Tame Me (Book #1 in the Blood Brothers MC Series)

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Tame Me (Book #1 in the Blood Brothers MC Series) Page 12

by J. A. Collard

  My thoughts are soon interrupted by the sound of motorbike pipes heading down my street. As I quickly rinse my glass, I hold my breath with dread, knowing in my heart that Quill has found me. Holy shit, now what? Fuck, fuckity fuck.

  I hear the steps of heavy biker boots approach my apartment door. Then a hard thump echoes loudly in my apartment.

  “Jasmine, I know you’re in there. Let me in.”

  His voice sounds hard and husky, like he’s struggling to hold back his temper. I tiptoe to the front door and look through the peephole. Yep, there he is, all hard and masculine.

  “Babe, open up or I’m gonna break this door down,” he demands, thumping on my door with his fist once again.

  “Shit,” I whisper. I know I have no choice but to open up for him, so I straighten my back and unlock my door. It’s pushed open immediately, and I step back in surprise. Quill slams the door behind him and his nostrils flare as he takes me in, his eyes traveling up and down my body.

  I’m so angry at him right now. Who does he think he is? I place my hands on my hips and glare back at him. “Who do you think you are, coming here in my home and demanding I open up for you?”

  “Listen up,” he says, and I notice him struggling with his temper. His face is hard and veins are sticking out of his neck. He stalks slowly toward me and growls, “I’m tired of playing games with you, Jasmine. I’m not a patient man, and you don’t get to walk out on me.”

  We face each other, inches apart, both of us trying to hold back our rage. He hasn’t touched me, but I can feel the heat of his body and smell his scent. God,that scent and that mouth—I know only too well the pleasure it can bring. Focus, Jasmine.

  I open my mouth to say something, but I’m cut off as Quill roughly grabs me by the back of my neck and slams his hard mouth onto mine. I taste him, all of him, his anger, his lust, and something else, something I’m not sure of. But I feel him. I feel his heart pounding against mine. His hand keeps me captive against his perfect body while the other trails down my back and rests on my ass. His kiss is dominant and rough, like he’s proving to me that he’s the one in control. I gasp as his hand moves from my ass to my breast and he squeezes, hard.

  I hear the song change to “All You Had To Do Was Stay” by Taylor Swift, again another fitting song.

  Quill suddenly steps back and rubs the back of his neck; my eyes focus on the tattoos that are peeking through his T-shirt on his muscled bicep. I lick my lips, wanting him to finish what he started.

  “Fuck, babe,” he barks. “I don’t know how to do this.” His arms drop to his sides and he inhales deeply. His eyes are striking blue, his jaw is covered in a day’s old growth, and he looks scruffy but hot as hell. His hair is messed up from wearing his helmet. His leather cut is open to reveal his muscled chest covered in a tight white tee, and, God, the way his jeans cling to those hips reminds me of what’s beneath them. There I go again! Off in my own little world.

  “Babe, you need to stop looking at me like that. I need you to understand where I’m coming from.”

  I sigh in defeat, and Quill grabs my hands, leading me to the couch. He glances around my apartment, and it suddenly seems small with him sitting here on my couch, his huge presence looks out of place.

  We sit on the couch and he faces me, resting his arm on the back of it.

  “Can you just listen to me for a minute without interrupting me? Please,” he pleads. I nod in agreement and rub my palms down my thighs. “I need to go away for a few days. I can’t explain why or where I’m going. I’ve never had to explain myself to anyone before. You need to understand, Jasmine, how new this is for me. I’m the president of the Blood Brothers Motorcycle Club. Being president sometimes involves me having to do things that are dangerous. I’d feel better knowing you were safe at my clubhouse while I’m away.” He faces forward and rests his head in his hands between his open legs. He’s struggling with this. Instead of listening to him, I had stormed out of his room without even thinking about the reasons behind him wanting me to stay at the clubhouse. He hasn’t mentioned that he’s never been in a relationship. Can I do this for him? Can I stay at the clubhouse for a few days? Yes, resounds through my mind. Yes, I can do this for him!

