It Was Love (Taboo Love Duet Book 1)

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It Was Love (Taboo Love Duet Book 1) Page 13

by V. Theia

  The brutality of the penetration completely at odds with the slow swirling of his tongue on my clit, he’d taken to going down on me like a duck to water.

  I took a claw hold of one of his shoulders, my other hand ripped hell out of the back of my sofa, it would look like an animal attack by the time I'm finished.

  I'm so slippery wet his tongue moved easily, left, right, deep in and out, capturing my clit to suck hard. His tongue savaged my clit at the same time he rammed two fingers up inside me, curling to hit the exact perfect spot.

  It’s like he’d been finger-fucking his whole life and a damn expert on what my body wanted even before I begged.

  He pumped his hips obscenely and I couldn’t explain why, but it affected me more than the finger fucking. To bear witness to his need was hot as hell.

  It’s like he turned every part of my body into an erogenous zone with his touch, fire licked under my too tight skin, I’m dying for him and in some incoherent way my garbled moans told him, and my skin was barely any barrier between his lips and my nerve endings as he stroked and pushed me further than I’ve ever been before. The pleasure indescribable.

  I’m dying from it.

  I’ll die if it stopped.

  His fingers caressed me, coiled toward my pubic bone and then dragged along the tissues all the way out.

  He repeated this motion in a strikingly slow loop.

  He boiled me up.

  I never knew how truly amazing oral sex could feel, like I was fucking floating in helium. Escalated bliss took hard control of my hips as I curved up and moaned for his mouth.

  From between my legs I caught Noah’s grunt as he lapped and licked like a mad man, using the flatness of his tongue to pry me open and lash me inside.

  He was completely relentless in his assault. I’m under no illusion just who was in charge and it wasn’t the wet whimpering, begging woman.

  Noah muttered fuck and uhgn a few times, going at me deeper, faster, more methodically than any tongue had worked my pussy, he got his fingers in on it, too, firstly by brushing me open and holding there for his tongue to really go at me. Oh, Jesus, the sensation was too much.

  “Noah. Please. It feels so good. Faster, please.”

  Dropping my foot from his hip I slipped it between us to his groin and rubbed my toes over his hard cock. He was so rigid and full I wanted to drag an orgasm out of him any way I could.

  I let my foot stroke and enjoyed his ragged noises. He’s so thick my head swam with heady power. He liked what I was doing, pushing his dick into my questing foot like he needed the friction just as much as I did from his tongue.

  Was he hard because he was giving me head? Disbelief and surprised pleasure blasted into my chest, swelling what I'm already feeling to greater heights.

  “Let—let me see. Noah. Get it out, please.”

  He grunted a few times, his head moving in between my thighs, I swear it's like looking down at a dream. My eyes glazed, and I fully immersed myself in letting him get me off, but I didn't miss as he reached one hand down, sliding that baby into his pants and pulled out his cock, already dripping at the tip.

  While he ate me out he stroked himself roughly, tip to base, and back again, he didn’t go gentle on himself and I get the impression he’s just as desperate as I am for the climax. I wanted to reach down and help, god, do I.

  Just wrap his cock tight in my fist and pump, pump, pump until he spilled all over me, but Noah had other ideas when he reared up.

  His lips glossy, and didn't he just look me deep in the eye and lick them clean.

  I'm dying. Please, Jesus. I am dying. This much lust surely could kill one horny southerner, can't it? If I lived, the sight of Noah licking my juices from his lips will stay with me as the best memory of all time.

  “You taste like I imagined, Sena. So, fucking sweet.”

  He'd thought of tonguing me? My flesh burst into flames. More wetness pooled.

  As though he could feel the orgasm gathering, Noah prowled over me, this giant sized man who owned my soul was fitting himself between my legs, resting one hand to the arm of the sofa, he palmed his cock in the other and crudely dragged it up the length of my pussy.

  We hissed at the same time. Pleasure quaking through me.

  Best day of my life.

  I’m fucking hysterical internally at this point. I couldn’t help myself. This was my dream come true and I’m barely breathing for wanting Noah.

