Starting Over: The Broken Hearts Club

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Starting Over: The Broken Hearts Club Page 6

by Michele Barlow

  Evan paused and it caught her attention. He crawled up her body and kissed her hard, sweeping his tongue into her mouth, giving her a taste of herself.

  He pulled back. “That’s all that matters right now. Whatever is going on in your head, cut it free, babe. Just let it go and take what you want, because I’m sure as hell getting what I want. Don’t let head games pull you down. This is about me and you. You want to be here, and I want to be here, actually I want to be about a foot and a half from here, not having this conversation. Don’t think I don’t know your doubts. You can have them, just not in this bed, not with me. This is real, and damn is it right. Now I’m going to go back to eating your sweet pussy and I want you to close your eyes and steal every bit of pleasure. Reach for it and don’t fucking let go for anyone. Got it?”

  Jesus, he was intense. He was like a cheerleader for sex. Go team, go! But he was right; there shouldn’t be anyone else in the room with them at that moment because it wasn’t fair to either of them.

  “I got it. Now you get it,” she said boldly.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He winked and slid back down her body.

  “I think I should go home. Shoot, I don’t have my car.” There had to be some kind of emergency extraction team for post-sex embarrassment.

  Cambry wanted to leave, find a rock and hide under it. She’d never acted like that before in bed. It was like she was possessed. Oh god, the things she said, and the sounds she had made. He must think…well, she didn’t know what he must think.

  “Cambry, settle down and get some sleep.”

  Settle down? Did he just tell her to settle down?

  “Excuse me?” How dare he!

  Evan rolled over on top of her and pulled her arms above her head, pinning them there.

  “Babe, you had three orgasms. You should be exhausted. I’m happy to put in the extra effort and really wear you out, but I don’t want to break you. Besides, I have plans for the morning before work. If I don’t get some sleep, I won’t be able to do you proper in the shower. So close your eyes and turn off whatever is floating through your head and roll over so I can tuck my dick between your ass cheeks and we both can sleep.”

  “Tuck your dick…Evan who are you?”

  “By day, mild-mannered teacher. By night, I’m a man who likes what he likes in bed, and knows when a woman likes it too. You liked it, Cambry. In fact, I’m pretty sure you fucking loved it. So go to sleep and I’ll give it to you good again in the morning.”

  He kissed her nose and rolled over her. He also gave her a little shove and positioned her where he wanted her.

  Cambry could not believe it when he reached between them and slid himself between her ass cheeks.

  “There, nice and toasty. Sleep tight.”

  Sweet Jesus, what had she just gotten herself into?

  Chapter 12

  Cambry: There are no words…

  Waverly: I’m in shock. In a good way.

  Cambry: I slept with him on the first date! FML

  Waverly: So what, whose rules are you following? Yours or someone else’s?

  Cambry: Uh, decent society?

  Luna: Fuck decent society.

  Waverly: Did Luna just say Fuck?

  Cambry: You guys, this is no joke. I came more times than I have in years with you know who.

  Elena: I think call him He who should not be named.

  Cambry: Super, that’s catchy. Really, he was so…bossy.

  Waverly: Doesn’t sound like you minded the bossy. Nothing wrong with a man that knows what he’s doing. Did he make you feel uncomfortable or do anything you didn’t want?

  Cambry: No, he made me embarrassed that I acted like a cat in heat.

  Elena: Trying to see the problem here. He took you out, pushed you on a swing, which is adorable BTW, then banged your brains out. This is a dream date. What are you bitching about?

  Cambry: I’m not bitching, shut up. I’m just unsure of what to do next. Call him? Wait for him to call me. If he doesn’t, does that mean I was just a one night stand? There is no way I’m going to be able to look him in the eye again. I think I scratched him!

  Waverly: He’s wearing those scratches as a badge of honor. Probably showing that shit off. And if you can’t look him in the eye, just close them. Odds are he’ll just kiss you, so that’s a bonus.

  Cambry: He’s probably not obsessing today.

  Luna: No girl, he’s helping kids cut circles out of paper. I’m guessing he’s pretty good at separating his freak side with his Joe citizen side.

  Cambry: True. He said he’d call me, but I kinda assumed that was a line.

  Elena: He take your number?

  Cambry: He has it.

  Waverly: Get yourself some coffee, go to work and be patient. I have a good feeling about this guy.

  Cambry: And when do I tell him my ex is a criminal and I was part of a huge scandal? That I benefited off of the stolen money of others??

  There was a long pause and Cambry waited to see what her girls would say to that. Wise words surely.

  Luna: Fuck it, don’t say anything until he says I love you. If you don’t get to that part, you don’t owe him anything.

  Waverly: Seriously, who gave Luna fuck it pills today?

  Luna: I’m serious. Don’t dump your junk on someone you just met. Enjoy that newness, get to know each other. Have great sex. Honesty comes eventually and will screw things up on its own.

  Luna’s story was one of the toughest. Her heartache was wrapped in good intentions.