  “Quill,” I say, rubbing his back, “I’m sorry I didn’t give you a chance to explain. I shouldn’t have run away. I should have given you an opportunity to talk, but I didn’t. All I could see was you barking orders at me, and, Quill, I’ve been through a lot in the last year. I’ve only just gotten back to myself, to the girl I used to be, and I can’t rush into anything. This is scaring the shit out of me. The way you make me feel…” I stop that sentence. What do I feel?

  “Shuusshh, babe,” he replies, rubbing my cheek, the sweet caress melting my heart. “You don’t need to apologize. I just want you with me. Fuck, if I could cuff you to me, I would.” My eyes lift in surprise. “Sorry, babe, but that’s how you make me feel, all caveman and shit.”

  I laugh as I picture him in a Tarzan suit. I look into his eyes as he slides closer to me and pulls me over his lap. “I’ll do it. I’ll stay at the clubhouse, if that’s what you want.”

  He smiles down at me and swipes his thumb over my bottom lip before leaning forward and kissing me, so soft and tenderly like I’m made of porcelain. Again, the kiss ends too soon and I’m suddenly lifted by strong arms and carried down the hall.

  “Which room is yours, babe?”

  “To the left.”

  I’m placed on my feet and Quill walks around, looking every bit out of place in my room with my pink flowered quilt and my arrangement of pillows on the bed. I have a slight obsession with pillows. I love decorating my bed with them. He walks over to my desk and picks up the photo of me with my parents at Christmas one year.

  “Are these your folks?”

  “Yep.” I step closer to look at the photo.

  “You look like your old lady.” I smile at the term old lady.

  “Thanks, I think.” I giggle.

  “You do. I see where you get your stunning looks from.”

  He thinks I’m stunning?

  “I love my parents. I left when I graduated from college, but I visit every now and then.”

  “They must be very proud of you, I mean, with your business and all.” He places the picture back on the desk and turns to face me. The sun peeking through my window covers his golden skin and I try to understand what this gorgeous, hot-as-hell man sees in me.

  “You’re doing it again,” Quill huskily says as his finger travels from my cheek to my collarbone.

  “Doing what?” My core tightens at his simple touch.

  “Overthinking this, you and I,” he replies as he flicks his hand between us.

  How does he do that?

  “I’m not,” I state. “I just don’t get it, Quill. Why me? I mean, I’m damaged goods. Nic took everything from me. I’m not sure I have anything left.”

  Quill’s eyes narrow at me. “Don’t you fucking mention that asshole to me again. He’s a fucking idiot for letting you go. I don’t want to hear about you being with other men. Ever.”

  “Quill! You’re being ridiculous. I was married to the man for five years. It’s not something that’s easy for me to forget.”

  He blows out a breath and kisses my forehead as he embraces me in his large arms, caging me to him. “I know, babe. I just can’t stand knowing that you’ve been with anyone but me. Let’s pack your things, okay?” He kisses my head again and walks to my closet, searching for a bag. He finds my gym bag, places it on the bed, and opens my drawers.

  Shit! Shit! Shit! It occurs to me that Tommy is in there. I run toward him and slam the drawer shut. “Quill, leave it. I can do this. I’m a big girl.” I feel my cheeks flush.

  Quill looks surprised at my sudden outburst and asks, “What you got hidin’ in there, babe?”

  “Nothing, just my panties that I don’t need you to pack for me, Quill.” My voice sounds a bit too high pitched.

“Why do I feel like your hiding something from me?” He places his hands on my hips, moving me aside.

  “No, please don’t!” I hold my hand on the drawer to stop him from opening it again.

  Quill smiles down at me and covers my hand, removing it from where it holds the compartment closed. I cover my eyes, feeling defeat as Quill opens my drawer once again.

  “There’s nothing in here,” he says, fumbling around with panties and grabbing a few of them to throw in my bag, but then he freezes as his eyes fall on Tommy.

  “What the fuck?” And then it happens, the most embarrassing moment in my life. My pink glittery dildo is in Quill’s hand and he’s staring at it and laughing.

  Kill me now!

  I try to snatch it out of his hand, but he raised it higher above his head.

  “Give Tommy back!” Oh fuck my life, did I just say Tommy?

  “Tommy? You named your fucking dildo?” Quill says, laughing louder.

