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About the Author
Steve Rushin has written for Sports Illustrated for the past twenty-five years and was the 2006 National Sportswriter of the Year. He is the author of a novel, The Pint Man, and his work has appeared in The Best American Sports Writing, The Best American Travel Writing, and The Best American Magazine Writing. He lives in Connecticut.
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Title Page
Introduction: The Walk-in Freezer of Dreams
1. The Baseball Grenade
2. Stairway to Heaven
3. The Lost City of Francisco Grande
4. The Men in the Gray Flannel Suits
5. The Beanproof Cap of Foulproof Taylor
6. The Decrepit Urinals of Ebbets Field
7. “The Redhots Warmed with Mustard Saved Many a Life”
8. Row C, Section 42, Seats 3 and 4 at the Polo Grounds
9. Recessional
About the Author
Copyright © 2013 by Steve Rushin
Cover design by Will Staehle
Cover photograph of bat © iStockphoto; semitruck © TurboSquid
Author photograph by Rebecca Lobo
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Excerpt of “That Famous Yankee Logo” reprinted with permission from Tom Shieber,
ISBN 978-0-316-20094-3