CALLIE (The Naughty Ones Book 1)

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CALLIE (The Naughty Ones Book 1) Page 42

by Kristina Weaver

  What I’d felt at that moment wasn’t rage or fear or any of the gamut of emotions that I would expect. I’d felt a little pity for his delusions.

  And I’d said so, reaffirming the fact that I would never even consider it.

  And then he’d dropped a whammy on me by taking my hand and dragging me to his office. Once there, he shoved a drink at me and opened his wall safe, his movements as determined and assured as always, his lips tipped in a smile that should have told me that I was screwed and screwed royally.

  I’m pretty sure I looked like a fish out of water when he calmly and arrogantly handed me a piece of paper and leaned a hip into his desk, his expression fierce and radiating a calm victory.

  Gosh, I hadn’t even known we were engaged in this battle, so color me shocked when I looked down and took in my defeat before I could take my next breath.

  A marriage certificate.



  Totally legit.


  He’d smirked and shrugged one shoulder, looking for all the world as carefree and relaxed as is possible, and then he’d taken it and slotted it into an empty frame already gracing his wall, the horrid thing taunting me.

  “You signed a few things in the hospital that you didn’t read.”

  “Hospital discharge papers!”

  “And this.”

  “But, but it needs witnesses and—”

  “Brick, Hensley and Dec were there, along with that very nice judge who just happened to pop in to see how we were doing.”

  I may have lost my temper at that point and stormed out like a five-year-old throwing a tantrum. It pissed me off even more when I heard him chuckle and shuffle along behind me, all the way to the bedroom. I flung a suitcase on the bed.

  Let me just tell you that I am more pissed at the fact that he watched me shove my clothes and toiletries in that bag. Let me zip it up and grab it by the handle. Let me storm out of there like a whirlwind.

  It was all useless because when I got to the garage, my car was not there in its usual spot and my wallet, when I finally whipped it out of my purse, was emptier than my heart.

  It hit me then, really hit me, that I have nothing. That everything I have now is what Chase is willing to give me. No job. No money. And as he'd told me, I’m married to him.

  If he can manipulate circumstances to the point that I’m married without even knowing it…well, let’s just say he made it clear that he would not take too kindly to his wife running around unattended.

  So back to the present.

  It’s been a week, give or take a few miserable hours, and I’m now married, employed by my own husband and effectively trapped on the grounds of the sprawling estate that he calls a home because I can’t get out unless I’m with him.

  I’m so surrounded by men that I can’t see where I’m walking.

  Oh, and I had an epiphany that led me to my new state of mind. After I got hurt in school, my grandma got me this kickass psychiatrist by the name of Dr. Yamota.

  She helped me unravel the big ball of seething turmoil that was enveloping me at that stage. I got enough perspective on the situation to move forward instead of becoming a psych patient.

  So yeah, love that woman. I finally realized that if I can’t unravel the tangle of emotions I feel after the abduction and the monumental mess I made of my relationship with Chase, I need an objective third party with more intelligence and emotional stability than I have.

  So I’d called her and she’d graciously agreed to do phone sessions with me. I charged the shit out of Chase’s credit card to pay the extra fee a phone convo costs.

  I’ve spoken to her three times now for an hour every time, and we’ve come to the crux of things:

  1. I purposefully attributed shit to Chase that was not his liability.

  2. I royally fucked up something good, purposefully, due to fear and my unresolved trust issues with Brian. Again—not Chase’s burden to bear.

  3. I’m head over heels in love with the guy and that’s why I’m fighting shit tooth and nail.

  4. I need to fix the relationship, but since he won’t allow me to talk about things, I have to prove to him that I’m worth another chance through actions.

  There are a couple more things on the list, but right now I’m focusing on the most important: proving my loyalty. If I can’t tell him I love him, I need to show it.

  I have no plan of action as yet, but after I get through tonight, I swear I’ll come up with something totally cool. I hope.

  “You look amazing.”

