Rescuing His Pregnant Mate [The Werewolves of Willow Lake 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Rescuing His Pregnant Mate [The Werewolves of Willow Lake 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 10

by Marcy Jacks

  Craig rested his forehead against the spot between Edward’s scarred shoulder blades. “I love you,” he said.

  They stayed like that for a few minutes, and in that time, Craig worked up some of his courage.

  He grabbed for a bottle of lotion, and he decided that would do well enough for lube in this situation.

  “Spread your legs,” Craig said.

  “Oh, thank God,” Edward moaned. Craig damn near laughed at him for that. He managed to hold it back, but he still smiled wide as he put the lotion in his hand, and he quickly brought it over to Edward’s pucker.

  Craig angled his back toward the spray of the shower, at least that way he’d keep the body lotion from being washed off of his hand.

  He put two fingers to Edward’s hole, and he was tight all over again, as if Craig hadn’t prepared him earlier that day.

  “Is it a healing thing?” Craig asked, and he couldn’t help but watch his fingers disappear inside of Edward’s entrance. “You healed from your gunshot wound, so you’re, uh, this healed, too?”

  Edward laughed. “Yes, I imagine that is the reason. It’s also why werewolves can enjoy this sort of sex more with their mates than a pair of human males could.”

  “So then I don’t need time to recover. I’m already recovered,” Craig said. He had noticed that he wasn’t exactly walking around all that carefully. His ass certainly didn’t ache when he bent over or sat down.

  “You are, but I still want you like this,” Edward said, and he looked behind his shoulder so that his eyes could meet Craig’s.

  Craig swallowed and nodded, and he went back to what he was doing, adding more lotion to his fingers and then pushing them back inside.

  It was quiet after that as he pushed them back and forth. Back and forth. Even though watching himself do this made his dick swell up like nobody’s business, and his balls ache like he’d just started puberty all over again, this needed something more.

  “Touch yourself,” Craig said.

  Edward looked at him over his shoulder, and then he grinned. “You would like that, would you?”

  “Yeah,” Craig said. “Put your heavy cock in hand and stroke it for me. Think of me doing this to you, but don’t make yourself come. Not until I’m inside you.”

  “Ah, revenge. I see how it is,” Edward replied, and he went back to facing the wall, only this time he put one hand up on the wet tile, and the other one lowered to his waist.

  Craig couldn’t see exactly what the man was doing because of how big he was, but with the movement of his arm, and the soft sighs he made, that was all Craig needed.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Edward groaned, and his fingernails, which lengthened into claws, scratched at the tile on the shower wall as Craig thrust his long fingers inside of him. He never thought it would be this good, and now he was gripping his dick, instead of stroking it, just to keep himself from coming.

  He looked down at himself, and the shaft of his cock was dark and swollen, with drops of his essence soaking the head.

  “Craig,” he said. “Quit playing around back there and fuck me. I need it.”

  Edward moaned again when he got a sharp thrust of Craig’s fingers for being so demanding, and now that Craig had found Edward’s sweet spot, the man wasn’t about to let up on teasing it.

  “Not yet. There’s something I’ve been wanting to try,” Craig said, and his voice was breathy and full of need, as though he was the one being prepared and not Edward.

  Edward looked over his shoulder intent on finding out what his mate was talking about, when the other man sank down to his knees, the hot water cascading over his body like they were in the rain, and Edward knew what he was on about.

  “Yes,” he moaned, and then put his hot forehead up against the cold tiles as his mate spread his ass cheeks apart.

  Edward felt a swipe of tongue before the other man pulled back. “Did I ever do this to you before? In the other life?”

  “I hope so,” Edward said. He honestly couldn’t get a proper grasp on those memories to figure out if that had happened or not, but that was to be expected when he was about to have his mate go down on him like this.

  Craig chuckled, and the man sounded about as evil as Edward sometimes felt when he was about to tease his lover, and then the tongue returned to his pucker, and it pushed inside of him.

