Playing with Her Doctors

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Playing with Her Doctors Page 6

by S. E. Law

  I’m impressed. This is deep shit for a twenty-five year-old of any sex, and I agree with her. Perhaps motherhood is what’s helped Bethany become mature beyond her years. Whatever it is, she’s clearly an articulate and sensitive young woman. Definitely someone I’m interested in knowing better.

  “So tell me,” rumbles Ryder. “What other interests do you have?”

  But this girl keeps us on our toes. She laughs a little before turning the tables.

  “Okay, I know what you’re doing. That’s enough about me. I’ve already told you my life story, but you’ve hardly told me anything about yourselves. I mean, I read your bios on your website, but that’s just a professional bio. So who are you really?” she asks curiously.

  I lean back in the booth.

  “What do you want to know?”

  She purses her lips before asking the question that’s been dancing at the tip of her tongue this entire time.

  “Well, I just have to know,” she begins. “But have you ever, you know, done with another woman what you did with me? Have you ever kissed another woman’s pussy in the exam room? Do you often share?”

  At that, the conversation turns serious once more, and I take a deep breath.



  I can tell Ranger is about to tell Bethany a white lie, but I step in because it’s important to be a hundred percent honest with her. Something about this woman touches my heart, and I want to be straight with her, even if it costs us this relationship before it’s even really started.

  “Yes, we often share,” I say in a serious tone. “Not always, but a lot of the time. Does that surprise you?”

  Bethany is still for a moment before nodding.

  “Yes, but may I ask why?” she says. “Do you not like dating one woman?”

  Ranger lets out a choked chuckle.

  “We do like dating one woman. But we tend to be attracted to the same type of woman, sweetheart. Someone who looks like you.”

  She blushes again at the compliment and my body goes rigid just seeing those curves tremble. But Bethany’s not done yet.

  “Yes, but why?” she presses. Damn, it’s not easy to throw her off the trail. She’s smart, that’s for sure.

  “Dating the same woman simultaneously works out better for all of us,” I explain quietly. “Dr. Stevens and I are busy professionals, and it can be hard to work with a surgeon’s schedule. We’re in the hospital sometimes upwards of sixty hours a week. Not to mention, if a patient has an emergency, then sometimes we’re basically barely around.”

  Bethany blinks a bit in confusion.

  “The women you’ve dated weren’t tolerant of your schedules?” she says with disbelief. “That’s why both of you need to date her at once?”

  Damn, this is coming out all wrong, and Ranger intercedes.

  “No, that’s not it. At least, that’s not all of it, although it’s part of the story. We want our women to enjoy life, and sometimes, it’s just easier to lavish her with affection if there are two of us. So when Ryder’s on shift, maybe I’m off and just the two of us can go on a date. Or if I’m busy, he can take over. Of course, we enjoy it most when all three of us are free.”

  Bethany blinks, but I can tell she’s not totally convinced.

  “Okay, but a lot of guys in the city work brutal hours,” she says. “I mean, bankers, lawyers, and all those tech guys supposedly are practically sleeping in the office sometimes. I can’t imagine that women aren’t okay with dating someone with a busy schedule, especially since so many women in the city have busy schedules themselves. I mean, women in New York have jobs,” she quips. “So there has to be more.”

  I nod. Again, nothing gets by her, and I’m impressed. She’s twenty-five, but she’s no dummy. I sigh again.

  “It’s just something we like, sweetheart. We like to share women. We like to enjoy her body as a threesome, and we like some of the um, different things we can do in bed.”

  At that, Bethany’s face goes red and her heartrate accelerates.

  “I see,” is her breathy reply.

  “TMI?” asks Ranger wryly.

  “A little,” she admits, blushing even more. “But that’s okay.”

  Both my partner and I pause delicately for a minute.

  “So it’s okay with you that we share?” I ask. “Would you be on board with that?”

  She inhales, her big breasts rising so much that I’m momentarily transfixed.

