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O.J. Page 3

by Penny Hawking

  “Oh fuck, I’m out of here.” Jazmine said turning away and leaving the room. “Can somebody please tell her she’s doing too much as usual!” She yelled as she closed her bedroom door.

  “Look, you tried to thank him and he treated you like crap. Fuck him and move on.” Brittany said. “He obviously doesn’t want to be bothered. The problem with you is you don’t know how to take no for an answer.”

  I shifted uncomfortably on my feet. “Wait, so why doesn’t he want to be my friend?” I asked softly. I rubbed my head, this was really hard for me to accept. Did he really not even want me around? I tried to think of somebody that didn’t want to be my friend. I couldn’t think of anybody. People always wanted to be friends with me, ever since my first day of kindergarten. It was something I took pride in. Something I thrived for. I was a nice person wasn’t I? I really thought I was a nice person. I never fought anybody…did I hate anybody…yeah dislike…but hate…Nah.

  “It’s not that he doesn’t want to be your friend.” Brittany said quickly. “It’s just he’s weird okay. Some people just want to be left alone you know.”

  I gave her a blank look. It wasn’t that I wasn’t listening, but I had no thought process at the moment. Seriously my mind would literally freeze as though it need to be rebooted or something. Keep in mind my mind has a tendency to go blank. Maybe it’s a medical condition and I need to get that checked out or something.

  “Like when you get into those moods and you just want to be left alone.” Brittany said quickly thinking of something. “He’s just like that, except his mood is every day.”

  “Whatever.” I said turning away from them. I left her room feeling Nico and her eyes on my back. The conversation was over for me. I didn’t want to hear anymore.

  I opened my bedroom door and plopped down on my bed face down. Okay guys, I know sometimes I overdo it on some things, but in my head it seems perfectly normal. Yeah I have to catch myself sometimes but hey, I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I really just wanted him to be my friend, or if he didn’t want to be my friend he could have just told me, then I would back off. Maybe not, but that’s beside the point. He needs to talk, he needs to say something, or I will never get any rest. It was really sad to think that he didn’t want to befriend me. I never thought of that.

  Maybe this is the point where I tell myself to leave it alone, but I can’t. I groaned. What the fuck was wrong with me? It’s like as soon as I got something in my head, it plagued me until something happened. I squeezed my eyes shut. Seriously God, I just want one word with this kid, that’s all. I don’t know why, but I need to. His eyes were way too gorgeous for us not to be friends, or acquaintances.

  I heard my bedroom door open. “Tell me you love me.” Nico said throwing himself on my bed, barely missing my body.

  “I love you.” I replied robotically.

  “Oh you’re really going to love me now.” He said putting his face next to mine. I opened one eye and was greeted by his big smile.

  “Why?” I asked slowly.

  “Because I know something about Andy.” He said mischievously.

  “What?” I asked propping myself on my arms.

  “Uh-uh….say I’m your favorite first.”

  “You’re my favorite asshole, now give me news.” I said sitting up on my bed.

  “Okay.” Nico said whispering. He put his hands on my shoulders and brought our heads together in a huddle. I giggled as though we had a secret to share. “Okay…now this is exclusive information.” He whispered cupping my face.

  “Why are we whispering?” I whispered back.

  “It makes it more fun.” He whispered.

  I nodded. Yes it was.

  “Okay so Andy has a sister at school.”

  My mouth dropped open. ‘What’ I mouthed.

  Nico nodded. “Her name is Ms. Perth, she’s my advisor for international business.”

  Yes this was my chance. Advisor huh? That meant she was older, wiser, nicer. “Wait you knew all this time and you didn’t tell me he had a sister!” I asked forgetting the whispering game. I punched his arm. When he yelled, I punched him again.

  “Hey, I didn’t know you were going to be so obsessed with him.” Nico said rubbing his arm. “And stop punching me, it hurts.”

  “You big baby.” I said without mercy. I shot up out of bed. “I know I should go talk to her.”

  “She’s not your advisor, you’re a Visual Arts major.” He stated.

  “Hush.” I told him as an idea crept into my mind. “That’s not the point. I just have to go to her and ask her how I can get in touch with her brother. This is perfect.” I said snapping my finger.

  “Wait.” I said turning back to him. “Is she nice?” I asked.

  Nico nodded. “Really nice, and a looker too. But she’s kind of cynical/sarcastic you know that kind of chick.”

  “Nico, you are my absolute favorite person on this planet!” I exclaimed as I jumped on him for the second time today.

  “You big whale!” He accused. Wrapping his arms around me we fell back on the bed.

  Next day

  I shifted uncomfortably in the chair. Seriously could inventors of chair make these seats a little more comfortable? I mean I was there for barely 5 minutes and I would have preferred walking on burning coals then sitting my ass on this chair.

  I looked at the people around me and smiled and looked away, not really focusing on anybody in particular.

  “Oh hi O.J...” a girl said to my left.

  I turned to her and smile. Black girl. Big glasses. Long micro braids in her hair. Do I know her? Maybe, don’t remember right now, not in the mood to rack my brain. “Oh hey----how are you?” I said politely.

