Frozen in Time

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Frozen in Time Page 26

by Owen Beattie

  Sledging. See Overland travel and sledging

  Somerset House, 27–28, 53

  Spenceley, Brian, 200, 201, 206

  Starvation, 38, 74–76, 103, 114–17, 250

  Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 102–4

  St. Roch, 100

  Sutherland, Peter, 65–66, 72, 181, 186–87, 206

  Technology, Victorian, 16, 35, 236–38, 242–43, 253–55

  Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 76, 100

  Terror, HMS. See Erebus, HMS and Terror, HMS

  Thoreau, Henry David, 64

  Tin cans: in Beechey Island cairn, 64, 179–81, 203–4; in Inuit cache, 98; Inuit reports of, 101; lead solder, 142–43, 181; on Montreal Island, 76; opening of, 22, 24; recycling of, 144; Victorian canning technology, 16, 236–38

  Tinned food: advantages and use by Royal Navy, 15, 24–25, 33; on Arctic expeditions, 22–25, 28, 32, 41, 44, 48, 52–53, 70, 86, 240, 251–54; Inuit reports of, 96, 98–99; as lead source, 142–43, 236–38; as putative antiscorbutic, 15–16, 68, 104; spoilage and quality, 56–57, 64–65, 180–81

  Torrington, John, 3, 62, 73, 145, 155, 157–77, 192–98

  Trace element analysis, 111, 140–41, 144–47, 194–95, 235–36, 239–40, 245–47

  Tungilik, Arsien, 119, 126–27

  University of Alberta, 12, 16, 105

  Victorian society: Crimean War, 76; equipment hauled by Franklin party, 86–88; “exhibit” of “Esquimaux,” 73–74; image of polar regions, 20; Romanticism, 4, 77–78, 79; sources of lead poisoning, 141–44, 236–38, 244–55. See also Technology, Victorian

  Victory, 25–27

  Water: drinking, on Beechey Island, 157; in graves, 158–59, 202; for melting permafrost, in excavations, 168–69, 184, 205, 206, 229, 230; meltwater and overland travel, 108, 121; shortage, in Kane expedition, 70; for X-ray development, 211–12

  Weather and climate: field season, 1982, 121, 134, 165; field season, 1984, 178; field season, 1986, 202; and 19th-century Arctic exploration, 23, 70, 128–29; at Torrington’s burial, 198

  X-ray studies, 210–14, 217, 230–32, 241

  York Factory Complaint, 141–42

  Young, Alexander, death of, 32

  Copyright © 1987, 1988, 1998, 2004 by Owen Beattie and John Geiger

  Introduction © 2004, O.W. Toad

  This book was published originally by Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd. in the United Kingdom, E.P. Dutton in the United States, and, in Canada, by Western Producer Prairie Books (a book publishing venture by Saskatchewan Wheat Pool). First Douglas & McIntyre printing, 1992. Revised edition, 2004.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of the publisher or a licence from The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (Access Copyright). For a copyright licence, visit or call toll free to 1-800-893-5777.

  Greystone Books

  An imprint of D&M Publishers Inc.

  2323 Quebec Street, Suite 201

  Vancouver BC Canada V5T 4S7

  Cataloguing data available from Library and Archives Canada

  ISBN: 978-1-55365-060-7 (pbk.)

  ISBN: 978-1-77100-451-0 (ebook)

  Editing by Anne Rose

  Cover design by Jessica Sullivan

  Cover photographs by Owen Beattie

  We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the British Columbia Arts Council, the Province of British Columbia through the Book Publishing Tax Credit and the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program (BPIDP) for our publishing activities.




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