AWAKAD 1 Djinn's Wish

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AWAKAD 1 Djinn's Wish Page 7

by Walker, Shiloh

  A harsh groan escaped him and she felt his chest rumble against her breasts as his mouth came down and covered hers, his tongue pushing inside and mimicking the rhythm of his hips as he fucked her.

  Hard, hot hands cupped her hips as he lifted her against him, deepening the angle of his strokes, pumping into her faster. Almost frantic, he muttered her name against her lips, one hand sweeping up her side and burying in her hair, fisting there as he arched her neck up.

  The harsh rasp of his cock over her swollen, wet tissues, the biting press of his mouth on hers, his chest rubbing against hers through the silk of the nightgown, the contrast of his hard, rough hands, the cool, slick silk—all of it stole the air from her lungs and she fought to breathe, tearing her mouth away from his and sucking deep breaths.

  Kat shuddered, the muscles in her pussy tightening around Tam’s cock and she screamed as he seemed to swell inside her, a smoldering hot length of steel that caressed and pulsed deep in her sex.

  His body shuddered, his hips bucking against hers and he muttered, “Damn it, you make me lose all control—I can’t wait.”

  Hot, wet jets of seed spurted inside her and she moaned as he stroked over the bundled bed of nerves in her pussy. With a rush, she exploded, coming in one harsh, racking shudder after another, her body arching under his, head thrown back.

  Whimpering, she drifted back to earth and found his hands stroking soothingly over her back as he rolled over and brought her with him, cuddling her against his chest.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day,” he murmured once more.

  A slow smile curved her lips and she said quietly, “I didn’t get you anything.”

  His mouth brushed hers and she arched her neck, smiling as he whispered, “Yes, you have…you gave me more than you could possibly know.” His tongue slid inside her mouth, moving over hers in a slow, tender stroke, and then he pulled away, hugging her against him.

  She didn’t try to force a smile as she pushed herself up, her hands catching the nightgown and cuddling it to her. Ducking her head, she stood, pulling away from him with her face turned so he wouldn’t see the tears that filled her eyes.

  Tying her robe, she carefully folded the nightgown and sought the box, laying it gently inside. Behind her, she heard him stand, then the rustle of his clothes before his hands closed around her hips, bringing her back against him. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on the crown of her head.

  “Hungry?” he murmured.

  Forcing a smile, she said, “Hmm…I could eat, I think.”

  Even though she wasn’t hungry, she made herself eat some of the bacon and half of the waffle he’d cooked. “I haven’t had waffles in ages,” she murmured, her hand closing around the cold glass of juice. Sipping, she let it slide down her dry, tight throat, then she set it down, pushing back from the table just a little. “That was delicious.”

  “Hmmm. That’s why you ate so much,” he said drolly.

  With a halfhearted shrug, she smiled. “I’m not that hungry. But it was delicious.”

  “Come here.”

  Rising, she pushed back and walked around the table, resting her hand on the edge until her fingers touched his hand. Letting him guide her into his lap, she cuddled against him, stroking a small circle on his chest with her finger.

  He was already dressed. She felt the slick texture of silk under her fingers. He’d worn cotton yesterday. She felt his chest expand, knew he was getting ready to speak, to tell her good-bye.

  But instead, the words that came out were, “Do you ever make wishes, Kat? Real ones.” His lips brushed her brow as he spoke, and she shivered slightly, feeling her nipples tighten, her body going soft and pliant as hunger moved through her.

  With a slight smile, she said, “We all make wishes from time to time.”

  He laughed, and the sound was tired, strained. “I know…believe me, I know.” His fingers combed through her hair and she sighed in pleasure as his fingers kneaded her scalp, moving down to her neck, rubbing at the tense muscles there before he started just stroking her hair. “What kind of wishes have you made?”

  Wrinkling her nose, she said, “Is this a test?”

  “No…not a test. I’m just curious.”

  Kat flattened her hand against his chest, feeling the slow, steady beat of his heart. Thoughtfully, she murmured, “What kind of wishes…”

  Tam couldn’t look at her as she spoke. Closing his eyes, he listened as she said softly, “I’ve wished I could see again. Sometimes I would wish that Mara hadn’t seen Brian and Jenise together. And sometimes I’ve wished I hadn’t answered the phone.”

  He swallowed, the constriction in his chest making it hard for him to breath. Wrapping his arms tightly around her, he asked gruffly, “If you could have anything you wanted, what would you wish for?”

  “Anything at all?”

  He braced himself, gathering the magick inside him. As soon as he granted her wish, he was gone. He’d disappear, right then and there, and he’d never see her again. Tam knew he couldn’t take it, seeing her, knowing that when the urge to give the mirror away came, he’d be gone, out of her life forever.

  “I wish…”

  Lowering his head, unable to keep from looking at her lovely face one more time, he listened, body stiff and tense as she murmured, “If I could have anything at all… I’d wish that you could stay with me forever.”

  His jaw dropped. Swallowing the knot in his throat, he forced a shaking breath into his lungs. “Are you sure?” Trying to lighten his tone, he added, “That’s a rather simple wish. Isn’t there anything else you want more?”

