The Seller (Trading Hearts Book 2)

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The Seller (Trading Hearts Book 2) Page 6

by Saskia Walker

  He stared into her eyes and wondered if she'd understand quite how much that bugged him.

  "Lucas, the only pain I experienced was the pleasurable, arousing sort."

  "You promise me, sincerely promise me you'd say something if that wasn't the case?"

  "You asked me this before and I already promised." She cocked her head on one side. "What's bothering you, don't you trust me to say if I'm uncomfortable?"

  She'd sensed his unease. Lucas admired her sensitivity. "Making someone promise and then having it thrown back at you later is difficult."

  "What do you mean? Please explain." She looked a little wary, as if she wasn't sure she wanted to know. He couldn't blame her. He wasn't keen on hearing people's sexual history either, although he was curious about hers – even if it made his blood boil with jealousy and Neanderthal rage to think of her with another man. "My ex-wife, Clara. When things became acrimonious she said she played the submissive because it was what I wanted, not what she wanted. It floored me. It seemed appalling that I didn't sense it. I was disgusted with myself."

  Naomi frowned. "But she should have said something when it was relevant, not as an attack after the event."

  "I agree. It was used as a weapon, but it stuck in my head and I'm very cautious about being certain – being certain it's what you want."

  She smiled, and pressed her head back into the pillows. She looked like a content kitten and some of the burden on his shoulders lightened. "Lucas, I wish you'd explained the reasons for your concern days ago. I'm sure you're worrying over nothing, people say bad things in the heat of argument."

  "Be that as it may, sexual submission is something I hold sacred. I don't ever want to share this with someone who isn't as fully committed to it as I am."

  She put her finger to his lips. Her eyes sparkled with pleasure. "I can't believe it. It's so you though. The one thing you're insecure about – the one thing that shows any iota of vulnerability in the great powerhouse who's Lucas Eaglestone – is that you're too dominant. That's just so funny."

  "I suppose it is rather ironic."

  She looped her arms around his neck. "It certainly is." Again she chuckled. "I love that about you."

  As soon as she said it, her breath hitched and her eyes rounded. The show of affection had snuck out, and she was clearly regretting it. Lucas resisted the urge to tease her about it. Instead he kissed her.

  As she drifted to sleep, Lucas held her, treasuring her. His mind wouldn't let up though, listing ways to make it work, long term. Would she move to London? Would that be too much to ask? Too soon, he told himself. But the thought lingered.

  Dawn was on the horizon and he was in a light doze when his phone bleeped, waking him fully. It was too early for it to be the office. He checked the screen, hoping it was someone he could ignore. It was Clara. At this time?

  He snuck out from under Naomi's arm and began to extricate himself from the bed. "Hello."

  "We have a problem."

  Only one? "What?"

  "It's Toby."

  Lucas was on his feet inside a heartbeat. "Is he hurt?"

  "Oh no, he's not hurt." Her voice was terse.

  He heard a noise and realized that Naomi had woken and was leaving the room, giving him privacy.

  "What then?"

  "Your son has been separated from the group because of an altercation."

  "Has the school been in touch, or did Toby tell you this?"

  "The school, about an 'incident.' They said he became difficult to manage, off the rails." She uttered a frustrated sound. It was obvious she hadn't wanted to make this call.

  "Difficult to manage. What does that mean?"

  "Jesus, Lucas, I'm quoting here. They said he hit one of the other boys."

  He wanted to deny it immediately, but he was in no position to do so. He forced himself not to knee jerk.

  "I don't know what the fuck is going on," Clara continued.

  "Clearly," he replied, "but the teachers should have sussed it out."

  "Well, they want us to speak directly to the teacher who's sitting with him, or at least one of us."

  "And you don't want to deal with it?" Lucas was already reaching for his clothes, ready to take action, but he couldn't resist the barb. His ex-wife kept him out of Toby's life as much as she could – even sending him away on this holiday which he wouldn't have given approval if he'd been asked – and now there was trouble she wanted to hand it over.

