Rescuing His Pregnant Mate [The Werewolves of Willow Lake 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Rescuing His Pregnant Mate [The Werewolves of Willow Lake 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 4

by Marcy Jacks

  His cock sprang free, and it was relieving. Edward sighed.

  “Like that, do you?” Craig asked, and his amber eyes widened as he stared down at the head of Edward’s aching prick. The head was wet with his essence, and the damned thing was pointing up at Craig, as though it knew that was where it was expected to go.

  “Jesus Christ, you’re huge,” Craig said.

  Edward chuckled, and he reached his hand up to put his fingers into his mate’s hair. “I do not know who that is, but I’m glad for the compliment.”

  Craig stared up at him, their faces so close. Edward could see that every freckle, every mound of the man’s face, was exactly the same, and right where they had been before.

  This was not a man who had a similar face, regardless of what Alistair thought. This was Edward’s mate.

  He looked down at the bump of Craig’s belly. He did not know who had sired that pup, but if Craig would choose to have it, then Edward would love it as much as his mate did. It would be theirs, just as it would have been before.

  Craig’s hand went to his stomach, but his palm could not hide the rounded place that was growing there, so Craig used his other hand to lift Edward’s chin. “Eyes on me,” he said.

  Edward reached for the man’s hand, the one that covered his stomach, as though he was ashamed of it. Edward pulled it away, and he stroked his own hand over that place. He could feel the little heartbeat within. It drummed so much faster than Craig’s or his own heart did.

  Regardless of what Craig thought, there was a life in there, and the man was going to have to come to terms with that sooner or later.

  “You are beautiful,” Edward said.

  Craig’s face warmed at the compliment. Edward could tell because he could feel the heat that came from his face, as though there was a small fire burning there.

  “Has no one ever called you that before?” Edward asked.

  “I think you’re the first,” Craig replied, and then he frowned.

  “What is it?” Edward asked. He was feeling that same sensation that Craig was.

  Edward was the only man to ever call Craig beautiful. The man had told him so when they’d first mated all those years ago. So many years that Edward didn’t even know the precise number.

  “I just…I feel like we’ve already had this conversation,” Craig said.

  They had, but Edward would let the man know about that after their heat had been sated. He leaned up and pressed another openmouthed kiss to his mate’s lips. This time Craig was the one who let him inside.

  His lips tasted…almost the same. There was a slight difference from the natural, earthy taste that Craig used to possess.

  It was still there, his flavor, but Edward had noticed the difference the first time they’d kissed.

  It wasn’t bad. It was better. Instead of reminding Edward simply of the springtime, new grass, and gurgling springs that were cold from the melting snow, he also tasted of something sweet, like there was fruit growing in the trees as well.

  Perhaps it was meant to be this way. There had to be some difference if Craig was reincarnated into this much different world. It wasn’t as harsh here. Every winter was not an obstacle that could leave many dead every year. Food was in abundance here so long as a man had the coin to spend, which it seemed that many did.

  Craig could not be the same in every single fashion, and Edward was eager to learn about all the new things his lover had seen and done in this world of his.

  He turned the man around so that Craig’s back was pressing down onto the bed, and Edward was delighted when the man spread his legs for him, and he got his first full view of his lover’s pucker, his hard cock, and his tight sack that was below it.

  So lovely.

  Craig’s face became even redder as he was being stared at. “Uh, aren’t you going to…you know?”

  “Ah, yes, of course,” Edward said.

  They were not the same as they’d used to be. Craig did not remember spending hours of his time naked with Edward, the both of them exploring each other’s bodies until everything was memorized and worshipped.

  That was something for the both of them to relearn together. Edward already knew every line, every freckle on Craig’s beautiful form, but Craig was going to have to get used to being seen like that by Edward, and learn Edward once more.

  That was more than all right with him.

  Edward leaned down, and he pressed a kiss to Craig’s belly before crawling up the man’s body and then kissing his lips.

