Fight 4 Us (Book 4): Conquered

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Fight 4 Us (Book 4): Conquered Page 1

by Brian Grenda






















  It’s the middle of the night. It’s a hot and humid night with a slight breeze in the air.

  Car doors slam shut.

  My group and I gather around TJ in the parking lot of the fenced-in Tampa police station employee parking lot.

  As I look around the police station, I can’t help but to think of the multiple times Phil and I have been here already.

  The first time with Stephanie and Ray.

  The time that TJ left us the note, and now this time. This time we are here for a far different reason. We are planning to take out another group.

  I can’t help but to think of how the times have changed.

  We were trying to survive against zombies and now we are trying to survive against people.

  There is a strong feeling of anxiety, apprehension, and eagerness amongst the group. I must admit that I feel all those emotions as well.

  TJ looks at me, and then everyone else in the group before addressing us.

  TJ asks, “Everyone ready to do this?”

  Everyone eagerly nods their heads and says, “Yes!”

  “This will only work if we are all ready and perform our parts at the right time. This won’t be easy by any means, but we have the element of surprise in our favor,” says TJ.

  I look at TJ and say, “We are ready for this. We will work together and fight for each other. We are family, and we will not let these idiots get away with what they have done.”

  “For attacking us and taking away a valued family member of ours, these people cannot live.”

  I make eye contact with Chris, and he nods in agreement with my statement.

  “Let’s get into our groups and go over our specific parts for this attack.”

  We break up into our groups.

  I will lead a group, as well as Phil and TJ.

  The leaders go over everyone’s responsibilities during the attack and what we need from each person during each phase of the attack.

  The plan will be to attack the Big Club and Conquerors in a choreographed 3 group sequence of events.

  I will lead a team of Bobby G, Shaun, and Lauren.

  TJ and Odin will take Carlos and Chis, while Phil and Matt will be working together.

  I look at Lauren and say, “You need to stay safe and keep your distance from The Conquerors. You need to find cover and stay hidden.”

  Bobby G interrupts, “I will be with her and make sure she is okay. We will use the vehicles, trees, and anything we can to stay hidden.”

  Shaun replies, “We all will protect each other. Yourself included Ryan. You don’t need to worry about Lauren. She will be safe.”

  “We have to be ready to kill these Conquerors. No one can make it out alive. Do not hesitate. Don’t hesitate for a second. You hesitate and someone dies. It will be tough to kill someone as humans aren’t built to kill.”

  I see Lauren’s face change from being ready, to showing fear at the thought of killing someone.

  The realization that you are about to hurt or even kill another person is a weird feeling to have. It’s an unsettling feeling knowing that you are going to be responsible for the pain, suffering, and end of someone’s life.

  I go over the plan with Bobby G, Shaun, and Lauren and I answer their questions.

  Everyone shows confidence that they know the plan, and we exit our huddle.

  I’m about to open the trunk of my SUV, and I see Lauren take a deep breath and see that she is nervous.

  I grab the bag out of my trunk and walk over to her.

  “You okay sweetie?”

  Lauren replies, “Yeah. I’m good. Ready to roll.”

  I know Lauren inside and out and see that she is trying to put on a brave face for me and the group, but I’m not buying it.

  “Don’t bullshit me sweetie.”

  Lauren shows an expression of worry and fear.

  “I’m freaking out Ryan. I’m nervous that I might have to kill someone, or be responsible for getting one of you killed. Killing zombies is different, but living people is something I’m not sure I can handle,” says Lauren.

  “Stay positive Lauren. Trust me. I’m not 100 percent okay with killing either. I find it hard to kill living people as well, but these people will kill us, hurt us, and do horrible things to us.”

  Lauren gives me a look like I made her feel a little better, but she still isn’t sold on the idea of killing these people.

  I grab Lauren by the shoulders and say, “You have to get ready for this Lauren. It’s either them or us. I can’t afford to lose you. These people will kill us, and I am not ready to die yet. I’m not ready for any of us to die yet.” “Remember these people aren’t good people. They are killers and want to hurt you. They don’t have any respect for you and for us. They want what we have.”

  Lauren looks me in the eyes and says, “I won’t let them hurt you, or any of us. I will stay safe and hidden. I won’t let them take what we have.”

  “That’s my girl. You will be safe. You have your body armor on, and you are a good shot.”

  Shaun and Bobby G are watching my interaction with Lauren and are getting mentally prepared as well.

  Shaun looks at Bobby G and asks, “You ready Bob?”

  Bobby G says, “Yeah, but I think I forgot something.”

  Shaun asks, “What did you forget?”

  “I forgot my Big Club membership card,” jokes Bobby G.

  Shaun laughs, shows Bobby G his assault rifle and says, “I got a membership card for The Conquerors right here.”

  TJ walks over to Phil and Matt as they are preparing for their parts in the attack.

  “Are the charges connected and ready?” asks TJ.

