The Blame Game: A Brook Brothers Novel

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The Blame Game: A Brook Brothers Novel Page 3

by Delaney, Tracie

  “I will.”

  Indie removed a manila folder from her purse and handed it over. “All the information you should need is in here. I’ve stapled my business card inside, which has my personal number on it. If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to call.”

  Her slender fingers, tipped with pale-pink nail polish, passed him the file. As he took it from her, their hands touched. Jax suppressed a shiver as an electric shock passed through him.

  “I should go.” She licked her lips, giving him a flash of pink tongue. He almost groaned. She had the most enticing mouth, accentuated with plum lipstick that offset her toffee-colored hair perfectly.

  “Do you have to be somewhere?” Jax blurted. Please say no.

  She gazed up at him, her stunning eyes hauntingly innocent yet deeply wise at the same time. The disparity was messing with his mind.

  “Um, not right now. Why?”

  “Would you like a tour? I’d love to show you around, tell you a little of what I’m planning to do with the place—now I’ve secured the funding.”

  Her face lit up. “Really? I’d like that.”

  “Great. Let’s start on the fourth floor and work our way down.” He walked back into the hallway. As they began to climb the stairs, Indie stumbled. Jax grabbed her elbow. “Are you okay?” he said, his hand still on her arm.

  She nodded. “Stupid shoes.”

  He grinned. “Stupid stairs more like. Sorry. I should have warned you about the gaps.”

  “I should take more care.”

  As they neared the top of the building, Jax realized his hand had remained on her arm. The warmth that seeped through her jacket made his stomach muscles clench. His hand drifted down her arm, and he curled his fingers around hers. When she didn’t pull away, he relaxed.

  “Phew, that’s quite a climb,” she said. “Are you going to put in an elevator?”

  “No. I realize that might put some prospective customers off from booking with us, but forging the space for an elevator shaft would ruin the look I’m going for. It’s worth the risk.”

  She looked directly at him as she considered his previous statement. “Do you like to take risks, Jax?”

  His eyes locked onto hers. Her voice had an inflection that led him to believe her words held a hidden meaning. He dropped her hand but took a step closer, testing the waters. She didn’t disappoint, holding her ground as he’d hoped she would.

  “Depends on the reward.”

  Her lips curved into a smile. “Good answer.” She turned around and walked down the narrow hallway. Multiple doorways led off to the left and right. When she reached the end, she faced him, leaning back against the door. “Are you keeping it like this?”

  He followed her, his steps slow but sure. “No.” He banged his palm against the far wall. “These are all coming down. I want to create one big room that I’ll turn into a penthouse suite. Large bed, comfy living area, thick carpeting, luxury bathroom. The whole works.”

  She gave him a soft smile. “Sounds amazing. I might need to book in for a night, although something tells me I won’t be able to afford it.”

  Jax’s gaze drifted along the narrow column of her throat. “And would Mr. Monroe be joining you?” He’d noticed at their very first meeting that she wasn’t wearing a wedding ring, but making assumptions in these times wasn’t the smartest move.

  Indie’s chin lowered, meaning she had to look up at him through her eyelashes. “Oh, there isn’t a Mr. Monroe.”

  Exactly as he’d hoped. “Good,” he replied, watching for any sign that his response had made her uncomfortable. Instead, a small smile crept across her face, and as she walked past, her body skimmed his, even though there was plenty of room for her to keep her distance. His lungs flattened at the all-too-brief contact.

  “What’s next?” She glanced over her shoulder as he stood frozen to the spot. When he didn’t move, she gave him a frown. “Jax?”

  “Sorry,” he said, shaking himself from his stupor. “My mind wandered for a moment there.” He eased past her and started down the stairs. “Let me show you what I’m planning on the next floor down.”

  As the tour progressed, instead of Indie warming to him, her body stiffened, and her responses became shorter and, eventually, monosyllabic. He searched his mind for anything he could have done to cause an about-face that made her retreat within herself. Maybe she hadn’t welcomed him holding her hand. But the earlier signals she’d given out were the complete opposite of the barriers now surrounding her—or maybe guarding her was more accurate.

