Giving It Up for the Gods

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Giving It Up for the Gods Page 7

by Kryssie Fortune

  She didn’t remember much about the journey, since she’d fallen asleep once they hit the road. Her protectors had pushed that beat-up car down the country lane without even breaking a sweat. Once they reached the main road, they’d piled in like sardines.

  Saul had squashed in behind the steering wheel, Mercury at his side. They coasted downhill and away from Neptune’s minions. Finally he’d let out the clutch, and they’d left the farmhouse far behind. Jase had leaped in the back with her. She stifled a giggle when she remembered his long legs in that confined space. Mercury had fit okay. Saul and Jase looked ridiculous, their knees pulled up to their chins as they hunched up in the tiny seats. Jase had shuffled uncomfortably. Finally he figured out that if he pulled her onto his lap, he could spread out across the rear seat. She’d curled up against him, her head resting on his chest, and she’d let him stroke her hair until she fell asleep.

  She couldn’t believe she hadn’t woken as he carried her into the hotel room. Still, it beat running around the car park in the oversize pair of flip-flops Mercury lent her.

  The sun already shone in through the open window, and as she peered at the TV’s digital clock, it flipped on to 12:00. A quick warrior’s appraisal—ground-floor room, window open, door closed—told her she was safe for the time being. How she’d slept so long or so deeply with Neptune’s goons on her heels was a mystery, but she felt better for it. Too many strange things to take in and absolute dread for her future. Thirty-six hours, and she’d be safe from Neptune forever. Sooner maybe, if she could persuade Jase to forget his Sirenophobia and screw her.

  That brought her thoughts right back to Tall, Dark, and Dangerous and the things she’d like to do to his body—like lick her way down his chest and peel off his jeans. Maybe she’d rip them from his body and then taste every inch of his cock. She’d never ached inside like this, but just imagining Jase stretched out beneath her while she nibbled and teased his muscles made her hum.

  Careful, girl. Sirenophobia, remember? I can’t waste my heartsong on a man who has already rejected me once.

  She deepened her breathing to check out her ribs, but they’d healed as she slept. Even her wrist throbbed only a little, so it was time to properly check out her surroundings. Time to fuck Jase more like. He lay on the other bed, arms behind his head, ankles crossed as he stared at the ceiling.

  He turned on his side and studied her. “Back with me, princess? I hoped the fresh air from the window would wake you, not that the lack of glass in the car windows bothered you last night. Don’t worry. We’re safe for the time being, but your hair’s still a mess.”

  “And you’re still an overbearing bastard. Fuck me and get it over with; then you can leave.” Even as she snarled her instinctive response, she felt bereft—as though leaving him would rip her apart inside. He hated Sirens, her included. He’d made that clear from the start. Not that it stopped her from wanting him. Her one-way attraction ran so deep it consumed her, but she was too damn proud to tell him that. Better to think he was a desperation fuck and move on. Maybe.

  She craved his lips brushing her breasts or his tongue rasping over her nipples. His fingers belonged in her cunt, caressing her clit until liquid heat flowed through her blood. Her pussy creamed at the thought. Her soft moan thrummed with longing and unfulfilled desires. Her climax was building inside her, and he hadn’t touched her yet. With Jase, sex would be heavenly…probably. If only his hatred of Sirens wasn’t firmly in the way. What sort of starstruck loser was she to crave someone who’d tossed her on the bed and walked away? One as stupid as she was besotted. It was time she grew some backbone here. Sirens wrapped men around their little fingers, not mooned over their broad chests and gold-flecked gazes. With Jase, she felt as though she’d swallowed a whole bunch of butterflies, but her best option was to get over him and get laid.

  Jase swung his legs onto the floor; then he perched on the edge of the bed. “Here, princess. I bought a few necessities from the vending machine in reception. There’s water and a brand-new hairbrush. Sit up, and let me get the knots out of your hair.”

  No one had brushed her hair since she left Scopuli, and she hadn’t realized how much she missed it—missed anyone touching her, really. A Siren and human mating was a no-no. She’d end up frustrated and bored. And the human… Well, explaining why her lover had bashed-up bones, bite marks, and clawed flesh wouldn’t go down well with human medics.

