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by Shae Mills

  Korba allowed her to finish disrobing him and then he grabbed her roughly. His kiss was hard and deep. As she slid her fingers over his ironhard body, he caught her shirt and tore it off her. He stared at her swollen breasts and grinned lecherously. “I hope Marri is handling Shanna adequately, because I am certainly having my dinner.”

  Chelan shrieked with delight as he seized her breasts and pushed her down, both sprawling out on the cooling ground. She was going to enjoy these last few hours of Earthly delight, of that she had no doubt.

  Chapter 9

  CHELAN HAD DASHED FROM the fighter to the Command Center with hardly a word spoken. By the time Korba had dealt with the flight crew and security, she had showered and donned her white gown. Upon his entry, she ran up to him. “Where is Jim?”

  Korba grinned as he peeled off his gloves. “Patience, my Lady. He is well contained.”

  Chelan stepped back, the mischievous glint in his eye sending an adrenalin surge through her body. “You mean, entertained?”

  He swung his shroud off and nonchalantly draped it over a chair. “No, I mean contained.”

  Chelan squinted at him. “Contained in what?”

  Korba took a moment as he searched for the right word. “Ah, I believe you would call it a ‘brig.’”

  Chelan blinked. “A brig? I know this ship and the Empire. Your men take no prisoners. There is no ‘brig.’”

  “Well, I have taken a... guest, against his will, and now there is a brig, where there was none before. He is under lock and key in isolation. Want to see him?”

  Chelan could barely contain the delight she would derive upon seeing Jim thus detained. But for the moment, she had to hold her enthusiasm in check. “I would love to, but first I must visit with the children.”

  Korba nodded. “I will come with you.”

  Chelan turned to leave, but Korba’s voice halted her. “You will not find them in the suite across the hall.”

  Chelan faced him. “Why not?”

  Korba took her by the arm and began ushering her out. “Well, right now, they and Marri are entertaining a guest in the diplomatic suite near the aft Bridge.”

  Chelan followed him out into the hall. Then she groaned. “Oh, you do not mean Jim, do you?”

  Korba chuckled. “Not likely.”

  “Then who?”

  “You will see.”

  Taking a transport pod, they were delivered through kilometers of the ship to the aft Bridge in a matter of moments. The door to the suite opened at Korba’s silent command, and Chelan stepped in. Marri was sitting in a chair with Shanna playing at her feet.

  Immediately, Jason’s exuberant voice rang out. “Mom!” He jumped to his feet and ran to her.

  Chelan smiled and dropped to her knees to catch him. “I missed you so much!” she cooed.

  “I missed you too, but we have been having fun playing with Uncle William,” Jason said in nearly flawless English.

  Chelan’s eyes widened. “Who?”

  “Hey, sis! Pretty neat ship you have here.”

  Chelan lurched to her feet and whirled around to face her brother. “When—?” But her sentence broke off as he ran to her and scooped her in his arms.

  Chelan squeezed him so hard her arms ached. “God, William! Up until a day ago, I never dreamed I’d see you again!”

  William let her feet touch the floor. He held her hands and took a step back. His eyes scanned her with reverent appreciation. “You look great, sis!”

  Chelan looked him over. He wore a pair of gray wool dress pants and a crisp white shirt; a carefully folded tie was stuffed in his breast pocket. “You’re looking pretty good yourself, if not a tad out of place.”

  William smiled. “I know, but the invitation to come here arrived on rather short notice.”

  Chelan glanced at her mate.

  William finally looked to the giant man and extended his hand. “You would be Korba, I presume?”

  Korba took Will’s hand and shook it. “You would be right, my good man. I see you have met the family.”

  William winked at Jason as the boy stood proudly by his mom. Then Will glanced at Marri just as the warrior rose, scooping Shanna into her arms. “I sure have,” he said with admiration. “They’re all beautiful.”

  Chelan glowed and reached for her baby just as Marri joined them. “They are, aren’t they?” And she rubbed noses with Shanna. Shanna squeezed her mom around the neck and then looked at her with her sparkling emerald eyes.