  Perhaps Craig hadn’t done this to him in the previous life, because there was no way in hell that Edward could have had this happen to him and forget about it.

  He reared up onto his toes and cried out, and the tiles that he was digging his claws into were now officially ruined as they cracked under the pressure of his claws.

  “Craig! Dammit all to hell, that’s wonderful. Don’t stop!” Edward demanded, and he was glad when his mate complied with him.

  It was an odd feeling at first, but easy to get used to when it felt so damned nice, and soon enough Edward felt himself pushing back against that tongue, tightening his asshole around it and wanting to keep Craig inside of him forever.

  “Was this what you felt when I did this to you?” Edward asked, and then he laughed at his own stupidity. “Of course you cannot answer me. You cannot speak with your tongue in there!”

  He laughed some more at his own worthless joke and then got a stab of tongue for that.

  His lover seemed to enjoy punishing him with pleasure whenever he was being overly snarky in bed. How interesting. He was going to have to save that information for later.

  “Craig, I’m going to come,” Edward said, and he no longer wanted to try and stop himself from doing so. He was stroking his cock, hard and heavy now, keeping his grip strong and wanting to reach the ending so badly.

  His balls tightened up almost all the way into his body, and he came with a hard shout.

  His orgasm seemed to last forever as it went on and on, and it was even better when Craig reached one of his hands around and grabbed on to Edward’s cock, stroking the length of it with him. There was nothing more erotic than when Edward looked down and saw that both his hand and Craig’s were on the shaft of his dick, bringing him to his pleasure.

  He didn’t soften, not even when every last, thick drop of him was sprayed onto the shower walls and being washed away with the heavy sprays of the water, and Craig was still thrusting his tongue in and out of him.

  His body did not relax like it should have. He would have been able to get an erection again, quickly thanks to his werewolf stamina, but even he should have experienced a moment of quiet before that was possible.

  Another thrust of Craig’s tongue made Edward moan out loud, rising back up onto his toes as though he hadn’t just had a spectacular orgasm.

  Edward laughed. “Of course. You are a luna werewolf. You’re giving me your energy.”

  Craig pulled his tongue away, but now his hands were massaging the round swells of Edward’s ass, and he pressed a kiss to Edward’s tailbone before responding. “What?”

  “It’s one of your powers,” Edward replied. “And one that I will explain to you later. After I’ve had you.”

  Edward abruptly turned around and reached down for the other man.

  Craig gasped when he was pulled up, and Edward was strong enough that he could get the other man up and have him wrap his legs around Edward’s waist.

  Craig’s heart was beating furiously when Edward pressed the man’s back against the wall. “Wait, wait, you have to be careful!” Craig said. “You could fall on the slippery floor.”

  Edward looked down at the bottom of the tub, and it was indeed a little slippery. “Is that not what these feet are for?” he asked, rubbing his feet down on the rough shapes that were stuck to the bottom of the tub.

  “Yeah, but—”

  “No buts,” Edward said, and he leaned in and pressed the kiss that he wanted so badly to give to his mate.

  “What about…where my mouth has been?” Craig asked against Edward’s mouth.

  “That makes it all the bet
ter,” Edward said, and he leaned in to claim those lips again, only this time he held on tightly to the back of Craig’s ass and his thighs, and he pushed their bodies together so that they were cock to cock.

  He thrust hard against the other man, and they both moaned at the pleasure of it. Craig curled his arms around Edward’s neck, and he was in heaven as he thrust his aching dick down onto his mate’s.

  “That’s good,” Craig said. “Fuck.”

  “Yes, that’s what you will be doing to me soon enough,” Edward said, and though he wanted to see his mate’s head thrown back in the heat of the pleasure he was getting, he realized that Craig still did not entirely know how to control his powers. He might not be able to get an erection again if Edward made him come like this.

  For that, Edward put his mate back on his feet and stepped away from him.

