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Charisma Page 6

by Wendy Stone

  Mage was humming, a strange tune that had an eerie sort of beauty.

  “What the fuck is that?” Kit snapped.

  Her song, Mage whispered in her mind.

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  I don’t know. It’s what I got from him, those same notes over and over again. He called it her song.

  * * * *

  Kadian flew, losing himself in the clouds as he tried to clear the pain in his head. Rain slicked down his sleek body, leaving his scales glistening and beautiful. But he felt pale, as if he were missing part of himself, sick in his soul. He had to get to Charisma and he could only hope she’d done as he’d asked. If not, he’d have to waste valuable time trying to find her.

  His apartment building was ahead and he could see the open door to his balcony. Good ole Artie, he always came through. The building doubled and then tripled as his vision began to fail him and he worried that he’d chose the wrong building and fall to his death. Shaking his head furiously, he focused on his landing, touching down a bit harder than normal and falling into a lounge chair wet with the rain as he changed back to his mortal shape.

  He rolled into a ball, his stomach rebelling against whatever that empath had done to him. He managed to crawl over to the plant stand in the corner before he lost what little lunch he’d managed to eat.

  “Oh my God!”

  It was her. A sigh escaped him as he realized she’d made it here safe and sound. “Are you okay?” she asked, coming over and putting his arm over her shoulder.

  “Yeah,” he said, wincing as even the quiet of his own voice brought him pain. “Can you get me inside?”

  “Yes,” she said determinedly, taking the weight of his body onto her slender shoulders. She managed to get him inside and over to his sofa, setting him down and pulling the blanket off the back to settle over him. “How did you get out there? Where are you clothes?” She went to the bar and poured him some icy water from a pitcher in the back of the refrigerator.

  “Here,” she said, sinking down next to him, helping him hold the glass and carry it to his mouth. He took a sip and then another, relishing the icy freshness of the water as well as her proximity.

  “Thank you,” he said finally, letting her take the glass. She set it on the coffee table and then sat back again, her eyes on him, as if trying to get the answers from him by osmosis.

  “What happened with those people, Mr. James?”

  Kadian opened his eyes, blinking back the pain as he looked at her. She seemed a bit out of place in the luxury of the apartment, her clothes a trifle dingy next to the lushness of the leather she sat upon. But he didn’t care. He was just glad she was here. His hand touched her cheek, turning her face up so that he could look at her easier.

  “They bit off more than they could chew,” he said finally, his fingers stroking her skin, trembling against the fragileness of her jaw. “I’m sorry I had to hurt you,” he breathed, bending his head and kissing the slight bruise that showed on her pale skin. Lifting his head slightly, he kissed her forehead and both cheeks. The bridge of her nose was next and then, as she lifted her lips, he found their lush beauty.

  His mouth was soft, his lips possessive as they moved over hers. He held her with a single finger to her jaw and the texture of his mouth, knowing she was just as enthralled with him as he was with her. She just didn’t want to be. His other hand came up, lightly running over the softness of her damp curls. He was about to lift his mouth when she made a desperate sound, her arms coming up to close around his neck. Turning just a bit, he lifted her to his lap, letting her head rest against the side of the couch while he leaned over her.

  “Kadian,” she whispered seductively when he lifted his head, staring down into the beauty of her gaze. Her hand went to the back of his head and she tried to pull him back down but he pulled away.

  “As much as I’d enjoy making love to you here for the rest of the night, Charisma, we’ve got to get going soon. ASP will be coming here to look for you and we have to disappear.”

  “We have to disappear?” she asked.

  “Yes, we. They’ll be looking for me now also. I’m an accomplice. I’ve hidden you from the law. So I’m going too.”

  “Where?” she asked, playing with the hair that curled around his wan face.

  “I’m not sure,” he sighed. He lifted his head when he heard a sudden commotion outside his apartment, loud voices mixed with Artie’s, demands that Mr. James wasn’t in residence. He leaped up, Charisma in his arms. “I didn’t really want to show this side of me to you this quickly, but it looks like our time is up. Where’s your coat?”

