Giving It Up for the Gods

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Giving It Up for the Gods Page 11

by Kryssie Fortune

  He felt like a volcano ready to erupt. Waiting twenty-five more hours before he fucked her would kill him. If he gave in sooner, he condemned himself to endless torment and torture by breaking an oath sworn on the Source. And how the hell did he broach the subject of ropes and a stone altar?

  He’d have to confess and throw himself on her mercy, but for now his oath kept him silent and frustrated. When she stirred in her sleep, he imagined her rolling her hips like that as she lay beneath him. Demons’ breath, can my cock get any harder? He’d rather face centuries of more torture than mistreat her like this. Her courage and kindness astounded him, and he took advantage of both.

  One look, one smile from Lindy—instant hard-on. Even sitting in the dark listening to her breathe made his boner ache to be inside her. Thanks to the alcohol, nothing would wake her for a while, so he’d go jerk off in the shower. Yeah, a little hand-to-gland combat was exactly what he needed…

  Finally, pressure released, he tumbled into the other bed, but sleep evaded him. He watched the clock slip around to 4:00 a.m. and wondered what he’d have to do next. He loved Lindy to distraction, and when this was over, Merc would learn not to mess with him or his woman. Jase tried telling himself that if Saul regained the first of his four rings, resisting this fire raging between him and Lindy would be worthwhile. Only, Jase had never been that good a liar.

  When he was near Lindy, he didn’t give a toss about Saturn and his stolen rings. If he didn’t pump his cock inside her soon, his balls would turn blue. He sat beside her, and her hands flew up to clutch the sides of her head. “What hit me? Oh gods, my head. Where are we? And is there any water?”

  He pulled on the jeans Lindy had bought him. “Stay here, princess. There’s a machine in the hotel’s reception. I can get everything you need from it.”

  By the time he returned, she was slumped over the bathroom sink, gulping down water straight from the tap. “How much wine did I drink?”

  “Obviously too much. Sorry, princess, I didn’t know I should have been counting.” But he had been, and every time she’d put her glass down, he’d refilled it. She must have the constitution of an ox—or an immortal Siren—to be waking up already.

  Her grin was temptation and promise. “Well, at least we’re alone now. Come to bed and fuck me; then I’m home free.”

  Hell fire, he wanted to. He ached to rasp his tongue over her tits and finger her clit until she surrendered her body into his keeping. Then he’d fuck her until they both collapsed in each other’s arms, completely exhausted. If he didn’t come up with a way to cool her ardor, he’d lose control and condemn himself to centuries more pain. Pluto hated him already, and a broken oath sworn on the Source would send him back to hell. Permanently.

  Every step Lindy took set her hips rolling, and he wanted them rolling against him. Writhing, really. Anytime soon would be good. He followed her back to the bedroom, but his cock shot upright when she shed her clothes and settled in his bed.

  “Come here.” She smiled and beckoned him closer. “I need to see if your lips taste as good as I remember.”

  Yeah, and he wanted that too. He grinned, his gaze fixed on her face. Her sultry tone brimmed with sweet, sensual promise, and he moved closer. One step, and he tossed his T-shirt onto the floor. Lindy eyed his muscles like a hungry lioness homing in on new prey. Come on, princess, pounce on me. Please. A second step, and he kicked off his jeans.

  “I do love a man with good thighs,” she purred. But she definitely wasn’t looking at his thighs. His cock stood out before him, ready and eager. When she licked her lips, a fire started in his balls and exploded into his cock. If she did it again, he’d embarrass himself and shoot sperm across the room. His demon urged him to fuck her now and take his chances with Pluto. And he was damned if he could remember why it was a bad idea.

  He fell on her like a starving man, kissing, licking, and nibbling her body. She tasted sweet, like crystalized violets, and she smelled of summer meadows and freshly cut flowers. When he stroked his thumb over her clit, her cunt was already flooded with cream. His lips ravished hers, plundering her mouth with kisses, and he caressed her clit with firm, gentle strokes. Her soft moan cut through his sexual madness, but when she came around his fingers, his dick pulsed with pleasure—but the damned guilt. Much as his cock burned to be inside her, she had to stay hymenally intact for twenty more hours. He didn’t think his cock could stand it.