  Phil replies, “I believe so, the one connection is loose, but should be fine.”

  Matt says, “We will be ready for our parts during the attack that’s for sure.”

  “That’s good, because we are relying on you guys for a big part of the mission,” says TJ.

  I call everyone over to gather around and decide to address the group, before we drive over to the Big Club.

  “Thank you all for doing this. We all know it’s the right decision to take these Conquerors down. It won’t be easy, and we will have to kill these people, but I am willing to die for this cause and for all of you.”

  Shaun shouts, “That won’t happen Ryan. Not today, or any day.”

  “Thank you, Shaun.”

  “I love you all, and you all are my family. TJ’s plan is solid and a good strategic play. The Conquerors won’t know what hit them, until it’s over. Let’s gear up and get into our vehicles.”

  I walk over to my all blacked-out SUV followed by Lauren.

  I pick up my radio, hit the talk button, and ask, “Are these radios working?”

  TJ and Phil respond, “Yeah. Loud and clear.”

  “Let’s move out and get going towards the Big Club. Phil, you lead the way.”r />
  Phil replies, “Yes sir.”

  Phil and Matt are in Phil’s SUV with the plow on the front. Phil drives through the police station gate, followed by Carlos and Chris in a blue car, TJ and Odin in TJ’s jeep, Shaun and Bobby G in Shaun’s jeep, and Lauren and I are in my SUV.

  We all exit the police station and make our way towards the Big Club and the buildings around the Big Club.

  It’s dark, and the only light on the roads is from our vehicle headlights and several fires that are burning from cars and buildings that we pass along our drive.

  The streets are cluttered with debris from fallen trees, abandoned vehicles, bodies, and trash.

  As we make our way to the first stop of our plan, Lauren looks at me and wants to say something.

  Lauren says, “Ryan. I want to say something to you.”

  “What’s up Lauren? Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay. Just a little nervous about what we are getting into, but I want to make sure you know that I love you and have always loved you and our time together.”

  “I love you too sweetie, but our time isn’t ending tonight. Please realize that, or at least tell me that you feel that way.”

  “I won’t lie to you. I never have and never will. I feel that it’s a possibility that one of us dies tonight, and I wanted you to know that you mean everything to me,” says Lauren.

  I try to respond, but Lauren interrupts me.

  Lauren continues, “I don’t want to feel that I should have told you this, if it is our last night together. You are my best friend. I truly value who you are and how special you are to me.”

  Lauren finishes her statement and I ask, “Can I respond now?”

  Lauren says, “Yes, you can.”

  “I love you too sweetie, and I’m glad to hear that from you. It truly means a lot to me, but we aren’t dying tonight. The Conquerors are. I need you to think positive and stay positive. Negative thoughts and mindsets bring negativity and problems.”

  I arrive at a shopping center that is about a half mile away from the Big Club. I see TJ, Odin, Shaun, Bobby G, Chris, and Carlos standing around and talking. I park my SUV next to Shaun’s jeep, and I can see the Big Club in the distance.

  TJ calls for Phil over the radio, “You in position Phil?”

  Phil responds, “Yeah. I just pulled up and parked. Matt is getting ready to torch the place. We are just waiting for your word.”

  “There are 2 guys outside of the store and several empty vehicles in the parking out near the front of the store entrance,” says Shaun who is looking through binoculars at the Big Club store main entrance.

  TJ says to Phil over the radio, “Everything looks good. Set the fire now.”

  Phil and Matt set a building on fire and smoke starts to fill the air.

  They burn a building that sits a little less than one mile away from the South side of the Big Club main entrance.

  “The fire gets the attention of the two guys guarding the main entrance of the Big Club. They are moving away from the main entrance now,” says Shaun.

  “Good work Phil. Move onto the last part of phase 1 and let me know when you are in position,” says TJ over the radio.

  “Matt and I are moving now. You guys get ready and I’ll let you know when we are ready,” says Phil over the radio.

  TJ comes over to me and says, “Everything is looking good. Phil and Matt are moving into their second position, and we need to get ready for Phase 2.”

  “You got it. Let me know when it’s our time to move into position.”

  I walk over to Bobby G and Lauren.

  Shaun walks over to us, while he continues to look at the Big Club entrance through his binoculars.

  Shaun spots the red Conqueror symbol on the wall and says, “I can’t wait to paint over that dumb symbol and show everyone that The Conquerors have fallen.”

  Bobby G says, “We will Shaun. This building and this attack is only the start of their demise.”

  I look at Bobby G and Shaun and say, “It’s almost our time for our part in the plan. Get ready as we will be moving shortly.”

  Bobby G and Shaun get into Shaun’s jeep, and Lauren and I get into my SUV.

  “Matt and I are in position and ready,” says Phil to TJ over the radio.

  TJ responds, “Ryan, you and your group can start your drive now towards the Big Club. Remember to go slow, turn your lights off, and don’t be seen.”

  I respond, “Yes, sir.”