  He brought the tour to a close when they reached the first floor. “So, what do you think?” he asked, hoping to draw her out of herself. For some unfathomable reason, he wanted her to love this place as he did—to share his vision and give her approval.

  She gave him a dazzling smile, the Indie of earlier making a spectacular return. He couldn’t figure her out. One minute she was fully engaged, excited even, and the next, she was putting up obstacles. It didn’t matter which Indie he got, though. He was madly attracted to both versions.

  “I think it’s fantastic. You’re a smart guy, Jax, and I have no doubt you’ll make an incredible success of this venture.” She leaned in close enough that he could smell mints mingled with coffee on her breath. Her lips brushed his cheek, the touch so light he wasn’t sure whether he’d dreamed it. Pleasure made his body tingle, but before he could savor the feeling, she withdrew and glanced at her watch.

  “I really do have to go now.” She gifted him with an apologetic smile.

  “I’ll see you out.” He forced his feet to move and opened the front door. “Thanks for coming over. I appreciate it.”

  She touched his arm, those slender fingers lingering for a moment. “Anytime,” she said softly. And then she was gone.

  Jax leaned against the door to catch his breath. His lungs compressed. Work, God dammit. He’d been able to breathe his whole life, yet with one brief peck on the cheek from a woman he barely knew, his body had forgotten how to perform the most basic functions.

  His fingertips touched the spot where she’d kissed him. He closed his eyes and breathed through his nostrils, taking in the lingering smell from her perfume. In Jax’s experience, there were two kinds of women: those you screwed and instantly forgot about and those like Indie Monroe. The latter were as rare as snow in July. Despite her being a virtual stranger, Jax knew he’d remember Indie for the rest of his life.

  He laughed at such flowery thoughts. Get a grip, dickhead. He wandered back into the living space, grabbed his tool bag, and set off for home.

  * * *

  Indie watched from across the street as Jax left the brownstone. He locked the door, had a final look over the building, and headed in the direction of the subway. Their second meeting had gone exactly as she’d hoped. He’d definitely taken the bait. She waited for excitement to hit her, but instead, she felt a tightening across her chest. Oh no you don’t! A gorgeous face and hot body did not make all the years of pain simply vanish. Jax had to pay for what his father had done.

  Her eyes followed him until he disappeared from view. Only then did she let out the breath she’d been holding. She opened her purse, took out her cell, and looked at her recent call list. Tapping the one at the top, she held the phone to her ear as a keen wind whipped leaves off the sidewalks. She pulled her scarf closer around her, mourning the arrival of fall.

  “You okay, honey?” Phil said as he answered.

  “Yes. Everything went according to plan.”

  Her brother sucked in a breath. “He’s going to take the deal?”

  “I think so. He seemed pretty happy when I gave him the contract.”

  “And that means you’ll get to see more of him, correct?”

  She nodded even though he couldn’t see her. “Yes.”

  “What a stroke of luck that he ended up at your firm, sis. At least it saved you having to bump into him accidently on purpose. This way is much better. He’ll neve
r know what’s coming.”

  “I guess,” she murmured.

  “I’m proud of you,” Phil said, causing a wave of happiness within her. Her brother rarely gave compliments, so when he did, they were even more special. “Our time is here, Indie. All our plans are coming to fruition.”

  Your plans. The unwelcome thought slammed into her from nowhere, causing her to suck in a sharp breath. “Yes,” she managed to grind out, but she couldn’t stop her voice from trembling.

  “Indie,” Phil snapped. “You still with me?”

  She gave herself a mental slap. “Of course.”

  “Good. Don’t go soft on me now.”

  She bit her lip, only stopping when blood flooded onto her tongue. She swallowed, the taste unpleasant. “I’m not. I’m with you all the way.”

