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Page 21

by R. H. Vesely

  Unfortunately for Toni, Allie and Toni could also tell from each other's expression when the other one was lying and Allie knew Toni was lying. She also knew that it was virtually impossible for Tom to lie.

  "So Tom, it is obvious to me that Toni is not telling the truth and you have still not answered my question, so what about it?" she said, as she stared hard at Tom.

  Tom just stood there, silently looking at Toni and back at Allie, as his shoulders hunched forward a bit.

  "No, no, Allie, come on, really, Tom is just uncomfortable because he thought it was really stupid of us not to remember and he was worried about what you might think," interjected Toni.

  "God Toni, you know I can tell when you're lying, what the hell," said Allie.

  "Ok, this is getting ridiculous. It was a set up. Bill really wanted to get to know you and didn't know how to do it since he was your patient," blurted out Tom.

  "But understand Allie, we only did it because we really like you both, and thought you might get along together. You know, helping friends out and I mean, god, that guy Sam is so not you, and Bill is such a smart and good guy, and really desperately wanted to get to know you, and you know, I would never do anything that I didn't think would be possibly great for you and …...."

  "Ok, Ok, relax and let me process this," said Allie firmly. "First, I feel a little silly. Like back in high school and being set up on a date with a cute guy. I am also surprised at the lengths you went to to set this up, on some level, it makes me feel very foolish -"

  "Yes , but babe I only-"

  "Let me finish. On another level, I know you are doing it out of love Toni, you have never acted in any other way towards me and I trust you completely, so," she said with big smile, "thanks, because I really did like Bill, and while I am amazed he felt so strongly about it, I am flattered, taken aback and very happy that he did, so there," and she stood up and gave Tom a hug and then gave Toni a big hug and a kiss laughing.

  "So you don't hate me?" said Toni smiling, with a small emotional tear in her eye.

  "Never, never anything but love till the day I die," said Allie as she planted another big kiss on Toni's cheek.

  Chapter 30

  The best thing about Randy having only two old chairs and the clothes on his back was that it made his move into Mattie's place effortless. Mattie's place was a small one bedroom on the bottom floor of an old wooden building sitting on a rounded corner where three streets came together. Next to her in the building was an old barbershop. This pleased Randy immensely because he hated the new unisex hair salons and had been searching for a simple old barbershop. He took it as a sign that the universe was trying to tell him something.

  When he opened the door to Bill's for the first time, he lit up with a big smile, it was perfect. Along the wall, a row of old red vinyl and chrome chairs and in the middle a single old red vinyl clad barber chair with a long leather strop hanging down.

  "Greetings, grab a seat. I'll be with you shortly," said Bill.

  He took a seat and saw he was third in line behind two older gentlemen, one obviously retired and the other dressed in a business suit. Like the man presently in the chair, neither looked as if they were in need of a real haircut but were there for the classic businessman's "just a little trim". Randy loved the fact that the old retired guys always still came back for the trim that had been such a constant part of their existence. He also loved the egalitarian, friendly chatter and mild joking that also seemed to be present in such shops. Whether you were plumber, steel worker or a CFO, everyone seemed to view themselves as equals in this land of mirrors, bottles of combs in blue liquid and stacks of white towels. It always engendered in him a positive feeling about humanity. He had only once in his life heard angry words spoken in a barbershop and to this day he felt guilty about it.

  His family had been visiting relatives in New York City more precisely Queens. He was about eleven at the time and his dad had suggested he get a haircut at the corner barbershop. Randy thought it might be cool to go to a shop where his dad had had his haircut when he was young, so he headed up to Luigi's. It was a classic old shop but much larger than he was used to. It had 4 chairs. When he sat down, the man cutting his hair, Dominic, had immediately admired Randy's thick full head of hair and said "we are going to do something special with this young man. You're going to love it." It all seemed to be going well as far as Randy could tell. That was until the end.

