Playing with Her Doctors

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Playing with Her Doctors Page 15

by S. E. Law

  Bethany nods, her expression growing more horrified by the moment as Ryder looks on, his face grim.

  “Well, the woman who came in was batshit off the reservation. And I mean, absolutely uncontrollable not to mention utterly unprofessional. She was wearing head-to-toe fluorescent clothes and a funny little hat, but it wasn’t just that. When Ryder and I stepped into the conference room, she was bent over the table, showing us her bare pussy. And it wasn’t a pretty pussy, either, believe me. She was dry and shriveled-looking down there. Let me tell you, this is someone who could really benefit from a vaginal rejuvenation.”

  Bethany gasps, unable to even speak, as I continue this sordid tale.

  “Obviously, we turned her down. We like them creamy and cute, and not strung out and desperate. But this woman just wouldn’t take no for an answer. Even after we got her to turn around and pull down her skirt, she kept baring her breasts during the interview, and blaming it on a “nip slip” or a “wardrobe malfunction.” The bitch was incredible, and I think Ryder and I were both relieved when she left.”

  “More than relieved,” he adds in a grim tone. “I was half expecting a lawsuit because people like that are so twisted. You never know when someone like that is going to spin around and accuse you of doing something wrong.”

  I nod.

  “Well, we thought we were rid of her until today, obviously. I had no idea that this was the same woman. Go figure. How did you put two and two together?” I ask my partner.

  He shrugs.

  “It wasn’t hard. I called a friend at Plastic Times, who said the editorial board had a source that was sketchy at best, which is why there were no names mentioned, and no byline on the article. And then I started making a list of our potential enemies. I mean, our competitors don’t love us, but they wouldn’t do something like this, either. It had to be that crazy bitch from a long time ago.”

  “And when I said my friend was a reporter, it clicked, didn’t it?” breathes Bethany. “Suddenly, it all made sense.”

  “Yeah,” adds Ryder in a grim tone. “I’m so sorry this happened, sweetheart. Realizing that someone you thought cares about you actually hates your guts is always tough. It’s like a stab to the heart, wrenching and painful.”

  Bethany nods, going a little tearful again, but then she speaks softly.

  “No, I’m the one who’s sorry,” she says in an emotional tone. “I should have known. Wanda’s been acting weird lately, and even more so than usual. She was so judgmental about my meeting with you, and then the whole vaginoplasty thing was strange too. You know, she’s the one who kept saying that I needed one and that I should get it checked out.”

  “You don’t need one,” I interject in a growl. “You’re tight in both your pussy and your ass, so you don’t need a vaginoplasty nor an anal rejuvenation.”

  Bethany colors at the frank words, but she smiles tearfully at me.

  “I know,” she says. “This whole thing was a farce because we were misled by someone who’s clearly incredibly troubled in her mind. Can you forgive me, Ryder and Ranger?” she asks in a soft tone. “I’m so sorry this happened.”

  My business partner and I share a look, and then immediately both of us are on the couch, taking one of her hands in each of ours.

  “Don’t be sorry,” he growls. “It’s not your fault. You went in with a true heart, baby, and never had any malicious intentions. We know you never intended to do any wrong.”

  “And there’s been no harm,” I add. “We thought the practice was in trouble but in fact, nothing’s happened. There’s been no drop off in patients, and no colleagues calling to ask if anything’s amiss. I mean, something could develop in the next month or so, but the way things are looking, I think it’s just overblown. Epinine is going to be fine, baby girl, so don’t worry about a thing.”

  Bethany looks at us with a sheen to her beautiful eyes.

  “So we’re good?” she asks in a trembling voice. “Everything’s okay?”

  I lean in to seizer her lips as Ryder presses a heartfelt kiss to her hand.

  “Everything is more than okay,” I rumble. “You are ours, and we are yours, sweetheart. I admit, that the way we met wasn’t exactly right. We shouldn’t have touched you in the exam room that first time, but the only thing I can say in our defense is that we corrected the situation as soon as possible. You see, we wanted to start off on the right foot with you. You mean too much to us sweetheart.”

  Bethany looks like she’s about to cry.

  “Sweetheart, are you okay?” I ask gently.

  “More than okay,” she breathes. “This makes me feel so much better hearing you say that.”

  Ryder takes over then. He captures Bethany’s mouth in another deep kiss, and cradles her curves gently, making her sigh.

  “We knew you were right for us as soon as we laid eyes on you, baby girl. That’s why we needed to claim you immediately - because you’re a jewel. Any man who sees you would want you, and we had to put our mark on you as soon as possible. But like Ranger said, we wanted to be upfront and open about our relationship because you mean everything to us. As a result, we broke off the doctor-patient relationship at that first dinner because we couldn’t continue like that.”

  “I remember,” she mewls. “I know you’re good men, and everyone makes mistakes. We’re human after all, and you tried to make up for it as soon as possible.”

  “I’m glad you understand,” I rasp, bending in to press another kiss to the delicate beat of her pulse in her wrist. “Because we still want everything we’re aiming for. We want you to get pregnant. We want you to keep working here, and running the office for us. We want you to have not two, three, or four kids, but maybe six or seven or more. With us, sweetheart. We want to be fathers as soon as possible, and you’re just the fertile girl to make that happen.”

  Bethany opens those big, brown eyes, staring at us with passion in her eyes and a flush to her cheeks. She’s so gorgeous, and my cock hardens and strains even as her big breasts heave up and down.

  “I’m so happy to hear that because I have some news to share, Ryder and Ranger,” she says in a soft voice.

  Oh god? Can it be? My business partner and I share a glance.

  “Are you-?” Ryder rasps.

  “I am,” she confirms with a sweet smile. “I’m pregnant, and you’re going to be daddies in about eight months. I just found out today, and I’m so happy.”

  Joy rushes through my heart and I press a kiss to her hand again.

  “Sweetheart, you can’t imagine how much this means to us,” I say in a hoarse voice. “We’ve waited for so long.”

  “And you’re the woman to deliver,” adds Ryder reverently. “You’ve put us over the moon with this, Bethie.”

  But the beautiful girl’s not done yet.

  “I’m glad, but guess what else?” she asks with a mischievous look. “I’m not totally sure yet, but I think it’s twins. Remember how both of you took me in the pussy simultaneously at the zoo?” she asks in a coy voice. “I think I got pregnant from those two huge loads that day. I think I’m having two babies, and that you’re both going to be biological dads!”

  Ryder and I stare at each other, stunned. Can it be true? Did our double vaginal do the trick? My heart fills with hope as my soul brims with joy because this is what we’ve always wanted. My business partner and I craved a woman who was ripe, fertile, and willing. Not just that, but we wanted someone who could provide what was missing in our lives: order, financial discipline, but also a sense of lightness and joy. Bethany meets and exceeds our hopes and wishes. She’s become our business manager, our confidant, our lover, and now? She’s also going to become the mother to our babies.

  Unbidden, Ryder and I drop to one knee in front of her. She gasps, her eyes going wide.

  “Bethany, will you?” my business partner rasps. “Ranger and I have been talking about it, and we’d love to marry you, sweetheart. Please, make us happy men. Say you will.”

  She smiles then with tears in her eyes, looking from him to me, and then from me back to him.

  “Yes, Ranger. Yes, Ryder,” she breathes. “I love you, and I’d love to be your wife forever.”

  With that, we press kisses to her tender mouth, worshiping this beautiful girl. After all, the curvy woman came to us in an unexpected way, but what we’ve been through all makes sense now. Bethany’s giving, willing, and so sweet, and with wedding bells just around the corner, our lives will only become more fulfilled as our hearts spill over with love.

  Epilogue One


  It’s been two years since Ranger, Ryder and I tied the knot. Of course, I could only be legally married to one of them, so we went down to City Hall, and I took my vows with one man standing by my side, and the other one looking on as our witness. But our hearts knew the truth because there were actually three participants in that wedding: myself, Ranger, and Ryder, even if the certificate only bears two names.