  "It's a matter of're his father, you should dealing with stuff like this."

  "That's rich," he commented. Everything she said riled him. And her comment indicated this might not be the first time. If that was the case why hadn't he been told? "It's hard to guide him two days out of fourteen."

  He knew he was reacting badly, he knew he shouldn't be saying these things. But it was such a turnaround from the last time they'd spoken when she wanted nothing to do with him and wanted to keep his son to herself. He'd wanted every weekend with Toby, and shared vacation time, but she hadn't agreed.

  "Okay," she said, and her voice was barely above a whisper. "I get it. I'm upset too."

  He twitched. "Don't worry. Tell them I'll fly out there immediately. I want to hear it first hand. Text me the name of the teacher in charge and be sure you give me all the contact details."

  "I will," she replied and there was relief in her tone. "I appreciate this."

  Lucas's frown deepened. She really didn't want to handle this. That didn't bode well. If Toby was getting into trouble, he needed clear guidance and established boundaries, not a mother who didn't want to handle it. But that was Clara all over. She wanted the good times, the partying. She wasn't willing to work hard to get them though.

  "Lucas," she sighed. "Thank you for doing this, I'd be mortified in front of the teachers and you'll handle it so much better than I could."

  Jesus, thinking of herself as usual, not our son. Lucas was about to say his goodbyes, but she continued.

  "You're so good at sorting things out. I always admired that about you." She paused. "Maybe I should come out to be with you. I could meet you at City airport."

  Lucas rolled his eyes. He knew what this was about. She wanted to stand behind him looking glamorous while he tore a strip off someone. "I'm not in London."


  "I'm on it. I'll get in touch with Frank as soon as you hang up."

  "Thank you, Lucas. Please keep in touch and let me know how he is."

  Lucas ended the call and glared at the phone. What the hell did that mean – let me know how he is? She wasn't even going to speak to her son until it had been sorted. He shook his head and hurriedly pulled on his clothes.

  * * * *

  Naomi slipped away to the bathroom as soon as she realized he was dealing with a personal call from his ex. It felt weird being in bed with a man when his ex called. It was early too, barely sunrise. Did his ex often call at this time of day?

  She tried to push the questions away. It wasn't her business.

  Peering at herself in the bathroom mirror, she scarcely recognized herself. The last days had been the most incredible of her life, and as she looked at her reflection she saw that her eyes look different, somehow, as if meeting Lucas and discovering the joys of being his submissive had altered her life.

  "I look like a woman, a self-possessed, sensuous, confident woman." She gave a soft laugh and ran her fingers through her tousled hair, trying to restore order to it.

  She could hear his muffled voice through the shut door, but the words weren't discernible. She couldn't help being curious though. What woman wouldn't be? It sounded like a private matter, a family concern. If it was his ex-wife, she'd done the right thing leaving the room.

  Weird that they'd spoken about her the evening before though.

  Lucas had confessed a fear – something Naomi didn't think he had a single one of. That fear had been rooted in him by his ex wife, this Clara woman. Naomi had been able to be objective about
it, to sooth his concerns and remain outside, but that didn't mean she hadn't felt a tug of jealousy. When she pictured his ex-wife trying to wound him, she wanted to slap the woman. Then she'd phoned. It sent a shiver down Naomi's spine.

  She emerged from the bathroom when all was quiet.

  Lucas was pulling on a pair of black jeans she hadn't seen him wearing before. She looked at him buckling up his belt with a regretful sign. "You have to leave?"

  "I'm afraid so. My son has got himself into a…situation. He's okay, he's safe, but there has to be consequences. He's on a school trip in Switzerland. I need to get over there, pronto."

  "I'm sorry to hear that. I'll get dressed and give you some space." She stepped over to the bedside where her high heels were half under the bed. Before she got there Lucas closed on her, fast, and locked his hand around her wrist.

  "Wait. I didn't say I wanted you to leave."

