Sunshine and Rain (City Limits Book 2)

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Sunshine and Rain (City Limits Book 2) Page 20

by M. Mabie

  Instead, a new pride spoke for me. “I’m cooking Sunny supper out here, Sir. She’s been working all day, and I thought she should have a good meal. So, I’m making her one.”

  He nodded, accepting my answer.

  “She said you two have been spending a lot of time together. I just hadn’t seen you guys around town much.”

  How could he? We’d both been working a lot, and when we weren’t, we were usually in one of our beds. That fact alone made it harder to look him in the eye.

  I needed more beer.

  “Want a Bud Light?” I asked, knowing it would be much more acceptable to drink if he had one, too.

  “Sure, I’ll take one, but I can’t stay long.” He walked over to one of the folding chairs and took a seat. “I just came to check on her. Peggy said she’s been in the station all day trying to work out some bugs with the new software.”

  “I think she got it figured out. She said she’s doing a back-up now, then she’s done.” I passed him a can. He took it and lifted it in thanks.

  “I wrote that new policy for your property out west of your folks—the one on that beautiful hill. Building out there, huh?”

  It would probably be winter before I had time to really dive into the project, but it would be there before I knew it. Until then, it would be mostly groundwork.

  “Yep. It’ll probably be a while before things start moving, but that’s the plan.”

  His quizzical expression indicated he was at the very least on to me, but it wasn’t exactly what he thought.

  When I’d come back to Wynne, I had no idea Sunny and I would be like we were.

  Was it always somewhere in the back of my mind? Of course. It was ingrained as deep as the roots of the oak tree I’d built my fort in. Dreams like that are dreams.

  Still, I’d had certain goals for myself—with Sunny or without. It just so happened they didn’t really differ much now that she was becoming a factor. I was going to build the farmhouse anyway.

  “Building is a long process, but if anyone has the patience for it, it’s you.”

  I took that as a compliment and flipped the steaks. I had nothing to hide. Never really did. My intentions were always honorable.

  Well, what we’d done the night before was only borderline honorable, but that was between Sunny and me.

  “Thanks. How’s Mrs. Wilbanks?”

  He grinned with the mention of his wife. “She’s good. You should come with Sunny one Sunday and have lunch sometime. Peg’s been begging Sunny to bring you.”

  She had?

  What a day it had been. Ones like that Monday were few and far between at my job, but they happened.

  I was installing some new software for the studio which would better allow me to invite local musicians to play on air—something that really excited me. What I’d had would work, but the sound quality wouldn’t have been as good.

  So while installing the new stuff, I made a mistake and it ended up taking me twice as long. Plus, in the process of moving some of my files over, I’d accidentally changed their formats and the new program didn’t like them.

  I spent a long time on the phone and online, chatting with tech support. Thankfully, we eventually found a solution. I hadn’t wrecked it too much, but my error added a lot of manual steps to get everything loaded properly.

  After all of that work, I wasn’t about to lose what I’d done. So I was backing everything up before anything else could happen. And, although it had been sunny all day, the forecast was calling for a stormy night. I wasn’t sure how the new software would tolerate the power going out and didn’t really want to be back at square one the next day.

  Even though I was dying to see Rhett, it wasn’t worth losing everything again if the power went out later. Okay, it was, but he was there and that was good enough.

  When I was done, and my work triple checked, I stepped out of my studio booth to see my dad and Rhett shaking hands. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, so I just watched for a minute.

  Both wore smiles, and it warmed me seeing them together. I’d never been one to bring a guy around my family, but this was becoming different. Besides, Rhett and my dad kind of knew each other.

  More and more, I wanted to have him around my people. Seeing how well he and my father interacted made me less afraid to ask him if he wanted to go to Hannah and Vaughn’s barbeque that Friday night. She’d invited us a few days before, but I hadn’t been sure we were ready to do couples things yet. It was still new territory for me.

  And, he hadn’t brought up doing things with anyone else yet either.

