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O.J. Page 22

by Penny Hawking

  “Ornelia?” He asked again.

  I still ignored him.

  Andy sighed. “The least you can do is open the door after you rudely snatched the shirt out of my hand.” He said calmly.

  I jumped off the bed and yanked the door open. “I snatched it out of your hand because you didn’t like it!” I yelled.

  Andy smirked at me and stared at me knowingly.

  “Ugghhh!” I threw my hands up, realizing he said it on purpose for me to open the door.

  I went back to the bed and he stayed by the doorway. “Look if you want me to wear the shirt I’ll wear it.”

  “I don’t want you to wear the shirt.” I said annoyed. “I want you to want to wear the shirt.”

  “I don’t want to wear that shirt.” Andy said. My back was to him but I could hear rocking softly. “But if you want me to wear it than I will.”

  “I don’t want you to do anything.” I said.

  “Ornelia, can you look at me?” He asked.

  I ignored him as I kept my back to him and closed my eyes. Why was this conversation touching a soft spot? Just go away, seriously Andy…go.

  There was literally 3 minutes of silence but I knew Andy hadn’t left the doorway. I heard Fleur come to the door and Bubbles soft panting following her.

  “Ornelia.” Andy said speaking up. “Look I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have reacted like that okay. I don’t want to wear the shirt.” He said slowly. “But if you want me to---”

  “Forget about the shirt!” I yelled sitting up. “God!” I turned to him and shrugged. “It’s no big deal, it’s fine…whatever… you don’t want the shirt…I didn’t really expect you to like it.” I stood up. “It was a dumb idea anyways, I’m returning it.” I said.

  Andy stared at me and Fleur took a cautious step back.

  I shrugged and smiled at them. “I need some air…I gotta go.” I said. Andy didn’t move so I ended up having to push his shoulder out of my way as I walked out the room. He had an annoyed look on his face as he stared at the ground.

  “Where are you going?” Fleur asked timidly.

  “None of your business.” I said.

  “But mom said---”

  “I don’t care!” I said cutting her off as I walked towards the stairs. “I won’t be home till later so y’all can eat without me.” I took a deep breath. “Don’t bother waiting.” I mumbled and rolled my eyes. I skipped down the stairs.

  “She’s in a bad mood. She gets like that sometimes…and mom doesn’t like it when she leaves.” Fleur informed Andy.

  “Shut-up.” I told her from the bottom of the stairs. I was so annoyed. I snatched my car keys.

  “Hey Nee-nee where are you going? Can you help clean and decorate the house?” Celine asked breathlessly. She’d just came out the attic and was holding a big brown box written Thanksgiving all over the front.

  “No.” I said simply. I yanked the front door open and stormed out.

  2:30 a.m.

  I fumbled with my house keys for a couple minutes until I finally found the right key. I squinted as I opened the door. I had just came down from the high so I was feeling really sluggish and tired. The only thing I could think of was my nice warm bed awaiting me. I sighed as I walked into the house, surprised that there was some lights on. Who was up at 2:30? I walked slowly towards the light and heard Celine’s laughter.

  I stepped into the living room.

  “I know it’s weird but it was a good experience…long and tiring, but worthwhile.” Andy said smiling as he ran his finger through his hair. He looked up and stared at Celine as he played with his lip ring.

  Celine giggled and rubbed his shoulder.

  I took a couple steps forward. “What are you two doing?” I asked slowly.

  Celine looked up “Oh Hey Nee-nee.” She said. She sat up straighter, she smiled at me and I couldn’t make my face smile back. “We were just waiting for you to come back and Andy was telling me about how he made leather pants one day with his uncle---”

  “Why are you touching him?” I asked cutting her off. I stared at her hand that was still on his shoulder. She stared at her hand and blushed as she removed it. She placed it in her lap. I stared at Andy but for the first time he wasn’t looking at me. He was staring at the coffee table, but I did see him clench his jaws and unclench them.

  Celine stood up. “Well now that we know you’re safe and sound.” She said clasping her hand together. “We can all just---” she stopped talking as she sniffed the air. “What is that Nee-nee?” she asked seriously as she walked towards me.

  I took a step back and shrugged. “What’s what?” I asked as I too sniffed the air.

  Celine grabbed my arm. “Why do you smell like weed?” she whispered.

  I giggled. “That’s weird.” I shook my head.

  Celine crossed her arms. “Seriously Nee-nee….what happened to us being responsible adults?” she asked.

  I smiled. “No, that’s just your job…I on the other hand have the privilege of doing whatever I want.” I said patting her shoulder.

  Celine removed my hand. “Go upstairs you’re embarrassing yourself.” She whispered even lower as she tried to turn me around.

  “Oh I’m sorry…” I said. “Was I interrupting your little fuck session with Andy?”

  Celine paled. “Nee-nee stop it.” She said seriously.

  I shrugged. “Who cares go ahead, maybe you’re his type.” I waved her hand away from me. “God knows I’m not.” I said.