  Despite the curiosity building inside her, she’d stayed a virgin and given human males a wide berth. Except for Joe—back at County and Western Heaven—but he was more of a father figure than a potential bedmate. Tonight should be all about a one-off sexual encounter; then she'd pack her bag and move on. With Jase, she wanted everything…or nothing—not if it wasn’t freely given.

  Sirens weren’t gentle lovers. Passion set their warrior’s hearts alight with lust, and they never held back. If she ever sang a true melody, no male would have resisted her, and they’d have loved the blood, sex, and pain that accompanied a human-and-Siren mating. Basically for her, humans were just too…breakable. That left just the preternatural species, but mostly they didn’t hang out in Britain’s country music clubs.

  Thank the gods, Saul and Jase had visited Country and Western Heaven last night. Lindy never imagined herself attracted to a demon, and for all Jase’s anti-Siren diatribes, he made her dream of forev— No! All that could ever be between them was sex. As he brushed her hair, she leaned back against his chest and enjoyed his faint frankincense essence. This man was everything she desired, and as they snuggled up together like this, she almost believed he cared for her the way she did for him.

  If she’d been a cat, she’d have purred. “That feels so good. Thank you. So where are we? And what happened to Saul and his stupid sidekick?”

  He put down the brush and wrapped his arms around her, anchoring her to his chest—not that she planned on going anywhere soon. Finally he told her, “That kid’s got a severe case of arrested development, but it’s not his fault. His upbringing left a lot—well, everything—to be desired. I know he’s a pain, but cut him some slack. Saul’s dragged him off somewhere safe. He’ll watch the kid while I protect you, so I got the best of that bargain. If it comes to a fight, that kid’s a liability. Once he’s grown up a bit and learned that responsibility goes along with his messenger powers, I’ll teach him some moves.”

  Wow. Jase would rather stay with her than Mercury. That was progress, wasn’t it? If not for her little virginity problem, she’d have been full of questions, but urgent matters loomed—like fucking Jase senseless. The sooner the better.

  She snuggled closer, loving his body heat.

  “There, no more knots.” Jase placed the brush on the bedside table, lifted her curls in his hands, and let them fall through his fingers. Just like that, her nipples hardened and her back arched, pushing her breasts forward for him to touch—or better yet kiss.

  Yeah, kiss would be good, since he’d have to move around to face her, and she could study his stern lips. Maybe stroke his horns. She’d heard demons liked that. Again, he let her hair splay over his hands. “So soft. Nothing like a Siren’s tongue.”

  His words shoved his Sirenophobia to the surface. His hatred woke his demon. Horns elevated into vicious black points, he rose to his feet and did that restless pacing thing that drove her slightly crazy. His skin tinged red, and a low growl reverberated from his throat. His eyes turned black, and his pupils glowed red.

  Seemingly, Jase walked a knife-edge between a flat-out furious monster and a sweet, loving male. If she ever found out which of the Sirens had hurt him, one of the sisters would be in a whole heap of pain, but no way was Lindy willing to suffer for someone else’s sins.

  His horns stood straighter. His chest broadened. His thighs, oh God, his thighs, they thickened into solid tree trunks of muscle that she yearned to caress. She gasped as his oversize, spectacular body burst through his clothes. He filled the doorway—all red-skinned anger and
bulging muscle. His voice low, raspy with menace. “I’ll fuck you, princess. If only to screw with Neptune’s head.”

  Apparently, a relationship with him was…impossible, but he was the one man she wanted in her bed. Damn it, whatever he felt about Sirens, they’d better get at it soon.

  He seethed with fury as he prowled the room. She was heading for a quick shag with an angry male. So not how I’d planned to lose my virginity. So not happening, pal. “Jase, Sirens talk tough because we have to. We’re the most vicious preternatural species. The sexiest too, or so I’m told. I get that you’ve got an ax to grind, but don’t you dare grind it on me. Okay. I’ve got this little virginity problem right now. I’d hoped you’d help me fix it, but if you can’t, move away from the door. I’ll try not to slam it on my way out.”

  He growled again, more black-eyed demon than man. Physically he wanted her, or so his cock-stand said. His voice echoed around the room, demonic and harsh. “Strip. Spread your legs. I’ll fuck you now.”

