Colson, Charles, 12, 40, 45
communication, 1044, 224-26
brain, effects on~ 154
control through, 166
cult recruitment, use of, 104, 134-35
communication sciences, 109-15,130-32
contagion of "highs," 34
conversion, techniques of, 64
Cooper, Paulette, 249
Cosmic Consciousness, 173-75
Crack in the Cosmic Egg, The (Pearce), 58
"critical situational response," 91, 98
cults, 11-12, 15-17, 45-46, 246-52
attraction of, 58
expansion of, 15-16
goals of, 223
and information disease, 152, 251-52
potential for criminal and/or violent action, 227-28, 246-51
in Hare Krishna, 247, 248
in Scientology, 227, 247, 249
in Unification Church, 227-28, 247-48, 249
prevalence of, 11-12
religions, difference from, 17, 45-46, 220
techniques of, 64
and therapies, 17, 220
cybernetics, 106, 109-17, 130, 224
definition of, 110
history of, 110
and snapping, 136
Cybernetics: Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine
(Wiener), 153
Davis, Bruce, 196
Dean, John, 25
as analogous to snapping, 135
experiences at, 130
sensations of, 36, 105, 116
Dederich, Charles, 228
DeFreeze, Donald, 2067, 213
of David Berkowitz, 211-12, 214-15, 216
in est, 23-25, 105, 169
and information disease, 154, 160-61
of Charles Manson, 195-96, 203
in Scientology, 16467
in Transcendental Meditation, 173-74
Denver, John, 25
deprogramming, 15, 63-78, 146-47, 149-51,159, 178, 204-5
guidelines for, 220
kidnapping for, 29, 35, 66, 7071
mental health profession, opinion of, 77-79
by mental health professionals, 85-87
procedures of, 65-66
and snapping, 68
Design for a Brain (Ashby), 130
Dianetics, 16, 56, 161-67.
See also Scientology
"auditing," 161-63, 165-66
costs of, 161
diet, poor, in cults, 57, 64, 94-95, 101, 134, 145, 154
brain affected by, 154
Divine Father.
See Father Divine.
Divine Light Mission, 16, 28, 56, 72, 247
initiation ritual of, 139
meditation and, 177-78
Doors of Perception, The (Huxley), 54
dreams, 116, 120, 160
Edwards, Jonathan, 41
Einstein, Albert, 117-18
E-meter, 162, 164-65
encounter groups (T-groups), 14, 21, 25, 54, 56, 90, 101,221
emergence of, 14, 19, 54
marathons, 17
"encounter highs," 22, 102, 105
enlightenment, 38, 58
physiology of, 101
Erhard, Ludwig, 25
Erhard, Werner, 25-26, 169, 181,218-19, 222-23.
See also est
Erhard Seminars Training.
See est
Esalen Institute, 54-55, 168.
See also human potential movement
est (Erhard Seminars Training), 22-27, 94, 105, 219, 222
costs of, 26
delusions from, 169
expansion of, 16
founding of, 25
The Hunger Project, 218, 250
mass marketing of, 56
and self-responsibility, 169
thinking, avoidance of, 180-81
est: The Steersman Handbook (Stevens), 25-26
euphoria, of not thinking, 170
Evangelicalism, 12, 41-50, 101, 175, 215-16
appeal of, 58
characteristics of, 44
elements of as used by Rev. Jim Jones in the People's Temple, 232
emotional stimulation of, 101
Holy Rollers, 41, 46
mass marketing of, 44
"speaking in tongues," 42-44, 48-49
experience, technology of, 53, 56, 128- 29, 152, 192, 226
in cults and mass therapies, 56-58
changed appearance of, 159
contact, eye-to-eye, 164-65
Farm, the, 28
fasting, 101
Father Divine (George Baker), 233
material seized in Scientology raids, 249
raids on Scientology headquarters, 218
role in Hearst case, 207, 209
"feedback," 110-11
First Amendment, to U.S. Constitution, 16-17, 63, 75
"floating," 68, 146-47, 210.