  Touching his fingers to her brows, he watched as her lids drooped, then he ran the pad of his thumbs lightly over her closed eyes. “Are you sure that’s what you would wish for?”

  Be sure… Shock swelled within him, shock and awe, humbled pleasure. But she had to be sure. She had only this one wish, and he hadn’t even told her the wish would be granted.

  But he knew she was falling in love with him. And he hadn’t told her how much he loved her out of a need to protect her. He wanted that wish to be for what she wanted the most, not to be for some newfound love, temporary and fleeting as so many mortal loves were.

  Kat smiled, reaching up and catching his wrist, drawing his hand down until she could press a kiss to his palm. His entire body tensed from that light touch. “I’ve adjusted to be being blind. I don’t like it…but it’s my life. And even if I could see again, my life would feel empty after this past month, especially this past week. Yes. If I could have anything…it would be for you to stay, for you to want to stay.”

  His eyes closed. Awe filled him, along with hot satisfaction, and hunger. But first, the wish.

  The magick was building inside of him. He hadn’t known what to expect. But this was different. The bond that held him to the mirror started to snap, like a thread drawn tight and cut, as he lowered his lips to hers. The bond broke as his mouth touched hers, and he felt the backlash of magick, a hot wind that wrapped around them, filling the room with a wash of color and light.

  She felt it, too. He tasted the wonder, the awe in her kiss as he pushed inside her mouth greedily, seeking out her tongue with his. Never had he kissed a woman so deeply when he granted wishes. And before her, it had been centuries untold since he had truly enjoyed the granting of wishes, enjoyed the taste and feel of a woman’s mouth under his.

  But he would never tire of her mouth, her taste, that sweet wonder of her kiss. He shifted, surging out of the chair and taking her to the floor in a series of harsh, sudden moves. “Damn it, I have to have you,” he muttered, his hand jerking open the tie that held her robe closed. Spreading the edges of the robe, he stared down at her body, seeing the fading flickering lights of Djinn magick explode over her body.

  In the distance, he heard a crack, the tinkling of glass as the mirror broke, and he grinned, finally free at last. Her eyes, unseeing, stared up at his as he lifted his head, and he felt his
happiness dim, just a little.

  She’d given up her sight for him. If she had known… But he shoved it out of his head. He’d spend the rest of his life making sure she never regretted the wish she hadn’t known she’d been given. With focused intent, he kissed his way down her body, the echo of breaking glass still dancing in his mind.

  He never saw the silver cloud that came drifting in. Never saw the glittering bits of mirror dissolve as they forged into the silvery cloud that hung over them. As he pushed her thighs wide, lowering his mouth to her pussy, the cloud formed a ring, spinning fast and bright over their bodies.

  Stiffening his tongue, he pushed it inside her, shuddering as he lapped up the sweet, rich taste of her cream. “I love you, Kat,” he muttered, his fingers biting into the skin of her ass as she screamed out, arching her back.

  The dark pink of her nipples stood out from the creamy mounds of her breast, and he moved up the length of her body, his mouth watering as he stared at her breasts. Damn it, he wanted to taste all of her at once. Biting the pebbled flesh gently, he listened as she gasped, then he suckled her nipple deep, using his tongue to press it against the roof of his mouth. He tore at his jeans and groaned as his cock leaped free, throbbing, aching in the cool air as he shifted his position and pressed against her, pushing inside the hot, honeyed well of her pussy. “Sweet Kat,” he crooned, watching as his flesh disappeared inside her, the lips of her sex spread tight around his length. “I love fucking you, love watching you come. You’re so tight, so wet…”

  She mewled under his slow possession, reaching up and clutching at his shoulders. Over them, the ring of silver cloud continued to spin, starting to pulse. “Tam…please!” she sobbed out. As he slid completely inside her, he dropped down, resting his weight on his elbows so he could stare down at her face.

  “I love you, Tam,” she gasped, her breath coming out of her in rough, unsteady pants. “I love you so much.”

  Tears flooded his eyes and he lowered his head, kissing her deeply as he rocked inside of her, feeling the slick, satiny muscles of her sheath grip him so tightly.

  Her nipples stabbed into his chest, hot little points of sensation. Tam gritted his teeth as he pulled out, slowly pushing back inside her as her hands cupped his ass, her short, neat nails biting into his flesh.

  “You feel so good,” he murmured, closing his eyes. A shudder raced down his spine and he arched his back, driving deep into the heart of her.

  Their bodies gleamed under a light sheen of sweat, flesh sliding slickly against flesh, his hard, angled planes fitting perfectly against her curves.

  Rolling to his back, he pushed up inside her, feeling the small stroking flutters in her sex, signaling how close she was to coming. His eyes opened slowly. He wanted to watch her—

  “Kat!” he screamed as he saw the silvery cloud above them. It dropped, changing shape as it moved, forming a funnel. Kat’s climax started. Tam was frozen in place, unable to move as her head fell back, exposing her face to the cloud of magick.

  Her lips parted as she, blissfully unaware, rocked against him, her snug pussy gripping his dick as she came. And he had to watch, locked inside her body and unable to do anything as the funnel breached her lips. She felt it then and her body stiffened.

