My Kinda Mess

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My Kinda Mess Page 25

by Lacey Black

  Lexi arches her back, allowing me to get even deeper. I can’t stop touching her. I trace her jaw, her neck, and her arms. My eyes devour her movements as she grips my back, hanging on as her sweet pussy starts to tighten its hold. There’s no fight left in me as my own release starts to barrel down. My spine tingles and my balls tighten. After hours of being hard and worked up, there’s just no stopping this release.

  “Don’t stop,” she begs, her legs wrapping around my waist once more. She hangs on tight as I give us both what we want and need. My hips piston forward, driving into her body with enough force to shake the bed.

  “I never want to stop this, Lex. I will always want to fuck you,” I’m panting, my words a rush of emotions. “Forever. It will always be you, baby,” I add, thrusting once more and pushing her over the edge into pure bliss.

  “Yes!” she screams, the bite of her nails piercing my flesh and the vise-tight grip on my cock thrusting me straight into an orgasm. It seems to never end as I move, releasing everything I have into her warm, wet body.

  My limbs fail me as I slump against her body, gasping and sweating. Brown hair is plastered to her neck, but that doesn’t stop my lips from finding soft skin. