Forget Me Not (The Unforgettable Duet Book 1)

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Forget Me Not (The Unforgettable Duet Book 1) Page 14

by Brooke Blaine

  Dr. Boswell nodded. “A good night’s sleep will do you good. He’ll be fine tonight. Resting, as should all of you.”

  I hated that they were right. I couldn’t do anything whether I was here or at home, so with some reluctance, I said, “Okay. I’ve got Reid’s phone, but can I give you my number?”

  His mom handed me her phone, and after I’d typed in my digits, she took me by surprise by wrapping her arms tightly around me.

  “Thank you,” she said. “For being here now and for looking out for my son. I don’t know what we’d do without you.”

  I wondered if she’d feel the same way if she knew how I really felt about Reid, but I hugged her back and savored the comfort a mother’s touch could provide. It’d been so long since I’d been hugged like that, and I hadn’t realized how desperately I’d been deprived of it.

  “Please get some rest,” she said, giving me one last squeeze before letting go.

  How I was supposed to sleep, I didn’t know, but somehow my body knew better than to put up a fight, because as soon as I got home, I collapsed in exhaustion and was out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

  MY PHONE RANG as the sun came up the next morning, and I answered on the first ring.

  “He’s awake,” Reid’s mother said. “I thought you’d like to know.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  After the quickest shower known to man, I threw on some clothes and was out the door. But as I drove to the hospital, I realized I’d forgotten one important thing, so I turned into the nearest grocery store to remedy that fast. I couldn’t show up to see my man empty-handed, after all.

  The ride up the elevator seemed to take longer than the drive had, and I impatiently tapped my foot until the doors slid open. In the hall I passed Reid’s mother, who let me know she was heading downstairs to grab a bite of breakfast, and I was secretly glad she’d wandered off so Reid and I could have our reunion without watching eyes. I didn’t know why I was so nervous, but the jittery feeling I’d had all morning wouldn’t leave me as I made my way toward Reid’s room with a vase full of blue hydrangeas and white lilies in my hands.

  The door to his room was cracked open, but I gave a quick rap on it anyway before entering. The lights were off as I walked inside, but the blinds covering the windows were open, letting in the early morning sunlight. Rounding the corner, I came to a stop when I saw Reid’s eyes closed. The last thing I wanted to do was wake him, but God, it was so good to see him, even asleep.

  I looked around for a place to put the vase, and as I went over to the window, Reid’s eyes flickered open.

  “Reid… Oh my God. You have no idea how fucking good it is to see you awake,” I said, and I knew my smile had to be splitting my face, it was so big. I set the vase down on the table and came over to his bedside. His hair was shaved back again, and a bandage covered the left side of his head, but he could’ve been stitched up from head to toe and I still would’ve thought he was the most gorgeous human ever to walk the planet. “Dr. Boswell said you’re doing so well,” I said, reaching for his hand.

  I should’ve seen the signs when he opened his eyes and saw me standing there. I should’ve paid attention, but I was too caught up in my joy over seeing Reid awake and breathing to notice. It wasn’t until I made the mistake of reaching for his hand and he pulled it back that the ball dropped, along with my stomach.

  And it was what he said next that I knew would be burned in my memory for all time. Every time I’d think of it, I’d feel the pain of it again, searing my flesh and taunting me. An open, gaping wound that would never heal.

  Life as I knew it ended with three little words, nine letters, three syllables, all coming from the mouth of the man I’d fallen in love with. The one staring up at me with those beautiful brown eyes, marred only by the vacant expression behind them and the slight frown etched between his brows.

  “Who are you?”

  Thank You

  Thank you for reading Forget Me Not! I know, I know. I killed you with that ending. You love me, though, right?

  Well, not to worry, because you don’t have to wait long for the finale of Ollie & Reid’s story.


  will release February 26th.

  In the mean time, if you enjoyed Forget Me Not, please consider leaving a review on the site you purchased the book from. It just might help Reid to remember… <3

  Want more Brooke Blaine stories to Kindle & Chill with? Check ‘em out at

  Also by Brooke Blaine

  South Haven Series

  A Little Bit Like Love

  L.A. Liaisons Series




  Romantic Suspense

  Flash Point

  PresLocke Series

  Co-Authored with Ella Frank





  Co-Authored with Ella Frank

  Sex Addict


  Wrapped Up in You

  About the Author

  Brooke Blaine is a USA Today Bestselling Author of contemporary romance that ranges from comedy to suspense to erotic. The latter has scarred her conservative Southern family for life, bless their hearts.