  I turn from staring at my reflection to see him standing in the doorway, a large square box hanging from his fingertips. Does it make me totally vain to be happy when he looks at me and his eyes go all hot?

  I don’t care. I’ve purposefully chosen a long, off-the-shoulder jade sheath that hugs some of my curves and falls to my toes in a graceful sweep. The dress is clingy at my butt and chest but loose enough over other parts to flutter a little when I walk.

  Paired with an up do that leaves my shoulders and neck bare, and a pair of amazing nude heels that give me height, I am slamming tonight.

  “Thanks. You look…great.” I breathe, really digging the way his tux seems to highlight the leashed strength that hides beneath that veneer of coolness.

  Chase smiles a little and walks toward me, turns me slowly, and looks at me though our reflections in the mirror.

  “I’d like for you to wear this.”

  My first instinct is to reject whatever overpriced monstrosity hides in the box. I hate anything that is too over the top. hate even more having to lug around thousands of dollars’ worth of bragging rights, but he surprises me when he gently lays a thin white-gold chain around my throat and fastens the clasp.

  It’s perfect—just that one strand of gleaming gold that doesn’t hold anything. Plain, understated, though I know it cost a fortune just looking at the delicate weave of the chain.

  It’s some.

  “It’s lovely.”

  He smirks and I bite my lips. He knows that I was planning to pitch a fit, just assuming he was trying to give me a trophy-wife bauble. I feel myself blush and look down, gathering my nerves with an effort.

  “My parents will be there.”

  I’ve worried about this for days and instead of Chase doing what he always does—soothing me—he just shrugged and told me to roll with it. I’ve tried, I have, but I’m terrified of what they’ll say or do, and terrified even more of what they won’t.

  Chances are I’m looking at a public snub from my own parents, and while I won’t break over it, I really hate the thought of them telling the world that I’m no longer part of the fold.

  “Yes, as will Brian Carson,” he says dismissively, waving off my words and forcing me to snap my mouth shut.

  “I’m nervous.”

  “Don’t be. I’ll be there with you the entire time along with Gabe, Liv and Brick. They can’t hurt you unless you let them. Unless you’re hoping to reunite?” he asks drolly, making me grit my teeth at his mocking tone.

  He’s in one of his moods I now see, so instead of answering or trying to get a response that is really not happening, I gather my clutch and heavy wrap and walk past him in defeat.

  I’m definitely going to have to think of a way to get through to him tomorrow, I think, as he helps me into the car and jogs around to get into the driver’s side.

  I love the guy, but he’s seriously not doing himself any favors with the cold shoulder he keeps giving me.

  Halfway there, I finally stop sulking—yeah, I now sulk, a lot—and turn to him, my brow scrunched with curiosity.

  “Is this it then? We’re married and living a farce? There won’t be any warmth or companionship—just fucking.”

  Ooooh and I think I need to start a curse jar if I keep this up.

  Chase shrugs and doesn’t even bother to glance at me as he skillfully navigates the car around puddles of this morning’s ra
in and drives us closer to my worst nightmare.

  “It’s not a farce, Rem. A lot of couples live perfectly acceptable marriages with less than what we have. At least we still have passion to look forward to.”


  He inclines his head and stops the car, breathing deeply before looking at me with such kindness I am momentarily stunned. It’s the first time in weeks that he’s not giving me his trademark mocking smirk and I think I just fell in love all over again.

  “We can make this work if you just lower your expectations, babe. I will never be what you want, and I now see you aren’t capable of being everything I need. We’ll revise and work with what we have. Now chin up, Mrs. Marshall, we have a show to put on.”

  Chapter 24


  I hate these bloody events, and what’s more, I fucking abhor having forced Remy to come here I know how much she despises all the pomp and show of a ‘charity’ function, which in all honesty is nothing more than rich idiots putting themselves on display and showing off their circumstance by layering jewels over their vapid wives’ necks, arms and fingers.