  After all, it’s the feeling that matters. When we started out, I was so unsure. I didn’t know what to expect of my first threesome, and certainly didn’t anticipate a relationship, much less a marriage to two handsome physicians. But what I have has met and exceeded my wildest expectations. I have two gorgeous, caring husbands, and they’ve given me beautiful children too. Eight months after tying the knot, I gave birth to twins: a girl and a boy. Hunter and Hailey are so cute. They both have black hair and sparkling blue eyes like their daddies. Not to mention, my son Danny was ecstatic to be a big brother.

  “Huntuh and Halley,” he said in his lisp. “Big brotha Dan-dan.”

  “That’s right,” said Ranger, bending down to press a kiss to Danny’s head. “You’re the best big brother ever, and the twins love you already.”

  Ryder knelt down and offered the little boy a gift.

  “This is from Hunter and Hailey for you, Son,” he said. “They’re so happy to have you to guide the way.”

  My heart almost exploded then because Ryder and Ranger are so good to me and Danny. After the marriage, they insisted on re-doing a guest bedroom as a child’s room and spared no expense. Danny now has a boatload of toys, a double bunkbed, a chalkboard, a magic erase board, as well as a giant stuffed giraffe that’s literally ten feet tall in his room.

  “Thank you,” I said with tears in my eyes as we stood in the doorway watching my son sleep. “You’re magnificent fathers.”

  Ryder and Ranger merely kissed me before leading me to our bedroom suite.

  “This is a dream come true for us,” they said. “We’ve wanted to be daddies for so long, and Danny will always be our first-born.”

  My heart flipped over because how many men are so giving and loving, especially towards a child who’s not biologically theirs? But my husbands are generous and kind, and I fall in love more with them every day. Not to mention, now that we have our biological twins, I still have a pressing question for them.

  “Do you want to do a DNA test?” I asked one day, while staring down into the twins’ cribs. My husbands were with me, and together, the three of us savored the sense of well-being and peace in the nursery. Of course, when the babies wake up it’ll be total chaos, but for now it was love and comfort all around.

  Ryder gently stroked the curve of my bottom.

  “No, sweetheart, I think I’m good. No DNA test necessary. How about you?” he turned to Ranger.

  My other husband also shook his head.

  “I’m good too,” he growled. “Both of these babies are ours, just the way you and Danny belong to us, Bethie. No DNA test is going to make a difference.”

  I opened my arms to them, melting into their strong embrace.

  “You’re so good to me,” I breathed. “And so good to these children too.”

  They pressed worshipful kisses to my body.

  “Sweetheart, we have all of this because of you. And I mean it. Without you, Ryder and I were just existing,” growls Ranger. “We were wandering around like lost men, unable to figure out what we were really looking for. But now that we have you, Danny, Hunter, and Hailey,” he said, glancing into the crib again, “everything’s different, and a DNA test isn’t going to change a thing. It’s the four of you that count, and nothing else matters.”

  I covered them with kisses then, giving them my all. After all, there had been a slight worry in my heart. What if one of the men got jealous that neither of the twins was his? Would he want to do IVF the next time, to make sure the third child was biologically descended from him? Or even if they next child was his, would Ryder and Ranger insist on some crazy “score-keeping” system to make sure they had the same number of biological offspring?

  As a result, to hear them say that no DNA test was necessary calmed my last fear. The two men share, and they’re open-hearted and generous to a fault. It didn’t matter who was the natural father because they see themselves as daddies no matter what, and my heart brimmed with adoration.

  “Thank you,” I whispered in their ear. “I love you so much.”

  Of course, that triggered an immediate reaction, and in no time I was laid out on the bed, ready to take their hard cocks again. It was absolutely wonderful, and I savored every second of it. Nor did it take long for me to get pregnant again. In fact, I just got the news today. I’m pregnant again, with numbers three and four. Who would have guessed that I’d have two sets of twins in a row?