  I start up my SUV and start my drive towards the Big Club.

  Shaun and Bobby G follow in Shaun’s jeep.

  TJ tells Carlos and Chris to get ready for their part as they will need to get into position once TJ gives Phil the order.

  I approach the Big Club and turn my SUV headlights off to remain as stealth as I can. Shaun does the same as we try to coast quietly towards the rear entrance of the Big Club.

  TJ asks over the radio, “Where you at Ryan?”

  I reply, “Approaching the Big Club now. We are just about in position.”

  TJ asks, “Okay. Phil? How are you and Matt doing?”

  Nothing is heard over the radio.

  No response from Phil.


  30 seconds goes by.

  “I repeat. Phil, how are you and Matt doing?” asks TJ.

  I slowly reverse into a parking spot away from the main entrance and position my SUV, so it faces the rear entrance of the store.

  Shaun parks in a spot in the next row of parking spots that faces towards the main entrance of the store.

  I call over the radio, “We are in position TJ.”

  “Good. Wait on my order Ryan. I can’t get a hold of Phil,” says TJ.

  I call over the radio, “Phil? Are you okay?”

  Phil doesn’t answer.

  “I don’t like that we can’t get a hold of Phil, Ryan,” says Lauren.

  “Me either. We can’t do our part until Phil sets off the charges. We have to give Phil a little more time.”

  As the seconds go by without hearing from Phil, my nerves and anxiety start to work over time.

  I nervously look at the radio in my left hand and await the order from TJ and response from Phil.

  As we are waiting for the order, I see Carlos drive into his position towards the front of the store. Carlos is in the driver seat and Chris is in the back seat behind Carlos.

  The building that Matt and Phil set on fire is putting out a ton of smoke now and has attracted a couple more Conquerors attention now.

  Five more Conquerors came out the main entrance of the store to see the fire.

  Several more anxiety ridden seconds go by and still no word from Phil or Matt.

  It should not be taking Phil and Matt this long to set off the charges that they were designed to do.

  “TJ, what are we supposed to do?” I ask over the radio.

  TJ responds, “Nothing. Do not move yet. If Phil doesn’t do his part then we can’t proceed.”

  “I understand. I think we give it another minute, before we decide what to do. Phil will do his part.”

  Lauren says, “I don’t like this Ryan.”

  I look down the towards the rear entrance of the building and see several cars parked behind the Big Club.

  It’s hard to make out the cars as there is barely any light shining on them, but I see a car that stands out from the rest of the cars, as it is parked away from the other cars.

  I can just barely make it out, but it looks like it’s the red Hummer that Pete drove Joseph away in.

  I immediately get pissed and say, “We aren’t leaving here. No matter if Phil does his part or not.”

  Lauren replies, “We need to do this the right away Ryan.”

  “We will, but Joseph is here. I don’t want to miss my opportunity to end his reign tonight.”

  Lauren asks, “How do you know he is here though Ryan?”

  “I just feel it, and I see his red Hummer parked over there.”

“Joseph and that scumbag Pete must die tonight.”

  I think to myself, come on Phil. Please be okay and set off those charges. I feel the urge to take out Joseph, Pete and The Conquerors tonight and don’t think we will have another opportunity like this one again.



  I feel this sense of uneasiness come over me that I need to make sure Joseph is here. I feel that the coast is clear for me to exit my SUV, and it is safe for me to check out the red Hummer.

  I slowly get out of my SUV and start to walk towards Joseph’s red Hummer at the back of the Big Club.

  Lauren starts to freak out as she doesn’t know why I left the SUV.

  “Where are you going Ryan?” asks Lauren.

  It’s totally dark around me, and no one can see me.

  “I will be right back Lauren. Stay in the SUV,” I say to Lauren as I turn back towards Lauren who is sitting in the passenger seat of the SUV.

  Shaun sees that I left my SUV and exits his jeep.

  He runs over to Lauren and asks, “What is he doing? This isn’t part of the plan.”

  Lauren says, “I don’t know. He just got out and started walking towards the back of the building.”

  Shaun says, “You stay here. I’m going to get him.”

  I’m just about to reach the red Hummer when Shaun comes running over to me.

  “What ya doing Ryan?” asks Shaun.

  Shaun sees the red Hummer and says, “Joseph is here.”

  “Yup, and he’s wounded.”

  Shaun walks over to me as I stand next to the passenger side door window of the red Hummer and look inside the vehicle.

  There is a big blood stain on the seat. It looks like fresh blood and from someone who was recently wounded from an injury to their back.

  Shaun says, “We need to get back to our vehicles Ryan. Phil could complete his part at any time now.”

  I see something underneath the passenger seat and I want to see what it is.

  I reach for the passenger side door handle and pull it open.




  Three massive explosions go off into a building next to the Big Club.

  Shaun dives down in front of the Hummer.

  “It’s on! Move! Go now Ryan!” shouts TJ over the radio.


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