The Warrior's Viking Bride

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by Michelle Styles

  A Viking maiden destined for the battlefield... bed with her captor!

  As a female warrior, Dagmar Kolbeinndottar knows she’s not meant for marriage and a family. Until she’s kidnapped by Celtic warlord Aedan mac Connall, who has been tasked with returning Dagmar to her estranged father. Fighting her father’s orders to marry, Dagmar declares she will take no one but her abductor, expecting Aedan to refuse...but he’s intent on making her his bride!

  “Everyone loves Styles’ Vikings!”

  —RT Book Reviews on Sold to the Viking Warrior

  “Styles pens another winning Viking historical... An exciting, engaging story.”

  —RT Book Reviews on Taming His Viking Woman

  Dagmar’s mouth dropped open. “You mean to see me married today?”

  “Why wait?” Aedan said, capturing her hand. Despite his cold fury at her tricks, a warm thrill went up his arm. Dagmar would be his bride. She would be part of his life forever. “My people have been without a leader for long enough. I need to return to them. I see no reason to make two trips here.”

  Dagmar pulled away and her face became mutinous. He smiled inwardly. He’d guessed her game—stall and hope that something else turned up to prevent their marriage.

  “Very well. I accept your offer when it is put like that.”

  “Swear it,” Aedan demanded. “Give your solemn oath on your mother’s shade.”

  Dagmar went pale and he knew that, despite everything, she’d truly had other plans than to go through with the wedding. No one played him for a fool, particularly not her.

  Author Note

  On my way to visit my youngest son, who was at the University of St. Andrews, I spotted a signpost for Dollar and wondered why a Scottish village would be named for a currency. When I returned home, I discovered that the village’s name predated the currency by more than a thousand years! Dollar most likely comes from the Pictish word meaning “place of the haugh” or “low-lying meadow beside a river,” and a pivotal battle in Scotland’s formation happened near there in 875. At the time, I was struggling with this story. Nothing seemed to work and I had almost given up, but the battle between Vikings and the Picts was a perfect beginning. Procrastination research can pay dividends.

  I do hope you enjoy Dagmar and Aedan’s story as much as I did writing it once I finally knew how it had to be written.

  I love getting comments from readers and can be reached at [email protected] or through my publisher, Facebook or Twitter, @michellelstyles.

  Michelle Styles

  The Warrior’s Viking Bride

  Michelle Styles was born and raised near San Francisco, California. She currently lives near Hadrian’s Wall with her husband, a menagerie of pets and occasionally one of her three university-aged children. An avid reader, she became hooked on historical romance after discovering Georgette Heyer, Anya Seton and Victoria Holt. Her website is and she’s on Twitter and Facebook.

  Books by Michelle Styles

  Harlequin Historical

  Taken by the Viking

  Viking Warrior, Unwilling Wife

  The Viking’s Captive Princess

  Sold and Seduced

  A Noble Captive

  An Impulsive Debutante

  A Question of Impropriety

  Impoverished Miss, Convenient Wife

  His Unsuitable Viscountess

  Hattie Wilkinson Meets Her Match

  An Ideal Husband?

  Paying the Viking’s Price

  Return of the Viking Warrior

  Saved by the Viking Warrior

  Taming His Viking Woman

  Summer of the Viking

  Sold to the Viking Warrior

  The Warrior’s Viking Bride

  Harlequin Historical Undone! ebook

  The Perfect Concubine

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  In memory of my father, Michael Phifer (1937–1990)



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  Historical Note

  Excerpt from The Ton’s Most Notorious Rake by Sarah Mallory

  Excerpt from Devil in Tartan by Julia London


  865 A.D.—Bjorgvinfjord on the west coast of Viken, Norway. Modern-day Bergen, Norway

  ‘You should allow me the honour of winning. It’s my tenth name day,’ Dagmar Kolbeinndottar argued with her father’s best friend. ‘It could be your present to me—telling my parents how accomplished I’ve suddenly become at swordplay. A good idea, yes?’

