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Connections Page 2

by R. H. Vesely

  "You know I am off to Florida tomorrow and Sean is off to Colorado to ski, we ought to do something fucked up on our last night here. Lets call some women," said Pat.

  "Yeah, I'm in, I mean why waste a good buzz and my brothers apartment. I even have a bunch of champagne that I swiped after the wedding," added Sean.

  "Well I don't know, I mean who could we call at the last minute, who would go and I'm a little messed up already and I'm not going anywhere over the break, so I will have to deal with anything that goes wrong. I mean maybe we should just hang out here and listen to music or something," said Dave.

  "Jesus man get some nuts. I mean we have this cool apartment, one night left before we leave and friggin bottles of champagne," said Sean.

  "Yeah, yeah I guess, I guess," said Dave, in defense of his nuts. "But again who the hell are we going to call?"

  Given the fact that it was 7 pm and they all knew that most of the women they saw regularly would not be happy about the last minute request, especially given their somewhat inebriated condition, they all stood silent.

  At this point they retired to the library. Pat popped another beer and settled into a big wing-back leather chair and thought as best he could.

  "Give me a second," said Pat.

  "We could go to the mall and try and grab some sales girls as they got off work," suggested Sean. "It worked for me once."

  "One maybe but what are the chances of getting three," said Dave.

  "We could always share," laughed Sean.

  "Right," said Dave sarcastically.

  "I got it," expelled Pat.

  "Listen, we all have women who we have met and gotten numbers from and maybe even dated once who might be happy to get a call from us. Even under these circumstances, right. Well I propose, to make it interesting and to make sure we get three, we each are responsible for finding a date for the other, a little peer pressure."

  "Wait, so who would get a date for who and who goes first?" asked Dave.

  "We can draw straws."

  "Yeah but what if we don't all succeed and two have dates and one doesn't," said Dave.

  "Damn man have some faith, you know nothing ventured," said Sean.

  Pat broke some reeds from a decorative broom hung by the fire place and broke them into three different lengths.

  "Ok, we go in order of shortest to longest," said Pat.

  "So does shortest go first or last?" asked Dave.

  "Jesus man shortest goes first, and longest last, ok," said an exasperated Pat.

  Straws were pulled and Dave to his dismay got the shortest followed by Pat and Sean.

  "Ok, so Dave will get for me, I will get for Sean and Sean will get for Dave," said Pat.

  "So I have to go first and get a date last, doesn't seem fair," whined Dave.

  "Well if I get for you, then Sean can only get for himself, idiot," said Pat.

  "Look, I don't give a shit I can get for myself," said Sean.

  "But it defeats the purpose," said Pat.

  "Look if Sean doesn't get you someone or if there are other problems, we will all work to make sure everyone has a date, Ok," said Pat.

  "Ok, ok, so now what?" said Dave.

  "So you call someone and hopefully the best you can think of," said Sean.

  Dave pulled out a little black book and started leafing through and Sean and Pat started fishing through their wallets.

  "I can't believe it. You really have a little black book, unreal," laughed Sean.

  "Ah, hey guys, I might have a bit of a problem. I just remembered. I caught Becky looking at my wallet and decided it would be good to empty out all phone numbers. So, I am a bit fucked," said Pat.

  "Jesus, it was your friggin idea," said Sean.

  "Wait, wait I remember a couple numbers, I think,I can try those," said Pat.

  Pat was not actually feeling too good about the order because the women Dave was usually with were decent looking but basically plain and boring. Definitely not the kick out the jams type that the evening required.

  "Ok, I am going to call up Kelley, she might say yes. Never dated her but met her at a party and she is cute," said Dave.

  "Unbelievable, she said yes and I said we would be over in about an hour," said Dave.

  "Ok, I'll give Kathy a call. We went out for a while and I think she goes to the same school as Kelley so I think I can talk her in to it," said Pat.

  "Man, she said yes right away, amazing," said Pat.

