Playing with Her Doctors

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Playing with Her Doctors Page 10

by S. E. Law

  “Go go go!” burbles Danny from his stroller, gesturing to the camels up ahead. “Me go!”

  My son only just started talking, so he’s not the most articulate person yet, but Ryder seems to understand.

  “Totally got it, big guy,” he chuckles. “You’re too small to ride the camel yet, but look,” he says, lifting the little boy onto his shoulders. “You can have a ride on Ryder the big bad human. How about that instead?”

  My son waves his arms in glee, a joyful smile breaking out onto his chubby face. He’s ecstatic, and very likely, this is the best day of his life. Little squeals of joy ring into the sunny day as he babbles more gibberish, waving his little arms. Not to be outdone, Ranger then hands my son a huge fluffy ball of cotton candy.

  “Here you go,” he says. “Knock yourself out, buddy. This pink stuff is cool, isn’t it? Look you can tear some off just like this,” he says, demonstrating. Pretty soon, Danny’s going crazy tearing cotton candy into small fluffy clouds, his face sticky while simultaneously babbling, “Camel, camel!”

  But the two men love it and are incredibly adept at handling Danny. They entertain him without losing patience, pick up on his toddler babble and awkward gestures, and even sing to him when he demands it.

  “Row, row, row your boat,” hums Ryder.

  “Eee!” shrieks my son.

  Ranger merely leans over and gives him a drink of water from his thermos before joining in the chorus.

  My heart turns over because it’s clear that these men would be wonderful fathers. Their paternal instinct is unerring and true, and they know how to create boundaries while also bringing a sense of joy and fun to the day.

  My heart spasms again. It would be so amazing to be a mother to their child. But how would that work? Is that even what they want? After all, there are two of them, and only one of me. Whose sperm would do the trick? Or would we do a paternity test afterwards to determine the biological father? Or would it even matter?

  This is so confusing but suddenly, I realize that that’s what I want. Having Danny is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I realize that I’d love to have a second baby with Ryder and Ranger. It would be my dearest wish for us to be a family somehow, even though it’s not clear exactly how it would work.

  Sensing my gaze, the men turn towards me. Their blue eyes can read my mind, and oh god, but they’re so handsome that the breath catches in my throat.

  “What are you thinking, sweetheart?” growls Ryder. Danny’s now fallen asleep in his stroller, his chubby hand gripping a stuffed giraffe loosely against his cheek.

  “Oh, not much,” I fib lightly while looking at my handsome boyfriends. They’re so tall and imposing that I’ve caught more than one young mother looking their way, before glancing over at me with envy in their eyes. I have no idea if people realize I’m with both of them, but it doesn’t matter. These men are mine, and I’m so happy and proud I could burst.

  We’ve come upon the lion enclosure, but fortunately, there are no lions there today and so there aren’t many people either.

  “Come on, over here,” growls Ranger. “I think I can see a lion resting over there under a rock.”

  “Oh really?” I ask, curious. “That makes sense. Maybe they wanted some shade, so they went to the back to hide out. I don’t blame them. It can’t be easy to have thousands of people go by each day staring at you. Especially if a lot of them are loud and noisy children. I’d want to hide too.”

  As I wheel the stroller over to the back, we come upon a hidden glade of sorts. How odd that there’s this private space behind the lion enclosure, but it is what it is. There’s soft, jewel-green grass dappled by the sun and a thicket of trees blocking the view of the footpath.

  “This way,” gestures Ranger. “There’s even a spring back here. It’s so beautiful.”

  I wheel the stroller carefully, making sure not to wake Danny. Sure enough, the glade extends a bit and there’s a small pool of sorts, burbling with clear water.

  “This is really gorgeous,” I say with a sigh, looking around. “The day can’t get any better. My son loves you guys,” I murmur, shading my eyes with my hand to look up at these huge, handsome men. “You’re so good with him.”

  “Excellent,” growls Ryder. “Take a seat honey because we wanted to talk with you a little.”

  I make myself comfortable, seating my curvy bottom on the grass right next to the spring.