  Craig returned the kiss, and he held on to Edward, but it was a chaste kiss and the touches were light. “You really think there’s a baby in there, don’t you?” Craig asked.

  Edward grabbed on to his hand. “There is, and let me show it to you, so you can no longer deny the child.”

  He brought Craig’s hand down to his stomach and made the man put his hand flat over the belly button, which was jutting out from his stomach.

  Edward searched for the heartbeat, and it was an easy thing to find. It wasn’t as though there were many places for an infant to hide in there.

  He felt the child’s heart, its life and its unconditional love for the parent that did not even know it was there, keeping it alive and warm deep inside.

  Edward pushed all of that information, everything that he was feeling, into Craig.

  The man’s eyes widened, and there was a moment of panic as his heart jumped before Edward reached for him, touching his face to try and calm him.

  “Jesus Christ, it’s true!” he said.

  “Shh, love,” Edward said, but Craig could not be silenced.

  “What did this to me? How is that even possible? This is like out of Junior or something, but I didn’t go to a hospital to get this done, and I didn’t even like that movie!”

  It sounded as though his mate was panicking, and because Edward had no idea what he was talking about either, he silenced the man with a kiss.

  That seemed to be just the thing that Craig needed. He inhaled deeply, and slowly, his heart rate returned back to normal, and his lungs were no longer working so hard to bring in the air they needed.

  Better than all of that was when Craig melted into the kiss and pushed his mouth back against Edward’s. The man’s hands slid up Edward’s chest, careful of his wound, and his fingers curled around the back of Edward’s neck.

  This was going to happen. Edward pulled away from the kiss, and they were both breathing heavily once more. “Answers will come later. After I’ve had you,” he said, and Edward let his own hands slide down Craig’s body, his fingers moving around back until he found the man’s crack. “I have waited long enough to have you. No more distractions.”

  “Right,” Craig said, though Edward was fairly sure that his mate was only agreeing to this because his mind was so clouded with lust. The head of Craig’s cock was wet from the pre-cum that was forming there and sliding down the side.

  Edward grabbed Craig’s prick by the root, and he slowly stroked his fist up and down. Craig moaned softly, but Edward knew that his touch was too dry for the man to really enjoy himself.

  “Do you have any oil?”

  “What?” Craig asked, blinking blearily at him, his chest rising and falling with each gasping breath.

  “To ease the way. Oil,” Edward said, and then he recalled that in this world and time, Craig had claimed to be a virgin. That only left more questions about where the pup had come from, but either way, the man was still inexperienced.

  Would he even know what Edward meant?

  Then Craig’s eyes seemed to light up. “Oh! Right,” he said, and he pushed Edward off of him a bit to roll over.

  Edward watched, fascinated, as his mate reached between the mattresses of the bed and came back with a bottle of something. “Use this,” he said.

  Edward took the bottle and examined it. He had no idea what it was or how to open it.

  “Like this,” Craig said, and he put his thumb under the wedge before poppin
g it open. There was a small hole at the top, and Craig took Edward’s hand before turning the bottle over and squeezing some of the contents onto his palm.

  It became warm almost instantly after he touched it. “What is this?” Edward asked, rubbing it between his fingers.

  Craig was so lovely when he blushed, and it seemed that he was doing a lot of that as they were in bed together. “I use it on myself whenever I want to…you know.”

  Edward did know, and his blood started to hum as his dick throbbed. His balls damn near tightened up all the way inside of his body. “Touch yourself with this, do you? What do you think about?” Edward asked, and he leaned forward, pushing Craig back down onto the soft bed without even having to touch the man.

  “I don’t…I don’t know,” Craig said. “Usually it’s just after watching something on the Internet.”

  Edward did not know exactly what Internet was, but he was somewhat disappointed that Craig hadn’t been thinking of him.

  “Does that bother you? You’re frowning,” Craig said.

  Edward shook his head, and he reached his slick hand down and curled his fingers around his mate’s thick cock. It felt exactly the way it had the last time Edward had touched it. He’d never forget. After so many years had passed, he’d started to worry that his memories of Craig were fading. That he was forgetting how the man felt, what he tasted and looked like.

  Everything was exactly the same, for him. It wasn’t the same for Craig, however. “I had just hoped that, on some level, you would have remembered me, that you would have thought of me when you gave yourself pleasure.”

  “I’ve never met you before,” Craig said, groaning each word as he gasped for breath. His chest was rising and falling at a rapid pace, and his heart was beating so loudly that Edward would have been able to hear the sound of that dull thumping from even outside.

  His body was hot. So incredibly hot it was like there was a fire inside of him, burning him up from the inside.

  “Feels good,” Craig said, and Edward couldn’t help but lean down and press his mouth to the place on Craig’s throat that was pulsing so rapidly.

  He kissed and sucked on it, and he savored each gasp for breath, and each thrust of Craig’s cock into Edward’s hand.

  Edward moaned, and he pressed his own aching dick down onto his mate’s, pushing them together and thrusting forward, mimicking the act that he wanted so badly to do. People called it fucking in this time. Edward had heard that word many times even before he’d woken up. He’d heard Craig using it and Edward had even used it a time or two. People used that word for a lot of other things, as well, but it seemed that was the one way it was most appropriate.

  “I’m going to put my cock inside of you, and then you’ll be mine,” Edward said.

  His heart leapt at the sound of Craig’s approval of that. “Yes,” he moaned.

  Oh! That was just what he wanted to hear!

  Edward lifted himself away from his mate, and even the moan of disappointment that Craig released from his mouth was enough to make Edward salivate.

  “Almost, love. We just have to do this first,” Edward said, and he reached for the bottle of strange-looking oil that Craig had given him. He opened it, just the way that Craig had, and poured the warm substance into his hand.

  Craig seemed to know what he was doing, and without being told, he spread his legs wider, exposing his pucker for Edward to see.

  “Do it,” Craig said. “I want you to do it. Hurry before I start thinking straight and change my mind.”

  They couldn’t have that, now could they?

  Edward pressed two fingers to Craig’s pucker, and it was only when he tried to push them inside did he realize how tight his mate was. Craig’s entire body went stiff as he hissed from the sudden shock of being penetrated by something so thick as two fingers, that Edward had to immediately pull them back.

  “I am sorry,” he said. “I apologize. I think I just became a little too excited for my own good.”

  At least Craig smiled at him. “Just go a little slower from now on, okay?” he said.

  He wasn’t making a joke when he said that no one had ever touched him there before. Edward couldn’t be more pleased even if he tried.

  Then he looked down at his mate’s belly. There was still that particular mystery that needed to be solved, but he was going to solve it later.

  Edward pushed in only one finger this time. Craig seemed to be holding his breath as Edward prepared him, and that was not a good thing.

  “Breathe. Breathe unless you want to make this unpleasant for yourself,” Edward said.

  Craig’s chest fell as he did as he was told, a whoosh of air leaving his mouth.

  “Very good,” Edward praised. “Now, push out as I push inside. It will make it easier.”

  “It will? Trying to get you out seems kind of counterproductive,” he said.

  Edward smiled up at him. “Trust me.”

  Craig had every reason in the world to not trust him, considering the circumstances, but his mate nodded and then did as he was told.

  Craig also moaned when Edward got his finger deeper inside of him. He was all the way to the final knuckle, and then he hooked it, searching for the man’s prostate and hoping it was still right where he remembered it was.

  “How do you feel?” Edward asked as he searched.

  “I…I feel okay,” Craig said. “It’s a little different, having someone in there, but it’s okay.”

  Okay was also a new word that was in Edward’s vocabulary when he woke up, and he knew it to mean little better than mediocre.

  “Only okay?” Edward asked. “I’m appalled and stunned that you could use a word like that when I am trying to give you pleasure.”