  The front door opens, and then closes out in the foyer. Dual male voices call out.

  “Sweetheart, are you home?”

  I step out from the bedroom wearing my sexiest lingerie. I’ve put on about twenty pounds from my pregnancy, but my husbands adore me for it. They love the extra weight and have often encouraged me to eat more.

  “It’s for the babies,” they said. “You need nourishment for three, you know.”

  “But I’ve already given birth,” is my gentle protest.

  Ryder and Ranger shook their heads.

  “You’re still breastfeeding,” said one doctor, “so you need the calories. Eat up, sweetheart. You’re so beautiful to us, and we’d love even more if you went up a couple sizes.”

  Words like that make me happy, and as a result I’m totally comfortable in my sexy lingerie as I dance out into the living room. My breasts sway heavily as my ass bounces up and down in time to the music within my head.

  “Hi,” I breathe, pressing a kiss to first Ryder’s lips and then turning to greet Ranger as well. “How was your day today?”

  Both of my husbands are already hard and staring at my body ravenously.

  “Well, it just got better now that you’re here,” growls Ranger. “Fuck baby, where did you get this outfit? You look fucking hot.”

  I giggle a little, bobbling my breasts a bit at them through the see-through lace.

  “Oh this little thing?” I say coyly. “I got it at that little boutique down in the West Village that sells naughty things. I wanted to get a gift for us because today is a special day, and it’s time to celebrate.”

  Ryder’s staring hard at my nipples through the black lace, and I can see his massive erection in his pants.

  “Really?” he growls. “Celebrate what?”

  “Did we miss your birthday?” adds Ranger. “It can’t be because I swear, didn’t we just celebrate that two months ago?”

  I giggle a bit.

  “We did,” I confirm. “In fact you guys never miss an opportunity to celebrate because you treat me so well,” I coo. It’s true. My husbands cherish me, and often bring me gifts for no other reason than they feel like it. “But this is a very special occasion,” I add. “Can you guess what it is?”

  Both men are studying me with those gleaming blue gazes, and I go hot all over as their eyes roam up and down my curvy form.

  “Did that bitch Wanda finally leave town?” rasps Ranger, his eyes ogling the soft spot between my legs. “I hope she gets her comeuppance.”

  I shake my head, momentarily growing seriou

  “No, not that I know of. I think she’s still staying in that hostel over on the Upper East Side. You know, the one where penniless single girls stay when they’re down on their luck?”

  Ryder grunts.

  “Good, she deserves it.”

  We’re quiet for a moment, remembering the situation. Obviously, after everything that happened, I don’t talk to Wanda anymore. In fact, I never saw her again after we realized what she’d done and the evil that resided in her heart. There was no need. Despite getting a couple missed calls from her, I never picked up, and after a while, even those stopped.

  But Ranger and Ryder are powerful men, and they couldn’t let something like that go unchecked. Of course, we couldn’t prove anything, so we couldn’t report her to law enforcement. But my husbands made a couple of discreet calls around the city, and Wanda wasn’t able to find any freelance jobs after a while. Plus, when the lease on her apartment came due, the landlord decided not to renew. It went down in a spiral from there. She didn’t have money for a deposit, and so she stayed with friends for a while as she tried to look for more jobs. But of course, the jobs didn’t materialize, and you can only sleep on someone’s couch for so long. Last I heard, Wanda might be kicked out of the hostel soon for non-payment of rent.

  It’s harsh, and I don’t know where my ex-friend is going to go from there. But it’s also not my business anymore, especially considering the agony she’s put me through. In my heart of hearts, I’m secretly hoping that she leaves New York because this is a small town, and I don’t want to bump into her by accident. I just hope that wherever Wanda ends up, she gets some psychiatric support in order to work through the twisted, dark labyrinth inside her head.

  My husbands and I look at each other once again.

  “You know, Wanda’s not that bad,” I venture in a small voice.


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