  After he had finished cutting Randy's Hair, Dominic took what felt to Randy like an entire bottle of some liquid and greased Randy's hair and combed it back. When Dominic held the mirror up to Randy and said "So what do you think young man. You are going to have to fight the girls off with this." The only thing Randy could think was, holy crap, I look like a god damn italian mafia boss. Still, even then, Randy was never one to really speak up. However, when he got to where his brother had been waiting and saw his brother doing all he could to not burst forth laughing, Randy, in an ill advised move, started messing up the carefully slicked back hair in an attempt to make it look more natural. Dominic unfortunately took note and started screaming at Randy.

  "What the hell are you doing. You're ruining my work kid. What kind of idiot are you. You little....."

  Randy did not hear the rest as he ran out the door and all the way back to his uncles with his brother laughing hysterically the entire way. It took Randy three showers before he could finally get all the greasy liquid out of his hair.

  "Ok son you're next," said Bill.

  "Uh, I think he was here before me," said Randy pointing to the retired looking gentleman.

  "Oh, no that's just Pete, he just stops in now and then to keep me company and share a few laughs. Isn't that right Pete," said Bill.

  "Yeah, and to make sure you're not sleeping in your chair," laughed Pete.

  "Ok, so what'll it be?" said Bill.

  "Just cut it kind of short, make the sideburns match the length and don't put anything on it. I kind of like to just let it fall where it will after a shower," said Randy.

  "Sounds good, hey aren't you the fella who moved in with Mattie? You know her Pete she's that sweet young girl who lives next door," said Bill.

  "Boy, you are one lucky fella. She is a real sweet heart," said Pete.

  "Thanks, you're right, she's special," smiled Randy.

  As he sat in the chair, Randy noticed all the model airplanes hanging from the ceiling and the yellowing photos on the walls of world war II pilots and their planes. God , perfect he thought, everyone of these old barbershops has something odd in it that speaks of the guys passion. As he got up and Bill brushed him off with the classic old whisk broom, Randy looked in the mirror and thought not perfect but all in all the best haircut he had had in a long time.

  "Thanks Bill, see you next time, see ya Pete," said Randy.

  "Hey, and you take care of that girlfriend of yours, she's a keeper," said Pete.

  "Hey hon, great hair cut, nice and cool for the warmer weather," said Mattie, as she gave him a hug and then headed for the bedroom.

  "Yeah, went over to Bill's next door, very cool place and boy do they seem to like you," said Randy.

  "Yeah, he is such a nice guy, always looking out for me, very sweet. God, I have got to get out of this friggin uniform or I'll die. I hate this thing," yelled Mattie from the bedroom.

  Mattie came back into the room wearing a tank top and a pair of cotton drawstring pants. "Woooo," that's better she said with a big smile.

  "So make any money today?" asked Randy.

  "Only about twenty bucks in tips. I always get these old ladies who are the sweetest people imaginable and every time they ask 'how are you dearie'," she said, imitating an old woman's voice. "It makes me smile, but god, they have no idea about tipping and always leave me like fifty cents. They always ask to sit at my station and dawdle for like an hour and a half. 'Could we get a little bit more tea, honey'," she said, again using her old woman's voice and then began laughing.

; "Come on, you love it," said Randy.

  "Yeah, you're right I do. They crack me up. I only wish someone would let them know I have to survive on my tips," smiled Mattie.

  "So, it's Friday, what's our plan. I'm ready to have some fun," said Mattie.

  "Great, cause Bill is sitting in with Toni and her band tonight and he reserved us a table. So I thought we could go see them," said Randy.

  "Fabulous, I can't wait. I haven't seen Bill at a club before," said Mattie.

  "This is his first in a while and I know he has been practicing with her group, so it should be good," said Randy.

  "Hey, what do you think about calling Kelley and seeing if she would like to join us?" said Mattie.

  Randy did not answer immediately. He knew that Bill was beginning something with his concussion doctor but he also knew that Mattie would really like it if Kelley could come along. He had purposely not told Mattie about the doctor thing thinking she would tell Kelley and he thought that might not be the best thing for Kelley given how screwed up she was the last time he had seen her.