  No woman had ever reacted so willingly to his touch—especially not Cardea. She’d been as cold as a soggy sponge and about as responsive. Lindy wriggled again, trying to ease his finger inside her, but he remembered she had to stay as untouched as Vesta…not that the virgin goddess practiced what she preached.

  “Now, Jase, please.”

  He hated that she begged, but he couldn’t do it. Not yet. He trembled with frustration. His body shook, his brain fogged, and he tried to think of a distraction. Anything to take the heat out of their passion. Heat! He wasn’t the strongest of gods, but it wouldn’t take much power to channel their heat into a white-hot ball and throw it at the fire alarm. His demon protested that he owed Lindy an orgasm first. He deepened his kiss and put more pressure on her sensitized clit. She shrieked an F sharp of pleasure that popped the bedside lightbulb.

  Her pussy thrummed and pounded, and as she orgasmed again, she trembled in his arms. Mission accomplished, Jase held her until she stopped shuddering. His brows drew together as he concentrated on their sexual heat. He shaped it, controlled it, and tossed it at the sensor set in the ceiling. The fire alarm sounded instantly.

  Rolling off her took more willpower than he thought he possessed. His demon screamed in protest, but he stroked the back of his hand down her cheek. “Get dressed, princess. Fire consumes immortals and mortals alike.”

  * * * *

  The night sky was clear, and the hotel’s security system spread puddles of light through the car park. The fire alarm shrieked through Lindy’s head; then the fire engine raced into view. Sirens loathed the dark, but for once she found it comforting—somewhere to hide if Neptune’s goons found them.

  Despite the blanket a passing fireman draped around her shoulders, Lindy shivered in Jase’s arms. The hotel’s night manager fussed around his cluster of miserable guests. At least it wasn’t raining, and without a car to shelter in, Lindy felt thankful for that. Her cunt still ached from repeated orgasms, and she felt bad she hadn’t returned the favor. Maybe when the fire brigade finally let them back in the hotel, they could get right back to it.

  “All clear, folks,” a fire officer called.

  She trooped back inside with the other weary guests. The night manager promised hot coffee, but like everyone else, Lindy and Jase ignored him and went straight to their room. She’d be glad just to sit down, never mind sleep. Her throat felt like someone had sandpapered it. Her stomach cramped and churned. Despite the handful of painkillers she’d swallowed, she felt as though a tap dancer were trying to kick his way out of her skull. All she wanted was to crawl back into bed and die—once she finally managed to get herself fucked, of course.

  Lindy glugged mineral water direct from a bottle; then she stripped off and slid into Jase’s bed. “Where were we?”

  Jase got naked and slipped in alongside her. He pulled the duvet up to her chin and rubbed warmth back into her arms. When she finally stopped shivering, he held her tight to his chest and whispered, “Let’s snuggle up and get warm first.”

  She grinned and reached for his cock. “I can think of a better way to generate some heat.”

  “Bloody hell, woman, it’s like being jerked off by an ice cube.” He gritted his teeth, and when he pulled away, she pouted. She curled into his arms, shuffled up his body, and sought out his lips. With a soft, kittenish mewl, she wrapped her legs around his. As her cunt rubbed against his stomach, she felt his dick grow hard and press into her thigh. The way he groaned made her feel so damn good. Empowered even.

  Hangovers sucked. She wasn’t
sure she’d survive this one—and she was still a freaking virgin. Gradually their libidos roused. Warmth flowed back into her body, and her heart beat faster. She felt as though her pussy overheated. She was finally going to get fucked…and it wasn’t a moment too soon.

  Jase rolled her beneath him, and the mattress undulated. He gathered her wrists in one hand and held them on the pillow over her head. His thumb stroked circles over her pulse. Usually Sirens were take-charge females, but with Jase, she could relax and let him have control. Rather than fight or try buck him off, she rotated her hips and rubbed her pussy against him. He thrust his cock against her thigh, and the mattress bounced again. Another writhe of her hips had the bed rocking in time with her heart.

  She rolled her hips, eager and impatient. The mattress bucked in the same rhythm. The bed creaked. Wood splintered. The bottom legs fell off. The mattress tipped them to a thirty-degree angle as its lower edge rested on the floor.

