No Job for a Woman

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No Job for a Woman Page 28

by Sallyanne Atkinson

  Parker, Seamus 229, 230, 231, 239

  Parsons, Louella 14

  Pathungra Station 37

  Peacock, Andrew 182

  Pell, Archbishop 243

  Pemberton, Gary 227

  Pembroke, Michael 268

  Perkins, Betty 38

  Perkins, Kieren 42, 214

  Philip, Prince 174

  Philippines 248, 249, 250, 263

  Phillip, Arthur 266–8

  Phillips, Hazel 64

  Pieters-Hawke, Sue 257

  Plavinski, Victor 136

  politicians, types of 275

  politics 274–5

  Pooley, Gordon 37

  Pooley, Jennie 36, 37

  Pope, visit of 158–60

  Port Douglas 245, 251

  Potter, Sir Ian 164, 206

  Power, Des 73

  Pratt, Jeanne 55, 236

  Pratt, Richard 236

  Premadasa, Ranasinghe 172, 173–4

  Prentice, Ian 106

  Prentice, Jane 106

  Prest, Bill 115

  Pretty, Dr Bob 124

  Prince’s Club 13

  Pringle, John Douglas 205

  public life 3, 140, 142, 158, 199, 235–6

  Pullenvale 107, 108

  Quant, Mary 66

  Queensland Brain Institute 256, 262

  Queensland Irish Club

  St Patrick’s Day dinner 160–1

  Queensland Leaders 264–5

  Queensland Performing Arts Centre 157, 176

  Queensland Tourist and Travel Corporation 237–8

  Queensland Womens Amateur Sports Council 262

  Queenwood 24, 33

  Quirk, Graham 179

  Raffel, Miss 23

  Rafter, Pat 229

  Ramos-Horta, José 247

  Rankin 208–13

  ‘Rates Rip-off’ 137

  Red Hill 233–4

  Redcliffe 126

  Reed Midem 229

  Republican movement 242–4

  Rice, Jillian 54

  Richard, Noel 58

  Richards, Terri 95–7

  Richardson, Graham 246, 275

  Richmond 38

  Ringrose, Beatrice 239

  Ringrose, Bill 208

  Ringrose, Eleanor 239

  Ringrose, Kate 209

  Ringrose, Matilda (Milly) 229, 235, 239

  Ringrose, Ted 208, 229, 239

  Rio de Janeiro 267, 268

  Riverside Centre 154

  Roberts, Max 68

  Roche, Bill 231

  Roche, Imelda 231

  Roche, Tony 229

  Rochedale Engineered Sanitary Landfill 179

  Roma, Lady Diamantina 43

  Ross, Elizabeth 36

  Ross, George 36

  Rousseff, Dilma 269

  Rowland, Peter 189

  Roy Harvey Building 270

  Roy, Xavier 229

  Royal Naval School 28–9

  royal visits 63–4, 116, 172, 174–5

  Rudd, Kevin 164, 257

  Rugby League 178, 184–5

  St Benedict’s 91

  St Gabriel, Sister Mary 70, 104

  St George 213, 214

  St Hilda’s 27, 30, 33–4, 35, 43, 45, 188

  St Lucia 46, 48, 51, 54, 55, 91, 97, 115, 155, 180, 181, 183

  Samaranch, Juan Antonia 194

  Samut, Rod 133, 137, 266

  Sandgate 2

  Schubert, Sir Sydney 163

  Schwarz, Marion 212, 213

  Scotland 75, 78–87, 97, 99

  Seidler, Harry 148, 220–1

  Shaw, Eric 127

  Shimmons, Hylda see Kerr, Hylda

  Silvia of Sweden, Queen 193

  Singapore 7, 61, 248, 249

  Sinnanthamby, Maha 150

  Siracusa, Joe 138

  Sleeman, Frank 113, 120–1, 157, 226

  Sligo 6, 16

  Small, Sir Bruce 32

  Smith, Bill J. 204

  Smith, Maggie 85

  Smith, Ray 111

  Sofia 192, 193

  Soorley, Jim 164, 196, 201, 225

  South Bank 176, 264, 276

  South Bank Development Corporation 176

  South Brisbane 234

  South East Asia

  trade commissioner 248–50

  Southport 26–7, 30, 37, 39, 71, 121, 180, 188, 271

  Spain, King and Queen of 172

  Spaulding, Ella see Helmore, Ella

  Springfield 150

  Sri Lanka 19, 172, 173–4 see also Ceylon

  SS Scythia 15

  SS Sontay 17

  Stephen, Sir Ninian 239

  Stimson, Professor Bob 177

  Stimson Report 178

  Stockwell, Mark and Tracy 71

  Story Bridge 158

  Stradbroke Island 27

  Strandhill 16–17