  What was the worst thing that could happen? Him saying no? But I doubted he would.

  No. I knew better. The ultimate worst thing that could happen would be if he said yes, then someone at the party said something stupid to him. Or if he was bored hanging out with the old people. Darrell was nearly retired, and Hannah and Vaughn were married with a baby.

  Would Rhett and my people have anything in common?

  Would he realize he didn’t have much in common with me, too?

  My friends weren’t assholes, and I knew I could count on Hannah and Vaughn to be cool, but Darrell was another story. He was a jackass who meant no harm, but I could only imagine the shit he’d say.

  I took a deep breath and stretched, having spent most of the day locked up in the tiny room as I stared at them through the window. Dad patted him on the shoulder and walked off as Rhett pulled the steak off The Grill he’d hauled all the way to my station.

  My mouth watered. The cheese and peanut butter crackers stash in my drawer had been hit hard that day, but I wanted real food.

  I flipped off a few light switches and headed outside.

  “All done?” Rhett asked as I came to his side in front of the grill.

  Yum. He had those peppers I liked. I kissed his shoulder. “I’m all done.”

  I was impressed. Not only had he brought his grill, but he’d set up a table and chairs, too.

  Where did he come up with the stuff he did for me? He never disappointed.

  I needed to do something for him in return, something thoughtful like he was, but I was terrible at coming up with ideas.

  He candidly pointed with his tongs as he spoke. “Beer’s in there. We’ve got steak, stuffed peppers, there’s pasta salad in the cooler, and a bag with plates and stuff on the seat of my truck.” He looked down at me wistfully and gave my butt a squeeze with his free hand. Ass grabbing aside, I’d never felt so cared for.

  Rhett didn’t expect anything from me in return; in fact, he was all about making sure I was always taken care of. And, because he never did things in a what am I going to get out of this way, he made me feel cherished. Sometimes it felt so one sided.

  I looked up into his eyes and hoped he knew how much I appreciated how he treated me like a queen. It was special.

  “Thank you,” I said sincerely and wrapped my arms around him. “You didn’t have to do all of this, but thank you.”

  “It was no trouble, Sunshine. A guy’s gotta eat,” he replied and kissed the top of my head.

  There was one fantasy I’d had on a regular basis, and I was truly grateful for the food and his efforts. It would be the perfect night to share it with him. I hoped he ate plenty because what I had planned was going to take a lot of energy. Bearing that in mind, I knew I needed to load up, too.

  As the sun went down, storm clouds blew up. Before we were done eating, lightning was flashing in the distance and a low rumble of thunder could be heard over the music coming from the radio in the cab of his truck. We ate the steaks and peppers, and I finished off the tub of pasta salad. I swore that stuff was made out of crack.

  When everything was packed up, I said, “Come on. I’ll show you my workbench. These mosquitos are pissing me off.”

  It was time for me to give him the grand tour with VIP access. All four—nowhere impressive—rooms of my small station.

  “Your workbench, huh?” he queried, lo
oking devilish.

  I adored the light in his eyes. It was just for me. They were the perfect mixture of grey and blue and green—Rhett hazel. In all my life, no one had ever made me feel so desired and wanted, and he could do it without even saying a word. All it took was one molten look. His jaw would flex, and his focus never left my body. He was intoxicating.

  But, I wanted this time to be different. Special for him. I wanted to seduce him. Please him. Show him what he meant to me.

  I stood at the door and held it open for my boyfriend.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  “Now, I don’t want you to get too excited, but I don’t do this very often.” I said, trying my best at being suave. The truth was, nobody I’d ever dated before really cared about seeing inside my old radio station. “Want to come in my booth?”

  If I would have thought about it earlier I would have scheduled one of my hotter playlists, but maybe the spontaneity would be better. He could help.

  I locked the station door, unsure of whether my dad would come back or not, but it was best not to leave it up to chance. The click of the lock blew my cover, and it set Rhett into motion.