  "We should have thought of this a long time ago," said Dave.

  "Why, I mean I don't know about you but there is a reason I do not call some women back," said Sean.

  "Hmm, good point, ah but this could be fucking great," said Pat.

  Sean made three calls with no luck. Which was odd since he was by far the biggest lothario of the three.

  "See, I told you this would happen and now what since I gave my best chance to Pat," complained Dave.

  "Ok, in the spirit of this I am calling Suzy and she is fucking crazy and drinks too much and can at times be an asshole. Good by you Dave?" said Sean.

  "You sure, I mean if she is really crazy, I mean...," mumbled Dave.

  "Suzy it is!," laughed Sean," and she said yes and is raring to go. I think the free, good champagne is what did it. Davey boy you are on," said Sean as Pat and Sean laughed way too hard.

  First to be picked up was Kathy and she was in a nice dress, smelling of perfume and looked good. Turned out Sean in fact had met her and they hit it off easily but you could see her giving Pat some glances.

  "So, Kath, do you know Kelley," asked Pat. He was still feeling pretty apprehensive given that Dave had made his selection.

  "You don't know her? Well she is a bit fat and most people think she is kind of strange, but she, I guess you could say, she was cute," said Kathy.

  Ugh, thought Pat, this could be tough, fat and cute, and they were almost at her house. He couldn't stand her up, though he thought about it. I mean the visual image of some plump girl sadly waiting for a no show was way too much for him to even think about so he said,

  "Why don't we go around the block a couple times and let me have a few more drinks before I bite the bullet." Everyone else laughed heartily at his expense, especially Kathy, who was engaged in mutual mauling with Sean as she stared at Pat.

  "Fat huh," said Pat as he swilled some more champagne, "Oh well."

  After two trips around the block, they stopped, Pat sucked it up and headed for the blue painted door of the brick house. The door opened and there stood Kelley's somewhat overweight, dark haired, slightly inebriated mother with a big smile on her face.

  "Come in, Kelley will be down in a minute, she is just getting ready," said her mother.

  "Oh, that's good, I was afraid I was a bit late and for that I apologize, but very nice to meet you, I'm Pat," said Pat pleasantly, as the two trips around the block started to kick into his already glazed brain.

  Oh crap thought Pat, how am I going to pull this off. Ok you've done this before he thought just smile and be very pleasant and polite. Fortunately Kelley then came down the stairs.

  Whoooollyyyyy shit thought Pat. He was stunned. Fat? Not only wasn't she fat or just cute. To Pat she was amazing, like something out of a dream sequence. If he had had to use one word to describe her it would be seductive. Dark hair, big eyes, subtle smile with a small perfectly proportioned body encapsulated in a cream colored mini dress. He was literally weak in the knees and staring with a dumb smile on his face.

  "So what are you kids going to do?" asked her mother. Pat was incapable of answering.

  "Mom, please can we just go, I think were a bit late and people are waiting in the car," said Kelley.

  "Oh, Ok hon. Well you have a good time and drive carefully," said her mother.

  "Nice to meet you," mumbled Pat as Kelley slipped on her coat as they went out door.

  As they walked down the sidewalk to the car Pat's mind was racing. Jesus that asshole Kathy must have done that on pu
rpose to fuck with him. She was probably still bitter about their no longer dating, ah but who cares the gods have smiled on this boy tonight. Of course what if she is a prude or dull and stupid, jesus shut your fucking brain down and wait. So they got in to the back seat with Sean and Kathy and Sean did a double take and gave Pat a long look, giving an unspoken wow! Kelley and Pat were immediately forced together by the small space and she just laughed as he offered her some champagne. Kathy simply said hello and they were off. Kelley apologized for her mom and Pat said she was fine let's just have some fun. Too which Kelley toasted with the bottle and said ok.

  Suzy was ready and waiting when they got to her house and out the door before Dave even got half way there. Pat knew her well since he had double dated with her and Sean several times and she was already a bit lit as she slid into the front seat with Dave.