  The possessive look in his eyes made her breath stall. "I assumed..."

  He shook his head, emphatically. Tightening his grip on her wrist, he drew her into his arms. "I'm sorry about this. It has to be done."

  Her heart melted. "Of course, it's your son. You don't have to apologize."

  "I know." He put one hand at the small of her back, making sure she couldn't move until he set her free, and with the other hand he stroked her hair back from her face. "It's bad timing."

  She nodded. "I'll be waiting to hear from you."

  "That's good to hear." He rested a kiss on her forehead. His eyes flickered with thoughts. "Actually, I'd rather not have either of us waiting. Do you think Megan would cover the shop for a couple of days?"

  "Maybe. What've you got in mind?"

  "Come with me. We can look at your spreadsheets while we travel."

  "That'd be ridiculous. We'll just put the spreadsheets on hold." Truth be told, she was dreading him looking at her figures. Keeping spreadsheets and trying to keep a tab on expenses was her least favorite part of the job. She dreamed about the day when she could afford an accountant to sort it all out for her.

  "I made a promise we'd look at your accounts together this week and I intend to keep it."

  She tapped him on the chest. "Lucas, you're a born multi-tasker and your aim in life is to juggle all the balls and not let any drop, I can see that, but sometimes you have to prioritize. Your son needs you."

  "I can work things around. Besides, I want to travel with you." He smiled, and it melted her. Despite his obvious concern about the situation, there was always that facet of him that addressed the impossible. "We'll be in Switzerland by afternoon."

  The idea of it was surreal. "Put me on hold," she insisted.

  "No." His eyes flashed.

  "You put other people on hold in order to deal with me."

  "Exactly. I prioritized you and I'm not about to drop that ball." He lifted his eyebrows, challenging her.

  She had the feeling he was digging in his heels. "It's okay, really."

  "No, fuck it," he said. "I said I'd be with you until Friday, I said I'd go over your accounts with you. I'm not going to let you down."

  Naomi wavered, caught like a reed in the tide under the power of his will. "Your son needs you."

  "He does, I know that, but we can make this work. Can you come with me? Will Megan cover? If not I can get a temp in."

  A temp? Naomi was amazed how fast his mind removed obstacles in his path. "Megan will cover. But are you sure that's what you want?"

  "Yes, I'm sure."

  She gave a wry laugh. "You just hate to drop any of the balls you juggle all at the same time."

  "Absolutely." He scrolled on his phone, preparing to make a call. He nodded at her. "We'll have about three hours before Frank, my pilot, can be here. Plenty of time to organize cover at your place, pack a bag and get to the airport."

  She looked at him with curiosity, but didn't say anything. Less than a week ago she'd met him in London. He'd chased her to Edinburgh, and now he was taking her with him to Switzerland. It was dreamlike. Unreal. Doubt crept in on her, the odd notion that meeting him was a crazy dream that could shatter at any moment. She quashed it down.

  "I'll want you to bring your laptop," he added. "We can discuss your accounts during the flight."

  "Are you always this way?"

  He stroked her upper arm, reassuring her. "If I find something I want to be part of my life, I work hard to make it happen. This was my week with you. Toby's got himself into a fight and I need to know why, but that travel time could also be spent with you, fulfilling the promise we made to each other about looking at your books, and just being together."

  Still she resisted. If she let him take charge of her like this she could be totally absorbed into his life. "What if I couldn't go, if Megan couldn't cover?"

  "If you couldn't come, I'd be back with you again as soon as I can. But what's stopping us being together while I deal with this?" He put his phone down and looked deep into her eyes. "What's on your mind?"

  Fear of losing my self in you? It was crazy because she'd felt more whole – more complete as a woman — since she'd met him, and yet she wasn't on her own rails. She was being diverted onto his. It seemed wrong to bring up her loss of independence at this point while he had concern for his son, so she focused on the more tangible concern. "Well, for a start, I don't want to distract you from your family issue."