  “Yeah, well, so what? A lot of girls do.”

  He places Tommy back in the dresser and shuts it.

  “Babe, there’s no need to be embarrassed. Knowing that you use it turns me the fuck on.” He grabs me and pulls on the back of my bun, forcing me to look up at him. His lips are only a breath away. “You won’t need Tommy now that you have me. I’ll satisfy your needs. When I’m gone, I don’t want you using it. You’re not to touch yourself either. I want you eager as fuck when I return, and don’t try to lie to me, Jasmine. I’ll know if you’ve touched yourself.”

  “You don’t seriously mean that?”

  “Hell yeah I do. I’m the only one touching and fucking your pussy, baby.”

  I can’t hold back the moan that escapes my lips.

  “As much as I want to prove that to you now, we don’t have time. I have a few things to do before I leave tomorrow,” he says, releasing my hair and moving back to my dresser, opening the compartments again.

  “Quill, please, let me pack.”

  “Okay, babe, I’ll wait for you out front. I’ve got a few calls to make anyway.”

  “Sure,” I respond and check out his toned butt as he leaves my room. How am I going to be without him for a week? All I ever think about is having him inside me.

  Fuck. Luisa. I have to tell her what’s happening. I quickly send her a text telling her that I’m staying at the club but I’ll see her at work tomorrow.

  Me: Hey, Lu, I’m staying at the clubhouse. I’ll explain everything at work tomorrow. Too much to tell in a text. 

  Lu: Looks like we both are. Hawke called me saying I don’t have a choice and that I’m staying there with you. Hawke’s picking me up later, so I guess I’ll see you there.

  Oh thank God, I’ll have Lu for company.

  Me: That’s awesome. So glad you’ll be there with me. We have so much to talk about. I gotta run now. Quill’s outside waiting for me and there’s only so much patience the man can muster.

  Lu: LOL. See you soon.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I’m startled awake by loud laughter and “Animals” by Nickelback blaring through the speakers. I glance over to the other side of the bed and notice Quill isn’t there. He must have never come to bed. I reach for my cell phone and see that it’s two in the morning. I remember coming back to the club last night and unpacking my clothes in Quill’s room. There was another party, and I drank a bit. Scratch that, I drank a lot. I remember drinking tequila shots and Luisa and I trying to outdrink Blaze. What was I thinking? It’s all coming back to me now. I’d been a little tipsy and challenged Blaze to a drinking contest. I can’t believe I did that. I remember Quill carrying me to bed and handing me some Tylenol and water before I fell back on the bed and drifted off to sleep. I look down at my body and notice I’m still fully dressed.

  I hear footsteps approach the door and I see it creep open. Light shadows the bedroom, and then Quill steps into the room quietly, under the impression I’m still asleep.

  “You’re up,” he says when he notices I’m sitting up in bed. He sits beside me and runs his thumb over my bottom lip. “How you feelin’, babe?”

  “Not too bad. The Tylenol helped.” I’m surprised at how I’m not feeling more hungover.

  “It could have been worse, especially when you think you can challenge a biker at drinking.” The room is dark, but with Quill’s bathroom light on, I can still see the outline of his features.

  “Don’t ever let me do that again,” I plead as I grab hold of Quill’s shirt and rest my head on his chest.

  “I tried to stop you, but you were adamant that you were gonna win.”

  “Oh God, they must all be laughing at me.” I thump my head on his chest.

  He lifts my chin and pulls my hair away from my face, his fingers lingering on my skin a little longer than necessary.

  “No, babe, they’re not. If anything, they were pretty impressed.”


  “Really,” he repeats as his lips trail small kisses from my jawbone to the sensitive spot under my ear. “You smell good.”

  Wetness coats my panties as his tongue traces my lips and follows the outline of my jaw. His lips trail kisses down my neck, and I tilt my head to the side, allowing his full mouth access.

  “Quill,” I groan.

  “Tell me what you want, baby,” he asks with his lips between my neck and shoulder, sending tingles through my entire body.

  “You,” I whisper. “Make love to me. Please. I need you one more time before you leave tomorrow.”