  This wasn’t how she imagined her first time. She deserved more than a furious demon out for a revenge fuck. Was it passion or hatred that turned his skin scarlet and set his muscles growing? Either way, she wasn’t sticking around to find out.

  When he’d brushed her hair, he’d seemed gentle and caring. For him, her cunt throbbed and her pussy grew damp. She wanted his hands and his lips caressing her body or stroking it into sinful surrender. Better still, she wanted to explore his broad chest and bulging muscles with her tongue. Most of all, her mouth watered to taste his cock.

  Okay, she was inexperienced, but it wasn’t like she never watched porn or read explicit how-to books. With just her imagination and her fingers to help her let off steam, she’d studied the one thing that fascinated her. Sex. Was one practical hands-on session too much to ask? Just one chance to master the skills those books taught her, the ones she imagined herself using on Jase. She saw everything clearly now. Jase would never get over his hatred of Sirens, and when his prejudices kicked in, they kicked in hard.

  “Fuck you. Now,” Jase’s demon demanded.

  Still furious, she tried to shove him away from the door, but he stood as solid as a megalith in Stonehenge.

  She retreated and looked for another way out. “Do you know what? Much as I hoped to fall into your arms, it’s not going to happen. I’m just not joining your demon’s harem. Get out of the way, Jase. I’m leaving. It might have escaped your attention, but my clock’s ticking, and I’ve got to find some human to fuck.”

  He growled again.

  What next? Maybe he’ll beat on his chest and roar. Well, not at me, he won’t. He was oblivious to everything but the way the Fates had paired him with a Siren. Then he wanted her so badly he wouldn’t move aside. He’s one gorgeous, sexy male on the outside and one fucked-up demon inside. Get over it, pal. Sirens are strong, sassy females, and we hate injustice, especially when it’s aimed at us. Back off, Jase, you’re not bullying me.

  Human females would run from his huge cock and glowing gaze. Lindy found them…a turn-on. Damn it, she wanted all of him, not just the demonic part he despised. Her sisters would have sung him into submission by now. Neptune’s balls, she ached for him to fuck her. And that side of him that hated Sirens would never forgive her if she lured him in against his will. She should walk away right now and find a human male to fuck. How bad could screwing someone who wasn’t Jase be?

  “No harem,” he rasped. “No woman for almost three thousand years, not since Cardea.”

  And isn’t that just a million times worse? He’d carried a torch for some woman for centuries. Talk about not making it onto the podium. Lindy didn’t even make it into the race. He hadn’t touched a woman for centuries, and now to defeat Neptune, he had to bed her. No wonder his demon rose up and roared. Hell, even his human side didn’t really want to be around her. He must hate her for the way she wanted to use his body and move on.

  Well, maybe I could stay a day or two after… A couple of months wouldn’t hurt either.

  Much as Jase desired her body, he loathed her for everything she was. At least she could fix that if she left.

  Whoever took her virginity should be caring, not cruel, which meant she’d best get far away from Jase. Her options were limited, especially since eight feet of red-skinned demon blocked the doorway. His hard-on jutted out like a spear, and as much as she wanted him to impale her, she deserved better. If her body would just stop craving him, she’d be able to sit down and plan.

  She thought of Jase’s restless pacing and pretended to do the same. Her borrowed flip-flops dragged, so she kicked them off. The wood floor felt cold on her bare feet. One seemingly aimless meander, and she held the hairbrush. A second took her to the open window.

  Heavy traffic flowed past the motel’s car park. Maybe she could flag down a taxi, but her purse was back at the club. Better to hitch a lift from some passing male, and with any luck, she could screw him while she was at it.

  Since Jase was still tuned out, she dived headfirst through the window and rolled like a cop in a shoot-’em-up thriller. One fluid motion saw her back on her feet, and she sprinted toward the road.

  When he started after her, she flung the hairbrush at his head.

  Chapter Nine

  Baiting Lindy when she’d been wary and hurting hadn’t come without a cost. Jase had wanted her so badly he’d expected his cock to burst out of his trousers—then his demon took control. He wanted her so angry she’d refuse to fuck him. At least for a while. His pathetic attempt to stall the inevitable had both alienated her and roused his demon. Centuries of broken bones, burns, and bloodshed had reinforced his hatred of Sirens. They were scum—nagging gossips who refused to let things rest—but not his Lindy. He wanted her to be different—better—but whatever she was, she was his.