  Chelan gave her a gentle squeeze back and then intercepted her little hand as the babe reached down her gown. Chelan glanced at Marri.

  The warrior smiled. “Looks like it’s your turn.”

  Chelan nodded at the two men. “Shall we sit while I tend to my daughter’s needs?”

  Korba ushered them to a circle of comfortable-looking chairs in a lounge area. Chelan nestled in and pulled her gown down over one breast. Shanna instantly snuggled into her lap and with a contented little moan, began her meal.

  William sat, his eyes riveted to mother and child. “You make as beautiful a mother as you are a woman, Chel.”

  Korba chuckled lightly as Chelan turned a pale pink. “You have a keen eye, William.”

  William’s attention finally returned to the Emperor. “As do you, Sire. I hope you know how lucky you are?”

  Korba smiled. “I assure you I do, William. Daily.”

  Jason climbed on the chair next to Marri and stared at his uncle. “I’m lucky too,” he almost shouted.

  “Yes, you are,” chuckled William.

  Jason smiled broadly.

  Chelan took a deep breath. “So, what do you know about all this, Will?”

  William settled back into his chair and wiped at his brow. “Well, I’ve been here about twelve hours now, and since my arrival, I think Marri has filled me in on pretty well everything.”

  His features sobered a bit. “I know about Dar... and I’m so sorry for all of you.” Then his eyes shone. “And of course I now know all about our Jason here...” And he winked at the blonde boy. Jason winked back. Then Will’s demeanor darkened. “Marri also told me about Talon and his reign. And I know about the Empire’s revival.” He paused and then smiled, nodding to the nursing child. “And I know about your reunion with Korba, and about Shanna.”

  Chelan raised her brows at Marri. “That about covers it.”

  Marri shrugged. “Well, I recapped a lot of years in a few short hours.”

  Chelan felt excitement mount. “So, were all these revelations a shock?”

  William’s eyes widened. “Not any of this so much as my messenger.”

  Korba chuckled. “I bet.”

  Williams eyes twinkled. “I was just leaving my office for a late-night flight to LA. On my way to the car, a voice from the shadows said, ‘Let me introduce myself. My name is Yanis, and your sister Chelan would like to see you.’”

  Chelan cringed. “I would have run.”

  “I thought about it, believe me. But you’d told me enough about the Empire, Chel, that the bodiless voice grabbed my attention, and held it, rather than scaring me totally out of my wits.”

  Chelan smirked at Korba. “Damned shrouds again. In these situations, you really should dispense with them,” she teased.

  Korba chuckled. “But they come in so handy for all our needs. Besides, your brother handled the shock admirably.”

  Will smiled. “I did! Well, sort of. I almost needed new shorts, but I recovered quickly. Anyway, I stared into nothingness and then asked how he knew my sister. He said he was the Emperor’s Chief of Security, sent by Korba himself to retrieve me if I wished. I knew that name, of course, and no one else in the world except Marion—my wife,” he added for Korba, “knows the truth behind Yanis’s words, save me. So, I followed him.”

  “You were brave. Where’d you follow him to?” Chelan asked.

  “Well, after he partially materialized from the shadows, we went back into the building and made our way to the roo

  William leaned forward, rubbing his hands together, his excitement plainly displayed on his handsome features. “Oh, Chel! The fighter was beyond my wildest dreams! And the ship, RIBUS 1—I was stunned. She’s huge... And space—” He broke off. “I... I’m still in awe.”

  Chelan raised her brows. “So was I so many years ago.” She winked at Korba. “You’re a sweetheart.”

  He smiled at her lovingly.

  Chelan looked back to William. “How long can you stay?”

  Will shrugged. “Well, I don’t know for sure.”

  Marri straightened slightly. “His trip to LA was for two Earth days. Friends and family won’t miss him for that time. And we took the liberty of cancelling his meeting—”

  Korba’s deep voice intervened. “He is welcome to stay as long as he wishes.” He paused. “However, somehow, we should inform his wife.”

