen labia. His eyes sparkling with evil intent, hot intent, that had me breathing even faster.

  ‘Not properly,’ I complained. As if it weren’t hot enough outside, I was burning up with desire for him. The romantic meal, watching the sun casting beautiful reflections on the loch, the sight of him looking so … fuckable, the thought of where the night was leading, all of this had my body flaming with need. ‘You’re teasing me.’

  ‘Anticipation of an event often exceeds the reality, tonight that won’t be the case. I need you seriously wet and juicy, because I plan to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before. You’re going to really feel what it’s like to be fucked hard, raw and passionately, something I’ve wanted to do since you arrived in that airport the first time. I was ready to throw you down and go at it on the floor, to hell with everyone around us, because you drive me crazy woman. Sweet and tender isn’t going to cut it tonight. You wanted to meet dominant Dan, well tonight baby you’ve got him.’

  ‘You fucked me hard in the boathouse,’ I uttered between gasps for air, as his grip on the back of my neck tightened and he bit the side of my neck. Surely he couldn’t get more animalist and aggressive than that?

  ‘That may have been a hard fuck by most men’s standards. I’m not most men.’

  ‘O shit,’ I groaned. ‘I’m not going to be able to walk tomorrow, am I?’

  ‘Nor sit down without remembering what I did to you. Now I need to know how wet you are, if we’re anywhere near you being ready for me,’ he purred against my skin,

  ‘I’m soaking,’ I mewled.

  ‘We may have different definitions of the term. Stand up, walk over to that leather armchair by the fire, bend over the back of it and flip up your dress,’ he ordered, as he suddenly removed his lips and hand from my body and pushed back in his chair. I gulped as I blinked at him. His chest was rising and falling rapidly and the material of his trousers was tented with his substantial erection. He casually placed both hands behind his head and parted his thighs to give me a better look at his stiff cock. I felt my eyes go wide as I bit and sucked on my lower lip. As I raised my eyes to meet his, a lazy smile played across his face.

  ‘The staff,’ I objected, weakly. To be honest, right now if he ordered me to strip and prepare to be fucked in full vision of them, I probably would.

  ‘We’re alone unless I call them to return with whatever you want. Do I need to repeat myself?’

  ‘No,’ I shot back, not wanting him to have any excuse to delay touching me. I was on the verge of exploding.

  ‘You just earned yourself spank one. No what?’

  ‘Sir,’ I whispered, as my stomach flipped to see him sitting there all masculine and confident, barking orders.

  ‘Then do as you’re told,’ he smiled. I noticed his eyes flick to my breasts. I’d had to go without a bra as I didn’t own a halter neck one and my nipples were already hard and obvious through the material of my dress. I slowly got up and tried to walk as sexily as I could to the armchair, before folding myself over it, my back to him. It was frustrating not to be able to see his gorgeous face and what effect I was about to have on him. I knew what effect he was having on me, sheer and utter frustration and desperation to have his cock buried inside me, to feel his hands roughly grasping at my tender swollen breasts, his balls slapping the back of my thighs as he pounded me relentlessly. I reached behind me and slowly inched up the back of my dress, bit by bit, and inhaled sharply as the outdoor breeze tickled my nakedness, right at around the time I heard him hiss through his teeth. ‘Spread your legs further, let me see it.’

  ‘Yes, Sir,’ I whimpered as I complied, the anticipation of what he may do driving me crazy.

  ‘Further,’ he growled. I knew I was completely exposed from behind now and felt myself quivering with longing. ‘S
o plush, pink and swollen and very, very, wet,’ he purred. ‘I’m not sure if you’re wet enough. Play with yourself with your right hand, clit only. Penetration is a pleasure reserved for me.’

  ‘Yes … Sir,’ I panted as I snaked my hand down between the sofa back and my stomach and reached between my legs to find myself slippery and so swollen. Damn it, I wanted him so badly I was on the verge of climax already. I began to rub furiously and gasped as I jolted forwards when his bare hand connected with my backside, the heat and sting radiating out making my eyes roll, as I bit my lower lip hard.

  ‘Slower, anticipate your orgasm, imagine how good it’s going to feel. It’s not a race, we have all night,’ he advised in his low baritone, husky with lust. The thought that he was standing so close to me just made my senses even more heightened. ‘Hmmm, Ellie Baxter. I can smell your arousal, do you have any idea what affect that’s having on my cock and balls right now?’