  His mouth was right there, an invite I wouldn’t ignore as I leaned up, grabbed him by the neck and kissed the ever-loving hell out of Noah.

  His tongue followed mine in a kiss hot enough to start a fire.

  Are we doing this?

  One up thrust of my hips and I would have his cock buried inside me.

  The thought sent my head into a dizzying spin.

  Our kissing turned desperate, wet noise from both ends of me.

  He kept rubbing the swollen tip of himself on my clit, and my vision blurred.

  “Noah. God.”

  He chuckled thickly. “I'll answer to both. You like that?”

  “Fuck yes. Fuck yes. Please.”

  “I will.”

  He'll please me or he'll fuck me?

  Please let it be both.

  I'm out of my mind with lust, wild for the first stab of his cock. We’re so consumed in kissing one another that when a background noise tried to penetrate through, it went ignored.

  My mouth was fucked by his tongue. Raw and raunchy.

  I didn’t understand the suddenness of this switch in him and I don’t care. I wanted this. I wanted him badly without question.

  Until the ringing happened again, and I became aware of it.

  Divine intervention took an unwelcomed step into the room to ruin my fucking life.

  It wasn’t so easy to let his mouth fall from mine and I rallied through his ringing phone by kissing hum hungrier than ever. Duelling with his tongue, I lashed and licked, my addiction in full swing and Noah appeared to be in the same state as he grunted and pressed harder to my lips. Eventually we slowed, panting in each other's mouths.

  His cock rested between my legs, and when he jerked himself, the tip nudged through my lips and came back out slick. It was erotic as hell.

  We were as intimate as two people could be half-dressed and leaking fluid over each other.

  The ringing continued to the point it was hard to ignore. Then it stopped.

  I breathed a sigh of relief and dived back into kissing him, a kiss Noah wholeheartedly joined with as he expertly licked in the same tempo as his stroked length.

  Dear, Lord. It's foreplay to kill.

  “I need to fuck you, kitten,” he ground out raggedly rubbing into my wetness, “feels so good.” His massive body shifted down ready to plunge, and oh, I was so ready for plunging that my hips flexed, and all my insides tightened.

  He grunted a string of Ughns as if he too couldn't stand how good it felt.

  We could analyze later, but now I needed more. God, give me more.

  The ringing was so fucking insistent.

  “Fucking hell.” He cursed, and rolled up to his knees, taking his glorious weight off me before yanking out his cell phone from his back pocket.

  “What?” he snapped to the interrupter.

  His eyes penetrated.

  No. I wanted to scream.

  I'm desperate enough that I scrambled up on my knees while he spat out instructions to whoever called, and I fisted his cock tightly, pumping him hard enough to provoke his free hand into grabbing the back of my neck when I dragged my lips over his throat. I licked the salty sweat, sucked on his Adam’s apple and fucked him with my hand.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Did you let them in? I don’t give a fuck if they have a damn warrant and a marching band. Tell them I’m on my way. Yes, I’ll sort it. Just hang tight.”

  I know then whatever this was or going to be it’s over and my mouth paused on his throat. I let his cock go free.
/>   His chest rapid, he moved his hand to my back and gentled me with a caress.

  Damn them all.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked finally. My voice like glass. I longed to cry.

  He moved from the sofa, zipped up as he ran a hand over his shaved head, tucked his shirt into his black pants and slide his phone into his pocket.

  Like nothing happened.

  Meanwhile I’m fucking naked. And embarrassed.

  There was an apology in his eyes as I grabbed a cushion and put it in my lap.

  My heart deflated.

  “I have to go, I’m sorry, kitten. Goddammit. Diamond Wings is being raided. I need to be there.”

  Diamond was one of his more problematic clubs in lower Manhattan, rife for drugs no matter what he did to stop them coming in. I knew this was important, he’d naturally have to go. I could whimper about it later.

  “Crap. Yeah, of course. Go, Noah. I hope it’ll be okay.”

  “Fuck. I don’t know how long I’ll be.” The apology in his tone.

  I wanted to beg him to stay. My eyes pleaded.

  It hurt he was leaving so easily. My goddamn hungry, clutching body didn’t understand work emergencies.