  “I’ll walk her to her room.” Andy said. I had no idea when he’d stood up or how he’d made it to Celine’s side. He gave her a quick hug. “Nice chat.” He said smiling.

  “I don’t need an escort.” I said rolling my eyes as I went up the stairs.

  “Night.” I heard Celine’s voice.

  I was at the top of the stairs when I felt Andy grab my arm. What was it with people grabbing my arm? That was seriously like the 20th time today?

  Andy practically pulled me to my bedroom door. “Really?” he whispered, as he let go of me.

  “Really what?” I asked. He simply stared at me. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. “Oh yeah I forgot you were team Celine.”

  “I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about you.” He said.

  I giggled. “Ohhhh….is Andy getting angry?” I asked. He’d placed his hand above my head as he used the wall for support to lean.

  “There are other ways of getting attention.” Andy said.

  I stopped smiling. If only he knew how much this wasn’t for attention. It was for my own sanity…rather I be calm, high and relaxed than going around doing half the things I thought of in my head.

  I looped my finger around his belt loop and pulled his body towards mine. I smiled and licked my bottom lip. “I see you brought me to my room and not Fleur’s.” I said. I wrapped my arm around his waist and slid it slowly down to his butt and gave it tap. “Does that mean I have permission to sleep with you tonight?” I whispered in his ear. I blew on it softly and planted a soft kiss on his earlobe.

  I smiled because there was nobody on this earth that could tell me Andy wasn’t affected. Especially since I pressed him so close against me I could feel something thick against my inner thigh. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know what that was. I giggled softly. “I guess that’s a yes.” I whispered. I planted a soft kiss on his neck.

  Andy gave a small uncomfortable cough as he pulled away from me. He shoved his hand in his pockets and mine dropped to my side. I looked down and smiled naughtily. The outline of his penis in the crotch of his jeans was so evident especially since he had on skinnies. Wow surprisingly he didn’t look like a small fellow….so how did he fit that in them tight ass jeans? I looked up and met his gaze. I raised my eyebrow at him. Apparently you want to do this…so what are we waiting for?

  Andy took another step back. “Your mom was really worried about you.” He said seriously. “You shouldn’t make her worry like that.” He finished.
  I stopped smiling and all previous mischievous thoughts I had in my head vanished.

  “Goodnight Ornelia.” Andy said in a detached tone. He opened my bedroom door, disappeared inside it and closed it behind him.

  I stood at the door as I felt a ball in my throat. I wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight.

  7:43 a.m.

  I heard Andy move around in the bed. “How long have you been in here?” He asked in a low groggy voice.

  I shrugged as I hugged my knees. “Like 5 minutes.” I said softly. My back to him, he couldn’t see the remorse on my face. “I wanted to apologize but I couldn’t wait.” I explained. My voice broke at the end. “Andy I’m really really really sorry okay, don’t hate me…I swear I’m gonna try harder.”

  “You don’t have to apologize to me.” Andy said calmly.

  I turned to face him. “I do.” I said trying hard to ignore the just woken up Andy with his ruffled black hair, bright blue eyes and that ever tantalizing silver lip ring against his pink lips. “I acted like a bitch to everybody and nobody deserved that, especially not you.” I rubbed my palms against my thigh as I looked down at my carpeted floor. “Please just….don‘t stop being my friend okay.” I whispered.

  Andy sat up on his elbow and watched me on the floor right next to the bed. “We’re friends.” He said simply. I looked up and was rewarded with a smile. He couldn’t possibly know how handsome he was in the morning.

  “Thank you.” I said smiling back.

  Andy laid back down. He moved over to the left and closed his eyes. He patted the empty space.

  “Really?” I said happily. I got up off the floor and peeled back the sheets as I got in bed.

  Andy chuckled in that low sexy voice as he turned to his side, his back to me. “I’m really generous in the morning.” He said in that voice I was starting to love.

  “I feel like I won the lottery.” I said grinning as I pulled the covers up and settled in. “Don’t worry I won’t try to seduce you anymore…I know I can be a nuisance.”

  Andy chuckled again. “That’s the least of my worries right now.” He muttered. I saw him shift slightly. He moved again. His hip moved and he sighed. “Definitely the least.” He whispered.

  I turned on my side my back to him and curled up. We were in silence for a couple minutes, aside from Andy’s occasional repositioning of his body but always ending up on his side, his back to me.

  “What are you doing?” I asked sleepily.

  “It won’t let me be comfortable.” He said in a voice so low not only did I barely hear…I’m sure Fleur wouldn’t have heard it either. And that’s saying a lot.

  “What won’t let you be comfortable?” I asked.

  “Go to sleep.” Andy answered.

  “Okay.” I said closing my eyes. “Andy?” I whispered.

  It took a while for him to answer but he did. “What?”

  “Would it be too much to ask you to hold me?” I whispered.

  “Yes.” He said simply.

  I yawned. “Please.” I said sleepily.

  “Go to sleep.” Andy said sternly but I was rewarded with a skinny pale arm wrap loosely around my waist.