  “I don’t know if I’m okay with it because I’ve never done a threesome before, but I’m willing to try,” she says in a small voice. “Is that okay? I mean, a relationship like this relationship is new to me. But you never know unless you try right?”

  I laugh aloud, and Ranger joins me with a deep chuckle.

  “You’re absolutely right, baby. Let’s get to know another, shall we? You’re exactly what we like, both in looks and personality, so I think there’s a lot of potential, given the electricity in the air. So let’s give this a shot, okay sweetheart?”

  And judging from her tremulous smile, I know everything’s going to be alright. Not just alright, but amazing and terrifying at once because although Bethany doesn’t know it, the curvy girl already has us transfixed.



  We ate at one of the finest restaurants in New York, and yet I barely recall the food because I was so mesmerized by Ryder and Ranger. The two doctors are stunning, not to mention gorgeous and charismatic. They take my breath away, in addition to making me laugh so hard I almost spit up my meal on occasion.

  But most of all, they accept me for who I am. As a young single mom in the city, sometimes I feel like I don’t belong. I feel like I’m the only person under thirty toting a baby on my hip, and that I’m alone on this journey. No one really understands, at least not anyone that I know. Not my friends who are still enjoying the single life. Not my co-workers at the big company where I work. Not my parents, and not anyone in my family, who frown down on unmarried motherhood.

  But Doctors Stephenson and Stevens are different. They get it, which is strange considering that they’re two unattached guys without kids who are phenomenally wealthy, whereas I’m a struggling mother trying to make it on my own. But somehow, they understand me, and accept me for who I am, which makes my heart warm. They get what it’s like to be different, and maybe it’s partially because they’re different too.

  After all, Ryder and Ranger enjoy threesomes and seem to engage in them pretty frequently. More accurately, it’s not just the sex part of threesomes. They also enjoy the relationship aspect, which made me gasp when they told me of their preferences.

  “We want a woman to be happy,” Ryder explained. “And no woman is happy if she’s left alone all the time. That’s why a threesome is one of the better options for us.”

  “We’ve had one on one relationships in the past,” clarified Ranger. “But something was missing. It’s like we could never go deeper because there was never the opportunity. She wanted more, but we were never able to give more because we never had the time. It’s only when we started claiming women together that everything came into focus and things started making sense.”

  I nod, my heart beating fast. Who am I to judge after all? People fall in love with many people over the course of their lives, in many different races, genders, sexes, and formats. This was just a different permutation, albeit one not commonly found in the mainstream.

  So I took a deep breath and decided to give it a try.

  “I’m willing,” came my mewling voice. “I’m ready.”

  The blaze that my words set off in their blue eyes told me that I’d said exactly the right thing. The male hunger reverberating through the air was immediately palpable, although now it was out in the open, instead of implied within our conversation.

  “Good,” ground out Ryder. “Now let’s eat so we can get out of here.”

  I giggled a bit because we were only on the appetizer at that point, and there was
still the main course, not to mention coffee and dessert afterwards. But Ryder and Ranger can eat a lot, and fast. They inhaled their food, and the cassoulet and mussels disappeared within minutes. I’ve never seen fancy French food go down so quickly. Within twenty minutes, we were on the sidewalk hailing a cab.

  “Come back to our place,” said Ryder persuasively. “If you want to see a breathtaking view of New York, our penthouse has the best vantage point.”

  I gasped.

  “Wait, you live together?” I asked breathlessly. “I wouldn’t have guessed.” Somehow, the idea of two men sharing a woman still hadn’t settled in my mind, and I remained astonished. Given the shape of their sexual preferences, I suppose it made sense to share an apartment.

  “Yeah, it’s just easier,” Ranger confirmed. “Well, not together together. Ryder has the upstairs, and I have the downstairs of a penthouse duplex. They’re connected by an internal elevator.”

  I gasped. A private elevator in New York is the ultimate luxury, and I realized I wasn’t just dealing with two surgeons – I was entangling myself with two very wealthy, powerful men.

  “Oh okay,” I breathed. “I suppose I could go for a look see.”