  “Great.” She said happily her eyes lighting up.

  “That’s good.” I said looking her over. It wasn’t anything bad, I guess I had a tendency of doing it. I love clothes of all types believe me, clothes if any is worn right it becomes the cutest thing ever. But what she was wearing was throwing me off. She had on a hideous red Christmas sweater, and it wasn’t even one of those ugly sweaters that you could play off with a cute short skirt or jeggings…no she wore high water jeans. Those baggy/skinny mommy jeans type of jeans that they shunned Jessica Simpson for, but even that was gorgeous compared to this. I smiled at her and rubbed the back of my neck as I dreaded looking down, but look down I did. She had on socks with flip flops, I almost fainted. I looked around. This can’t be happening to me, is this girl for real? I sat back in the chair and crossed my legs, I looked her over again. I felt bad for her. Maybe she just needed somebody to show her how to dress. Or maybe she didn’t have a mom there for her to lead the way. Oh the poor girl, I should be her friend.

  I must have been staring at her without moving for a while, yes I had a tendency to do that even though I didn’t mean it, because she clasped her hands in her lap and tugged at her sweater.

  Stop it Ornelia, you’re making her uncomfortable. “I like your hair.” I said smiling at her. I really did, it was the prettiest thing on her right now surprisingly. I wish I had the patience to sit for 7 hours to have somebody braid my hair. But obviously I couldn’t even concentrate for 10 seconds on anything.

  She seemed surprised as she tugged her hair. She smiled back. Oh she’s pretty. Seriously the way I see it, everybody’s pretty if you look hard enough. Don’t mistake me, I’m not one of those hippie that roam around saying peace and love and throwing roses and calling everybody beautiful. Matter of fact I know that I think I’m nice. I mean, I’m nice but I do realize that I also judge more than I should. I bowed my head. I really am a bad person. Well not bad bad, just not that nice I guess.

  “So yeah, how did you do on the test?” Beautiful braids asked me. I shot my head up, unaware that she had been talking to me the whole time.

  “I’m sorry what?” I asked politely.

  “The coms test. How do you think you did?” she asked.

  I looked at her. I tried to rack my brai
ns to see if I remember her in my coms class. “Wait you’re in my coms class?” I asked.

  “Actually I’m in 3 of your classes. I’m a minor in photography, I’ve seen your pictures they’re really good by the way.” She said quickly. She then looked away embarrassed.

  “Oh yeah!” I smiled brightly as I grabbed her arm, catching her by surprise. Do I remember her now? Fuck no, but she didn’t need to know that. “Sorry don’t mind me, I’m not here right now. I mean I’m here…but yeah…anyways…I think I fucking failed that test.” I said.

  “No you probably did well.” Beautiful braids said.

  I laughed a small laugh. “Nope I failed it.” I shrugged, it was expected. I sat aside time to study for it and I ended up getting caught up with other stuff. Yeah I know, I’ve been trying to change my study habits, really I have.

  “Oh well, it doesn’t really count for that much.” She said encouragingly. She pushed her glasses up with her index finger just like in the movies. I seriously thought it only happened in the movies. I mean I wear glasses too, right now I have contacts…my eyesight is atrocious but you will never catch me pushing them up like that.

  “Yo O.J...!” A familiar voice hollered nearby.

  I turned to my side and looked up smiling. That little cutie Rigoberto. He was standing there looking all sexy and shit in his school hoodie and soccer sweatpants. He only had one folder in his hand. That’s all Rigo ever carried a folder, no matter what class he went to or what assignment he had, it was just one folder.

  He was my favorite Italian. Well half. His mom was Italian and his dad was black. He had that beautiful olive skin complexion, with beautiful green eyes. His short cropped shape up made him look so handsome.

  “Rigoberto!” I said smiling wider. I stretched my arm out to him and he hugged me. It was kind of awkward seeing as I was sitting down and my face was planted into his stomach, or his rock hard abs, you choose. I had the longest crush on Rigo it wasn’t even funny, but then last year when he asked me if I like him, I said no. Why? I don’t know, because I had to maintain some kind of dignity around this guy. But anyways that was in the past. Now he was dating this cute little blond cheerleader Lucy. Oh I loved her, she was just the epitome of happiness, and you couldn’t help but love them together. The sweetest couple at school. Oh and did I mention that Rigo plays soccer? Yeah Beckham body son! If you don’t know who Beckham is, shame.

  “Man whatchu doing here, gotta drop out too?” He asked sitting on the arm of my seat.

  “No unlike you Rigo, I stick my classes out till the end. Even if I fail and end up having to retake it a couple times.” I said.

  He laughed. “O.J... you’re dumb.”

  “You’re saying I’m stupid?” I asked wiping the smile off my face. I gave him a surprised stern, look.

  “No silly, I mean dumb funny, and don’t pull that shit with me, I know you ain’t mad.” He said wiping his hand over my face.

  “Hey.” I said moving away. That was an insult to me. Big insult. “Take it back before I beat you up in front of your girlfriend again chump.” I said. Totally lied. What did I look like taking on a guy like Rigo? Hey my bark is worst then my bite.

