Blood Cursed

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Blood Cursed Page 14

by H. L. Graham

  Satisfied with myself, I followed Rebecca into the garage.

  Rebecca was curling up on one of the doggie beds and settling in for the rest of the night. I figured I should do the same and padded over to my bed. Getting comfortable, I closed my wolf eyes and said, “You’re right, it’s not so bad.”

  Rebecca made a content doggie sigh then fell asleep. I thought about the upcoming challenges facing us at the full moon. I knew The Bitch was coming for me. I could feel it in my gut. As sleep took me, I dreamed of running wild under the moon.

  Chapter 20

  I awoke still curled in a little ball on my doggie bed, a blanket tucked all around me. Gaven sat in the corner of the garage arranging his fishing gear. I realized he must have thrown the blanket over my naked body sometime after sunrise. Rebecca’s sleeping figure was also covered.

  “Hey,” I said unwinding and sitting up on my bed. The bed was quite comfortable, I thought as I pulled the blanket up to cover my exposed breasts. I wondered if the people who came up with beanbags spent anytime sitting on doggie beds. They could learn a thing or two.

  Gaven turned around, “You’re awake. I covered you both when I unlocked the house this morning. You looked beautiful curled up on your doggie bed all naked.” He had that twinkle in his eye indicating he wanted more than to joke around.

  “Not now Gaven,” I whispered looking at the clock. It was 11:30 AM and that jerk Jacob would be arriving in thirty minutes. “We have to get ready for our company and anyway Rebecca is sleeping right there.” I pointed at her curled-up form.

  “Not anymore, could you guys whisper any louder?” Rebecca groaned from her doggie bed. “Gaven, do you mind making us some coffee while we get showered and dressed?” She was always the practical one.

  He gave me his best later baby look before he walked inside to start the coffee.

  Thirty minutes later I showered, shaved my legs, and dressed appropriately for company, yoga pants and Star Trek t-shirt. Holding my hot coffee, I was beginning to feel human again.

  At exactly noon, a shiny black Rolls Royce pulled up to my house. The tinted windows and polished chrome would have been better suited at a Hollywood movie premier. Jacob obviously didn’t consider his audience or he didn’t care.

  Roger, AKA Baldy Bean, stepped out from behind the driver’s door. He wore a tight black t-shirt. It did more than hug his muscles, it strangled them. He also wore tight black jeans and black cowboy boots. He had on dark sunglasses to top off his fashion statement. Next to me Rebecca mumbled, “Yum.”

  Before I had time to gag, I heard a loud, “Yummy,” from next door. Kevin was washing his low budget, energy efficient, cherry red Toyota Prius. He was keeping an eye on the action at my house. I waved and watched him turn his attention to Jacob who decided to climb out of the back seat at that very moment. Kevin dropped the water hose. “Yummier,” he exclaimed before dashing inside.

  Jacob wore white linen pants, a loose white linen shirt and caramel leather sandals. He looked like he stepped out of a GQ magazine. He carried an expensive sand colored buttery suede briefcase. He handed it to Baldy Bean as they walked up the driveway like this was another normal Sunday morning.

  “Jacob, Baldly…uh, Roger, come in.” I opened the door escorting them into the living room.

  “Please have a seat,” I gestured to the sofa and loveseat. Jacob sat making himself comfortable. He looked out of place sitting on my Rooms-to-Go financed furniture. Only 26 more payments, I thought.

  Baldy Bean opted to stand near the door in security guard fashion. Rebecca gave him a smile and I caught a whiff of her pheromones releasing.

  Jacob spoke, “It doesn’t work on us.”

  “What doesn’t?” I asked innocently.

  “The female pheromones. It only works on human males,” he answered. “For us, it’s an indicator the female is interested.”

  Rebecca made a face and sat down in the chair with her back to Baldy Bean.

  “Good to know,” I said as Gaven smiled tightly. He was uncomfortable around Jacob, that much was obvious.

  I sat at the other end of the sofa closest to Jacob while Gaven sat across from us on the love seat.