  Craig’s face reminded Edward of a child that just had a sweet stolen away from him. “What are you doing?” he demanded.

  “If you want to come to your pleasure, you know what I want you to do,” Edward said.

  He knew he was being a little bit unfair about this, but he couldn’t help himself. Sometimes, most of the time, teasing was required when in bed with a mate to make for good sex.

  Craig looked very much like he was on the precipice of having a breakdown. He reached up and grabbed at his hair, eyes wide like he was struggling not to hit Edward.

  Edward just smiled down at him. “Do your worst, love,” he said.

  “All right, I will,” Craig said, and his chest was rising and falling as he sucked back each breath of air. “Turn around and face the wall again. But your foot up on the rim of the tub.”

  “As you wish,” he said and then turned around to do as he was told.

  He was shocked at the groan that came from his mate’s mouth, and it was not a pleasurable sound. “As much as I love the way you talk, please don’t get all Princess Bride on me. I’m still a guy.”

  Edward looked at his mate over his shoulder, and he couldn’t keep the confusion off his face even if he tried. “I do not know what that is,” he said.

  Craig laughed, and he was holding the lotion bottle in his hand again. “Yeah, I guess I should have seen that coming,” he said. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll explain later.”

  Craig then stepped forward, and he didn’t penetrate Edward’s entrance with those lovely fingers of his, but he did spread the lotion around Edward’s awaiting hole.

  Edward shivered. “I think it was a good idea to ask this of you,” he said. “Now I will know what feels good, and how to better pleasure you later.”

  “One step at a time. After all the sex we’ve had today, I’m surprised either of us can still keep an erection.”

  “Many things will surprise you as you learn your abilities,” Edward said.

  Craig did not respond to that, so Edward looked behind him to see that his mate was now stroking his own heavy cock with the lotion, making himself slick for the coming penetration.

  Edward’s heart began to beat quickly as he thought about what was to come. He was an alpha, and he was not used to this form of sex, but that was no reason for him to feel this way. He felt anxious and slightly ill at ease, but he was going to do this. If this was what Craig felt that first time they’d had sex, then Edward could also master his fears and let what was about to happen, happen.

  Still, that didn’t stop him from hissing in a breath when he felt the blunt head of his mate’s dick pressing against his asshole.

  “Tell me if it hurts,” Craig said.

  “I will,” Edward replied, but he had no intention of doing any such thing. His mate was too gentle a person to want to continue on if he thought that his actions were hurting Edward. Edward was an alpha. He would take whatever pain was thrown at him and he would deal with it.

  The fat head of Craig’s cock pushed against Edward’s pucker, and he would have thought that it would slip inside much easier than this, considering how well Craig had prepared him with fingers and tongue, but his body was still resisting, and he couldn’t figure out why.

  “Push out,” Craig said. “Remember to relax and to push out.”

  Ah. He’d forgotten those parts.

  Edward did as he was told, and he was shocked when the head of Craig’s dick pushed through his opening. Not quite as easy as he would have thought, but it was still much better than before. He was inside now at least.

  “Holy God,” Craig moaned, and he pressed his forehead against Edward’s shoulder blade. “You are so tight. You are so fucking hot and tight. I don’t even…How do you feel?” Craig asked, and his heart and lungs sounded as though they were working as hard and fast as Craig’s were.

  “Only a little pain,” Edward said. No point in outright lying about it, his mate would know the truth if he did that. “But it’s not unbearable. I feel mostly full than anything else. Stretched.”

  Craig laughed and pressed a kiss to Edward’s shoulder, and he was shocked at how intimate that simple kiss felt, especially with Craig’s arms around his waist. When had they done that? “Yeah, I tend to feel pretty full and stretched every time you’re in me. I’ve read that’s supposed to be normal, though.”

  “Oh?” Edward asked, and he was doing his damnedest to not sound as though he was in any sort of pain. “And where would a gentleman such as yourself read such things?”