See also deprogramming
as communion, 156-57
deprivation of, 22, 58. See also fasting
Hindu beliefs about, 71
served by cults.
See diet, poor, in cults
Forever Family, 28
Fort, Joel, 207-8
Fosburgh, Lacey, 210
Franklin, Benjamin, 103
Fraser, Rep. Donald, 227-28
Freudian psychology, 88-89, 100, 129.
See also psychoanalytical psychology
fund raising, 29
by Hare Krishna, 181
by Unification Church, 34-36, 181
use of mass media for, 44
Gabor, Dennis, 122
genius, as product of experience, 128
Gestalt therapy, 14, 25, 168
Gibb, Jack, 221
Ginsberg, Allen, 53
Gortner, Marjoe, 46-52, 105
Graham, Billy, 41,222
group therapies, 14.
See also encounter groups and humanistic psychology
guided fantasy, 14, 55-56, 168
of Berkowitz, 214-15
and information disease, 154
from LSD, 202
of Manson, 203
in Scientology, 163-64, 166-67
in sensory deprivation, 127
in Transcendental Meditation, 174-176
Hare Krishna (International Society for Krishna Consciousness), 15-16, 28
artika ceremony, 13745
chanting of, 176-77, 181
diet of, 71, 94-95
dress codes of, 156
initiation of, 156
mental deterioration in, 181-82
mass marketing of, 56
parents, denial of, 70-71,155-56
potential for criminal and/or violent action, 247, 248
recruitment of, 63
report of weapons at West Virginia commune, 248
salesmanship of, 181
and snapping, 13745
women, role of, 145, 157-58
Harper, Valerie, 25
Harris, Donald, 228-29
Hearst, Patricia, 12, 99, 149, 194, 206-11,212, 217
Hearst, Randolph, 206, 208
Hearst, William Randolph, 206
Heisenberg, Werner, 25
Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders (Bugliosi), 195
Hevesi, Dr. J., 143-44
Hinduism, 38, 55, 71-72, 137, 139, 173-75
holography, 118-26
history of, 122
model of personality, 133
as new paradigm, 123-24
Holy Rollers, 41,46.
See also Evangelicalism
Hubbard, L. Ron, 161,167, 196
Human Freedom Center, 231,245
human potential movement, 14, 54-55, 90, 168, 222
emergence of, 19, 54
humanistic psychology, 54-55, 89-91, 221-23
emergence of, 54
leaders in, 89
ew approaches of, 91
Humphrey, Hubert, 239
Huxley, Aidous, 54
hypnosis, 102-3
self-hypnosis, 170
I Found It, 44-46.
See also Born Again mass marketing of, 56
philosophy of, 46
imagination, 160
television, effects on, 191
information "bits," 110-11, 119
information disease, 151-52, 154-55, 160, 170, 180, 194, 212, 214, 225,
231,246, 251-52
definition of, 152, 246
pervasiveness of, 154-55
varieties of, 154
information theory, 106, 109-12, 224
to Hare Krishna, 156
to Divine Light Mission, 139
See mental illness
International Federation for Victory Over Communism, 35
International Society for Krishna Consciousness, 28, 137.
See also Hare Krishna
Introduction to Cybernetics, An (Ashby), 130-31
Islam, 38
Jackson, Henry, 239
Javits, Marion, 25
"Jesus Freaks," 15, 198.
See also Children of God
Jones, James Warren (Jim), Rev., 229-46.