  Stubbs, Gary 107

  Sun Herald 60

  Sunday Mail 93

  Sunnybank 113

  Sunshine Coast 98, 188, 195, 245

  Surfers Paradise 26–7, 31, 42, 56, 68, 69, 140

  Sustainable Development Australia (SDA) 203

  Sutherland, Dame Joan 214

  Sydney Morning Herald 60, 205

  Sydney Olympic Games 187, 191, 208, 214–15, 216, 245, 246–7

  Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG) 216, 227

  Tabberer, Maggie 64

  Tahiti, French nuclear testing 224–6

  Tamborine 210

  Taringa 107

  Tatler 85–6

  Taylor, Anna 84

  Taylor, Elizabeth 22

  Teatino-Climaco, Tarcisio 267

  Telegraph (Brisbane) 51–8, 64, 65, 103

  Thailand 248, 249, 250

  Thatcher, Denis 172

  Thatcher, Margaret (Maggie) 172–3

  This Day Tonight 72

  Thorley, Peter 110

  Tizard, Dame Cath 226

  Tolmie, Eric 36

  Toohey, Jack 60

  Toowong 2, 91, 95, 126, 262

  Toowoomba 98, 229

  town planning 136, 154–6, 165–6, 176–9, 197

  Townsville 38, 101–2

  Trad, Marilyn 240, 260

  Travis, Dempsey 119

  TriCare 205

  Trundle, Peter 116

  Tucker, Doug 199

  Tully, Paul 243

  Tunisia 226

  Turnbull, Dulcie 109, 139

  Turnbull, Malcolm 242

  Turner, Helen 38

  Universiade 117–18

  University of the Third Age 263

  Vietnam War 67, 100, 124

  Vizard, Steve 243

  Wacol 151

  Wagstaff, Stuart 65

  Wakefield, John 51, 56, 64

  Walker, Jamie 120

  Waltzing Matilda Centre 238

  Wandoan 38

  Warana Writers Week 263

  Ward, Bob 200

  Ward, Len 154

  Ward, Mel 236

  Waterworks Road 233–4

  Watkins, Frank (Wattie) 53

  West End 155, 176, 231, 267

  Weston, Maryanne 55

  Westside News 109

  White, Derek 73

  White, John 152

  White, Peter 182

  White, Terry 126

  Whitlam, Gough 100, 101, 102, 103, 172, 191, 248

  Willett, John 262

  William, Prince 174

  Williams, David 114

  Williams, Esther 271

  Williams, Sir Edward 172

  Wilson, Noel 102

  Winton 37, 38, 238

  Wolfe, John 36

  women 59, 85

  ageing 258

  birth control 67, 76–7, 94

  board members, as 205–8

  education, and 33

  liberation 92–3, 94

  news 52–3, 55

  politics 1–3, 102, 105, 131, 138, 162, 173

  sexual harassment 2, 115–16, 150

  television 64–5
br />   working 140, 142, 220, 252–3

  Women’s College 46–7, 262, 274

  Women’s News 52

  Woolf, Bella Sidney 28

  Woolf, Leonard 28

  ‘World Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future’ 203

  World Expo (1988) 171–6, 234, 276

  World Masters Swimming 186

  World War II 4, 7, 12, 15, 119

  Brisbane, in 169–70

  Sydney, in 4, 8

  Wran, Neville 243

  Year of the Environment 197

  Year of the River 170

  Yearbury, Kevin 177

  Yencken, Professor David 123

  Yeronga 181

  York, Duke and Duchess 175

  First published 2016 by University of Queensland Press

  PO Box 6042, St Lucia, Queensland 4067 Australia

  [email protected]

  © Sallyanne Atkinson 2016

  This book is copyright. Except for private study, research, criticism or reviews, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission. Enquiries should be made to the publisher.

  Cover design by Stan Lamond

  Cover photograph by Justine Walpole

  Author photograph by Justine Walpole

  Typeset in 12.5/16 pt Bembo by Post Pre-press Group, Brisbane

  National Library of Australia cataloguing-in-publication data is available at


  978 0 7022 5411 6 (pbk)

  978 0 7022 5738 4 (pdf)

  978 0 7022 5739 1 (epub)

  978 0 7022 5740 7 (Kindle)

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