  ‘So fuck me, Sir,’ I begged and squealed as another smack rained down on my other cheek.

  ‘Who’s in control here tonight?’

  ‘You, Sir,’ I nodded, as my fingers slowly circled my clit and had me jiggle my legs with frustration. I wanted to go hard and fast, to release this climax that had built up inside me and was ready to burst out. Waves of tingles were working their way up and down my spine and into my head and my muscles were tensing up anticipating the sweet release. ‘Uh … ah … o God,’ I cried.

  ‘Are you close,’ he whispered in my ear.

  ‘So, so close, Sir,’ I moaned.

  ‘Excellent. Stop,’ he ordered.

  ‘What?’ I gasped and cried out as another seriously sharp smack connected with my already warm bottom.

  ‘I give an order, you follow it without question,’ he commanded and I gritted my teeth and held back the indignant complaint at him ceasing my orgasm in its tracks and withdrew my fingers as my pussy clenched in need. ‘You remember the words to use to signal how you’re feeling?’

  ‘Yes, Sir,’ I nodded, clenching my fists to stop myself from turning and slapping him out of frustration.

  ‘Repeat them for me.’

  ‘Yellow is when I’m nearing my limit, Red is when I need you to stop immediately.’

  ‘Do you trust me to listen to you if you say either of those words?’

  ‘Yes, Sir.’

  ‘Excellent, but I’m sure you won’t need to use them. I’m in tune with your body, Ellie. I know what it’s capable of, the pleasure it can bring you and I’ll never take you further than you’re able, or willing to go. Now put your hands behind your back for me,’ he ordered.

  As soon as I did, I felt something soft circle my right wrist and held my breath as the smooth material tightened, before it was repeated on the other side. My wrists were bound together with something that felt like satin and when I tried to pull them apart, I couldn’t. I took in a sharp breath as he carefully tied some cold material around my eyes, plunging me into darkness. Damn it, this was so erotic and hot. I felt more lubrication building up inside me and slowly working its way out. I was a one woman lube factory around Dan. I could bottle it and sell it to dried up menopausal women around the world, along with Dan’s pheromones for the men having trouble attracting the ladies. I was soon dragged out of my random thoughts and back to reality when I felt the tip of his finger glide through me, deep in my folds, working its way down towards my aching clit. I let out a soft moan and heard him chuckle behind me.

  ‘It’s not funny, don’t tease me, I need you so badly,’ I uttered, then quickly added “Sir” to the end before my bottom got any warmer from the attentions of his palm.

  ‘You’ll get me when I’m ready and not a minute before, Miss Baxter. I told you that you’re the one that needs to be ready and by the feel of you I don’t think you’re quite wet enough.’

  ‘Seriously?’ I exclaimed, as I turned my head to look at him in amazement, before remembering I was temporarily blind. I screamed as he pinched my clit between his thumb and forefinger firmly and my whole body shuddered as a wave of painful pleasure spread outwards. ‘Owwww,’ I protested.

  ‘Seriously, Sir. And you can’t tell me that didn’t just give you a dose of pure adrenaline and excitement?’

  ‘I hate you sometimes, Sir,’ I moaned as my clit throbbed with need.

  ‘Hate me? Then I’d better untie you and walk away,’ he sighed.

  ‘NO,’ I shot back. ‘Stay, stay and get me ready for you, because I need your large cock inside me so badly, fucking me until I scream your name as I milk you dry, Sir.’

  ‘Better,’ he replied and I inhaled sharply, as I heard the unmistakable sound of his zip opening. Being blind heightened my other senses, I was breathing to the point of hyperventilation as he bent over me and bit the back of my neck and I let out a long low groan, as I felt his bare cock homing in and gliding through my wetness unaided. ‘Christ I’ve never wanted anyone so badly. What hold do you have over me?’

  ‘None as I’m currently tied up and at your mercy, Sir. But I’d happily return the favour and have you tied to the bed and at mine,’ I replied, which made him laugh. He reached around and slid his hands into the material of my dress and kneaded my aching breasts, pulling at my nipples and elongating them. ‘Yes,’ I moaned, as he flexed his hips and his cock slid through me again, barely grazing my clit before pulling away. He repeated again and again, until I was sobbing with frustration as he got me close to release, then ceased all activity until I calmed down and he did it all over again.