  Lindy gasped, then laughed out loud. “I can’t believe we broke the damn bed. Jase, do you think the Fates are conspiring against me? Will they force me to stay a virgin until Neptune drapes me over his altar?”

  He groaned. “You’re fated to stay a virgin tonight, princess. You’re so damn sexy, I came as the bed splintered. For a minute there, I thought the earth actually moved.”

  “For one of us, maybe.” She felt grumpy and frustrated, and her virginity clung to her like a chastity belt. How hard could it be to screw someone? Anyone. Particularly Jase. What with out-of-control demons, oversexed druggies, curious cows, broken beds, and fire alarms, she hadn’t known getting screwed was so hard.

  Chapter Fourteen

  As Jase helped Lindy to her feet, he planted a playful slap on her derriere. “Be good this time. No more wrecking the room with your passion and strength.” He grinned at her did-I-do-that expression. “Okay, it might have been both of us, but it’s your fault for being so damn sexy I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  She pulled her shoulders back and lifted her head. Can’t keep his hands off me? Yeah, I like that. Jase pulled her close, and she thought he intended to kiss her on her lips and rekindle the fire that sparked between them. Instead, he kissed her gently on her forehead. “Let’s move across to your bed. Steady there, and no bouncing. For a decent hotel, they have crap furniture. Besides, I’m dog-tired, you’re still hungover, and we’re both frozen. Not that I’m saying I’m not interested, but let’s get some sleep first.”

  Thanks to the alcohol, Lindy slept like the dead. Jase was content to hold her and enjoy the feel of her slender body pressed against his. Rock-hard and upright, his dick demanded to be inside her. Even his demon screamed for him to claim her completely. She was his, whatever oaths, promises, or prejudices stood between them. His soul mate, but it would take a blood exchange and scorching-hot sex to spirit-bind them fully.

  Once he had her naked and tied down across an ancient altar, he’d do his bit, and not just to bring down Neptune. He’d never desired a woman so much, and he prayed she’d forgive his subterfuge and claim him right back.

  When she woke, he’d court her with precious gifts and soft words. Unlike Cardea, Lindy was honest, open, and willing. With her, he dreamed of forever, but all she really wanted was for him to screw her. Suddenly he felt like a sex toy. So damn used.

  He dozed intermittently, and each time he woke, he lay still and stared at her sweet face. Demons’ breath, how hard could one demon-possessed god get?

  Then she wriggled in his arms and came awake with a groan. “Oh gods, never again.”

  Jase would have rather lost a limb than string her along like this. And they still had almost twelve hours to go. He remembered the double vodka he’d added to that first dry martini, and a shamed blush heated his cheeks. He shoved the bottled water and painkillers toward her. “Here. Take these, then have a shower. The pills will have kicked in by the time you’ve finished. Er, Sirens can take aspirin, can’t they?”

  She nodded, then winced. She clearly hurt when she moved. Her hips swayed in invitation as she sauntered into the bathroom, and he was hard-pressed not to follow. When he heard the water cascade into the tub, he imagined it flowing around her. Dripping over her breasts. Running down her toned, warrior’s belly, and trickling over her cun—Hell’s blazing balls, if I think like that, I won’t be able to keep my hands, or my cock, off her. His throat constricted. He took a step toward the door; then stopped abruptly. His tongue crept out and ran over his lips, ready to taste the water as it flowed over her nipples. He wanted to soap up a sponge and help clean her back…or better still, her breasts. His oath couldn’t have chafed more.

  She emerged from the bathroom in a cloud of sweet-smelling steam—as naked as Venus when she rose from the Mediterranean Sea. He loved how Lindy’s hair tumbled in damp waves around her breasts. Every step revealed a tantalizing glimpse of her nipples. He nearly came like an overexcited schoolboy. He’d never wanted a woman more, but his only option was to jerk off in the shower. Again.

  “Looking good, Lindy.” He walked stiff-legged toward the bathroom. “If you’re done, I need a few minutes to shower.”

  The bathroom smelled of the hotel’s shower gel and Lindy. He turned the water to cold and let it stream over his body. The doorknob rattled, and he tried not to grin. Even hungover, his woman needed him—or did she just need to get fucked? Either way, he was glad he’d bolted the bathroom door behind him. Okay, that was another lie. He wanted her naked, breasts pressed against the wall, legs spread wide as he took her from behind.

