Death to Tyrants!

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Death to Tyrants! Page 43

by Teegarden, David

Thompson, Homer, 103, 104

  Thrace, 166

  Thrasyboulos (Athenian hero), 15–16, 26, 44, 53, 72n39, 217

  Thrasyboulos (tyrant of Miletos), 206n74

  threshold sequences: amnesty oath and, 49–50; concept of, 22–23; decree of Demophantos and, 40–42, 47, 49–50; Eresos anti-tyranny dossier and, 127, 128–29, 133, 134, 135, 139; Eretrian tyrant-killing law and, 69, 70, 71; Four Hundred coup and, 22–23, 25, 28, 29n27; Ilian tyrant-killing law and, 206, 211; law of Eukrates and, 105, 110–11; Philites statue and stele, Erythrai, 153, 171; spread of tyrant-killing legislation outside of Athens and, 217

  Thucydides: on anti-democratic forces in Athens, 7n16; on Erythrai, 142n1; on Four Hundred, 18 (see also Four Hundred); on Harmodios and Aristogeiton, 32n33; on memory sanction, 196n48; modern sociological theory and, 21n13; on mutilation of Herms, 32n34, 43; on oath sworn by all citizens of Megara, 35n39; on Peisistratidai, 42n52, 105n44; on Peisistratidai stele, 42n52, 105n44; on Themistocles, 205n71

  Timarchos, 3n7, 165

  Timoleon, 8, 219

  Timophanes (tyrant of Korinth), 8n18

  Timotheon, 155n32

  Timotheos, 66n25

  Tissaphernes, 18, 19

  travel by council member or magistrate, unauthorized, Eretrian criminalization of, 75–77

  Troad, 123n17, 124t, 166n64, 167, 173n2, 174n5, 201, 204, 208, 209n83

  Troizen, 83n59

  tyrannies: first half of seventh century, 224; second half of seventh century, 225; first half of sixth century, 226–27; second half of sixth century, 228; first half of fifth century, 230; first half of fourth century, 234; second half of fifth century, 232; second half of fourth century, 236; overall chart of, 223f. See also specific cities

  tyrant-killing legislation in ancient Greece, ix–x, 1–11; academic studies of, 8–9; conceptual framework for, 215–20; contribution to success of democracy, ix–x, 5, 9–10, 213, 215; defined, 5; definition of tyrant and tyranny, 32n34; deterrence of anti-democratic forces, 10; in early Hellenistic period, 6, 7 (see also Eresos anti-tyranny dossier; Ilian tyrant-killing law; Philites statue and stele, Erythrai); effectiveness of, 213; invention of, 5, 215–17 (see also Demophantos, decree of); in late classical period, 6–7 (see also Eretrian tyrant-killing law; Eukrates, law of); maintenance of democratic regime, difficulty of, ix, 1–2; modern relevance to democratic process, ix; need of mechanisms to mobilize defense of democratic regimes, ix–x, 2–5; popularity in Greece and Asia Minor, 7–8, 212–13; rewards for tyrant-killers in, 9–10 (see also rewards for tyrant-killers); spread outside of Athens and incorporation into Panhellenic culture, 217–20; use of modern sociological theory to analyze, 21n13 (see also collective action, modern theories of); variations and common elements, 10–11

  tyrant/king, dēmos personified as, 106–9, 107

  unilateral deterrence, 10

  uprisings against authoritarian regimes, difficulty of effecting, ix, 2, 4, 5

  US bank bailout of 2008, 65–66

  Valerius Maximus, 34n35, 140

  vase paintings depicting Harmodios and Aristogeiton, 45, 46, 146

  Wallace, Robert, 101–3

  Wilhelm, Adolf, 61, 154n28, 163

  Xanthus, 35n39

  Xenophon: Anabasis, 204n69; Cyropaedia, 173n2; De vectigalibus, 66n26; Hellenica, 8, 15, 16, 44, 47n64, 48, 66n24, 74, 77n51, 142n1, 173, 174n4, 194n46, 204n69; Hiero, 8, 73n41, 145n10, 185n23, 186, 205, 206n76

  Xerxes, 7, 34n35

  xynomosiai, 19

  Zeleia, 125tnd, 126

  Zenis, 173

  Zoilos son of Chiades, 143, 144




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