  Dagmar gave a hopeful smile and batted her lashes. Not that she was very good at swords or warfare yet. Not that she’d ever be any good. She preferred playing with her dolls and weaving to practising in the dusty yard with a wooden sword. How her father, who was one of Viken’s most-feared warriors, and her mother, who was a legendary shield maiden, had produced someone like her who kept making simple errors was one of life’s mysteries, as her nurse would say. And she wanted to show her father how much she’d improved since he’d been away. She wanted to show him that she deserved the grown-up blue gown, the one he’d promised to buy her for her tenth birthday if she worked hard at her lessons.

  ‘Your mother would use my guts for bowstrings if I said such things.’ Old Alf rubbed his belly. ‘To tell the truth, lass, I am quite fond of my innards. They are the only ones I’ve got.’

  Dagmar screwed up her nose. ‘My mother likes you too much to do that. She depends on you, now that my father is away so often. You’re valuable to her. A precious jewel among men.’

  Old Alf merely laughed and sent Dagmar’s wooden sword flying from her hand for the fourth time that morning. ‘You would be better if you actually practised, instead of finding excuses and using idle flattery. The gods seldom help a quitter.’

  ‘I keep getting distracted.’ Dagmar pursed her lips. ‘I heard my mother crying again last night.’

  Old Alf’s face hardened. ‘Kolbeinn should be here to dry Helga’s tears.’

  ‘Yes, everything will be much better when my father arrives.’ Dagmar tilted her chin upwards. ‘You will see. He will get here in time for my name day. He promised me a proper gown with an apron and brooches...provided I pay attention to my mother and do my lessons. He won’t break his promise, will he?’

  ‘I can’t rightly say where his head is at, lass.’

  ‘Attached to his body, I trust.’ Dagmar gave a hiccupping laugh. Her father was alive. They knew that. Some of his men had returned, but for the first time in for ever, her father had not been the first one to step foot on the pier. He had not even been in the longboat. He was staying in Kaupang, dealing with important business, was what her mother had uncharacteristically snapped when Dagmar asked.

  ‘Your mother has many troubles, but no one is born clutching a sword, lass, not even yo
ur mother. You will get there, Dagmar, if you focus when you practise instead of gathering dreams. Try once more for your old friend?’

  Dagmar nodded and picked up the sword. Old Alf had faith in her. If she could conquer this skill before her father came home, then maybe everything would be right once again.

  ‘Jaarl Kolbeinn’s ship is coming,’ the cry went up before her sword connected with Old Alf’s. Dagmar instantly dropped her weapon.

  ‘My father does keep his promises.’ Dagmar lifted her chin upwards. ‘He will bring me my gown. My mother will smile again. My father will see to it.’

  The wind whipped Old Alf’s greying hair from his face. ‘Aye, lass, we can but hope that he has seen sense.’

  Her mother stalked past them, not even acknowledging Dagmar in her hurry to reach the waterfront. Dagmar considered her mother had never looked as lovely. The dark-red gown with its gold embroidery and the sleek fur cape she wore about her shoulders set off her colouring precisely. Her eyes appeared brighter than normal and her mouth held a determined cast, as though her mother was about to go into battle instead of greeting Dagmar’s father.

  Dagmar hurried to match her mother’s stride. ‘Old Alf says that I will be as good as you soon.’

  A stretching of the truth, but she wanted her mother’s intent expression to relax.

  Her mother put a hand on Dagmar’s shoulder. ‘It is good that you want to be.’

  ‘I want to please you. I want to be like you,’ Dagmar whispered.

  ‘Ah, Dagmar, you are such a good child. You are truly the light in my life.’

  Dagmar basked in the sunshine of her mother’s unaccustomed praise. ‘It is my name day today.’

  ‘We will do something special for it, but first your father must be welcomed.’