  "Believe me, when I'm there with him, my son will have my full attention. Having you with me will keep me from getting angry at my ex-wife during the journey." His handsome mouth quirked.

  She frowned. "Surely it can't be her fault?"

  "He's too young for this trip and it's his first time without parental supervision. I wasn't consulted and I should've been. Now the school is covering itself, asking for parental intervention, which I respect. I don't know the full story yet but I'm figuring he might have been out of his depth and lashed out. He could be acting up. He does sometimes when I take him home to Clara after our weekends together. We'll soon find out." He sighed, but reached out and brushed her cheek with the back of his hand. "Come with me, please."

  The look he gave was pure emotional blackmail.

  Her heart felt tight in her chest, her breathing strangely restricted. It wasn't entirely sexual this time. The powerful call he had on her was deeply emotional too. It was there in his eyes. He was letting her know he needed her and he wanted her by his side. If she had any remaining doubts about the reasons he'd chased up to Edinburgh after her, they dissolved in that moment.

  The knot in her chest was difficult to ignore. She prodded him in the chest and tried to make light of it. "You're not just trying to prove a point?"

  He didn't answer her with words. Instead he drew her into his arms and kissed her softly — ever so softly — on the lips.

  "I want you with me," he whispered, and it was humbly offered. "Simple as that."

  How could she deny him?

  Chapter Eight

  During the car journey to the airfield, Lucas made numerous business calls. It gave Naomi time to get used to the idea of being whisked out of the country at a moment's notice. She'd scarcely had time to throw a few things in a bag. Thankfully Megan had dashed into town to help out. She'd also laughed at Naomi's state of confusion, which helped to Naomi chill out a bit.

  Lucas's plane landed as they approached the small terminus at the outskirts of the airport that served private planes. She'd only ever been on regular scheduled flights and she marveled at how quickly they were processed and transferred. Within minutes, they were walking across the tarmac to mount the steps into the aircraft. It was a sunny day with a clear blue sky, and they were about to take to the air. Life with Lucas Eaglestone was anything but predictable.

  Naomi's breath hitched as she ducked her head and entered the plane. The interior was more like a luxury lounge than an aircraft, with around a dozen seats, each with plenty of space around them. As soon as they boarded, the door was shut and they were on their way. The only sim
ilarity to a normal flight was the piped music.

  Lucas seemed to be aware of her feelings and attempted to make her feel at ease. He buckled her in and sat across the narrow aisle. The seats were possibly the most comfortable chairs she'd ever sat in. Crafted in sumptuous leather they cradled the body, encouraging relaxation.

  Between them, where there might have been a narrow armrest on a flight, was a table unit. Lucas reached across it and held her hand as the plane taxied. The small plane felt somehow more buoyant on take off, and as soon as the fasten seatbelt sign went off Lucas spun his chair to face hers and lifted a flap on either side of the table between them, locking them in place to form a mutual workspace.

  "Pass me your laptop. Let's look at these figures together."

  The table between them had folded out into a sizeable unit, and within moments Lucas had the laptop up and running and was poring over her spreadsheets.

  Naomi urged herself to look at the screen too, but all she could do was look at him. How bizarre it was to be sitting here on a private jet – his private jet – talking about her little shop and her business dreams. It only served to show her how different they were. She wondered how on earth it had happened, and whether she would falter and freak out because she was suddenly so far removed from her own world.

  "You can't afford an agent," he commented eventually, when he looked at her totals. There was a twinkle in his eyes.

  She sighed and tried to focus on the business of it, remembering the stuff she'd prepared to say in London. She knew he would tease her unmercilessly about it, that was a given. She'd had her answers ready on their first meet, so she pulled them out now. "I know where I'm at, but I also know where I'm supposed to be."

  "Good answer. You said your main sales currently go to tourists?"

  "Yes, and there's so much competition in the area. I had to keep my prices down to attract the trade."

  He gestured at the screen. "You won't survive long this way."

  "I know."

  "Are the manufacturing costs as low as they can go?"


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