  Craig smiled down at him, and it looked as though he was about to open his mouth to respond, but that was right when Edward finally found his elusive prostate, and he pressed against it.

  Craig’s body, his smile, everything about him immediately seemed to freeze up. That lasted for only the briefest of seconds before Craig’s back arched, his hands becoming claws as they gripped the sheets beneath him, and he moaned, long and loud.

  His eyes were squeezed tightly shut, and Edward grabbed on to his mate’s cock at the root to prevent him from coming. It was thicker than before, swollen as the man desperately wanted to come to his pleasure. That much was certain, but Edward would not let him.

  He looked down at Craig’s claws. Strange. He was under the impression that omega luna werewolves could not shift during a pregnancy, but perhaps growing claws hardly counted as a proper shift.

  Or maybe Craig was simply able to push through that because of how well Edward was able to give him pleasure. He liked to think it was the latter of those two options.

  “Oh fuck! Oh! Fuck!” Craig said, again and again as be bucked his ass up against Edward’s hand.

  While holding on to his mate’s prick, Edward had to use his arm just to keep the other man down.

  Craig looked down at him, and he was panting with the sheer force of what was happening to him. “I want to come,” he said. “Let me come.”

  “Not yet. Not until I’ve had you,” Edward said, and he pulled his finger out of the man’s asshole part of the way so that he could push the other inside with it. “You are so beautiful when you’re alive with pleasure. That much hasn’t changed.”

  “Oh, please shut up and just fuck me!” Craig begged, and he reached down and curled his fingers around Edward’s hand that was holding on to his dick. He clearly wanted to stroke himself to completion, but Edward wouldn’t allow that. Not yet.

  “If you think it’s so terrible to be denied right at this moment,” Edward said, and he leaned down and pressed his tongue against the head of Craig’s cock before pulling back, “then you should know that it is absolute torture simply watching you like this, and knowing that you want me so badly.”

  “Yeah,” Craig said, but he would likely agree to anything that Edward sai
d at the moment so long as it meant that he was touched and stroked some more.

  Gods above, he was so beautiful. And he was Edward’s.

  Edward could feel it happening. Even though his cock wasn’t inside of the other man just yet, they were claiming each other. He could feel their souls reaching out to touch each other, so familiar, yearning for each other like old friends, but they couldn’t quite reach.

  Edward looked down at himself. His cock was swollen, and he could see the bulging veins that were pulsing at the side. His pre-cum was forming at the head and making the rest of his cock wet as it slid down the side, but it wouldn’t nearly be wet enough to keep his mate from feeling any pain.

  He had to pull his fingers out of Craig’s pucker. He didn’t dare let go of the man’s cock because he didn’t trust the man to not come to his pleasure too soon. He grabbed for the bottle once more.

  “You keep using that and I’m going to run out of lube,” Craig said.

  “You will want me to use a lot of the bottle, and I’m not simply saying that to stroke my own ego,” Edward said.

  “But I bet you still love saying it.”

  Edward grinned up at his mate. The man always was one to make him smile like this. “You know me so well,” he said.

  It was a little difficult, working the strange bottle with only one hand, especially with his body as desperate as it was now, but he managed it. He poured some of the lube, as Craig called it, onto his hand, and he was forced to leave the bottle open and forgotten on the sheets as he spread the stuff onto his mate’s hole and then stroked his cock with it.

  “I cannot wait any longer to have you. It must be now!” Edward said.

  Craig’s free hand came up to grab on to his shoulder, but it wasn’t to stop him, like Edward feared.

  They stared each other in the eyes, and Craig swallowed before nodding his head. “Do it. I want you to do it.”

  “Before you change your mind?”

  “No,” Craig shook his head. “I just want it to be you.”

  He looked very much like he didn’t understand the sentiment that left his mouth, but Edward was fairly sure that he understood, and he leaned down and pressed his mouth to Craig’s soft lips, pushing his tongue inside as he pressed the head of his cock up against the man’s awaiting pucker. Then he pushed inside.


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