  When her father came ashore, he greeted her mother very formally without his usual warmth. Her mother failed to throw her arms about his neck. Dagmar frowned. She’d never understand grown-ups. Everyone knew about their love story—the skalds sang about it and how her father had tamed the frost giants to win his bride. Dagmar never tired of hearing the tale. It was the principal reason why she wanted to linger at the feasts.

  ‘You returned.’ Her mother’s voice resembled a frost giant’s.

  ‘I gave Dagmar a promise that I would be back for her birthday, Helga.’ Her father’s voice, if anything, was far colder than her mother’s.

  ‘Did you bring my blue gown?’ Dagmar asked, giving into her impatience. ‘I’ve worked ever so hard. Ask Old Alf. He’ll tell you. Some day I will be as good a warrior as my mother.’

  Her father bent down and put his hands on her shoulders. ‘Something even better. I brought a woman who will teach you to be a true lady. You want that, don’t you, Dagmar? To be someone to make your father proud?’

  Beside her, her mother stiffened and drew in a sharp hiss of breath. Dagmar glanced up and saw a dark-haired woman with cat-like eyes and a large pregnant belly.

  ‘You must be Dagmar. Your father has told me a lot about you. I am sure we will be great friends.’

  ‘You brought her here? On such a day?’ Her mother’s screech hurt Dagmar’s ears.

  ‘Now, Helga, easy. She wanted to come.’ He rubbed the back of his neck. ‘It is like this—I need children.’

  ‘You have a child, our daughter.’

  ‘A daughter is not the same as sons.’ The woman looped her arm through her father’s and leant into him with an easy intimacy.

  Dagmar wanted to scratch the woman’s eyes out for being rude. The man she lolled over belonged to another woman—her mother. However, her father did not seem to mind; instead, he seemed to welcome her touch, placing a large hand on the woman’s belly.

  ‘You understand,’ her father said, bestowing one of his special smiles on the woman.

  ‘I see,’ her mother proclaimed. ‘You have made your choice. And I have made mine.’

  Her mother stripped the gown from her back. Underneath she wore her trousers and tunic, her shield maiden clothes, the ones which were kept in a trunk and were supposed to be for Dagmar when she turned fourteen.

  An ice-cold hand went around Dagmar’s heart. Her mother had clearly known about her father and his new woman before they’d even arrived.

  ‘Mother?’ Dagmar whispered. ‘What is happening?’

  ‘We are leaving, Daughter.’ Her mother placed a firm hand on Dagmar’s shoulder. ‘I refuse to stay where I am unwanted. I divorce you, Kolbeinn, here in front of everyone. I will take my warriors and my daughter and I will carve a new life.’

  Her father’s face became carved from ice as he stepped in front of her mother. ‘Dagmar remains here. My daughter belongs to me.’

  Her mother shoved her father and he stumbled backwards, nearly falling. ‘Get out of my way, you miserable worm. Dagmar goes where I go.’

  ‘You may take any man who will pledge allegiance to you, a second–rate warrior long past her prime, but you leave our daughter here.’

  ‘Why?’ Her mother put her hand on her hip. ‘So she can become the fetch-and-carry handmaiden of your latest fancy? I know what that is like! I endured it!’ Her mother’s voice echoed over the fjord. ‘My daughter is not and never will be second-best. She is worth ten of any sons you will ever have.’

  Dagmar crossed her arms and stood next to her mother. Her mother wasn’t going to abandon her. Her father wanted her. Maybe her parents could work something out. They had fought before.

  Her father’s cheeks became tinged with red. ‘I have the law on my side. My daughter belongs to me to dispose of as I see fit.’

  Her mother banged her sword on the ground. ‘I challenge you. I will show you how second-rate I am, you puffed-up over-the-hill windbag!’

  ‘You challenge me for what?’

  ‘For the right to bring up our daughter as I see fit.’