  So here I was now, ensconced on a couch in their apartment. Everything they promised is true. The penthouse is gorgeous, with soaring ceilings and lavish leather furniture scattered about. Expensive artwork decorates their walls, and sure enough, there’s a private elevator hidden in the corner, connecting the upper and lower floors.

  “You like?” asks Ryder, sitting down besides me. Immediately, my body goes hot and my nipples become hard. He’s so handsome dressed in dark dress pants coupled with a starkly white button-down shirt. The snowy fabric only highlights his deep tan and blazing blue eyes.

  “I do,” I murmur shyly. “The view of the Hudson River is fantastic.”

  “Good,” growls Ranger, sitting on the other side of me. He’s just as mesmerizing, like a huge tiger watching his prey with hunger. He’s enormous, from his broad shoulders to that tapering waist, and I can’t wait to see him out of his clothes. I can’t wait to see both of them out of their clothes because this is what I’ve been anticipating ever since they mentioned the word “relationship.” Suddenly, I don’t want to wait anymore. I want these men, and I make my wishes known.

  “Is now okay?” I mewl. “I -well, I’d like to get to know you better.”

  Immediately, their gazes flare with heat.

  “What do you mean, sweetheart?” growls Ryder in a low voice.

  I stammer, flushing hotly.

  “Well, don’t you … you know, claim women together?”

  Both men are still, although the energy in the air courses with electricity.

  “How do you mean?”

  I gasp a bit, staring at them.

  “I thought, well, I thought that you date women and of course, you um…” My voice trails off because I feel so awkward. Oh my god. Maybe I completely misjudged the threesome thing. Or maybe I never understood it to begin with. Maybe what they meant by threesome is that they each date the same girl at the same time, but they don’t actually all get in bed together at once. Embarrassment rises over me, and I go hot from my hairline to my toes. I’ve been such a perv, thinking and wanting that, and now, they know that I’m a dirty girl.

  But the gleam in their blue eyes merely deepens, and the two men lean in closer.

  “We just want to make sure you’re ready, and that you understand,” rasps Ryder.

  “Because sometimes taking two men isn’t easy, and not all women can do it. So are you sure, Bethany? Are you sure you want to be with both of us at once?”

  I look at these two compelling physicians. They’re both gorgeous and persuasive. What girl wouldn’t want to be with them? I melt inside, going soft, loose, and wanton.

  “Yes, I’m sure,” is my whispered reply. “Look, I’ll show you how much I want it.”

  Slowly, my hand creeps down to the hem of my dress. My dress is airy and floaty, yet elegant at once with a fluttery hem. I grasp the edge between my fingers and slowly begin inching it up my thighs.

  Both men stare as more and more creamy flesh is revealed.

  “You’re gorgeous,” Ryder breathes. “Absolutely beautiful.”

  “Yes, exactly what we like,” growls Ryder. “Perfect in every way.”

  These words encourage me, and slowly I lift them hem until the mound of my panty-clad pussy is bared. The lingerie I have on is a lavender silk, the scrap of lace barely covering my engorged lips. But it’s not just that. As I lift my knees a bit and spread, the crotch part comes into view and there’s a wet spot on the lace, the evidence of my need for these men.

  “Oh my god, I’m wet,” I mewl coyly. “Look.”

  “We see,” growls Ryder. “Shit, I need to get a taste.”

  Immediately, he’s kneeling between my knees, spreading them even wider. Meanwhile, Ranger comes behind me, lifting me up a bit so that I’m sitting between his legs and slowly slips a hand under each of my thighs, helping me lift them.

  “Here,” he growls. “Spread them wide.”

  With that, my legs are lifted so that they’re open in a perfect vee, my steaming pussy laid out for the men I’m with. Oh my god, this is so dirty. One man’s literally holding me open for the other, but Ranger does one better. He releases my knee and reaches between my legs to pull my panties to the side, baring my pink lips.

  “Go in for a taste,” he commands Ryder.

  His friend doesn’t hesitate. Immediately, Ryder ducks his head and begins lapping at my moist slit. Hot jolts of pleasure run through my cunt and I mewl a bit, bucking under Ranger’s hold.