  “What is it?” I ask. The air in my lungs catches because as Ryder and Ranger come to sit on either side of me, I’m reminded of how lucky I am. These men are gorgeous. Ryder’s huge, his tanned biceps showing beneath a fitted t-shirt, with powerful thighs encased in denim. Ranger’s just as handsome, wearing a long-sleeve fitted t-shirt that shows off his broad chest, and shorts that reveal tanned, muscular legs.

  But the expression on their faces is serious.

  “Sweetheart, you’re a wonderful mommy,” begins Ranger slowly.

  “And you know we haven’t been using protection,” adds his friend with a meaningful glance at me.

  “I know,” is my stammer as I blush hotly. “I keep meaning to get on the pill but then I get so busy, and with the new job and all, I haven’t had a chance to go to the drugstore yet. I’m sure it’s fine,” I say quickly. “I just got my period last week, so I’m not pregnant, and I’ll get the pill I swear,” is my promise.

  But Ryder’s soft finger on my lips stops me.

  “No, baby, it’s okay. That’s what we wanted to talk about. If you don’t want to be on the pill, then we’re okay with that too.”

  I’m completely stumped.

  “Oh you mean, you’re going to wear condoms?” I ask, my brow furrowing. Somehow, I can’t imagine it. These aren’t men who like latex, and in fact, they’ve mentioned more than once how much they enjoy my pussy or ass wrapped around them bare. They’re men who adore creampies as well, so how would that work if they’re coming in condoms?

  Both alpha males shake their heads.

  “No, sweetheart, not condoms.”

  “Is there something else?” I ask, confused. “Some new medical thing that can help prevent pregnancy?”

  The men share a look over my head. Their blue gazes are so intense that I go hot all over, and shiver in my sweetest spot.

  “Well, no, there isn’t,” says Ranger. “I guess what we’re saying is that if you wanted to get pregnant, we’d be more than happy to be daddies.”

  My jaw drops open. What?

  Babies? With these men?

  Yes! I’d be totally into it!

  But I want to make sure.

  “You mean, we’d have a baby together, the three of us?” I ask. “You want me to be a mother to your child?”

  Each man takes a hand, Ryder on my left and Ranger on my right. Their big palms feel so comforting, and I melt at their touch.

  “Yes, you’d make a wonderful mommy,” growls Ranger. “We’ve seen how you are with Danny, and you are a wonderful mommy already. We’d love to have a baby with you.”

  Oh my god, it’s really happening. My heart races as happiness blooms within my chest. These men want what I want because our values are aligned, and we’re looking for the same things in life. But I still have some questions that need to be flushed out.

  “I’m a little confused,” I begin in small voice. “I mean, I absolutely want to be the mother of your child –“

  Their blue eyes flare at that statement.

  “-but I have to know how this works,” I finish.

  “Shoot,” says Ryder. “We’re happy to answer any questions.”

  I nod, taking a deep breath.

  “Well, I just … who would be the actual biological father?” I mewl plaintively, looking up at them with big brown eyes. “Both of you have been coming in me hard, fast, and unprotected, and both of you are so virile. I could get pregnant by either of you at any time. Would that matter?”

  The doctors don’t seem fazed by the question at all. Ryder
merely smiles and shrugs his wide shoulders.

  “Sweetheart, we’re not men who believe things have to be one way or another. We’d be happy if you got pregnant with one of our babies period, and it doesn’t matter which of us is the biological dad. That kind of thing isn’t of huge importance, although I guess we could get the baby tested after birth if you’re interested.”

  I shake my head.

  “No, I’d be happy to have either one of your children,” I mewl with a softness in my heart. “It would be wonderful.”

  The men look at me with hunger in your eyes.

  “You’re fertile and young, sweetheart,” says Ryder. “There’s time for more than one child. You could have two, or three, or even more if you want.”

  I smile happily at them. I’ve always wanted a huge brood, and if these men are open-minded, I could definitely give them a run for their money.

  “You know, my secret wish is to have five children,” is my whispered reply. “We could have four more including Danny. Two from you,” I say pressing my lips to Ryder’s hand, “and then two of yours,” I say, while kissing Ranger’s wrists.