  "So where are we going gang, let's do it," bellowed Suzy.

  "Who is everybody and are we reaaaaaaady," she sang out. Suzy was a true party animal and at times a bit of a tease but as long as you stayed on top of her destructive streak great fun.

  "Got the keys to my brothers new apartment, got lots of champagne, some pot and he has a great stereo system Suz so we are allllll set," said Sean.

  As they headed for the apartment, Kelley put her arm around Pat and moved onto his lap to avoid the now increased pawing movements of Kathy and Sean. She gave Pat a smile, a drink and little kiss on his cheek. His head was swimming and he thought get a grip, you're a bit drunk and likely over reacting here given what you were expecting. At the same time, he gave Kelley a soft warm squeeze and kiss on the side of her face.

  The apartment was a one bedroom in a modern complex with nice new furniture. Sean laid down the rules saying,

  "Look you got to be careful. This place has to look just like this when we leave or I am screwed. Are you listening to me Suz. Nothing can be damaged or destroyed and no spilling or throwing drinks!"

  At this moment, Sean was seriously regretting his earlier decision to call Suzy and hoping beyond hope that the dullness of Dave would some how help keep her under control. She was already going through the refrigerator and cupboards and ignoring Sean's protestations.

  "Fuck you man, I'll be careful. What are you my god damn mother," said Suzy. She was further along than they had realized when they picked her up.

  "Hey Suzy help me pick out some music," yelled Dave. "I'm no good at this." Which was absolutely true, since Dave had put on Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass for his first selection.

  "Damn Dave you aren't kidding, that music is shit," yelled Suzy.

  As the Rolling Stones and Doors played on, they all danced, drank and fortunately for Sean, smoked some pot which had the welcome effect of slowing Suzy down a bit. By this time they were all drunk and high except for non smoking Dave, who had also stopped drinking once he realized that Suzy was more than he was going to be able to handle. The music now changed to Motown ballads and rhythmic grinding dancing between Pat and Kelley. Sean and Kathy continued their back seat mauling on the couch and it was starting to look like more was going to happen at any minute, given the level of breathing sounds emanating from their dark corner of the room. Poor Dave at this point was physically supporting a whimpering version of Suzy who was now on the verge of a crying jag bemoaning what assholes her mother and father were.

  As David Ruffin sang "I'm going to walk away from love before love breaks my hearrrrrrrrrrt" Kelley took Pat's hand and with a soft squeeze led him slowly in to the bedroom. Whoa thought Pat am I up or could I even get it up for this. They laid down and caressed and felt every inch of each others bodies, staring into each others eyes and talking softly for what seemed an endless time. They were entering the oft repeated pre-intercourse dance. But then something happened, their eyes locked, they sat up almost simultaneously and continued to talk but oddly enough not about stupid things. They talked about their lives, dreams, books and music that they loved. They continued looking at each others eyes, interspersing soft strokes of each others arms. You could sense that they were both emotionally overwhelmed and not really knowing what to do about it. This went on for over two hours before Sean stuck his head in and said,

  "Sorry folks not looking but we have to get out of here, it is really late, past two."

  "Wholly shit, I am screwed, said Kelley. I had no idea it was that late. We've got to leave, now!"

  "Wow, your parents are going to kill me," said Pat. "I had no idea either."

  "Don't worry it will be ok. They'll just be mad for a few days and I'll talk to my mom," said Kelley. "It'll be ok. You can call me in a couple days."

  Pat felt at that moment as if he had run full force into a brick wall.

  "Ah, I leave for Florida tomorrow, for two weeks. I can't change the plane reservation this late," said Pat apologetically.

  A big smile came over Kelley's face.

  "I'm going to Florida in about a week with my grandmother," said Kelley.

  "You're kidding, where?"

  "West Palm Beach, how about you?"

  "Miami area, I could get to West Palm. I have an idea, lets pick a date and place in West Palm and I will meet you there, ok."