  If you’d like to get in touch with her, she’s easy to find - just keep an ear out for the Rick Astley ringtone that’s dominated her cell phone for years. Or you can reach her at

  Brooke’s Links

  Brooke’s Newsletter

  Brooke & Ella’s Naughty Umbrella

  The M/M Daily Grind

  Book + Main Bites

  [email protected]


  As always, the person keeping me from completely losing my marbles (though I’m still missing quite a few), is Ella Frank. I swear my books would probably never see the light of day if she wasn’t the one reassuring me that “they’re good enough, smart enough, and doggone-it, people will like (love!) it.” Ella, I know I drive you nuts with the my procrastination (I drive myself crazy too), and you are a saint for putting up with me. And writing with me! Well, a saint or a sucker, your choice. ;) I love you, woman, and I can’t wait to work with you on our next project. Just think—Sydney & Taylor soon! #rewards

  Shannon with Shanoff Designs did such an incredible job bringing Ollie & Reid to life on these covers & teasers, and I have to say thank you, Shannon! You nailed it from the beginning, and I so appreciate you always doing such gorgeous work.

  Speaking of beautiful covers, Forget Me Not features model Kevin Hessam (His first cover! Yay!), with photography by the always amazing Eric Battershell (Eric Battershell Photography). We’ve collaborated on several covers now, and the images never fail to be utter perfection. Cheers to many more!

  Thank you also to Darren Birks Photography ( for the photo of model Zak Leete for Remember Me When.

  Both of these covers helped me visualize my guys as I wrote their story, and I can’t stress enough how important a cover is, not only for readers as they choose their next read, but also for an author. I mean, come on, gorgeous men to stimulate productivity? #Win

  My long-suffering editor, Arran McNicol, and my fabulous proofreader, Judy Zweifel of Judy’s Proofreading - I could never do this without my dream team. Thank you so much for always reminding me how little I know. Err, I mean, thank you for always making my rambles pretty.

  Jenn Watson & Sarah Ferguson of Social Butterfly PR - You ladies always have my back, and for that I’m grateful. You do so much behind the scenes, and I appreciate you taking hate mail for the team. Bahaha I kiiiid! I love you both, but the next time you go to Paris without me, there will be words. STRONG WORDS! Muah!

  I need to say a special thank you to three women who took the time to answer so many of my questions regarding their work as paramedics and how they would treat medical emergenci
es. Many times, we writers take creative liberties with our stories to make them fit what we have in our head, but it’s also important to nail those little details that really make a story feel realistic. So, Jamie Farruggia Plume, Julie Boswell, and Connie Griffin: a big thank you and tackle hugs! If you read the book, I hope you enjoy your Easter eggs. ;)

  And to my kickass review team of faaabulous hookers, my naughty brellas, the m/m daily grinders, and my super talented fellow grinder authors—I adore every damn one of you (except my nemesis), and I’m so thankful for your support and friendship.

  Bloggers! Readers! You all never cease to amaze me. Each time you pick up my book, each time you share it with your friends or on Instagram or Facebook, every time you review on Goodreads or Amazon, and especially when you make those gorgeous little graphics that I can’t help but share immediately—you blow my mind every time and with every gesture, every kind word, and I can’t thank you enough. Many of you have been with me since the first time I hit publish, and the fact that you’ve stayed through allll these different genres and stories means I should probably send you crazy pills. Or hugs. Crazy pills and hugs? And chocolate?

  Thank you all again for reading Forget Me Not. I hope you’ll continue Ollie & Reid’s story with Remember Me When…because you need that happy ending, right? RIGHT?

  Stay tuned…

  Excerpt: A Little Bit Like Love

  By Brooke Blaine


  Eight Years Earlier…


  WITH THE NOTE from Principal Stewart crumpled in my fist, I stalked away from his office, away from the words I knew would haunt me forever.

  “I’m sorry, Jackson. Your father is quite…insistent you return to Connecticut immediately.”

  Immediately…immediately… With every echo of that word through my mind, my heart battered my chest, the ache to rip itself free of my body a plea I was helpless to honor.

  There was only one reason he would’ve demanded I leave South Haven before the end of classes next week. My father had been adamant I receive the best education his money afforded, choosing to ship me down to south Georgia to attend the most prestigious all-boys academy in the country. I’d done him proud, rising to the top of my class, and I’d been practicing my salutatorian speech for days. Skipping out on graduation and the pomp and circumstance and recognition that came with it? Out of the question. Which could only mean one thing.

  He knew. Somehow he knew.

  That was the only explanation for the letter in my hand, for the abrupt dismissal this late in the evening and this close to the end of the school year. My father hadn’t gotten to where he was by being stupid or blind, and I’d seriously underestimated how many eyes and ears had been watching me during my four years. Although it would’ve only been the whispers over the last few months that piqued his interest, only the last eight that he would’ve had any reason to give me a second thought.

  And that reason wasn’t a what—it was a who.

  The halls of the St. John’s dormitory were silent when I entered, all the students down at the mess hall for dinner, followed by the final bonfire of the year. So there wouldn’t be anyone around to see me sneak down the hall to where I knew I shouldn’t be going but couldn’t help myself. My feet seemed to move of their own accord, the countdown to my utter devastation causing me to pick up the pace. The private plane would arrive in a handful of hours, giving me just enough time to pack my things, but there was no way I could leave without a goodbye. Not going to happen.