  She wasn’t the only one counting down the hours to the solstice. Once they completed the ritual, he’d teach her all those erotic games that filled his dreams—right after he convinced her he didn’t give a damn about Cardea. Whenever he thought about that stupid, damn nymph, shame swamped him. He couldn’t explain his sordid past to Lindy, not until he was free to tell her the rest. Better to screw her and get it out of the way, then he could woo her until she loved him back.

  He couldn’t think straight for the desperate hunger building inside him. If he didn’t fuck her into multiple orgasms soon, his cock would burst into flames. He pictured her, legs open as she crouched on all fours, her pussy exposed in welcome. With a groan, he grabbed his boner in both hands and squeezed tightly. He’d never needed to come so badly.

  He thrust his cock into his fist. Faster, harder, momentum building. He thrust again. One hand closed around the base of his penis, the other around the tip. He wrung gently, twisting and causing wonderful friction. His dick spasmed as a jet of milky fluid shot from the end and sprayed over the tiles. He sighed with relief, leaned against a clean section of wall, and let the shower clean up after him.

  Once he dried off, he slung a towel low around his hips and returned to the bedroom. Lindy fell on him, hooking one leg around his waist as she dragged his lips to hers. His cock hardened instantly. The towel slipped to the floor, and she rubbed her belly over his groin. Damn it, how many cold showers can a man take in one day?

  Her momentum tumbled them onto the bed, but there were no duvets or pillows. The cotton sheet felt cold on his back, not that he cared when she closed her hands around his dick. Pressure built in his balls, and the desire to pleasure his woman took him. He planted kisses at each corner of her mouth; then he nibbled on her bottom lip. Eager and excited, she kissed him back. He took control, his tongue dominating hers in a romantic duel he was determined to win.

  When they came up for air, she untangled her body from his and pulled him onto the floor. While he’d showered, she’d made a love nest of pillows and duvets. She stared up at him, and the uncertainty in her gaze nearly killed him. Thanks to his oath, he’d left his woman frustrated and as desperate as him. He’d never felt like such a prick.

  He adored his feisty Siren, and he loved that she desired him as much as he desired her. After Cardea destroyed his confidence and condemned him, the eager way Lindy stared at his body was refreshing. And she wanted him willing. No s
inging a male into mindless submission for her; she was too honest for that.

  When she spoke, her voice was melodious and low, as tempting as her body. “Jase, let’s not risk the bed falling apart. Fuck me down here.”

  He’d never craved anything as much, but his oath… How the hell am I supposed to get out of this? It felt so good when her body writhed beneath his. He straddled her hips, the tip of his cock teasing her pussy, and—

  Don’t do it. Think. Was that a housekeeper’s cart he heard trundling through the corridors? Thank the Source, he’d found an option, but it’d kill him to take it.

  Once, he’d been worshipped for the way he was attuned to doors, entries, beginnings, and endings. Hell, the humans even named January after him. Jase waited until whoever pushed the trolley approached their bedroom. Then, without taking his lips from Lindy’s right nipple, he ensured he covered her private places with his body. A tiny trickle of power into the lock, and the door swung open.

  Compelled by the brief touch of Jase’s depleted powers, the housekeeper barged in without so much as knocking. She took one look at his bare bottom and laughed. “Cover yourself up, love. Not that I mind ogling a fine ass like yours.”

  Lindy blushed from her forehead to her toes as Jase tucked one of the duvets around her. Then, while the cleaner grinned her approval at his naked butt, he grabbed the fallen towel and slung it around his waist.

  The cleaner harrumphed as if he’d stolen her sweets and put her hands on her hips. “What the ’eck ’ave the pair of you done to that bed? I ’ope you weren’t ’urt when them legs dropped off. It’s pretty obvious what the pair of you were up to.” She gave Lindy a smile, but her gaze shifted right back to Jase’s muscles. “Not that I blame you, love.”

  Jase watched Lindy’s blush deepen.

  Rather than look at the cleaner, she stared at the ceiling. “It came as a shock, but we’re fine.”


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