  One of those pieces is enough to feed a shelter full of people for more than a month. Yet they don’t see a thing wrong with ‘donating’ piddly amounts while preening around like Persian kings.

  Bloody leeches.

  At then there’s the fact that instead of begging off and donating an obscene amount of money as I usually do, I’ve brought my wife here to see how she’ll react to not only this fiasco, but her parents and her ex as well.

  Oh, and I’m also quite chuffed to be showing the bastards that I’ve stamped my ownership on her. Let’s not forget that little compulsion.

  “Drink your water, Remy,” I say, still keeping half an ear as Ricardo Blane keeps prattling on about tax write offs and whatever the hell else the man seems to think he knows.

  Remy gives me one look and ignores the glass of water, taking a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and downing it instead. Rebellious minx.

  When another waiter comes round to retrieve her empty glass, I have to grit my teeth when she takes another and sips at it. She hasn’t said one word in over an hour aside from murmuring greetings to others. I’m starting to regret this mission when I hear a murmur and look up to see her family approaching with Brian Carson in their wake.


  People are trying and failing to hide their interest when the Harrows come to a halt in front of us, their countenances pinched and so cold I feel my eyes narrow at the way they’re looking at her.

  “You aren’t welcome in our circles anymore, Remington.”

  I feel her stiffen where my left hand rests at the small of her back. I completely expect her to break, she’s held so rigidly, but my wife surprises me. Instead of crying or lashing out, she just gives them a slow once over and shrugs neatly.

  “Free country.”

  I’m utterly amused when I see their eyes widen somewhat before Mrs. Harrow launches a scathing attack on Remy. Through me.

  “You’re making a mockery of your lineage, Remington. Your boyfriend may be rich as Croesus but he has no breeding or alliances like we do. Brian is willing to forgive and forget if you stop this nonsense. We’ll even allow you back into the family. ”

  Remy looks down at the platinum band I put on her finger. A simple piece that is in no way showy or impressive, just something that tells the world she’s taken.

  “Yes, darling. You deserve better than this. Marshall is a thug—even in the business world—just ask Gareth Knox,” Brian interjects.

  “Really, Remington, come now,” her mother says after casting us a haughty look.

  I hear Remy take a deep breath and feel her shift away from me. Then she looks up at me with a brilliant smile that reaches all the way to my dark soul.

  Her eyes are dancing with mischief and no small amount of affection when she winks at me and gives me an apologetic grimace.

  “Sorry, Mom, but that is not possible. Aside from my being married to Chase, well, I wouldn’t leave the man I love for anything in the world. Not your approval. Not the approval of these assholes standing around here, and fuck all if you think I will throw away a man as worthy as Chase for that weasel standing behind you,” she drawls, loud enough that I glimpse Brick, who’s standing clear across the room, smirk and cough into his fist.

  “He didn’t just screw anything with a pulse and a vagina, he went and screwed my cousin on top of it—and with your knowledge, I’ve come to learn. And then you had the audacity to tell me to just look past it.”

  Oh, she’s on a roll.

  “I wouldn’t want to be part of that hotbed of lies if you all were the last lifeline I had while dangling over a bed of ravenous piranhas. I. Am. Happy. With. The. Man. I. Love. Get over it, and really, don’t expect a fucking Christmas card.”

  Mrs. Harrow gasps and I choke out a laugh when her father’s lips twitch minutely. Brian is looking around as if searching for a hole to crawl into and the rest of the guests are eating the spectacle up with more amusement than horror.

  “Now, if you don’t mind, I only came here to give you all a what’s up and let you know that you can take your family ties and shove it up your ass. I have a family, and believe you me, Brian, with the way he’s having at it, we’ll be expanding our family soon. Bye now.”

  I almost choke on my tongue when the vixen shoves her glass at her father and grabs my hand, muttering obscenities under her breath and glaring daggers at anyone who dares approach her on the way to the door.