  “There is no reason to be anxious, Aqua,” Jacob said to Gaven.

  Gaven’s eyes widened, swirling with seas colors. “How did you know?” He asked defensively.

  “Supernaturals need to be able to recognize one another and work together for the betterment of our races,” he said. “I have studied many species to better recognize them when I have an encounter. I saw you months ago in passing and knew something was up, so I did some research. I’ve been waiting for the right time to introduce myself. And Hannah here sped up that process. Because we live in humid Florida, Aqua’s are harder to identify, than let’s say Vampires. Vampires are easy to identify, they always reek of blood.”

  I jumped into the conversation, “So are there Vampires too?”

  Jacob smiled at me, “Yes, but they prefer larger cities because of the high crime rates help to hide their presence. There is a coven in Miami right now. The Vampires and Werewolves have a century’s long agreement to stay out of one another’s business. I advise you not travel to Miami anytime soon, at least not without prior notice and permission from their coven.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Vampires existed, wow. I guess I should have suspected it was possible. “Yeah whatever you say. I don’t go to Miami much, too long a drive.”

  Jacob continued his conversation with Gaven. “You smell strongly of the sea, it’s as if you’re comprised of it.” I sniffed the air for Gaven’s scent and understood for the first-time what Jacob was talking about. Gaven had always smelled of the sea, but I never noticed anything strange until now. I’d assumed that’s his natural scent. My sense of smell had always been weak, so I never paid any attention to anything that didn’t reek.

  I focused my wolf senses. I could detect more than salt air. I sensed the living seas and their power. I felt my husband in an entirely new and exciting way. I made a mental note to take Gaven up on his earlier offer. I was already coming up with some exciting bedroom fantasies.

  Gaven spoke to Jacob with an even voice keeping his thoughts well hidden. “So, you’re saying you’re not a threat to me?”

  Jacob answered equally as calm, “I vow to you I will keep your secret. I would like an amicable agreement. You will not interfere with the business of my pack and Hannah’s role in it. I will not interfere in your Aqua matters nor will I oppose the marriage of wolf to Aqua.” He held out his hand to Gaven.

  Gaven thought for a moment, “I reserve the right to assist Hannah in any way, magical or not, if she asks for my help.” I realized I was witnessing a territorial negotiation.

  “If I discover you or anyone in your pack has reached out to my family or any Aqua Coven, I will do everything in my power to end you.” Wow, Gaven was a badass and super sexy.

  “Agreed,” Jacob replied. They shook hands very businesslike. “Now on to Hannah and Rebecca,” he said turning to me.

  “Hannah, you need to get control of your pheromones,” Jacob smiled.

  After turning a bright red, I replied, “roger that, working on it.” I winked at Gaven who smiled back.

  “May I begin with Rebecca?” he asked. I assumed since I was Alpha in this mini pack of two, it was considered an insult to talk to my subordinates without my permission.

  “Sure, knock yourself out,” I said leaning back against the sofa, draining half of my coffee. It dawned on me it was rude not to offer Jacob some coffee. But after embarrassing me about my out of control pheromones, I felt like being rude. I couldn’t bring myself to like this guy.

  Jacob smiled, nodding in the direction of my coffee cup as if he had heard my thoughts. He seemed entertained by my disdain for him. I smirked as I took another sip.

  Jacob gestured to Roger. He walked over, handing Rebecca the briefcase. “Inside you will find three very old manuals. They were hand
copied from ancient texts and those copied from scrolls. These manuals will enlighten you to our binding ceremony that we will embark upon come the full moon.”

  “They will also inform you of my pack history. We are not the only pack in Florida. There is another very large pack in Ft. Myers whom we have a very uneasy relationship. Our pack has the potential, with you and Hannah, to become the most powerful in Florida. The packs are similar to kingdoms with territories. We have twenty members here in Punta Gorda. With your power, we plan to recruit others and expand our territory.”