  “Yes, you are,” he said confidently. For some reason, his self-assurance and certainty she’d comply with his wishes set her teeth on edge. “Go home now. Get some rest. You need to be ready for the next stage.”

  Indie grimaced. The next stage would be a tough one. She had to get close to Jax.

  * * *

  Jax left Paul’s office after meeting with one of Paul’s colleagues who specialized in financial contracts. He had signed the contract with Indie’s firm, and he couldn’t stop smiling. At least he had assurance now that this was a good deal, that the venture-capitalist firm was solid. Finally, the real work at the hotel could begin. But underneath his excitement at solving his financial worries was a different kind of thrill—he had an excuse to call Indie. He couldn’t wait.

  He took her business card out of his wallet and dialed her number. “It’s Jax Brook,” he said when she answered.

  “Hey. Everything okay?”

  A rush of adrenaline at the sound of her smooth voice made goose bumps break out on his skin. “Yep, all signed. The contract will be couriered to your offices this afternoon.”

  “Excellent. I’m glad we could do business, Jax.”

  He took a breath. “How about meeting up so you can help me celebrate?”

  A pause. “Like a date?”

  He laughed. “Let’s call it a drink between business associates and see where it goes.”

  “Okay,” she said, sending a triumphant thrill through him. He hadn’t expected her to agree so readily. “Let me know when and where.”

  “I’ll text you.” Jax hung up and strolled back to his apartment, his footsteps light.

  He’d secured the business. Next thing on his agenda was to secure India Monroe. She would be his… no matter what it took.

  Chapter Four

  The following evening, Jax arrived at the bar where he’d arranged to meet Indie. His cheeks burned from the cold, and he could barely feel his ears. The weather was behaving more like winter than fall. He had to get the heating working efficiently at the hotel before the forecasted snow arrived. The last thing he needed was to be freezing his balls off when the mercury dropped, especially as he’d given notice on his apartment.

  His skin might be cold, but his insides were warm. He still couldn’t believe Indie had agreed to meet him for a drink. He’d expected to have to work harder. Nerves chewed at the lining of his stomach, and his hands felt clammy inside his gloves. Pull yourself together, Jax. He didn’t get anxious before a first date—if that was even what this could be called—but Indie wasn’t his usual type. She was aloof and businesslike one minute, warm and friendly the next. He had a feeling she’d keep him on his toes, and he liked that. Nothing was more boring than a fawning woman.

  He pushed open the door, and the heat inside the bar hit him like a furnace. He shrugged out of his coat and gloves and took a seat at a table on the left. Indie hadn’t arrived yet—probably because he was fifteen minutes early. He gave the waitress his drink order then took out his cell and mindlessly scrolled through social media to amuse himself while he waited. Every time the door opened, his head would snap up, and disappointment that the new arrival wasn’t her would dart through his chest.

  When she finally arrived, Jax held his breath as she glanced around, spotted him, and gave a bright smile and a wave. She took off her coat and laid it over her arm before making her way over. Even the style of her walk was sexy—a slight sway to her hips, her breasts jiggling inside her bra. Jax forced his eyes to her face. From her smooth expression, it looked like she hadn’t spotted his wandering gaze.

  “Hope you haven’t been waiting long,” she said as she sat beside him. She folded her coat and put it next to her then placed her purse on the table. After removing her cell, she gave it a quick check before turning it over, screen facedown.

  How odd. Maybe she’s an extremely private person.

  “A few minutes, that’s all.” He beckoned to the waitress. “What do you want to drink?”

  Indie tapped her forefinger against her plump bottom lip. “Mmm. Think I’ll have a glass of prosecco.”

  Jax dragged his eyes away from her mouth. “And another beer for me,” he said, swinging his almost-empty bottle by the neck.

  “You don’t strike me as a beer drinker,” Indie said after the waitress left.

  “Oh yeah? Why not?”

  She raked him with a gaze that had his cock twitching inside his jeans. It looked like he was getting warm-and-friendly Indie tonight

  “Your stomach is too flat.”

  Jax laughed. “How do you know? I could be sucking it in.”