  “It’s fine. Noah. Let me know everything is alright.”

  Each sight of Noah always stole my breath. But the one of him striding through my apartment with the taste of my pussy in his mouth and my body still on high alert stung the most.

  Only when I heard the click of the door did I sag into the cushion.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

  What in the hell was that? We were so going to fuck, right? I wasn’t dreaming that. His cock was right there.

  On. Me. Ready to slam in.

  The buzz from our make out session still gripped every part of me, I could barely breathe, feeling it in the ache of my breasts and the tingle in my thighs.

  I realized later that I didn’t mention Tom to him at all that night.

  And I didn’t for many weeks.


  “Ineed urgent advice, Indie. About sex.”

  “Why are we whispering, girl? Are you hiding in a broom closet? Because let me tell you, those things are not fun to have a fuck in. Find a bed, preferably a floor you won’t be cramped up on.”

  “When have you had sex in a closet?”

  Silly question. I smiled anticipating her response. If anyone could cheer me up it is India.

  “High school. Jamie Stiller’s sixteenth birthday party. I gave him a present he won’t ever forget in his parents’ closet. Then in college. I think the football team had won the championship, I don’t remember, all I know is I woke up drunk in the dorm closet with my hand on Simon Denver’s cock. I’m assuming we banged, still don’t know if we did to this day, but every time I go back to the old neighborhood, and I see him at the bars that jack-hole blushes to his eyebrows.”

  I was as Cleopatra, sans milk, relaxed in my claw-foot bathtub surrounded in bubbles and candles for ambience. The scent of vanilla doing nothing to calm my jumpy nerves. I’d gone backwards and forwards with how things had gone down —pun intended— last night and still I had no answers.

  Just a lot of What. Fucking What. And Omg What.

  “Poor Simon Denver’s. He probably doesn’t want you to tell his wife you sucked his soul out through his dick.”

  India cackled. She really was a tonic.

  “So, baby-girl. What’s the sex advice? Hit me with it. Let mama tell you how to reach orgasm in three easy steps.”

  “Do those steps include inserting a penis?”

  I heard her gag. “Don’t ever say penis. What are we five? It’s dick. Or cock. Or monster schlong. Or God if he’s built.”

  “You’re so bourgeoisie, Indie.” I told her grinning. “So. Hypothetically.”

  She snorted disbelievingly, thankfully she allowed my subterfuge hypothesis.

  “Of course.”

  I went on. “What do you do if you get a little…. physical with someone you’re not meant to be that way with, but you’re interrupted with a work thing and now you don’t know how to proceed with this person.”

  “Damn. I knew I should have lit up for this. Girl, I need wine.”

  “Indie, it’s morning! Have a coffee.”

  “Crap. Okay. Let me grab the creamer while I think on this for you. I’m dieting, I’m telling myself this creamer is full fat instead of the diet crap made by Satan. Okay. Firstly, who the hell is the person; married?”

  “It’s hypothetical, remember.”

  “Right, right. I call bullshit. But we’ll get to that later.”

  I love Indie I really do. We met not long after I got into town in a coffee shop, she was yelling at the barista for getting her order wrong and then in the same breath she complimented my shoes. We’d been friends ever since.

  “Is it a boss? Friend? Cousin?” I chuckled and told her friend.

  “And full sex didn’t happen?”

  “No. They got called into work suddenly.”

  “Who passes up an orgasm for work? Seems dubious.” I frowned. Yeah. But then I knew the importance of Noah’s clubs. Everything was fine with Diamond as it turned out. I checked online for news of the drugs raid, but the cops were always dropping by without notice. Noah had no choice but to leave. Right?

  “What would you do?”

  “Me? I’d climb right back on when I saw them. But I’m guessing you’re not going to do that, my southern wallflower. Excuse me.” Her entertained attitude was clear. “Hypothetically you won’t do anything. How was it? Before the interruption.”

  “Amazing.” I sighed and slipped down in the water until my chest submerged. “So, freaking amazing, Indie. Now I’m all in my head about it and cautious about how to proceed from here.”