  He came up behind me, moved my hair to the side and his mouth kissed a trail from my ear down to my shoulder. It felt so good and it would have been so easy to just let him do his thing.

  The Lord knew how much I enjoyed when he did, but this wasn’t about me. It was for him.

  I turned and lifted up on my toes. “I just remembered something else I need to do.” My hand grabbed his, and I led him into the small room with big glass interior windows.

  Inside, I pulled out my chair and lowered it before motioning for him to sit.

  His demeanor instantly changed. Usually, he looked very much in control, but at that moment I was holding the reins. The subtle shift was all it took to distract him, and he looked around the booth like he didn’t want to touch anything.

  I had a broadcast board, but most of my stuff was run by computer and the three screens which were centered above it. I moved the mouse across the pad to wake up the screens, then pointed to my headphones.

  Silently, he read my cue and handed them to me. I pulled the cord so I’d have more slack than I usually needed. My mic was on a long gooseneck, so it could follow me wherever I was along the desk. I positioned it where I could reach, then clicked a few things to get us set up, praying I could make it work.

  “See this right here?” I asked and pointed to what kind of looked like a stop light on the board. The red light was on, indicating we weren’t live on the air. “When you push this green button and slide this dial up, then I’ll be live. Press this red one, and I’ll be off.”

  I turned to see his astute face beside mine. He was giving me all of his attention.

  “Okay, but you could just do it,” he said.

  “I’ll be busy.” I sat on his lap as I clicked a few things and altered the playlist from what I had planned, adding a few songs that I thought fit the moment. “You can do it. You just have to be ready.”

  I pressed a button on the board that made the station come through the speakers in the room and lowered the volume knob so that it wasn’t too loud, knowing when he hit the green light it would override the sound to the room to avoid feedback. I learned that when I was on the line with tech support, a feature of the new system that would be awesome when I had guests in.

  It was time to give my new equipment a sexy test drive.

  The countdown on the song indicated I had just about enough time to give him the rest of my instructions.

  I got down on the carpeted floor in front of his chair, on my knees, and slipped my headphones over my ears. Above my head, I reached for the microphone. Then I said, “When the song gets down to ten seconds, hit the green button and slide up my volume to where I showed you. I’ll be on air. When I finish talking, press the red one then slide it back down.”

  He looked worried and completely out of his element. It was thrilling watching him be nervous.

  “Are you sure about this, Sunny?”

  I was damn sure.

  “It’s just two little buttons, and I’ll do the rest.”

  I put my hands behind his knees, bringing him closer to the edge of the chair then started to undo the buttons on his jeans.

  The lights were on and his eyes danced from what I was doing to the screen as the song hit its bridge. I could hear it through my headphones, too.

  He balanced himself on the balls of his feet, his hands holding himself up on the armrests of my chair, as I pulled his pants down. I didn’t bother lifting my head, but my eyes cast up at him in time to see him mouth, “Oh my God.”

  I took him into my hand and ran my palm back and forth over his skin as he came to life even more in my touch.

  The last chorus of the song sang through the speakers and adrenaline shot through me. As the last few notes played, I placed a quick kiss on the end of him. Then when I saw the on air light flash above his head, I spoke into the mic.

  “Good evening, Wynne. It looks like a storm is brewing up outside here at WDKR, so I thought I’d pop on and tell everyone to be careful out there. It might be a long night.” My hand stroked him, and as I spoke I studied the fine details of the beautiful man in front of me. “Better find someone to cuddle up with and just ride it out. I’ll have all the new chart toppers and all of your favorite country gold hits playing all night long. Here on Wildcat Country, 98.5 FM.”

  When I was finished with my send off, I took him into my mouth.

  The on air light went out, and then he threaded a hand through the hair at the nape of my neck as Chase Rice’s “Ride” played in my booth. The piano began, and the seductive words followed as the tempo picked up.

  I stayed relatively quiet as I worked him over. Rhett, on the other hand, was more confident of his engineering abilities and made sounds that would surely have me shut down by the FCC if anyone heard.