  “Come on, Brick, we’ve got better things to do than hang around here smelling the manure pile that comes out of these peoples' mouths. Liv! You coming or what? We’re ordering pizza.”

  I don’t say one fucking word because I bloody can’t get past the smile threatening to split my face in half. I also can’t get a word in edgewise with the way Brick, Gabe and Liv are howling and trying to high-five Remy.

  My smile stays firmly in place as I hand her into the car, and fuck me if I’m not laughing my ass off by the time I pull away and leave them all in the dust.

  “That was quite the show, Remington,” I drawl, laughing harder when she thwacks me upside the head and drops her face into her hands, groaning in agony.

  “That was horrible! How can you find this funny? You should have stopped me.”

  “And miss the sight of your mother grinding her teeth to powder? Not bloody likely.”

  “Stop laughing you moron! How am I going to face those women? Some of them are on the board of your charity. Jesus! Would you please stop fucking laughing?”

  Her tone and the way she tries to hide her own mirth only makes it worse and I’m roaring at her muttering by the time we get home. Gabe, Liv and Brick pull in just behind us and I watch them go into the house as I sit and take a minute to breathe before turning to Remy and giving her a real smile for the first time in weeks.

  No, she may not be everything I thought she should be, but bloody bless me if the woman isn’t a fighter like me. And I fucking love it.

  “That was by far one of the most entertaining evenings I have ever had. Given the fact that you just told the nation that I’m a better catch than a senator, and you just outed our marriage, and bloody add to that the fact that you just said you love me, and I swear, I don’t think I’ve had a better time in my life. Now stop pouting and let’s go, you promised me pizza.”

  I don’t give her a chance to say another word. I buss her lips in a hard kiss and vault out of the car, still chuckling as I shove my hands in my pockets and make my way inside, whistling like a loon.

  I’m going to have to revise my plans for Remy once again. Instead of feeling annoyed, I look forward to seeing what the woman will do next. Will I lose some business thanks to her sideshow?


  Do I care?

  Not a bloody wit. After all, she just said she loves me. Now I am set on making that a reality.

r 25


  I wake to the feel of lips surrounding my nipple and a strong hand settling between my legs, the insistent push of fingers and teeth bringing my body to screaming life and wrenching me out of a nightmare that included me, the charity event and a Carrie incident that left my dream-self covered in pig’s blood while the rest of the guests—all sporting pig’s heads—oinked and snorted in glee.

  “You’re awake, babe.”

  I hear that gravelly voice and feel his lips smile around my nipple. I can’t help smiling myself as I stretch languidly and push my breast deeper into his gently suckling mouth.

  “Well, you woke me up.” I point out, bumping my hips up to increase the pressure of his fingers on my swelling clit.

  Chase chuckles and keeps up the slow tease, his fingers slowly circling my nub in the same maddening rhythm he’s using to flick his tongue over the very tip of my hardened nipple.

  The sensations are gentle yet so intense that I’m hot and wet and begging in a matter of minutes, my sheath feeling achingly empty and hot.


  “Yes, babe?”

  I hear the smile in his voice and growl in frustration, lifting my head to glare down at him when he ignores my writhing hips and just keeps circling. Slowly.

  I’m wet, wanting and on the verge of begging him to just hurry up and fuck me already when he surprises me by rearing up and hanging over me, his bi-colored eyes so adoring I feel an ache set up in my chest.

  I know he doesn’t believe me and that he thinks my declaration of love was just for show; and, more importantly, I know he doesn’t want to hear it, so I’ll show him.

  It really helps that last night’s shenanigans have softened him to the point that he’s looking at me now without a shred of calculation and with affection instead.

  Affection I can build on.

  “Can we talk about some of that stuff now?” I ask, looking away when I see his eyes lose some of the warmth I’d been basking in.

  He doesn’t answer and I’m not surprised—hurt a little at his refusal to so much as even give me a chance, after last night—but not shocked a bit.


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