  ‘I’m so hard for you right now,’ he groaned. I could tell from his breathing he needed to release, and soon. God, if I wasn’t right there with him. ‘I’m going to fuck you so hard I’ll render you speechless before I spill myself into you, lick you clean and then let you kneel in front of me and suck my cock to completion again. If you have anything left after that, I’d like to make love to you. I want to hear my name pass your lips as you sob with pleasure, knowing it will never get better than it is with me.’

  ‘It won’t,’ I cried out. ‘You’re a sexual master.’

  ‘Master? Hmmm, I quite like that,’ he replied. I couldn’t see the cocky smile on his face but I could sense it. I screamed as he suddenly rammed himself to the hilt inside me, jerking the chair across the wooden floor. I felt his hand wrap around my pony tail and gently yank it back, lifting my chin towards the ceiling. He set up a steady, even, yet bruising pace as he grunted and I moaned. His thick shaft left no margin of space between him and my interior walls, every millimetre of him stimulating me as he thrust in and out. I came in under a minute, all that teasing all night, then the spanking and orgasm denial just had me detonate in a deafening multiple orgasm that soaked the two of us as I quaked below him. ‘Yes,’ he hissed. ‘That’s more like it, fuck that’s so hot.’

  ‘Tell me … about it,’ I whimpered as spasms wracked my body, but he showed no signs of letting up. He rode me hard, like a Grand National winner, fast to peak over the hedges, then the bliss of the drop back onto solid ground. He had the finishing line in his sights and despite my screams and repeated orgasms that threatened to send me into sex induced sleep, possibly even a coma, he wasn’t slowing for anyone. I sobbed as I hit another orgasm, not sure my mind or body could take anymore. The heat in my pussy was overwhelming, the noise of him grunting and panting and the armchair scraping along the floor filled my ears. I was vaguely aware that we’d moved across the room his thrusts were that vigorous, but never selfish. Each one was angled to ensure maximum enjoyment for me as well, though I was beyond enjoyment as I knew it at this point. I was a satellite orbiting earth, my limbs felt as if they’d detached from my body which was floating through space, no gravity in play at all. I was literally spaced out, fucked into oblivion. ‘Yellow,’ I moaned, I was utterly exhausted from wave after wave of bliss crashing on my worn out body.

  ‘O baby,’ he sighed, as he rode me to the last hurdle, saw me over it and ended with a photo finish for who came first, as my
screams and his roar threatened to take the roof off. He released my hair and my head flopped down as he collapsed on top of me, panting hard in my ear as I tried to focus my covered eyes. Before I knew what was happening, he’d slithered out of me and was working on my bruised pussy with his lips and tongue, eating me like a starved man, bringing me to another explosive climax. It was no good, I was gone, I felt like I’d been hit with a shot of morphine I felt so zoned out on happiness and utter exhaustion. I suddenly felt my hands being untied, then the blindfold, before he spun my limp body around and hauled me up into his arms. As my vision adjusted I watched as he carried me to the sofa, by the fireplace full of candles and lay down, arranging me on his broad chest. I nuzzled into his neck and sighed as he gently stroked my hair, before wrapping me in his arms. ‘Sleep Ellie, sleep for a while, because I’m ready to go again and I need you conscious.’

  ‘Ani … mal,’ I uttered as my eyelids started to close. I heard a chuckle as I went under, into a deep and blissful well-earned sleep.

  I collapsed against his chest ready to sleep again, after kneeling between his thighs and sucking him, swallowing him down, before he kept to his word and lay me back on the sofa and made tender love to me as he held my gaze and my hands.

  ‘Here, sit up, the sun’s about to go down and it’s the most amazing sight from here,’ he whispered in my ear. He helped me upright and I curled up in his lap, my head on his shoulder, as his strong arms enveloped me and we watched the orange, pink and red hues fill the sky before slowly fading away along with our cantering heart beats.

  ‘That was beautiful,’ I sighed. ‘The sunset, the meal, the whole night.’

  ‘We’ll have to head back soon to relieve Mrs. McAdams.’

  ‘O God, I do hope he’s ok, that they’re both ok.’ I felt a sudden pang of guilt that I’d had fun without him, that for the last couple of hours while Dan was inside me I hadn’t thought about him.


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