  Chelan cringed. “I don’t know about that. Sending a warrior would scare her to death.”

  Korba nodded. “Despite what I just said about our uniforms, this is a situation where we could send a woman in Earth clothing.”

  Will smiled at them. “I would love to stay here for months, but Marion and the children need me.”

  “Children...,” Chelan echoed warmly. “Marion was pregnant when I left. Now you have two or more?”

  “Yes, two boys—James and Thomas.”

  “Congratulations, brother!”

  “Thank you! They’re a delight. Well, at times Marion may disagree, but overall, they’re wonderful.”

  Chelan laughed as she looked down at Shanna, the black-haired little beauty now fast asleep. She glanced up just as Marri and Korba rose to their feet.

  Korba smiled at Chelan. “We will take the children back to the private Command Center and give you some time with William on your own.”

  Jason leapt into Korba’s arms just as Marri reached ever so gently for the sleeping Shanna. Korba nodded to Chelan and William. “Take as much time together as you wish. And I shall see you both when you are done.”

  Chelan pulled the bodice of her gown up over her breast and waved at them as they left the suite. Then she returned her attention to Will, and stared at her brother with love and affection. “So, first things first. Have you seen the ship from the inside?”

  “Some of it. Marri showed me a bit of it via the scanners here.”

  Chelan jumped to her feet. “Ugh, the scanners don’t do her justice. Want to see her up close and personal?”

  Will stood. “Are you kidding?!” His face was alight. “Are we allowed?”

  Chelan grinned. “I’m an Empress, remember?”

  William took her arm and hooked it through his. “Well then, my Lady, shall we go?” And they were off.

  Chapter 10

  AS SOON AS THE DOORS opened, William jumped, startled by the sea of black that snapped to attention in the corridor.

  Chelan smiled. “Seeing the ship, just the two of us alone, is a misnomer. Get used to it. They’re my ever-present shadows.”

  William collected himself. “I see. I guess this denotes your importance?”

  Chelan shrugged as they began down the hall. “Afraid so. Normally there aren’t quite so many when I’m on the decks of a RIBUS. The ships are considered relatively secure.”

  Will glanced behind him at the twenty or so shrouds. “Then why so many now?”

  “You, I suspect.”


  Chelan patted his back. “You’re an alien, my fair brother. You are a potential threat.”

  Will wiped a nervous palm down his shirtfront. “Speaking of feeling threatened...,” he whispered.

  Chelan stopped abruptly, the guards nearly colliding with them. She smiled at Will and then turned to the closest shroud. “Yanis?”

  “Yes, my Lady.”

  Will swiveled around. “Yanis, my good man! We meet again.”

  Yanis pulled back his hood and nodded to Will. Then he extended his hand to the man, and switched to perfect English. “A pleasure once again, and this time face-to-face in the light of day.”

  William took the warrior’s hand. “It is indeed a pleasure, and through what information I’ve been privy to about the Empire, I know what a competent and esteemed warrior you must be. To be the Head of Security for his Lordship and his Lady is indeed an accomplishment and a privilege.”

  Yanis nodded. “Thank you. It is indeed an honor.” And his luminous eyes lit affectionately on Chelan.

  Chelan blushed under the warrior’s gaze, and she cleared her throat. “Yanis, yourself and two others would suffice.”

  “Yes, my Lady. As you wish.” He signed in battle language, and the majority of the entourage stepped back.

  Chelan took Will by the hand and began leading him down the corridor.

  Will looked back, and sure enough, only three shrouds shadowed them. “I’m impressed.”

  Chelan laughed. “I am too, big brother. It never ceases to amaze me that I can do that, or anything like that. Mind you, I’m not very good at giving orders. In fact, I don’t. I make requests.”

  Will smiled. “You are the sweetest woman around, here and on Earth. You know that, don’t you?”

  Chelan blushed again as she held onto his hand. “Stop it, or I will never let you leave. Besides, I’ve had my moments of being not so sweet.”

  Will squeezed her hand. “So, where are we going?” he asked, childlike excitement evident in his voice.