  "God I would love it, really. We are staying right by the beach and there is a public beach right next to the Holiday Inn where we stay. I will meet you there on Easter Sunday."

  "Its a deal."

  After a quick clean up of the apartment and reviving a passed out Suzy they headed out. The ride back was quiet almost silent. As Pat walked Kelley to the door it opened to a set of clearly not happy parents.

  "I am so sorry," said Pat. "We truly lost track of time."

  "Its true mom and dad, we were talking and talking and just never looked at the time, sorry," said Kelley with eyes down.

  "Just get inside young lady and good night Pat," said her mother. The door closed quickly.

  After all the women had been dropped off Pat said to Sean "Am I just fucked up or was Kelley unbelievable?"

  "Yeah, she was pretty hot, that sort of innocent come fuck me look," said Sean.

  "No, I mean wasn't there something about her that, I don't know, was different or something," said Pat.

  "Well you seemed to get along really well but I've got no idea what you did in the bedroom my friend," said Sean.

  "Actually, we just talked," said Pat.

  "Yeah, right," said Sean. "Kathy and I 'talked' a bit too." "How about you Dave, did you talk with Suzy?"

  "I survived Suzy you asshole and thanks Sean," said Dave.

  Ia - Hmm, I grant you interesting. I have to admit it doesn't seem like lust from the get go, excluding Sean and Kathy of course, but god they are soooo young. What is the chance they will sustain this or will even want to once they start moving forward.

  In - Yes, but it seems to me from past trips if you want a different life you either have to get the parents young or significantly older, either before they have been perverted or after they have been through it , thought about it and come back to themselves. I decided to try the young route this time bit bigger selection and maybe less baggage for them to overcome but who the hell knows.

  Ia - I have to agree, I did one older one once. Rich, successful thought I was set for a life of luxury. So get this, I go in, am born and they decide that now that they have a child, they need to radically change their lives. So, they end up buying into some new religion/cult guru thing and I died of some unknown disease on a family trip to India. Actually, I never even got to India, I died on the friggin luxury liner on the way there. Still, I don't know there is something about the young woman that gives me pause and I am not sure I would bet on his staying power either but I grant you there does seem to be an initial deep connect. Is this your love? What have you got for them from earlier?

  In - Good observations, she does have some possible issues but I think they can be overcome.

  Ia - Hiding something Inen?

  In - No, no just minor stuff?

Ia - Let me be the judge, if I am going to buy into your theory of amour.

  Chapter 2

  It was a beautiful old 20s era brick and tudor style house with a large slanting roof on one side in a pleasant older suburban neighborhood. One of those charming suburbs with an eclectic mix of architecture, large shade trees on either side of the street, slate sidewalks, green lawns and lots of children playing everywhere. The basic post world war two idyllic landscape in which the baby boomer generation was being raised, a land of quaint houses, color tvs and big American cars. Behind the door of this house is where Kelley lived. To what to others seemed idyllic to Kelley was more akin to a prison.

  She was the oldest of the typical four child two boy, two girl family. Her sister Beth was next followed by her two brothers Eddie and Andy. Her dad was a lawyer, sports fanatic and jazz drummer. Her mom was visually similar to her but given to eccentric mood swings and a tendency to drink too much. Her dad was the calmer of the pair and tended to take refuge in his massive library of sports books.

  You could tell that at one time they had had a powerful attraction for one another but at some point when the children were added to the equation, stress, increased craziness and cocktails had taken a heavy toll. The slow addition of incident after incident gradually also took its toll on Kelley. It had now reached the point where Kelley was looking for a way out of what was a crazed environment. She felt as if it were literally a matter of survival. But at seventeen and still in a Catholic Girls school no options presented themselves. While she had earlier been overweight, she had thinned down in high school and was told by others that she was cute or sexy with her black hair and big eyes. Personally she had no real good concept of this since her earlier weight had basically kept boys away and she was a little ill at ease with some of the attention she was now getting but she was learning quickly.


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