  “Fuck, babe, I don’t know how to make love. I know how to fuck,” Quill states huskily. He leans in and sucks my bottom lip into his mouth and then releases it with a pop.

  “Just try,” I plead, mesmerized by his intense blue eyes. “Try for me, please, Quill. I need this.” I bite my bottom lip, anticipating his reaction.

  He sighs and then runs his hand through his hair, looking as if he’s struggling with this whole situation.

  I tilt his scruffy chin and peck him on the corner of his mouth.

  “I want you, so much.” I move across to the other side of his mouth and kiss him there too. I slide my tongue around the outline of his lips and hear his intake of breath.

  His hands tighten around my waist when I hear his strained voice say, “I don’t know if I can take it slow. I want to fuck you hard, babe, but for you, I’ll try.”

  He pulls my face toward his and gently kisses me. I feel the pull all the way to my core, and I open up for him. His tongue immediately delves into my mouth, and I moan. Our kiss turns frantic,and it’s as if he’s opening up his soul to me. I sense all his emotions—lust, need, want,and something else—but I don’t dwell on it as I return the same emotions in my own kiss. I sink my fingers through his hair, enjoying the way it feels as it slides through my fingers.

  My hands trail to his open leather cut, and I slide it over his broad shoulders. His scent reaches my senses and I want to say fuck it and have him fuck me, but I don’t want to rush this. I want to savor him in every way. I reach for the hem of his T-shirt and slowly lift it, breaking our kiss so I can pull it over his head. I can’t help but pay homage to his chest, licking up the creases between his muscled abs. Quill sucks in a deep breath as I lick my way up to his pectorals where I suck and bite. A loud grumble erupts from his lips, and the sound encourages me to move onto his other pecs and repeat the same torture. God, I love his body; everything about it is magnificent.

  My lips trail up his corded neck where I place open-mouthed kisses. Once I reach his ear, I whisper, “I want you, Quill, so bad it hurts.”

  He pulls the hair at the back of my nape, forcing me to look up at him. He kisses me hard, and I groan as he bites down on my lip, causing me to taste copper in my mouth. The rough gesture reminds me of how strong he is.

  “Babe, I’m gonna take you now. I’ll try to take it slow, but no promises. You’re so fucking beautiful; a man can only take so much.”

  I smile up at
him and remove my top, leaving me in my strapless bra and jeans.

  I reach my hands around my back to unclip my bra, but I’m halted when Quill replaces my hands with his and undoes it with expertise. I’m quickly reminded he has been with a lot of women, compared to my one and only sex partner, Nic. I don’t realize I’ve frozen until Quill tilts my chin with his finger.

  “What’s wrong?” he questions.

  “Nothing,” I reply, shaking my head with a fake a smile.

  “Tell me, Jasmine. I know something has upset you.”

  “It’s silly. Don’t worry about it.” I look over his shoulder, not able to make eye contact.

  “Jasmine, look at me. I want you to listen to me.”

  My head snaps up to meet his gaze.

  “When it comes to us, you need to be honest. If I don’t know what’s in that pretty little head of yours, I can’t fix it. So tell me, what’s going on?”

  I take a steady breath, and with all the courage I can muster, I look deep into his eyes and explain. “Quill, you’ve been with a lot of women. I can’t compete with that. I’ve only had the one sexual partner, and knowing that you’ve had plenty women in this bed…” I cut myself off. “This is silly.”

  “Look, I know where you’re going with this. First of all, I told you that I didn’t want to hear about that motherfucker again, let alone him being inside you. Second, I don’t give a fuck about any of those other women. I won’t lie. I have fucked a few, but they’ve never meant anything to me like you do. For fuck’s sake, I’ve never wanted a woman to spend the night. This might sound harsh, but I only ever wanted sex from them, but with you it’s different. I want more!”

  “More?” I repeat.

  “Yes more, with you,” he confirms.

  “Quill, I’m scared.”

  He cups my cheek and replies, “I know you are, babe, but I got you and I’m not gonna let anything happen to you. This thing between us scares the shit out of me too, but I don’t give a fuck. I’m willing to face that shit head on because I know what I want, and if being shit-scared means having you, then so be it. I’d rather be scared than not have you at all.”


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