  Indie reached forward and placed her hand on his abs. Jax almost shot through the ceiling as the heat from her hand bled through his shirt.

  “I knew you weren’t,” she said, looking at him beneath impossibly long eyelashes that were 100 percent natural. “I just wanted to cop a feel.”

  His eyes widened. “Careful,” he teased. “I might want to do the same.”

  She slowly blinked. “I’d like that.”

  Oh yeah. She’s definitely giving out the right signals.

  The waitress brought their drinks, and Jax took a swig of beer, conscious of Indie’s eyes on him. He placed the bottle back on the table. “Did you get the contract?”

  Indie chuckled under her breath. “Yes, I got it. Does business talk make you more comfortable, Jax? Or is it that I’m making you nervous?”

  He clenched his jaw, annoyed she’d found him so easy to read, and shrugged. “Just checking.”

  As he reached for his beer once more, she stopped him and took his hand. “I like you. I liked you from the first moment you walked into my office. Sorry if you think I’m being forward, but this is the twenty-first century. Women can make the first move… and I’m making mine.” She let go of his hand, sat back, and sipped her prosecco. “Or are you one of those alpha types who prefers to be in charge and gets pissed when a woman tries to control the situation?”

  His pulse jolted at her admission. So she was interested in him. Thank fuck for that.

  “I don’t mind the woman taking charge… to a point.”

  Indie tilted her head to the side. “And at what point does the line get crossed?”

  Jax grazed her cheek with the back of his hand. “In the bedroom.”

  She gave him a coy smile. “I can live with that,” she murmured.

  She squeezed his thigh, and he sucked in a sharp breath. Whoa, she was moving fast. He wasn’t averse to a one-night stand by any means, but with Indie, he wanted more. Instinct told him that to take her up on her very tempting offer right then would be the wrong call.

  He held the air deep in his lungs for a few seconds, in an effort to slow his thundering heart, then blew it out slowly. “I prefer to get to know my women outside the bedroom first.”

  She met his gaze, her soft hazel eyes boring into his. “And why’s that?”

  “Makes the sex hotter.”

  “I think it’d be pretty hot anyway.” She upped the pressure on his leg then slid her hand closer to his groin.

  Jax glanced down. As appealing as it was to let her carry on, especially as her touch was sending t
ingles shooting up his thigh and making his cock throb, he got the feeling Indie liked to be in control a little too much. As gently as he could, he wrapped his fingers around hers and removed her hand from his leg.

  “Slow down,” he said when she narrowed her eyes. “What’s the rush?”

  “I thought you liked me.” She almost pouted.

  Jax repressed a laugh. “I do like you, but delayed gratification can be explosive when you finally get between the sheets.” He picked up his beer. “Look, how about we finish up here. I’ll take you to dinner, and we can get to know each other a little better.”

  She was opening her mouth to answer when her cell rang. As she flipped it over, the color drained from her face. She snatched it off the table.

  “I’ll just be a minute,” she said, scrambling to her feet. She walked to the other side of the bar, her posture stiff. Whoever the caller was, Indie didn’t seem too happy. She glanced down the long mahogany bar, and her eyes widened as she continued to speak into the cell, angry color flooding back into her cheeks. Jax followed her gaze but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.

  She returned a few seconds later, her eyebrows drawn into a deep frown. “Sorry, I need to take a rain check,” she said, refusing to look directly at him. She scooped up her purse and dropped her cell phone inside. “I’ll call you.”

  And without a backward glance, she dashed from the bar. She didn’t even bother to put her coat on, just laid it over her arm and disappeared through the door.

  * * *

  Indie shrugged into her coat as she stomped down the street, her blood boiling. When she heard familiar footsteps catching up to her, she whirled around. “What the hell is going on? I was just getting somewhere.”

  Phil ignored her. He took hold of her arm and propelled her forward. She struggled to free herself, but he had too tight a grip.

  “And why were you there anyway? It’s creepy, not to mention inappropriate.”


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