  She got it and slipped it on, checking the sheath that was sewed into the lining and pulling out her sword. “Come on,” he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her out to the balcony. “Don’t get too freaked out. I’m going to need you to hold on to me pretty tightly.” He glanced down over the railing and then dragged a chair to the edge.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Charisma said, shock in her eyes as she stared at the naked man stepping up to the railing and dragging her with him.

  “We’re going to jump. I want you to hold onto my neck. Don’t worry, I’ve done this before.”

  “You’ve jumped off a balcony? Do you have any clue how high up we are?” She started to pull away but Kadian held tight to her wrist.

  “It’ll be okay, Charisma. Come here,” he said, drawing her resisting body up against his. “Wrap your arms around my neck,” he said as he heard the door to his apartment open. “Hang on tight!” He took a step that sent them spinning off into space, hearing her squeak, her arms wrapping tight around his neck.

  He changed, the dragon’s wings springing from his back as he let them spread, catching an updraft and disappearing into the clouds before anyone could investigate his balcony. His neck grew longer and his body grew huge. He held her gently, carefully with one taloned front foot as she gasped in shock.

  “Y-you’re a d-dragon,” she gasped, hanging onto his neck.

  Chapter Five

  “I can’t put anything past you, can I?” he chuckled. “Now, put your foot on my leg and boost yourself up. I’ll let you ride on my back.”

  “O-okay,” she said, refusing to look down. She slid her foot onto his knee and felt him boost her onto his back. She hung on for dear life, her eyes tightly closed. “Where are we going?”

  “I have some friends that own an estate. I think we’ll be safe there.” He flapped his wings harder, causing them to rise. Darting from cloud to cloud, he soared happily through the evening sky. Flying had always been something he loved to do, but since he was no longer in the medieval ages, he had to be careful of who saw him and when he flew.

  But with Charisma on his back, safe and sound, he decided to enjoy it. The trip to Lukah’s estate only took two hours but he could feel Charisma growing tired long before he saw the wide fence to the estate. “May I hold you?” he called back. She didn’t speak, but he felt her nod her head.

  “Relax, Charisma. You’ll be fine in my hands.” He put out his knee for her to step on, reaching with his long taloned front foot and letting her rest against it. He carried her easily enough, enjoying the way she reclined in his hands, trusting him to care for her.

  When he spotted the wall, he pointed it out. “My friends are Weres,” he told her. “Lukah owns all of this and lets others who need to use the place as a kind of oasis against life.”

  “Lukah?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “Alexandros. He’s a good friend.”

  He bent his wings back, slowing and circling a clearing. He touched down on his back feet, his wings folding against his back. Carefully, he set her on her feet, steadying her until she caught her balance. “Lukah’s home is just beyond that line of trees,” he said. Then his head lifted and he scented the air like a hound. “I don’t think we are going to have to wait that long. We have a welcoming party headed this way.” If it were possible for a drago
n to grin, Kadian would have a wide one on his face. He missed these people since leaving them and couldn’t wait to hear what news they had to share, especially about dealing with the Jackals. He’d left them with the start of a decent relationship between the two species. He could only hope that Lukah had expanded upon that.

  Charisma started as a small group of black panthers skidded to a stop in front of them. She backed away slowly, coming up against Kadian’s leg. With a shaking hand, she pulled her sword from its sheath, readying to take on these beasts if necessary.

  One of the biggest cats she’d ever seen stepped forward, a gorgeous golden torc around his neck, contrasting beautifully with his satiny black fur. As she watched, he changed to a man. And what a man. He had long black hair that touched his shoulders and eyes that gleamed like emeralds in the semi dusk. His body was amazing, muscular and well delineated, with long legs and a wide chest and shoulders. She tried hard not to stare at his nudity. He seemed so nonchalant, as if strolling about the woods at night naked was something he was used to doing.