  “Thank you.” I said yawning again. “I think it’s safe to say our relationship has progressed to a new dimension.” I joked as I felt myself loosening up and drifting off to sleep.

  “You talk too much.” Andy whispered in my ear. I hadn’t realized he’d gotten that close.

  “You don’t talk enough.” I countered lazily.

  “Ssshhh go to sleep.” He whispered. His hand gently rubbed my hip. He brought it up and slid his hand up my shirt. His fingers were soft as he ran it up my side slowly. Andy made little circles as his hand moved over my belly. He was giving me little feather touches that in any other circumstances would have gotten me alert, but after not sleeping I was too tired and weak to do anything but smile and give a content sigh. Andy removed his hand from under my shirt and patted my hip softly. I had no idea what just happened but all I knew is I’d never felt so secure and so content in anybody’s arm as I felt at this moment. Yes, I Ornelia just gave a complete cliché statement. Blame it on the sleep because I have no other explanation. And you know what, there was no other place I would rather be right now. Another cliché huh…well if you felt what I felt this moment you would be saying the same thing. So guess what Mr. Andrew Perth? I think I’ve made up my mind that you and me might happen…but on my terms, and just how I want it. I snuggled against his warm body. But for now let me get my rest.


  “There’s so many people.” I whined as I took a grape.

  My mom sighed and leaned over and kissed my forehead. “They’re family baby.”

  I groaned as she rubbed my shoulder. She kissed my cheek and sighed. I knew she was exhausted. I heard her around 5 in the morning up and about getting stuff ready for thanksgiving dinner. She’d cooked a whole feast and it looked amazing. I grabbed her hand and gave it a comforting squeeze, even now that she’d put her make-up on and got dressed and looked amazing, I could still see the stress lines around her eyes and forehead. She gave me a small smile.

  “Go see if your cousins didn’t trap Andy into anything again.” She said. “And I’ll go see if everybody’s doing okay.” She kissed the top of my head and left the area. I watched her walk away with a sad smile. She didn’t think I noticed but I did. At every family gathering she was always next to me and kissing me as though she could shield me from the words of my hypocritical elders. I really appreciated it, but I learned my place a long time ago, amongst my aunts, uncles and great-aunts. I learned to avoid the stares and the side comments quickly. Believe me I could be oblivious when I wanted to. The only person I knew who adored me was Grandma Olivia and of course anybody below the age of 30 because they learned not to treat people based on their circumstances.

  “Now why is my pretty little grandchild here by herself?” Grandma Olivia asked behind me. I turned and smiled as she wobbled her little body over to me. I shook my head at her little golden cane. She was amazing.

  “Grapes?” I asked Grandma Olivia as I stretched out the bowl of grapes to her.

  “Child no.” She said shooing it away. I laughed as I put them back on the counter.

  I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tight. “Are you enjoying yourself?” I asked.

  “These reckless kids in the house.” She said as she sat down on the stool. “I’m thankful for each and every one of them I really am…but on occasion, I’m tempted to shoot a few.” She said shaking her head.

  I laughed. “Aren’t you the sweetest.”

  “Here comes your little white boy.” She said pointing behind me.

  I turned just in time to see Andy’s grateful look. ‘Help’ he mouthed. I laughed. Andy put Cherise down and told her something as he made his way over to me. “Help, those kids are crazy.” Andy whispered as he leaned over me. He looked at Grandma Olivia.

  “Evening ma’am.” He said giving her a nod.

  “Child please, its grandma Olivia to you…any friend of my granddaughter is a grandchild to me.” She said hitting his leg with her gold cane.

  Andy looked surprised as I laughed and rubbed his arm. “You think those kids are crazy? They took after their grandmother.” I said.

  Cherise ran over to us followed by Nahlia and Dione. “Andy come play with us.” The little hazel eyed Cherise asked. She latched on to his leg and looked up at him excitedly. “Please, please please.” As if just on cue the other two girls followed their older 7 year old cousin.

  “Yeah Andy come play.” Nahlia said grabbing onto his leg and chanting please.

  Andy looked up at me helplessly. It was so funny to see those three little girls on his leg.

  “Okay okay.” I said bending down and pulling Cherise off Andy. “Andy is with me, go find somebody else to play with.”

  Cherise pouted. Her hazel eyes narrowed as she put her hands on her hips. “That’s not fair co
usin Nee-nee…he was playing with us first.” She said. She swung her long French braid to her left shoulder.

  “Yeah.” Dione said putting her hands on her hips and following suit.

  “Hi cousin Nee-nee.” Nahlia said sweetly. She hurried over and gave my leg a quick hug. Her two puff balls were the cutest thing I’d ever seen. I patted her head and smiled at her. I know we’re not supposed to have favorites, but fuck it, Nahlia has always been my favorite.

  “Come here Nahlia.” Cherise demanded.

  Nahlia scurried over to Cherise’s side and put her hands on her hips too. I looked at the three sassy black kids and almost burst out laughing.


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