  Initially, I’d planned on going back on the air for a second time, but I hadn’t considered how much pleasuring him would turn me on. He tasted clean and warm and good. I couldn’t pay attention to much else, so I shoved the microphone out of the way and pulled off my headphones.

  I had to admit, I loved that the overhead lights were on and I could see everything I wanted to. His face and other—equally glorious—parts of his body.

  I gave my jaw a small break and pulled away from him, using my hand in place of my lips and mouth. I turned my face up to his and met his eyes. He blinked slowly, struggling to remain focused. Lust filled and needy, he gazed back at me.

  As his mouth fell slack and his brow bunched, I felt my face do the same, loving how he looked so vulnerable. Loving the effect I had on him.

  His hand was still in my hair and as I leaned up, he pulled my lips up to his. My grip tightened, and praise spilled from his mouth into mine.

  “Ah. That feels so damn good. What are you doing to me?”

  “I’ll do anything for you,” I said, caught up in the moment. “Anything you want.”

  Then without warning, he gently tugged my mouth away from his, holding me there so we were eye to eye.

  “Then take me to your parents’ on Sunday.”

  Where the hell had that come from? I still had his dick in my hand and he wanted to talk about lunch with my mom and dad? He hadn’t asked me to attend his family’s stuff, so I’d held back on inviting him to mine.

  My hand didn’t stop, and he lifted up into it more.

  My voice was weak, but I asked, “Do you want to go?”

  “Yes,” he answered.

  “You can come with me anytime.” Sitting higher up on my knees, I added a second hand and the speed with which I stroked him intensified.

  “If you keep doing that I’m gonna,” he replied out of breath, then leaned in the few inches to close the space between our mouths. Between kisses he kept talking and moaning. “I’ll go anywhere with you, but that’s not an invitation.”

seemed like pillow talk, considering the way we’d avoided town the past month, but I saw an opportunity. “You want an invitation, huh?” I asked rhetorically while kissing his jaw. “Will you go with me to a barbeque at Hannah’s on Friday?”

  “Oh, hell yes,” he said and I felt him pulse inside my grip. His head fell to the side, and I kissed his neck. “Jesus, Sunny. Ah.”

  I wasn’t sure if that was a real answer or just his orgasm, but I noted that he was very agreeable in that state. I could use that in the future—if I were wicked.

  He chuckled and coughed, and my lips tingled from the vibration on his throat.

  I grinned, feeling victorious. It was the first time he’d gotten off before me. Probably not a normal milestone, but a sense of total accomplishment for me, nonetheless.

  “You’re a naughty little girlfriend,” he accused in a tone that made me go from hot to hotter.

  “I thought you’d like my workbench,” I challenged, peering into his hungry eyes.

  He pulled his shirt over his head and said, “Oh, I liked it all right. Now it’s your turn. I hope this room is soundproof.”

  I blushed, remembering how loud I’d been lately, but damn he knew what he was doing. “I can be quiet,” I assured and probably lied.

  He stood, pulled his boots and jeans off, and came at me, stroking himself back to life. Then said, “Don’t you fucking dare.”

  I squealed as he got down on the floor with me. With one strong hand he ripped my shirt over my head, and with the other he pulled me closer to him. He pressed himself against me and I felt him growing hard against my flesh for a second time.

  “Don’t ever hold back from me, Sunshine.”

  When I finally had my shorts worked down my legs and off, and he’d thrown my bra somewhere in the air, we were both naked in my station.

  The swift motion of him lifting me by my ass stole my breath, and my legs wrapped around him.

  “Put your arms around my neck and hang on,” he demanded. His voice was cool and sure.

  On the contrary, I was on fire. Every muscle in me moved in his direction.

  He made one adjustment, positioning himself, then leaned forward with his weight on his arms. In one powerful thrust he was inside of me deeper than he’d ever been, and he gave me everything. Hard and fast.


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