  When a woman joined him, with long red hair and eyes the grayish purple of heather, it seemed the most natural thing in the world. She wore a torc as well, though hers was interspersed with amethysts. Naked, her body gleaming palely, she was lovely and a fitting match for the man. “Kadian!” she said, her voice full of warmth and welcome. “We weren’t expecting you.”

  She also stood as if being nude was something everyday. “Are you here for the mating ceremony?” the gorgeous woman asked, stepping forward and raising her hand to stroke over Kadian’s long neck.

  “Marissa,” Lukah called, shaking his head at his mate. “Will you let the poor man change before you start molesting him?”

  “I’m not molesting him. I just think his scales are beautiful,” Marissa said.

  “You’re probably just curious about whether or not that they might make a good pair of shoes,” Kadian said, giving the naked Marissa a hug that pulled her off her feet. “Hiya, gorgeous. I see you haven’t dumped the cat yet.”

  “She knows I’d claw you a new asshole if you were serious,” Lukah said but the words were betrayed by his grin. “I’m glad to see you, Kadian. Who’s your friend?”

  “Her name is Charisma,” he paused, realizing he didn’t know her last name.

  “Snow,” she said quietly, a little awed by the people around her. Her sword was still in her hand, though it pointed down now, not held at the ready.

  “Charisma Snow. Charisma, the grouchy one over there is my friend Lukah and this is his lovely mate Marissa. We need a place to stay, Luc.”

  “Anytime, Kadian. After what you’ve done for me, my home is your home.”

  “No questions?” Kadian asked.

  “None,” Lukah said. “You gave me back my life, Kadian.” He came forward, his arm going around his mate’s shoulders as he hugged her close. “Whatever you need.”

  Kadian grinned. “I’d hoped you’d say that.”

  Charisma covered her mouth as a huge yawn threatened to unhinge her jaw. “We need a couple of rooms,” Kadian said.

  “A couple of rooms?” Lukah asked, his eyes going from the beautiful petite red head to his friend.

  “Yes, my slow-minded friend, a couple of rooms. Can you manage that?”

  “Sure, no problem. I don’t think Nashe will believe it though.”

  “There’s no reason for Nashe to even know we’re here,” Kadian said quickly. “The less people know, the safer Charisma will be.”

  “I’m sorry buddy, you picked an awful bad time. Marissa and I are having a double mating ceremony with Nashe and Terry tomorrow. You know the crowds that will descend. They’ll take over every inch of the place.”

  “Shit,” Kadian sighed, running his hand over his face and the stubble on his chin. “I got the invitation but with everything that’s been going on, I forgot all about it.” He glanced toward Charisma and then back at Marissa. “I guess we’ll just have to stay out of sight. Charisma is exhausted and I couldn’t think of any place else that would be as safe a haven as this place.”

  “You’re always welcome, Kadian.” Marissa gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Bring your friend up to the house. You can borrow some of Lukah’s clothes. I think I might have something that won’t be too big on her. We’ll get some food in the both of you and then you can tell us what’s going on so we can help.”

  “Rissa, if Kadian doesn’t think it’s safe to tell us than we’ll have to leave it at that. But you will have to tell Terry that after the mating she should stay away for a few weeks. Nashe won’t have her around danger, not in her condition.” Lukah grinned as Kadian’s eyebrows went up in question. “She’s expecting her first litter. That’s why she’s so determined to get this mating over with.”

  “That’s great,” Kadian grinned. “Those two will have beautiful babies and I know Nashe has always wanted a family, especially after what happened with Althea. I’m so happy for them.”

  The four humans started walking as they talked, the panthers bounding away in front of them, playing in the soft night air as they all celebrated life.

  “What about Shurene?” Kadian asked cautiously.

  “She’s doing great. They’ll be here for the mating ceremony. Shurene, well, she’s expecting a litter of her own in a few weeks.” Lukah smirked at Kadian. “We thought it might have been yours for a few weeks but she’s not talking about the father and her pack has learned the hard way to not try and question a moody, hormonal Jackal alpha female.