  Cambry: Luckily I have a full day of cranky customers ahead of me and then I’m going to spend some hard earned dollars buying discounted plates and silverware.

  Waverly: Fancy. I’d say stop obsessing, but that isn’t going to happen. Just breathe.

  Cambry: Just breathe. I may have that tattooed on my forehead.

  Elena: No tattoos…

  Cambry: Bye besties, thanks.

  Cambry was sitting on the floor of her empty apartment. When she left the restaurant where Evan dropped her off to pick up her car, she couldn’t face her parents so she went to her new home.

  Her home.

  Last night when she had texted her mom to let her know that she wasn’t coming home, and then she had turned off her phone so she wouldn’t see or hear any calls or messages.

  Evan had kept his promise. He woke her up with his fingers inside her, his teeth on her neck and a grumbly sleep filled voice ordering her to spread her legs.

  She did, she wasn’t even awake and her body was putty in his hands. The man was a freaking genius, he knew just how to touch her, just how slow or fast to make her squirm. He would bring her just to the brink of orgasm then deny her the fall. Over and over until she was whimpering, pleading, begging, offering any promise she could think of to let her come.

  “When and where I say, pet.” Was all he’d say to her pleas.

  It was hot and annoying, but still hot. She wanted to be mad at him, to tell him off. But every time he played his game with her, she ended up winning. Over and over, she came in first.

  Evan didn’t let her come in bed, no, he picked her up instead making her squirm in his arms. Picked her up! Then carried her to the bathroom. He had a large walk-in shower that easily fit both of them. He set her on her feet and turned on the water with one hand while the other continued its slow motions over her sensitive parts. Saying she was sensitive at that point was an understatement. Just the slightest brush of his fingers had her knees shaking, her stomach muscles clenching, and her mind and body begging for release.

  He moved her hands against the front of the shower wall and had her bent over at an angle. She let him position her as he wanted, she didn’t think to protest. Her brain was only focused on one thing, letting go of the achingly sweet pressure inside of her.

  “Now you can come,” he said. In fact they both did, Evan had a skill that somehow managed to almost always bring them together at the same time, at least when he wanted them to. Often he li
ked to play a long delicious game of seeing how many time he could make her orgasm and not pass out.

  She lay panting in his arms later, both of them trying to catch their breath. Body to body, their hearts beating against their chests just a few millimeters apart.

  “My girl comes hard,” he said with such praise. “Any time you want, baby, I’ll give it to you.”

  Cambry wanted that in writing.

  The previous night had been insane. It might have been an average encounter for Evan, and god help her if it was, because there was nothing about what happened between her and Evan that could be considered average for her.

  After Evan had made her come with his mouth, he rolled her over on top of him. She had been in such a daze she was sure she just stared at him for a long moment.

  “Babe, I want to feel your mouth on me,” he said gruffly.

  She glanced down and for the first time in her life looked forward to bringing Evan to his metaphorical knees. Not usually her favorite thing to do, she found a whole new joy in pleasuring her partner.

  It didn’t take long before Evan had her back on her back and she was hearing the condom wrapper rip. There was moaning, there was screaming, and at some point, Cambry knew she drew blood with either her teeth or her nails.

  Admitting all of this to her friends wasn’t as embarrassing as it was an imperative. It felt like she needed to get it written down as proof. So later in life when she was trying to remember when she had the most amazing night of sex she’d ever had, she could track back to those messages.

  Cambry was so confused. Did she want to be in a relationship so soon? If Evan even called her again that was. She was recently divorced. How long was long enough before you started dating again? She wasn’t naïve, everyone had their own timeline. She simply didn’t know what hers was. Sadly, it also occurred to her that Evan had shown her more attention during the last twenty-four hours than Miles had in the last months of their life together before the scandal had broken. He was never home, and didn’t think to ask her about her day when he was there. They had revolved around each other, often with Cambry communicating with his secretary more than him.

  They looked like the perfect couple, showing up at events and galas dressed to the nines, looking rich and important. But they didn’t talk, they didn’t engage each other at all. They could spend the whole night together without actually speaking to each other. That wasn’t a relationship, it was a mutually beneficial arrangement that gave the outward appearance of a happy marriage and a deep love.

  But she wasn’t in love with him. She couldn’t remember the last time she had actually felt like she was in love with Miles. Surely when she married him she had been in love. Maybe the first few years when they were establishing themselves. She remembered how much fun she’d had setting up their home, shopping and decorating. They took amazing vacations several times a year. There must have been moments when she looked across the sand to where her husband sat and thought she couldn’t be more in love.

  But those memories didn’t bring up any feelings. Even on vacation, they were still playing their game. Appear happy and carefree. Post decadent pictures of their trip. Pose for picturesque selfies with each other to show their friends. It was all staged.

  Evan didn’t feel staged. Just being next to him made her skin tingle. And that was even before they had spent the night together. Now she was sure that the next time she saw him in person, her mind and body could potentially overload and she’d pass out cold.

  Or spontaneously climax. Both would be embarrassing.