  I felt like I was being recruited into the wolf army. I almost laughed out loud as I imagined wolf boot camp, with little wolf helmets and wolf AK47s. How would we get over the lack of opposable thumps?

  Jacob ignored my snicker. “When Kristi turned on us, running to the Ft. Myers pack, she took her Alpha power with her and has left us at a disadvantage.” Jacob turned to me, “Hannah, this is why you must join our pack and become my co-Alpha. Together we can regain the lost power. With your unique ability to turn without the full moon, we can gain strength and hold our ground if the Ft. Myers pack decides to break our treaty.”

  “And this benefits me how?” I asked sarcastically, tired of his pitch. The caffeine finally kicked in.

  He smiled at me, “On your own, you are vulnerable if they decide to attack. You and Rebecca cannot possibly fight off dozens of werewolves, even with Gavens help. By joining with us you guarantee your safety. I also plan on making it known that you bring the power to change. You will share your power with the pack, freeing us from the moon.”

  I sat up, finally taking notice. “You’re not getting one iota of my power until I feel you’re trustworthy. At this rate that will happen when hell freezes over,” I said refusing to back down.

  Power flared in Jacobs eyes, but he regained control quickly. “That will be something we need to discuss further, but for now I agree not to push you on this point,” Jacob replied.

  I glanced at Gaven who had also felt Jacobs’s power spike. He nodded at me.

  “Jacob, the power is new to me and I need to fully understand it before I share it.”

  “You shared it with Rebecca last evening,” he stated. “I could feel it in the air, hell we could all feel it. It was intoxicating.” Jacob teetered on breaking from his cool and collected act. This was the first time I detected emotion. His drive to acquire my power scared me.

  “Exactly why I can’t randomly share it,” I pushed back.

  He puffed up ready to argue, but I held up my hand to quiet him. “If I am to be your Co-leader, then there are some decisions I will make. You’ll have to back me. I refuse to add power to an already brewing power struggle with the Fort Myers pack. I will handle Kristi when she attacks, but I won’t be responsible for a bloodbath because of poorly controlled power. You are already acting power hungry from the small whiff you felt last night. I can’t trust you to be able to control yourself.” He actually pouted as I spoke.

  “As it stands, I alone hold the power to free you and your pack from the moon cycles. I freed Rebecca because I trust her and her ability to act rationally and in accordance to my desires. She will not begin a territorial war. You will. When I can trust you and the others, I may reconsider my decision. I will be your Co-leader not a subject of your self-inflated monarchy. Am I understood?”

  I stood looking down on Jacob and the others. I smoothed my Star Trek t-shirt and sat back down on the sofa.

  Jacob looked a bit shocked at my speech. I bet he thought he could just push me around like everyone else in his world. I guess it will take him some time to readjust his egocentric worldview. He regained his composure and was grinning again.

  “Something strike you as funny?” I asked sharply.

  “You are quite the fireball. Much more powerful than I had originally suspected,” he mumbled to himself.

  “Do you realize you sucked the air out of the room with your power?” he asked.

  “So?” I spat back.

  “So, I agree to your conditions.” He sat expressionless, awaiting my response.

  “Ah, okay.” I was confused. I got my way a little too easily.

  Then it dawned on me. Crap, I just agreed to join the pack.

  I turned to Rebecca who was flipping through the manuals, “Does this sound okay with you?” I asked her.

  “Yup,” she replied without looking up. It was nice she trusted me implicitly. I wish I trusted myself as much.

  “Sounds like we have a deal,” I said to Jacob. “So how does this work?”

  He regained his self-assured air, “On Saturday, you will all come to my home. Gaven will be safe in the upper floor of my house in case of any unforeseen problems. You and Rebecca will take part in the binding ceremony with the whole of the pack. I have a place near my home designed for pack business. The ceremony will bind us as partners and co-leaders.”

  “Wait a minute, so I will be like your wolf wife?” I asked. “Nothing sexual better happen,” I warned.

  Gaven flinched.

  “You misunderstand,” Jacob replied calmly.