See also People's Temple
Judaism, 38
Jung, Carl, 89
kairos, 38
Keith, Maxwell, 199-201,205-6
Kempton, Sally, 60-61, 106, 139
Kerouac, Jack, 53
for deprogramming, 66, 70-71, 85
of Patricia Hearst, 206-11
Kinsolving, Lester, 239-40
Kirtanananda, Swami, 248
Krenwinkel, Patricia, 196, 198, 199
See Hare Krishna
LaBianca, Leno, 194
LaBianca, Rosemary, 194, 199
Lashley, Dr. Karl, 118
Law of Experience, 130-33
definition of, 130-31
"laying on of hands," 42, 43, 223
Leachman, Cloris, 25
Leary, Timothy, 54
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, 122
Lewin, Kurt, 89, 102
Lifespring, 16, 219
Lifton, Dr. Robert Jay, 100, 102, 207-8
Little Angels of Korea, 35
Love Family (Love Israel, Church of Armageddon), 28, 69-70, 156-57
Lowe, Hannah, 247
Lowen, Alexander, 55
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), 54, 199, 214
Manson family, use of, 197, 202-3
Lyman, Dr. John, 114-17, 149
McPherson, Aimee Semple, 41
Maharaj Ji, 72, 178.
See also Divine Light Mission
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 21,171-74.
See also Transcendental Meditation
manipulation, techniques for, 51.
See also experience, technology of
Manson, Charles, 194-204, 206-7, 212, 214
background of, 195
and the Process, 196
and Scientology, 194-96
Manson family murders (Tate-LaBianca murders), 12, 194-97, 199
mantras, 172-74, 176
marathon encounter groups, 17, 136.
See also encounter groups
Marin, Peter, 56
See Gortner, Marjoe
Marjoe (film), 46-47
Maslow, Abraham, 54, 89
mass marketing, 188-89
of cults and therapies, 55-56, 104, 134
of Evangelical movement, 44-45
psychology used for, 89, 189
mass media, 44-45, 188
Evangelical movement, use of, 44-45
mass therapies, 15-17, 219-22
appeal of, 58
emergence of, 15, 55-56
expansion of, 16, 219
and information disease, 152
international expansion of, 246-52
neurotics, attraction to, 94
and religion, 17
victims of, 94
"maya," 158
meditation, 23, 53, 56, 101,176.
See also Transcendental Meditation and Divine Light Mission, 177-78
emergence of, 19
prevalence of, 11-12, 16
thinking, surrogate for, 65, 72, 170
varieties of, 171
diseases of, 153
effects of aging on, 130
mental health professions
attitude to cult phenomena, 83, 86-87, 99
crisis in, 88-94, 97
deprogramming by, 85-86
deprogramming, opinion of, 77-79
new approaches in, 90-91
training for, 93-96
treatment of cult members, 81-82, 84-85
mental illness, 91-96, 98, 153, 187
Mesmer, Dr. F. A., 103
Mills, Jeannie, 231, 235, 236-37, 240, 243-44, 246
Mind Dynamics, 25, 56
Mondale, Walter, 239
Moonies, 15, 30-35,180.
See also Unification Church and Sun Myung Moon
Morantz, Paul, 228
Moreno, Jacob, 54, 89
Mormons, 41
Moscone, George, 239
Muktananda, Swami, 6041, 106
Murphy, Gardner, 89
Nielsen, A. C., 190
See brain
neurotics, and mass therapies, 94
New Age Fellowship, 30
New Testament Missionary Fellowship, 247
New York State Charity Frauds Bureau, 247
Newton, Sir Isaac, 117-18
1984 (Orwell), 163, 178
"Operating Thetans" ("O.T.S"), 163, 167
Ome, Dr. Martin, 210
pain, cure of, 23
parents, cult denial of, 32, 155-56
Parham, Charles, 42
Patrick, Ted (Black Lightning), 62-78, 106, 147, 178, 208, 210
background 4, 74-75
Pavlov, Ivan P., 101, 103
Pearce, Joseph Chilton, 58
Pentecostal movement, 41,179.
