The last point I'm going to make is about taking care of your good relations.
When I'm down there is nobody i like to be around more than my wife. She is super supportive and a perfect example of the kind of relationship worth investing in but all that aside the lesson which needs to be added is...
Drop The Dead Weight!
My relationship with my father and mother has always been really strong but one thing I learned form both of them is not to waste time with people who are simply dead weight.
Unless the hindus are right we all get only one go-round in life and time is too precious to waste on people who undermine your confidence, hold petty grievances and don't add to your enjoyment of life.
My dad was a very loyal chap who would stand by all his good friends but he would cut his own mother out of his life if she didn't add more than she took away.
Your respect for others means a lot more when you have enough self-esteem to never respect those who don't respect you.
You can learn to respect yourself by creating your own moral code and standing by it.
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