  The Sirens had befriended the nymph Cardea after she’d encouraged him. He’d seduced her, but she’d been willing, and he’d honestly intended marriage. He’d bribed her with jewels and soft words. She’d filled his head and his heart, but while she’d said yes, she’d not responded with passion or need. Hell, screwing a sack of potatoes would have been more fun. He’d been young and too besotted to realize anything was wrong until she’d wept after he fucked her. Ashamed, he’d slunk away, planning to come back with more jewels and pretty robes. He’d been naive and stupid, but he’d thought he could bribe his way back into her favor and convince her he adored her. Then he’d planned to fall to his knees and propose.

  Fresh from their fall, the Sirens had gotten to her first. Full of hatred and anger, they’d messed with Cardea’s head. Confused, she’d accepted their version of events and made some wild accusations. The Sirens’ interference almost cost Jase his sanity, what with their flapping tongues and twisted truths. Now he guarded a sodding Siren from the gods who’d condemned him—for things he hadn’t done. He wanted to lump Lindy in with the rest of them, but her mix of shyness, sensuality, and strength enthralled him. For a Siren, she was almost…cute.

  No, strike that. Lindy was a new dawn that banished his inner darkness. Her brave heart and titian curls enthralled him. Her gray eyes held fathomless depths, and with her, he’d willingly jump in and drown. Her hair smelled of poppies or maybe peonies. Something floral, anyway, and… Where the hell was she?

  Demons’ breath, she’s run. From me?

  He’d been stuck in a mental fugue, and she’d flung herself through the window rather than listen to his brutish attempts to come on to her. He’d turned dark, deadly—become the worst sort of preternatural bully—when she longed for love and acceptance. She’d fled Scopuli rather than risk becoming Neptune’s bedmate, and now she fled from him.

  Saul had nailed it when he said Lindy belonged with Jase, and he’d blown it. He’d rather have lost a limb. Suppose those fish-folk found her first? His scorn must have crushed her; otherwise, she wouldn’t have jumped out the window. And had tears hung on her lashes when he’d spoken of Cardea? Shit, she cried becaus
e I was careless and cruel. I’m a prick—but my demon’s worse. The emotions Lindy roused in his demon were…confusing. Conflicting even. His demon wanted her any way, anyhow, but if his human half didn’t accept her for what she was, he’d lose her—permanently.

  With Lindy, he dreamed of hot sex and a sensual claiming. Love bites and a blood exchange beckoned, and he craved that soul-deep bond that would bind them together for all time. Instead of wooing her, he’d turned overbearing and obnoxious. How was he supposed to keep her hot, wet, and willing now? His first act: kill any other male who befriended her—but maybe that wouldn’t please her. He needed to be subtle, to charm her back into his arms, but he had to find her first.

  Better if he tracked her down and wooed her with expensive gifts, sparkling gems, and fresh flowers. Hot sex might help too. But he needed to keep his hands off her. For now.

  The demon lord that lodged inside him lived to kill or inflict pain, but not with Lindy. With her, it wanted sex. Lots of sex. Finally he and his demon agreed on something—but he’d promised Saul he’d wait until one minute past midnight tomorrow night. And already Jase’s cock demanded he claim her. Immediately. The wait would probably kill him.

  Certain she couldn’t get past him, he’d blocked the door like a demonic jerk. Yeah, it wasn’t his finest hour. Dumb. Damned. Demon. It forgot about the window.

  When he found her, he’d tell her everything. Furious with himself, he thrust one leg through the window, ready to run her down. Yeah, take the quickest route and follow. Whether or not they waited until the solstice celebrations was as much her decision as his. And how would she feel about ropes? Vulnerable, probably.

  He paused, silhouetted in the window frame. When he started after her, he remembered the hairbrush that had bounced off his cheek. What is it with me that my woman keeps throwing things at my head? First her boots. Then her hairbrush, and he’d just bought the damn thing for her. What next? He grinned and decided it was a pity she wore nothing beneath her borrowed joggers. Her panties she could throw at him anytime.


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