  Flopping back onto the carpet, she gave herself a few more moments of cringe worthy recollection. She was going to have to go back to her parents to shower and change. Moving into her apartment was imperative now.

  Chapter 13

  Her phone vibrated and she pulled it up in front of her face to read the screen.

  Evan Brantley

  Yes, she had put his whole name in there because she liked how it sounded. He was calling her. She felt the breath catch in her throat before she hit the green button.


  “Hey there, baby. Sorry I couldn’t call you earlier, I had an early meeting with a parent. How are you doing?”

  Doing? What did he mean? In general? Post sex?

  “Uh, fine?”

  “Cambry, why are you responding in questions? I just want to know how your morning was going. I miss you.”

  “You just saw me a few hours ago.”

  “And I miss you like crazy. What did you do after I dropped you off?”

  “Went to my new apartment and laid on the floor.”

  “You laid on the floor?”

  “I don’t have any furniture yet. The carpet is nice.”

  “Did you check in with your girls?”

  Cambry had told him all about her squad when they were at the park. How they were her other half if she was split into fractional parts. They were her lifeline to keeping her motivated and sane.

  “Well, yeah.”

  “What did they say?”

  “You want to know what my friends said about you after I told them about last night? How sure are you that I told them anything?”

  “Babe… seriously? Do you know that it doesn’t matter your age, girls to women they all have to confer with other females on everything. I have eleven girls in my class ages five to six that can spend the better part of the day discussing clothes, boys, and their view on playground politics. I get it.”

  “They were… intrigued.” Shit, what else was she going to say?

  “Ahh, you gave them the details. Interesting.”


  “You told them about how amazing and fantastic I was last night and that you are already deeply, madly in love with me.”

  “Hmphf, not. I said I had a lovely time and hoped we would see each other again.”

  “Bullshit. You told them how many times I made you come screaming. Tell me I’m lying.”

  “Evan, you’re at school! You can’t talk like that.”

  “I am at school, but I snuck out to my car for this conversation because the kids are at recess. I wanted some privacy to tell you that I can still feel your sweet body and I intend to have you again tonight. What time do you get off?”

  “Pun intended?”

  “Sure, why not. What time?”

  “I don’t get off until ten. That’s too late to be having a date.”

  “Screw dating. I want you. I think after last night we can move to the next step.”

  “The next step with what? We had one date.”

  “Babe, every day is going to be a date until you decide to name it something else. I don’t care what you call it. I want to see you every day that I can and have you in bed every day that I can. It’s just that easy.”

  “And if I say I’m too tired after work to see you?”

  “Then you come to my house, I tuck you in bed and we go to sleep. I can’t say I won’t try to wake you up in the morning, but I’ll let you get a few hours of sleep in.”

  “So kind of you,” she scoffed.

  “I’m a giver, pet. So you come to my house? That way you can stay later since you have your car.”

  “Thoughtful. I guess I can start moving my things tomorrow.”

  “Or you can wait until Saturday and I’ll help you.”

  “You want to do… domestic things with me?”

  “Babe, you make that sound dirty. Yes, I want to do domestic things with you. After we’re done, you can help me cut up egg cartons for paint bowls.”

  “Wow, you know how to show a girl a good time.”

  “Have I not shown you a good time so far?”

  Cambry couldn’t lie, he had. A really good time.

  “Grrr, I can’t lie to you. I like spending time with you.”

  “Of course, I feed you meat. I will push you on a swing and sex you up whenever you want. Who wouldn’t want to spend time with me?”

  “True, f
ine, I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Oh, and babe?”


  “Got anymore of those cute cotton panties with the flowers?”

  “I think I do.”

  Cambry was going to see if there were any panties on sale at Monroe’s when she got there.

  Chapter 14

  Waverly: How’s it been going, for real?

  Cambry: You know those situations where you’re afraid that you’re living a dream and if you talk about it, you’ll jinx it?

  Luna: Except you have been talking about it. In vivid detail and almost every day.

  Cambry: Shut up, you love it.

  Luna: Didn’t say I didn’t.

  Elena: I’ve been printing them out to put them in a book.

  Cambry: Super.

  Waverly: I’m still waiting.

  Cambry: It’s good. We’ve been, dating?

  Luna: It’s been two weeks Cam, why do you still sound like you aren’t sure?

  Evie: Dating is talking about generic things and not being real. You guys sounds real.

  Cambry: Because it’s not dating. It’s weird. We’ve gone from two chance encounters to daily life. It’s a little freaky.

  Waver: Why freaky? He seems to really like you.

  Cambry: He does. I don’t doubt that. I’ve had more sex in the last two weeks than I’ve had in two years and that is no exaggeration.

  Luna: Not seeing that as a problem.

  Evie: That’s what it’s like when they really like you honey. You think I’m still not waiting for the shoe to drop? There is no way Leo would let a day go by without getting some. It’s hot, enjoy it.

  Cambry: It’s not a problem, it’s just that I feel like we’ve been together longer, that we are already a couple.

  Evie: Again, that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

  Elena: What does hunky teacher say?

  Cambry: He has a name.


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