  “Oh!” is my cry of need. “Yes, like that!”

  But Ranger’s not done yet. When his friend comes up for air, Ranger’s at my pussy again. But he doesn’t stroke my clit or probe my hole. Instead, he puts a finger on each labia and then spreads them apart, revealing my beautiful, glistening insides.

  “Fuck, she’s wet,” he growls, eyes fixed on my sweetest spot. “Be sure to taste her on the inside of her cunt. That’s where the juice is the sweetest.”

  Holy cow, these men are so dirty! Ryder’s not just sucking directly from my hole. Ranger’s literally holding my pussy open, baring the pulsing pink insides as Ryder licks up the interior of the left side, scooping my nectar into his mouth, before tasting the right side of my pussy as well, savoring my femininity. This is dirty beyond my wildest dreams and I pulse beneath his mouth, bucking and crying out.

  “Yes,” is my breathy gasp. “Oh god, I’m going to cum!”

  It happens then. I haven’t been with a man in so long that with a sudden shudder and start, my pussy convulses and I’m coming into Ryder’s mouth. My cunt clamps and snaps as white lights flash before my eyes. I toss my head like a mare in heat, but not before I see something that surprises even me. In the midst of my pleasure, a stream of liquid jets out of my pussy in a clear arc. What is that? But evidently, it’s something to be savored because both men stare momentarily in wonder before Ryder lunges forward and catches the liquid between his lips, drinking it all in.

  I scream and burst again, bright flashes of light exploding before my eyes as my pussy give it all up, spasming with jolts of passion. Ranger squeezes my nipples between his fingertips, enjoying this sight of sin.

  “Fuck this is nasty,” he growls, unable to take his eyes off the debauched sight. “I love it.”

  “Ohhhh,” is my breathless cry as my body soars and all air disappears from my lungs. I feel like I’m being stimulated everywhere, my creamy curves heaving at the excitement of being with two men.

  But finally, the pleasure tapers off a bit, and I’m left a gasping, heaving mess in Ranger’s arms. Oh my god, did that really happen? It must have because Ryder lifts his head, his mouth and chin wet with my juices.

  “I didn’t know you were a squirter, Bethany. Now that we know, we’re going to have to get you to do that for us at least on
ce a day.”

  I gape at him.

  “Is that what it’s called?” I ask in a tremulous voice. “Squirting?”

  Both men nod.

  “Why you’ve never done it before?”

  I’m still limp in Ranger’s arms, with my legs spread and my pussy pulsing and wet. But I manage to shake my head a bit.

  “No, never. I’ve never even really come before, if you know what I mean. Well, at least not with a man. Just by myself when I touch myself,” I admit in a shy voice.

  They stare at me. It feels so sensuous and wrong because both of them are still clothed while I’ve already let them play with my pussy and take me to completion. Not to mention that I’m still a shuddering, heaving mess while recovering from my orgasm. But the two men merely nod with wonder.

  “Sweetheart, we’re so honored to be your first. I mean, every girl has a first, but then there’s her real first. The man whom she loses everything to.”

  “We’re so happy to be that for you,” says the other doctor. “Passion and pleasure are gifts, and we want to be able to give that to you each and every time.”

  My cheeks feel hot again, but then something washes over me because I know we can’t possibly stop at this. The two men haven’t come yet. In fact, Ryder and Ranger haven’t even undressed, so this must be the beginning, rather than the end of our session together.

  Feeling bold, I smile coyly at them.

  “But what about you?” is my mewl. “My kitty had a good time, but she wants to be stretched,” I say. “Look how small she is. She needs you,” I emphasize while reaching a hand between my thighs and slowly parting my pussy lips for the men to see again. They watch, entranced, as my pink interior comes into sight once more, totally wet and swollen with need.

  “See, she needs your cocks,” are my breathy words. “I’m desperate.”

  The handsome men look at each other, and then their hands to go their belt buckles, swift and definite.


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