  Craig pushed his cock in a little deeper, bringing Edward higher up onto his toes as he was filled to the brim. He could feel the man’s balls gently touching the back of his ass. “Why? Do you want to read some of it?”

  “I think I would enjoy reading such things with you,” Edward said. “Right before ravishing your body.”

  Craig kissed his shoulder again, and Edward moaned when he pulled back and thrust forward.

  Edward could feel how big the other man was. He felt every bulging vein, every pulse of Craig’s heart as he moved back and forth, back and forth. Craig’s breaths were warm puffs of air on Edward’s back, and he had to reach down to stroke his own aching cock, thrusting his ass back against Craig’s own surging prick.

  Then he felt it. The shock of pleasure as the head of Craig’s dick touched his prostate deep inside. It was better than anything else he had ever felt, better than when Craig touched it with his fingers, and even better than when he teased it with his tongue.

  “There it is,” Edward moaned, and he thrust back harder against Craig’s hips. Craig had to reach for him and grab on to his waist. “Too fast. You’re moving too fast for me,” Craig said, and from the sound of his voice, he was just barely managing to contain his own pleasure as well. “You’re too strong, you’re going to push me back. Slow, move slowly.”

  “How can I move slowly when you do this to me?” Edward asked, and he was back to gripping his dick tightly at the root just to prevent himself from coming much too soon.

  “Do it for me,” Craig said, and he kissed and licked at the side of Edward’s throat.

  Edward tilted his head to the side, giving his mate all the access he wanted to that most vulnerable spot on him. He wondered if Craig knew the significance of an alpha bearing his neck like this?

  “I will try,” Edward said, bringing himself back to the matter at hand. “Though I make no promises with how well you love me like this.”

  “I love you a lot,” Craig said.

  For the first time, Edward’s body was the one to feel hot, and it had nothing to do with the water that was spraying over the both of them.

  “Are you blushing?” Craig asked, and even though Edward was not looking at him, it was clear from the sound of his voice that he was smiling.

  “I do not blush,” Edward replied gruffly, trying to force his body temperature to go back to normal.

  Craig didn’t press him for more information. He just hugged Edward closer to him and continued on with the motion of his hips.

  Edward did not push back. His mate wanted slow and steady, so he would give the man that. H
e allowed himself to simply feel what his mate was doing without attempting to take charge, and it was an interesting revelation for him when he did finally realize that taking this position, and allowing his omega mate to be in control, did not make him any less of an alpha. He was still who he was, and he was still strong and capable of protecting the man and providing for him, regardless of what position they were in.

  He hadn’t even realized that he’d been holding on to those ideals until just now.

  “Harder, Craig,” Edward puffed. Craig kissed his shoulder again, and because his mate wanted to take this slow, instead of fucking him hard, Edward had to curl his fingers around his cock and stroke himself.

  But even that he took his time with. Every stroke of his hand was in time with each pump of Craig’s hips, and although the man did make each forward and back motion harder, they were barely any faster at all.

  Edward moaned as his pleasure built up. Craig was right. It was better to take it slow. He would have come by now had they been doing this hard and fast, but because they weren’t his pleasure had more time to rise, and it could go on to heights that it otherwise would not be able to while they did this.

  “I love the sounds you make when you’re getting off,” Craig said. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.”

  Craig pressed his mouth to one of the scars on Edward’s back, and it was…rather nice, actually. He knew that Craig had been this way to him before, this loving and affectionate. That was in the old life, but now that he had the chance to really experience it, in this world, to have real, clear memories of it, Edward did not think he could feel any happier.

  “Craig, I really cannot take anymore. Fuck me hard, right now. I want you inside me.”

  “I am inside you,” Craig said.

  Where had Edward heard that before?

  “That’s not what I meant,” Edward replied.

  He thought he might have to resort to yelling and some empty threats in order to ease the nearly unbearable aching in his balls, but it didn’t come to that. Craig sped up the motion of his hips, and Edward damn near sighed in between each loud moan.


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