  "Uh, Babe, there is something I haven't mentioned to you. Bill has been going out with his concussion doctor, I think her name is Allie and I'm fairly certain she is going to be there tonight," said Randy.

  "Really, with Allie, wow. I know her. I've talked to her at several different openings. She seems very nice and very pretty. Isn't she a lot older than Bill," said Mattie.

  "Not a lot, maybe five years or so and I don't think it makes any difference to him. You know Bill, he kind of dances to his own drummer," said Randy.

  "You think he's serious about it then?" asked Mattie.

  "That's what he tells me."

  "Hmmm, well Kelley is not seeing anyone but she does seem to be doing ok and she hasn't mentioned him to me since that awful night. I know she would love to go out with us," said Mattie pensively.

  "I'm going to let it be your call hon. She's your best friend and don't misunderstand me. I really like her."

  "Ok, well then I'm going to call her. It'll be fun and she and I haven't gotten together and laughed and danced in a long time. It'll be great," smiled Mattie.

  Chapter 31

  The club was in what had been a large old bank. It still had beautiful wooden columns along the walls, huge round columns spread out on the main marble floor and a vaulted ceiling. The giant old vault still remained, impossible to move, and was now used as a dressing and storage room for the bands. At one end, a large stage had been constructed and there was an open balcony area at the other end where the guardians of mammon had once had their offices. On the sides of the big open room were two large wooden bars with one still retaining some of the tellers windows from the old bank. Wooden tables and chairs occupied about 2/3 of the main floor and all of the balcony. The remaining one third was the open dance floor/standing room area in front of the stage. It was one of the most popular venues in the city and was known for having great bands who played mixes of covers and originals. Virtually any local band that had made a name for itself had played many times at Deposit.

  Bill was getting a chance to sit in due to Toni's lead guitarist being grabbed by another local band that had hit it big and gone on tour. Toni had always resisted touring because she couldn't imagine being away from Tom that long. She was basically a local legend who refused to go big time. She played an incredible mixture of music. Part of it was obviously influenced by Bonnie Raitt's bluesy and raunchy slide guitar tunes and when she got going she was a bomb of raw sexuality on the stage. The other major part was where she played the accordion and would feed in heavy zydeco. Bill could still remember the first time he saw her. He never thought an accordion could be sexy but how when you saw Toni play it, you just sat there wishing to hell you were that accordion.

  If you'd asked Bill about his influences, he would have mentioned Joni Mitchell, The Allman Brothers, Ricky Lee Jones, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, King Crimson and then he would have said "god I don't know I've listened to so much music, but if I had to pick one I'd say Terry Reid".

  The plan for the night was a first set of Toni's slide guitar stuff, a second set of Toni's more melodic stuff mixed with Bill's stuff and then a third set of raucous zydeco with some of Bill's heavier electric stuff to leave them rocking out the door. Though he did not have the following of Toni, Bill was also well known locally and word that they were playing together guaranteed a packed and overflowing house.

  It was still over an hour before showtime and the place was overflowing, there was not a table to be had and both bars were doing a brisk business. Tom and Allie were seated at a table off to the side but near the front. Tom never liked being directly in front because he thought it might inhibit Toni from going all out. It was a ridiculous but kind thought because once on the stage Toni entered her own world. They were joined at the table by Caitlin and Oscar, Toni and Tom's gallery assistants. Mattie and Randy had not yet arrived but Bill had reserved a table for them in the same area. At the time of the reservation he did not know that Kelley would be coming. By the time he found out it was too late to change.

  Allie loved to go hear live music but hadn't been in quite some time due to the demands of her practice. However, now that she was seeing Bill, she had allowed herself more time, especially on weekends, for enjoyment. She had gone out more in the last month than anytime she could remember and marveled at how wonderful it felt to have some balance in her life. She was a happy woman. In addition to getting together with Allie, Bill had also been busy rehearsing almost everyday with Toni's band. He too was amazed at how happy he was playing music full time and seeing this incredible woman. He was a happy man.