  She tried to scream, and finally Tam could move, flipping her onto her back and trying to cover her. He struck out with his own magick but the funnel continued to bore its way inside her mouth. Her skin was now glowing silver from the magick, brighter and brighter.

  Her lids flew open and her eyes were the color of pure silver, all silver, no discernable iris, the whites of her eyes all gone as the silver light poured from her eyes, like lights shining out of her face.

  Her eyes became opaque…then shifted even more, and for a moment, they were pools of reflection in her face, like a mirror, and Tam could see his own horrified face as his magick struck ineffectually at the funnel cloud.

  Her scream stopped as abruptly as it had started. Her body went limp and Tam felt terror squeeze its cold hand around his heart. Touching his fingers to her neck, he felt the slow, steady beat of her heart.

  Relief flooded him as he shifted, sitting on his bare ass, the cold tile of the floor leaching into him as he lifted her, cuddling her limp body in his arms. “What in the hell was that?” he muttered, confusion, helplessness and terror all vying for supremacy inside him.

  Stroking her brow, he held her close as he waited for her to wake.

  Hours passed. He finally rose from the floor and carried her to bed, tucking her into the warm blankets, conscious of the fluffy white flakes that drifted from the sky. Tam lay next to her, staring at her sleeping profile, his arm draped across her belly.

  He watched the slow, steady rise and fall of her chest, his heart a hot, leaden weight in his chest.

  What had happened…?

  Kat stretched, coming into wakefulness slowly, her lashes lifting, a smile curling her face.

  Then she screamed as her mind processed the stimuli it received.

  It’s snowing…

  Her lips parted, tears burning her eyes as she stared outside, and for the first time in three years, saw something.


  Her head swung around and she saw the man who had held her close while she slept.

  Tam… He was beautiful.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered thickly, reaching out and touching her fingers to his face.

  His lips moved and she stared helplessly at his mouth, not even registering his words. “Tam,” she whispered, feeling the hot tears in her eyes spill out and run unchecked down her face.

  “Kat, what’s wrong?” he asked, rising and reaching out. She could see the movement, not just feel the shift of his weight on the mattress. But she could see it as he reached out his hands—long-fingered, wide-palmed hands that gleamed copper in the dim light.

  She reached out slowly, her fingers shaking as she caught one hand before it could touch her.

  His eyes widened and she lifted her gaze to meet his. “Kat?” he repeated, his voice gritty with shock.

  “Tam… I can see you,” she whispered. Then she launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around him, his weight falling back on the bed. “I can see you!”

  His lips moved against her hair and she lifted her head, staring down at his face. A crooked grin lit those handsome, carved lines and he whispered, “I hope I’m not too ugly for you. I was kind of planning on staying.”

  She cupped his face in her hands, seeing the fine tremor in her fingers. The sandpaper feel of his early morning shadow scraped against her palms, like it had before but this time, she could actually see that sexy shadow she had only before envisioned in her mind.

  “I don’t understand this,” she whispered, tearing her eyes from the sight of her hands on his cheeks to stare into those pale, summer-sky-blue eyes.

  His gaze softened and he shifted. The world spun dizzyingly fast around her and she closed her eyes, her hands flying out to catch his shoulders as her head swam, her mind unaccustomed to the sudden shock of sight again.

  “Whoa,” she whispered, lifting her lashes. She was dizzy but didn’t care. Staring up at him, she licked her lips.

  She could finally see that intense gaze she had felt so many times. “How did this happen?” she whispered.

  Tam heard the wonder in her voice. It was reflected in his own heart. As he lowered his mouth, he whispered, “Who knows, Kat?”

  But he did know.

  Kat had gotten her wish.

  But, for some reason, the Djinn had too.

  About the author

  They always say to tell a little about yourself! I was born in Kentucky and have been reading avidly since I was six. At twelve, I discovered how much fun it was to write when I took a book that didn’t end the way it should have ended, and I rewrote it. I’ve been writing since then.

  About me now...hmm... I’ve been married since I was 19 to my high school sweetheart and we live in the m
idwest. Recently I made the plunge and turned to writing full-time and am looking for a part-time job so I can devote more time to my family—two adorable children who are growing way too fast, and my husband who doesn’t see enough of me...

  Shiloh welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1337 Commerce Drive, #13, Stow, Ohio 44224.

  Also by Shiloh Walker:

  Coming In Last

  Ellora’s Cavemen: Tales From the Temple IV

  Every Last Fantasy

  Firewalkers: Dreamer

  Her Best Friend’s Lover

  Her Wildest Dreams

  His Christmas Cara

  Make Me Believe

  Mythe & Magick

  Mythe: Vampire

  Once Upon A Midnight Blue

  Silk Scarves and Seduction

  The Dragon’s Warrior

  The Hunters: Ben and Shadoe

  The Hunters: Delcan and Tori

  The Hunters: Eli and Sarel

  The Hunters: Jonathan and Lori

  Touch of Gypsy Fire


  Whipped Cream and Handcuffs




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