  The men pull me close, showering me with kisses everywhere.

  “Oh sweetheart, four doesn’t even describe what we want. Of course, we’d love to see you bloom four times. We want your curvy body to become round and for you to ripen with our seed again and again. But Ranger and I? We were thinking more along the lines of six kids … or even more, if you’re willing.”

  I let out an involuntary gasp. Six children? I’m about to protest but then my heart flips over. That would be incredible. I’d love to hear the pitter patter of feet again and again for the next decade, and to breastfeed a half-dozen more children. To tease the men, I decide to up the ante.

  “Let’s just make it twelve then,” is my purr. “Let’s say three sets of twins, and then six singletons. How about it? Do you think you could keep up?”

  The doctors don’t even hesitate. They seize my mouth in a kiss, and then push me back to lie gently against the grassy knell.

  “Baby, since you’re the one who suggested it, we’re not going to say no. Making it a baker’s dozen would be perfect,” grins Ranger. “We didn’t want to scare you away, so we trimmed it down to six so as not to overwhelm you. But since we’re clearly on the same wavelength, then I say we should get started, don’t you think?”

  There isn’t time to answer because the men are on me in an instant. Ryder seizes my mouth in a deep, passionate kiss before delving to my breasts. In an instant, my sweater’s gone and my bra ripped away, leaving my big breasts out to bounce in the sunlight.

  “Oh my god, people will see!” I gasp. “We can’t do this here.”

  Ranger swallows my cries, pushing me back down with a firm grip.

  “Sweetheart, no one’s going by the lion exhibit today because the lions aren’t out. Plus, no one’s going to see because there’s the copse of trees blocking the way, so as long as you stay quiet and don’t alert the cops, we’re going to be just fine. Besides, Ryder and I have a special treat for you today. Do you think you can handle it?”

  I know what my special treat is. It’s their two cocks, which are already out, huge, hot and dripping. I seize one in each hand, running my palms up and down their firm lengths before licking the tip of one with my tongue, and then suckling the other with my pink pout. Both men throw their heads back with a groan, their bronzed forms nude and hard beside me.

  “This is it, isn’t it?” I mewl wickedly while looking up at them. “Your cocks, right? One in my ass, and the other in my pussy? I love doing you double,” is my delighted whisper. “You know that.”

  Both my men chuckle while looking down at me. Harsh stains decorate their high cheekbones, and oh god, but their dicks are so wet that they’re dribbling long strands of semen to the ground.

  “Yes, we know you love dick, sweetheart, and that’s why our situation works best for a hungry cumslut like you. Because you’re only happy when you’re serviced by two men. But you know, all this talk of pregnancy has us eager to get you seeded and bred as soon as possible. Have you ever heard of a double vaginal, baby? Do you think you’d like that?”

  I nod happily, kneeling on the grass in front of these two god-like men.

  “Yes, we’ve done it before right? One of you takes my pussy, deposits a load, and then the other takes my pussy right after? So the two loads mix inside me?”

  Oh god, the thought has me so hot and the truth is I can’t wait to be used like that. Something within me is so fulfilled whenever I let them treat me like a precious fuckdoll, and I love it so much.

  But the men shake their head. They push me back to lie on my back and then one kneels between my legs, lapping at my slit, while the other suckles a breast, making me moan with need.

  “Not quite,” growls Ryder, looking up for a moment before tracing circles around my clit again. Oh my, it feels so good when he does that and a warm wash of liquid flows from my pussy into his mouth, which he swallows with pleasure. “It’s something different. What we’re going to do is put both our dongs in your pussy. Is that okay, sweetheart?”

  I blink down at him, barely able to focus.

  “Yes of course. I love having both your cocks in me. That’s what we always do, isn’t it? You know my pussy is yours to own, whenever and wherever you want.”

  The men nod hungrily, but then Ranger clarifies his business partner’s statement.

  “No baby what we’re going to do is squeeze both our cocks into your pussy at once. It’s going to be simultaneous, and you’re going to fuck us both with your hot little box, and then take our cream at the same time. It’s something we’ve wanted for a while now, but we didn’t want to scare you. How do you feel about it? Do you think you can do it for us?”