  About a half hour before the concert was to start, Mattie, Kelley and Randy arrived at the table near Tom and Allie. Before siting down, Randy went over to Tom and Allie's table.

  "Hi folks, not sure what to say Doctor Ames, Bill constantly mentions you when we talk, so is it ok if I call you Allie. I kind of feel like I already know you and of course I know you Tom," said Randy.

  "Sure Randy, Allie is fine and I hope it was all good," laughed Allie.

  "Nothing but, believe me," said Randy with a smile.

  "Well I'm a bit more formal, so you can call me Magister Tom Emperor of the Bean Guardian of the golden Espresso," droned Tom.

  "Your highness," laughed Randy with a bow.

  "Well, I'm just Caitlin," said Caitlin.

  "Yup, and Oscar is good enough for me," said Oscar.

  "So Randy, you going to do the introductions?" said Kelley, as she and Mattie came up behind him.

  "Oh, sure, Tom, Allie, Caitlin, Oscar these are my good friends Mattie and Kelley," said Randy.

  "Ah, yes, Allie, aren't you the doctor who treated Bill after his fall, nice to see you out. Bill told me you did a great job getting him back on his feet so to speak," said Kelley smiling at Allie.

  Shit thought Randy, I hope to hell she is not going to start, this could get unpleasant.

  "Hey, I'm thirsty, why don't we go over to the bar and get something before it gets too insane," said Randy, trying to avoid any problem.

  "Good idea. Why don't you and Mattie go get us something and I'll wait here and watch the table," said Kelley.

  "Actually, that's ok, you're right, I guess I could just get it and you and Mattie can stay here. No need for us all to go," said Randy, as Kelley pulled a chair up to Tom and Allie's table.

  This is not good thought Randy, as he quickly headed to the bar. I knew it was trouble when we picked her up and she was dressed in that black mini dress. Fuck she is set for battle and I hate to admit it, but Christ she is hot. When he got to the bar it was already crowded and as he waited, he kept glancing back at the table and could see Kelley chattering away and doing everything she could to make it clear how hot she looked. Shit hurry up, hurry up.

  "Hey Jim, big pitcher and three glasses please," he yelled over the shoulder of the young woman in front of him.

  When he got back to the tab
les, he immediately put the beer and glasses on his and Mattie's table. "Hey girls, got the beer come join me before it gets warm," he yelled over as he poured out three glasses.

  "Great hon, come on Kelley, Randy is all alone and I am thirsty," said Mattie, taking Kelley's hand and pulling her to her feet.

  "Well, great to talk to you and enjoy," said Kelley, as she stopped for a second and straightened out her dress, what there was of it.

  "Wow, that girl is hot and I mean double h hot, oops sorry," blurted out Oscar, as Kelley left.

  "Well, I certainly don't think that dress could get any smaller and not be considered underwear, Jesus", said Caitlin sharply.

  "Well, I guess if you've got it flaunt it and she's got it," said Allie laughingly.

  Toni, Bill and the rest of the band now came out on stage to do some final quick sound checks. Toni waved to Tom and Allie with a big smile mouthing "love you" to the two of them. Bill glanced out too and was frozen when he saw Kelley sitting with Randy and Mattie and Allie at the table near them. He gave a quick wave to the general area and then focused intently on his guitars as if there were some problem. There was no problem.

  As they were going over the play list back in the vault, Toni pulled Bill aside.

  "What the fuck is Kelley doing out there and for Christ sake, sitting right next to Allie and Tom. Do you remember what I said to you, you shit," said Toni.

  "Look, I'm no happier than you are. I didn't know she was coming. I thought it was just going to be Randy and Mattie. I don't want her here but she's Mattie's best friend. What am I supposed to do. If you have any ideas tell me. I'm all ears," said Bill.

  "Hey guys, can we focus on the show here. We're on in like ten minutes. Save your friggin drama for later," said Neal, the drummer.

  "Right, sorry, ok forget the shit Bill. We are going to go out there and rock this god damn place so bad that they will be begging for more," yelled Toni.


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