  “Ahhhh, yeah. A girl's worst enemy. You already know I’m going to say to get out of your own way and make it happen. Seize the opportunity.”

  I do. She’s said it before. Not so easy when I was fighting against the current of confused sexuality and the reappearance of a damn ex. I told her as much. “And there’s an ex in the picture again.”

  “Fuck them. Not literally. They’re an ex for a reason, don’t even give them thinking time.”

  She’s right. I know she is. But my worry meter was going nuts.

  “So, our little computer nerd almost got some.” She chuckled. “I feel like a proud mama watching my baby go off to sex school or something.” I joined her in amusement. “Just don’t tell Noah. Your hubby is monstrously territorial where you’re concerned and who you screw, Sena.”

  Oh, shit. My face instantly filled with blood and I thanked god Indie wasn’t in front of me or she’d guess right away. “Remember that guy you dated, what was it, for a month? And Noah got right in his face that time when whatshisname called you a name?”

  Mika. He was a sales rep. And boring as hell. And he’d told me ‘hurry up, bitch’ one night in the club. I’d assumed it was a joke. Noah obviously hadn’t taken it that way and told him in a quiet violent voice to never fucking address her like that again if you want to keep breathing.

  Swoon. But I saw her point.

  Because as crazy as it seemed to do as she advised I was just not that confident to continue with Noah the next time I saw him. If I made the first move and he rejected it, I’d be crushed.

  My brave only took me so far.

  I thought about avoiding him again, but he’d have a shit fit. Going on as normal was my only option. Yeah, basket of chickenshit for one. Cluck-cluck.

  I finished my bath and dressed for a day of design work at my computer. So, my pink ratty sweats and comfy socks and a slick ponytail in front of my iMac was me set for the day.

  Noah in the back of my mind the whole time.

  It wasn’t just the sex. Not really. I had butterflies in my belly thinking of all the things I truly wanted from him. We might have stepped—briefly—out of the friendzone, bizarrely, but what then? After we knocked hips. What did we
do then? Go back to being best friends, while I watched him fall in love with someone—god, not Tom. I would puke.

  I wanted love and a relationship.

  When I’d grown up with two parents who didn't give a rat's left eye for what their PDA anywhere-everywhere did to their teenage daughter it was hard to settle for any kind of love after that. I witnessed perfect togetherness every day it's hard to settle for less.

  I knew what love looked like. Real crazy mad for each other love.

  I wanted it more than anything, and I wasn't willing to settle for mediocre.

  But the sex. I really, really wanted the sex, too. See my dilemma. It was a hard line. A very hard line from what was digging into my belly last night.

  Damn. I couldn’t get that out of my head.

  He didn’t call or text. I try not to let that alter my worry.


  Game day.

  Dressed in Tigers orange I pushed my way into the penthouse front door with a knee while carrying two bags of absolute essential game day goodies. We were going to start with French toast but end the night with hot dogs fully loaded with the fixings and beers. Noah was going to hate it, but tough, it's his college team against my college team. We’d waited months for this day. He didn't know it yet, but the Tigers were going to trounce Syracuse.

  The first time I saw the penthouse apartment I was sure I was walking into the most expensive fuck-pad I'd ever seen.

  It was gorgeous.

  The windows were remarkable and opened out onto the entire city down below. Floor to ceiling, and I loved being out on the terrace.

  It was an open floor plan for the kitchen, living and dining area, but the other rooms; bathrooms, bedrooms and office had their own space that lead off down hallways. Decorated in soft whites and muted gray, with thick rugs and accented cushions, chrome, glass and steel in most every room.

  It was like a palace in the sky, but undeniably looked like an upscale playboy fuck-pad where princes stayed with their concubines on a weekend when the little wifey was out breaking the credit cards. It was one of my favorite places to be. Especially his kitchen. It was so sleek and modern I had a fit of orgasmic excitement every time I walked in, and I just had to stroke the marble counter tops. The design was luscious with an extensive center island that made it the focal point of the entire room, restaurant-style ranges flanked by prep and clean-up stations and its high ceiling gave it a loft feel with a home style. It would be a wet dream for a wannabe chef. Which I was not, but I still loved it.


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