See also Evangelicalism
People's Temple
and drugs, 232, 242
establishment of commune in Jonestown, Guyana, 230, 241
gradual introduction of physical abuse and coercion, 235-39
growing paranoia and political extremism, 239-43
history of, 22%30
legitimate goal of social reform, 232
massacre and mass suicide in Jonestown, Guyana, 228-29, 243,245-46
method of recruitment,
"healings," 233-34
"readings," 233-34
mind control in, 231-32, 238, 243-45
and sex, 230, 237, 242
use of religious guise to achieve social and political ends, 229
"White Night" suicide drills, 240, 242-43
peripheral vision, decrease in, 101, 159
Perls, Fritz, 168
alteration of, 56, 99, 133, 145, 189
definition of, 16
development of, 129-30
malleability of, 130
psychiatric training, effects on, 95-97
television, effects on, 190
physical stresses, use in conversions, 104.
See also food, deprivation of and sleep
physics, 117-18, 122-24
problems in, 123-24
Pietsch, Dr. Paul, 121
Pribram, Karl H., 117-25, 149, 211
primal therapy, 14
Prizant, Dr. Gilla, 93-97
Process, the, 195-96
Professors Academy for World Peace, 35
See mental health professions
psychic phenomena, 223-24
psychoanalytical psychology, 56, 88, 90.
See also Freudian psychology
psychodrama, 14, 25, 54, 56, 168
rgence of, 54
See also mental health professions and mental illness
behavioristic, 88-89, 91,112
Freudian, 88-89, 100, 129
humanistic, 54-55, 89-91,221-23
mass-marketing, use of, 89
psychoanalytical, 56, 88, 90
Skinnerian, 88, 129
See mental illness
psychosynthesis, 54-55
Quakers, 41
Rambur, Betty, 80-82
Rambur, Kay, 80-83
Rambur, William, 79-83, 86
Rank, Otto, 89
Rayner, Lanier, 195
Reagan, Ronald, 65
recruitment, cult techniques of, 64, 104
in Scientology, 161, 164
Reich, Wilhelm, 55
Return to Personal Choice, 98-99
revelation, 33, 175
from not thinking, 170
Roberts, Oral, 41
Robinson, Gregory Alan, 228-29
Rogers, Carl, 89, 221-23
role playing.
See psychedrama
Rolf, Dr. Ida, 55
Rolfing, 55
Ryan, Rep. Leo J, 228-29, 230, 243
Sacks, Sondra, 75
Sargant, Dr. William, 100-102, 104, 127
Scandal of Scientology, The (Cooper), 249
Schein, Edgar, 102
Scientology, 16, 25, 28, 73, 161-67
Dianetics. See Dianetics
and Charles Manson, 194-95
headquarters raided, 218
mass marketing of, 56
material seized in FBI raids, 249
potential for criminal and/or violent action, 227, 247, 249
prevalence of, 16
Training Regimen Zero (TR-0), 164-65
U.S. government indictment of church leaders, 227
sensory deprivation, 127, 134
dysfunction of in cult members, 101, 211
of ecstatic experiences, 138
and Unification Church, 31
Shakers, 41, 101
Shannon, Dr. Claude E., 110
Silva Mind Control, 56
Skinnerian psychology, 88, 129.
See also behavioristic psychology
See Symbionese Liberation Army
and dreams, 116, 120
influence of television on, 190
sleep deprivation, effects of, 34, 36, 57, 65, 101, 154.
See also Unification Church
snake handlers, 101
snapping, 11, 33, 56, 105, 134-40, 145-51, 183
aftermath of, 154
in "auditing," 165
of David Berkowitz, 213, 215-17
brainwashing, difference from, 102
and catastrophe theory, 143, 145-46, 149-51
in chanting, 176-77
as crisis in brain, 135-36
defense against, 220
definition of, 13, 225
in deprogramming, 68-69, 72-73
emotional release of, 65
as escapism, 188, 226
of Patricia Hearst, 208-11
and information, 109, 126, 194
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