  “I can bet.” He felt Charisma lagging behind and fell back into step with her. “Are you all right? I’m sorry if we are being rude but it’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve seen them and I’m curious about what’s happening in the pack.”

  “Pack?” Charisma asked.

  “Pack or clan. Lukah prefers clan since they are cats and not dogs. They are all one big family.”

  “Are Nashe and Terry part of the clan?” she asked.

  “No, Nashe is a bit different. He is a mixture of Panther and Wolf, sort of a hybrid of a type. When he changes, he is more wolf than panther, but he’s a beautiful silver color. I keep telling him I’m going to put a collar on him and show him at the local dog shoes.” Kadian grinned, remembering Nashe’s reaction when he’d said that for the first time. Nashe had said something about whether he wanted to keep his balls to inseminate eggs or not.

  “Will we see him while we’re here?” Charisma asked, curious despite her natural fear of strange situation such as this one. How many times were you greeted by naked men and women after riding on the back of a dragon? It was about as strange as you could get.

  “I hope so. Nashe is a chef and a damn good one. Terry is his mate and she’s perfect for him. She tempers his stubbornness with a good dose of her own and since he’d do anything for her, they manage to work together perfectly.”

  “You sound fond of these people,” Charisma said, sounding a bit surprised.

  “They’ve been my family for a long time, Charisma. They’ve accepted me when a lot of clans wouldn’t. Nashe pulled me out of a bad spot many, many years ago. He saved my life and then took me in when he wasn’t the most accepted person around. I’ll never forget that.”

  “You’re lucky,” she said softly, almost under her breath.

  Kadian felt a surge of something rise in her, it felt almost like jealousy, maybe even envy. “Didn’t anyone ever stick up for you?” he asked softly.

  “You met him, the one who helped us get out of the tunnel. His name is Gerald Phillips. He found me after my parents died. The foster home I was in, well, I couldn’t stay and he’s been there ever since. People have always been afraid of me. Gerald isn’t. I think it helps that he’s tone deaf,” she chuckled.

  Kadian was enchanted with her laugh. It, like everything else that came from between her lips, was musical. A tinkling of bells or perhaps the throatier sound of a clarinet, he thought. “I would love to hear you sing.”

sp; “Aren’t you the famous singer, though?” Charisma said, but a pleased flush rose to her cheeks.

  “I don’t know about famous. Maybe infamous,” he kidded.

  “For all the hearts you’ve tread on as you made your way around the world?” she quipped, making him laugh.

  “You’re quick.”

  “Well, it’s not often that I walk through the woods accompanied by a handsome naked man who can turn into a dragon.”

  They were almost to the house and he could see the Weres waiting for them up ahead. He knew that once they reached the house, his chances for privacy between him and Charisma were going to be little to none. “You think I’m handsome?”

  Charisma rolled her beautiful green eyes, sighing loudly. “Are you fishing?”

  She took two more steps before realizing he’d stopped. Turning to face him, she flushed when she saw the heat in his eyes. “No, Charisma. I’m not fishing,” he said, his voice husky.

  Before she could move, he grabbed her upper arms, yanking her into his chest and lifting her so that her feet nearly didn’t touch the ground. He wrapped one arm around the small of her back, holding her there while he tipped her face up with the other.

  Charisma gasped in surprise at finding herself held intimately close to the naked man who’d rescued her. His other hand was under her chin, lifting her face, holding it up as his mouth descended upon hers. She watched him, saw his lashes flutter and then close as his lips touched hers. Then her own shut as an incredible heat filled her, making her dizzy.

  A soft moan escaped as his fingers fell from her chin to slide against her cheek. She was lost in the heat, in the pleasure he provided her with an ease that astounded her. Others had kissed her or tried, including the infamous Hood. But not a single one had made her feel like this.

  Her hands slid up his bare chest, finding his neck and wrapping around him. She pushed against him, feeling him holding her tighter, but it wasn’t tight enough. There was just so much there, so many exquisite sensations to be found in his kiss. She couldn’t get enough.


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