  I wasn’t ready. I was supposed to have more time. As a cold sweat of panic seized me, I balled the letter tighter in my fist and chucked it into one of the trash bins as I passed.

  Screw my father. Screw the life he’d set out for me, the one I was destined to live and hate with every fiber of my being. I wanted to bottle up every one of his expectations and throw the blasted thing out at an angry sea to swallow up and tear apart instead.

  I wished it could be as easy as that. I’d been able to fool myself into a sense of freedom, but the cell door was about to smash shut on every dream I’d let myself have these past few months.

  His private dorm was at the end of the long hall, last one on the right, and I rapped on it twice fast, waited a moment, and then repeated the pattern that we used for each other. A few seconds later, the door swung open, and seeing the sole object of my daily and nightly thoughts standing there in front of me with a mixture of surprise and delight in his eyes made me think that coming here had been a mistake. It was only going to sink the dagger in further.

  “Hey…I thought we were meeting la—” Lucas’s words cut off and the smile curling his lips fell as he got a good look at my face. “What’s wrong?”

  You should tell him. Tell him what’s going on and that it isn’t your fault. Look him in the eye when you tell him you can never see him again.

  A shooting pain tore through my chest as I realized what this goodbye actually meant. I wasn’t saying I wouldn’t be seeing him for the next couple of days or weeks. When I left South Haven’s campus in the early hours of the morning, I wouldn’t be seeing him again…ever.

  God, can I do this? Break his heart as well as mine?

  No…no, I couldn’t tell him. He’d look for me, find me, and there was no telling what my father would do if that happened. The letter had been my old man’s warning. Disobeying his orders would mean consequences neither of us were prepared for.

  “Jackson?” Lucas’s voice dropped low, and then he looked past me out into the deserted hall. When he didn’t see anyone to blame for my current state, he frowned and waited for an answer.

  The words didn’t come, though, so I stood there staring at him, taking a mental snapshot that I’d store away in a place no one could find and destroy. His black hair was casually tousled, and I knew him well enough to know he’d worried his hands through it, maybe wondering if I wouldn’t follow through on our plans tonight. He wore a simple grey t-shirt and low-slung jeans on his long and lean frame, and the swirl of black tattoos he’d recently inked on his tanned skin could be seen peeking around his right bicep before disappearing from view behind the thin material of his shirt. He was striking, both in looks and personality, and to say I hadn’t been expecting the force that was Lucas Sullivan when he’d transferred to the academy eight months ago was an understatement.

  Quite simply, I’d been lost to him the first time I laid eyes on him.

  Forcing myself to shake off my dread, I said, “I’m okay,” and tried to believe it for his sake.

  “Well, you look like hell.” He leaned against the doorway, one of those charming half-grins cocking up one side of his lips. “Hell on wheels, anyway. What’d you do, run all the way here?”

  Not too far off there. I didn’t even remember crossing campus to get to his dorm until I was in front of the building.

  When I didn’t laugh at his teasing, Lucas’s expression fell again and his brows pulled down, a crease forming between them as his eyes, the color of a stormy sky, gave me a thorough once-over, looking for the source of my pain. He was silent for a long moment, but he must’ve seen something he didn’t like, because he stiffened and his jaw clenched. Then he took a deep breath and let it out in a rush.

  “Tell me.”

  “Tell you what?” I asked.

  Lucas shook his head, his arms going over his chest. “I’m not helping you out here. If you came here for a reason, get out with it.”

  Did he know? He couldn’t. I’d only just found out myself, and… No. There was no way. “It’s…complicated.”



  Lucas gave a humorless chuckle. “Jackson Davenport, I knew you were scared, but I never took you for a coward. If you don’t want to do this, you can man the hell up and tell me to my face.”

  “What are you… I’m not…” I ran my hand over my face, struggling to understand the conclusion he’d come to for why I was standing at his door.
My lack of a poker face had put him on the defensive. He thought I was here to reject him. An idea so completely unfathomable to me that it made my stomach turn thinking about it. “Lucas…you’ve got this all wrong.”

  “Do I?”

  “Yes. I’m not here to—“ I almost said “end things with you,” but I didn’t want to lie to him. I never had and I never would. Instead, I said, “Fight with you. I don’t want to fight.”

  “Then why are you here, Jackson?” he asked, and my gaze fell to his lips. I’d tasted those lips only a few times, not nearly enough to quench a starving man’s hunger. All these months I’d wasted, warring with myself in my head, never letting myself have the thing I wanted most. And now I was down to a matter of hours. It wasn’t enough, not nearly enough. But it was all I had, and I wasn’t wasting another second.

  If I couldn’t tell Lucas how I felt about him, then I’d show him.



  And starting now.

  When you’re finished with Ollie & Reid’s story, make sure to check out Jackson & Lucas in A Little Bit Like Love. Available Now!




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