  I gasp aloud, my heart racing in my chest even as my pussy gushes once more. Did I just hear correctly? It can’t be.

  “But how?” is my mewling cry. “But of you are so huge. Would you both even fit?”

  The men smile knowingly, with hunger in their gaze.

  “It’s true. You are really small, baby, but you know we’ve been working you really hard every night for the past couple months. Your pussy can take it. Not only that, but you’ve given birth in the past, so we know you can stretch. All hot MILFs have that capacity, and sweetheart, you’re one of the best. So tiny, and yet so elastic at once.”

  Their words do the trick because suddenly, I’m desperate to try. I want it, and tell them so.

  “Let’s do it then,” is my mewling cry as Ryder leans forward again to lick and bite my nipple. “I want you both in me, making me feel good.”

  With that, the two men smile, their gazes hot but their bodies controlled. They know they’re enormous, and I’m a small girl comparison. Handling two men like this isn’t going to be easy under the best of circumstances, but if it makes them happy, then I want to try it. Even more, I want to do it for myself because my world has changed so much since meeting them, and every boundary and reservation I had before is being broken, this one along with the others.

  “Here,” grunts Ryder as he lies down on the ground. His shaft sticks up like a huge ten inch club, and I bend over immediately, taking it in my mouth.

  “Oh sweetheart,” he murmurs, stroking his fingers through my brown curls. “You’re such a hungry cumslut, and I appreciate what you’re doing but we want to seed you in your fertile spot, baby. Come on, ride me a little like a cowgirl.”

  I don’t hesitate. Straightening, I jiggle my big boobs at him playfully while mounting him. I lift myself so that I’m squatting over that huge dick, my pussy dripping onto his head and play with it a little, bumping it a bit before rubbing my clit against his shaft.

  “Now,” he rasps hoarsely, watching with pleasure as I begin to lower myself into his shaft. “Oh fuck.”

  I throw my head back in ecstasy. He’s enormous, and each time feels like it’s the first. My kitty stretches and I moan agai
n, trying to accommodate him.

  “Oh god,” is my fervent cry. “I don’t know if I can.”

  “You can,” growls Ranger from in back of me. “Slow, sweetheart, slow. Just let yourself get stretched and soon that little pussy will be back in play.”

  I moan again, slowly sinking down until I’ve taken the full ten inches inside.

  “Mmm,” is my delighted cry. “Oh shit.”

  “Move up and down a little, sweetheart. Jerk me off with that hot little hole of yours.”

  Obeying, I do as Ryder commands. I lift myself a bit, and then ease myself back down, swallowing his huge dick with my pussy again and again.

  “It. Feels. So. Good,” is my breathless moan. “Oh god, I love getting fucked.”

  “I know, that’s why you’re our little cumslut,” growls Ranger’s voice from behind. I go up and down a few more times before Ryder pulls me down to his hard, bronzed chest so that my breasts lie flat against him.

  “Now let Ranger get in,” he commands. There’s a shifting behind us, and then I feel the other doctor get on his knees behind me. Oh god, it must be such a dirty sight. My pussy’s stuffed full of dick, the wet folds grasping Ryder’s cock, with my big behind raised and open. Not just that, but craning my head to look back at Ranger, I put both hands on each of my bottom cheeks and pull them apart so that he can get a good look at everything down there.

  “Daddy do you want my rusty star?” I ask in a sweet voice.

  Ranger chuckles, his cock already lubed and moistened from the copious pre-cum that’s dripping down his shaft.

  “Thank you for the offer, baby, but not right now. I’ll touch it a little, if it makes you feel better,” he offers before licking his fingers and then probing my pleats a bit. “You like that?”

  I close my eyes and moan. Oh my god, I have Ryder’s dick in my pussy and Ranger’s fingers in my ass. This is heaven on earth itself, and my kitty gushes hot liquids, making the men moan.

  But then the fingers disappear from my asshole, and Ranger pushes me down further, so that my ass is raised as high as possible in the air, while I’m still impaled on the cock below me.


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