  “Gaven, I have no sexual interest in your wife. I look at this situation as a business deal. She will be similar to my co-CEO. We will wield power together and make pack decisions together, but that’s where it ends. I have no sexual interest in her. And the ceremony doesn’t include any sexual behavior.”

  Rebecca looked up from the manuals, “nothing sexual in here so far.”

  “Wait a minute. Am I really that disgusting?” I asked feeling rejected.

  “Hannah!” Exclaimed Gaven.

  “Well, I don’t want to sleep with him either, but I am not a total dog,” I answered then started to laugh. “Dog, get it?”

  “Hannah, you are very attractive, but I would never attempt to get between you and Gaven. I am not a wife stealer, only a new business partner,” Jacob explained. “It may take time to warm up to your inappropriate sense of humor and your mood swings.”

  I stuck out my tongue at him as Gaven said, “Tell me about it.” He was calmer and seemed satisfied for the moment. Guys seem to bond over “crazy wife” talk. Jacob and Gaven finally had something in common, my moods and me. Well, I would have to make sure I didn’t hold back any “crazy.”

  Jacob smiled shifting his attention to Rebecca. “Rebecca, you have an old soul and seem to gather and decipher knowledge easily. I believe, because you share Hannah’s bloodline, you have already begun and will continue to be a knowledge seeker. You will hold a high rank in our pack as Hannah’s second in command. You will also serve as our version of a librarian, one who Knows of the Wolves. This is a great honor, for you hold responsibility for our history. Knowledge of the past will guide us to the future. Consider yourself the wise woman of the pack.”

  Rebecca easily accepted Jacob’s explanation with a nod.

  “So, you really are my Number One,” I joked, again referencing one of my favorite shows, Star Trek: The Next Generation.

  Jacob laughed, “Something like that Hannah.”

  Rebecca smiled, “Please, enough with the Star Trek jokes.”

  “I don’t see how this is funny,” Gaven inserted.

  I replied, “it’s better than crying about it.”

  I looked over at Baldy Bean who stood straight as a stick and hadn’t moved since he handed Rebecca the briefcase.

  “How about Gaven’s continued safety?” I asked.

  “Well, we have several pack members with human families. It’s important to protect them from harm,” Jacob answered.

  “I don’t need protection,” Gaven stood.

  “I understand you are a powerful Magique Aqua, but you are out of practice and being Hannah’s husband puts you at risk,” Jacob explained to Gaven. “I want you to understand if you need protection, it will be provided, but at your request.”

  “Agreed,” Gaven replied and sat back down.

  Jacob stood, “I believe we have covered everything on my agenda. I ha
ve another appointment, so if you would please excuse me, I’ll let myself out.”

  “Uh sure,” I said.

  Jacob reached the door Baldy Bean had opened for him, he turned to me, “I will send a car for you Saturday at five o’clock. Don’t have dinner for there will plenty to eat at my house.” And with that they walked out and shut the door.

  “That went well,” I said sarcastically. Rebecca was still reading, ignoring me while Gaven gave me his whatever shrug. That meant he was not thrilled about what had occurred, but he was doing his best to deal with it.

  “Gaven we have to work this out or it will drive us apart. I’m stuck in this wolfy world and we have to get used to these changes. Jacob may be an ass, but I don’t think he lied to us today. I do get the feeling he’s not telling me everything, but I know I can handle him. When his power spiked, both he and I realized I was more powerful. He needs me more than I need him. I know this is all happening fast, because my head is spinning too. We must adapt to survive.” Wow, where did that speech come from? Boy I sure can be insightful once in a millennium.

  Gaven sat thinking about my amazing speech. My Oscar award winning speech.

  “Okay,” he said.

  And that was it, no award ceremony, no gifts, no little gold man trophy, just Okay. I could handle ‘okay’ so I nodded.

  Rebecca looked up from her book, “Just be happy she didn’t go Star Trek nerd again and give us some speech about the Borg and how resistance is futile.”

  Gaven smiled at Rebecca, “Yeah, that would’ve definitely made it worse.”


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