  “Oh no you’re gonna send me to the hospital again?” He asked in a high pitched little girl’s voice.

  “Damn right.” I said nodding. I saw movement in my peripheral vision. I turned to witness beautiful braids looking intensely at the floor. She was rubbing her hands together so hard, it looked as though she wanted to start a fire.

  “Hey Rigo this is my friend uh---my friend.” I said touching her arm. I know I don’t know her name. I don’t even know why I attempted to say it.

  Beautiful braids looked up surprised. She seemed to be on the verge of hyperventilating.

  Rigo looked at her up and down. I smiled at him and he gave her a shaky smile and nodded his head.

  “We have like 3 classes together, can you believe it? We’re practically joined at the hips.” I said.

  “Thank God you’re not.” A voice said behind him. A couple people snickered. I looked behind Rigo. Of course Rigo was never alone, he had some of his buddies with him. Yeah sorry, I have a tendency not to notice things though they’d been with him the whole time. Pierre my beautiful Afro-Caribbean Frenchman. Zeus, yes his parents actually named him Zeus, but he lived up to it, This Argentinian was fast as lightning on the soccer field. And last and definitely least was Lark, the asshole who spoke up. There was just something about this kid I didn’t like. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but he gave me goose bumps, and it’s not because he kisses like a fish either. Unfortunately I kissed him, and yes I was drunk, man I probably would have slit my throat if I was sober.

  Awkward moment here we go again. I shifted in my seat and glared at Lark. ‘Stop it.’ I mouthed. He shrugged and smirked at me, but I rolled my eyes.

  “Because…” Pierre started in that adorable accent of his. “We feel sorry for anybody that would be forced to hang around little miss O.J... Simpson for longer than 5 minutes.”

  I smiled at him. That’s why he’s my favorite, that little sweetheart. “Hey!” I said pretending to be offended.

  They all started laughing. I’m not really put off by people laughing at me or with me, I don’t care. Laughter was important.

  “Hey man don’t get her mad.” Zeus spoke up. “We wouldn’t want to have an unsolved murder on campus.”

  Everybody laughed as though it was the funniest thing ever.

  “Zeus that was so wack.” I grinned

  “And can somebody please make sure she wears the right size gloves at all time.” Pierre insisted.

  I rolled my eyes. “Tu n’es pas marrant toi.” I told him. You’re not funny. I loved Pierre, we had a little French connection. I speak French, well my mom does, therefore I do…I was forced to. Which I don’t regret. My mom’s from Guadeloupe and my father, oh just some guy she fucked back in college. That’s all I know, that’s all she told me and that’s all she’s ever gonna say, believe me I asked several times.

  He winked at me and I blew him a kiss

  “Enough with the zee zee oui baguette, we are in America not France.” Lark said pushing Pierre. You see why I strongly dislike him? His Texan personality always crept up.

  I turned to the beautiful braids. “Boys are a nuisance.” I said shaking my head. She barely glanced up from the floor but gave me a small nod. Strange.

  “Miss. Jones, Miss. Perth is ready to see you, room 2309.” The receptionist said looking over her glasses. She must have bifocals or something.

  “Thank you.” I said standing up. “’Scuse me losers, but I have important business to take care of.” I said patting Rigo’s shoulder.

  “Aight bye babe.” Rigo said taking my chair.

  I gave a charming smile to Zeus.

  “On se voit.” We’ll see each other. Pierre said kissing me on both cheeks.

  “Bien sur.” Of course. I said.

  “Ladies and gentleman O.J... Simpson has left the building.” Zeus said clapping, and his annoying friends followed.

  I turned to them and grinned as I stuck up both my middle fingers at them.

  “Ms. Jones!” The receptionist yelled. The students in the waiting room started laughing.

  I gave her an apologetic smile and quickly left the room. 2309 that was the room right across. I opened the door slowly. This was nothing like the Arts advisor room. Here there were a bunch of cubbies and advisors at their little cubicles. In the art department, every teacher seemed to have their own specified room. Here they were crowded like sardines it seemed. I hated being crowded. I had a minor claustrophobia, okay maybe it was sometimes a little more than minor. My biggest fear; tunnels. I hated tunnels with a passion. I couldn’t go through them without hyperventilating of course. It’s my own little secret. Nobody knows, not even my mom.

  Finally after having read the names off almost every single cubicle separator, I finally saw Miss. Susan Perth. I gave a si
gh of relief and slid into the empty chair across from her.

  She was upright as she typed away on the computer. Yeah she was a really pretty lady. Black hair a little longer than shoulder length. She had glasses and I guess the bangs made her look younger…I’ll give her 28…give or take 2 years. I wonder if she has blue eyes.

  “So how can I help you today Miss…” she peered at her computer. “Miss. Jones.” She said turning to me and smiling. Aww, she has those blue eyes, just not as intense as her little brother.

  “Uh…well…” Okay how do I start this without being too creepy?

  “You do know I’m not your normal advisor right?” She asked as she lifted some papers.

  “Yeah. I know.”


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