  “Not far. The ship is vast, with hundreds of thousands of kilometers of corridors. High-speed lifts and pods connect them, but most of what you need to see is contained within her heart.”

  William brimmed with enthusiasm as he walked along by Chelan’s side. “I’ve only seen the hangar where we arrived, a few pretty fancy 3-D schematics, and the room where you found me.”

  Chelan smiled. “Then you’ll love this.” She stopped next to a set of massive doors and bade him enter.

  Will stepped through, almost warily. Then he froze. His eyes bulged.

  Chelan stepped up beside him. “This is one of the main training halls, just one of many that pepper the ship.” Her hands swept over the cavernous vista below them. “We stand on an observation deck. To your right is the practice field for handheld weapons, the ones more familiar to us.”

  Will swallowed hard, his gaze skirting over the throngs of warriors, sabers and knives clashing for as far as the eye could see.

  Chelan smiled to herself, remembering her first tour and the sense of wonder and amazement that had overtaken her. “And to the left are the not-so-conventional weapons—lazguns mostly, shielding mechanisms, and the like.”

  “And the like...,” Will repeated in a stupor. “I... They... This is incredible.”

  Chelan relaxed a bit and allowed him his time to absorb all that was laid out before him. Then she glanced up at Yanis; the warrior shrugged with amusement.

  Chelan drew in a deep breath. She knew Will would have been completely bowled over if one of the group practices had been in session, like the one Lazen had taken her to years earlier. A sea of warriors going through their strength-defying moves would indeed be impressive. Add in the fact that the woman would be without their jackets as much as the men, and Will would indeed be mesmerized, or quite likely flabbergasted. As it stood, he already was.

  Chelan finally tapped Will’s shoulder. “There’s more.”

  “Huh, oh, yes,” he breathed as he shook himself back to the present. “Lead on.”

  Chelan stepped out into the corridor and led Will a short distance into a large travel pod with ample room for the two of them and her men. She smiled. “This is the fanciest elevator you have ever been in.” And she pressed in some codes as the doors sealed shut.

  Will looked around. “I don’t feel anything. Are we moving?”

  Chelan grinned. “Oh yes, my dear brother. Did you feel movement when Yanis had you in the fighter coming here?”

  Will nodded. “Oh god, yes! The G-f
orces alone nearly killed me, but it was all such a thrill!”

  Chelan frowned and looked up at Yanis as they stepped out of the pod. “That was not the answer I expected from him. What did you do?”

  Yanis rocked on his feet a bit, hesitating with his answer. “Well, I just figured if the man was going to experience all the technology the Empire had to offer, a few G’s would be more than a little impressive.”

  Chelan’s lips thinned. “You know he is of Calley, right? We don’t handle G’s like you do.”

  “Oh, I knew that. I didn’t let him experience much.”

  Will interrupted. “I’m sorry, what did I miss?”

  Chelan shook her head at Yanis and then smiled at Will. “You missed a little piece of technology known as inertial dampening. You should have felt nothing on your trip here, just like you felt nothing in the pod we just took as we rocketed along. Anyway, at least you’re in one piece.”

  Will sidled up to Yanis and spoke in a staged whisper. “Um, did I just get you in trouble?”

  Yanis grinned. “Just a little bit.”

  “But I really did love the whole fighter experience.”

  “Good, then I suspect I’m less in trouble.”

  Chelan folded her arms across her chest. “Men.”

  Will straightened up. “I assure you, Chel, my good friend here had all my best interests at heart.”

  Chelan finally smiled at both men. “So it would seem. Well, if you liked that flight, you’ll love this.” And she walked about one hundred meters down the hall. There she stopped and stood before another massive set of doors, this one highly guarded.

  Will caught up to her and rubbed his hands together with barely containable fervor.

  Chelan squared her shoulders then signed to the guards barring entry. The sea of black parted, and the doors opened.

  Will nearly staggered over his jaw. Chelan had to take him by the hand to draw him into the cavernous space. Everywhere there were ships. A blanket of midnight fighters adorned multiple levels of the vast hangar.


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