  Her father spat on his palm and held it out. ‘Done! I can beat you with one hand tied behind my back.’

  ‘No, Kolbeinn, no. You must not. The she-witch will trick you.’ The woman clung to Dagmar’s father’s arm and rubbed her big belly against his side. ‘Think of my dream. You will be the father of many kings. Our unborn son and I need our strong protector.’

  Dagmar wanted to be sick. Surely her father would fight for her. She had seen her parents practise fighting before. At some point during that act, her parents would start laughing and they would realise that they still loved each other. This woman with her baby-swollen belly would be no match for her mother.

  ‘Hush now.’ Her father put an arm about the pregnant woman. ‘I am a great jaarl now. I have responsibilities.’

  Her mother made a disgusted noise in the back of her throat. ‘Choose your champion then, Kolbeinn, pusillanimous coward that you are, and I will fight him. I will protect my daughter until all the breath has left my body. I will carve a new life for us.’

  ‘You do this, Helga, and you will leave with only the clothes on your back rather than any ships. I need to be able to provide for my growing family.’

  Dagmar clenched her fists. Her father wanted to steal her mother’s life work. That woman had put him up to it. ‘My mother brought fifteen ships to this marriage—all the skalds say so. My mother built this felag the same as you. Have you forgotten so quickly, Father?’

  ‘You mustn’t believe everything the skalds say,’ the woman said, giving Dagmar a look of pure hatred. ‘But I predict you will lead a miserable existence should you leave your father.’

  Dagmar shrank back against her mother.

  ‘Hush, Dagmar. You are the most precious thing in my life, worth far more than gold or even land,’ her mother said in a low voice before holding out her hand to her father. ‘Agreed. My daughter is worth that and much more besides. My daughter will have a brilliant life. My daughter will be the best warrior the world has ever encountere

  Dagmar watched in horror as the fight began in earnest between her mother and the champion her father chose. All she had wanted was a blue gown for her name day and instead this had happened—she had lost her family and her home, the place where she knew she was safe. Somehow, she was going to have to find a way to make her mother proud of her as her father wanted nothing from her. She would find a way to give her mother a new home.

  Chapter One

  Ten years later—near Dollar, Pict-controlled Alba. Modern-day Dollar, Clackmannanshire, Scotland

  At daybreak, a major battle would commence. Aedan mac Connall, King of Kintra on Ile in the Western Isles, had no need of divine gifts to know this future; instead he used his eyes to see the two armies ranged no more than a quarter of a mile apart. Each was as bad as the other—the Northmen from the Black Pool or Dubh Linn, and the Picts with King Constantine’s rag-tag army of hired Northmen from Jorvik and other sell-swords intermingled with Pict warriors. But he had no interest in the outcome beyond the thought that for once they were fighting each other, rather than preying on his people. His business was with a woman, a woman who was somewhere in this melee.

  His entire future and that of his people depended on his returning her to her father where she belonged. He didn’t want to consider the fate of the hostages Kolbeinn the Blood-Axe had required to ensure his co-operation in fulfilling this quest. He had to retrieve Kolbeinn’s daughter now or he’d be damned for ever.

  ‘Have you seen a woman, a shield maiden called Dagmar Kolbeinndottar?’ he called to a warrior who was sitting gloomily by the dying embers of a fire.

  The warrior raised his grizzled head. ‘Dagmar Kolbeinndottar? She goes by Helgadottar and has done for several seasons.’

  Aedan let out a breath. Success at last. Tracking down Dagmar, the daughter of the north warlord Kolbeinn the Blood-Axe, was far worse than tracking a will-o’-the-wisp. He had travelled the entire length of Alba and well into Bernicia searching for her. Kolbeinn the Blood-Axe’s vague description of his daughter as a meek and mild slip of a thing with golden hair, kidnapped by her mother ten years before, had been deliberately misleading. In Bernicia, Aedan had learned that she like her mother before her had pledged her sword to King Constantine.


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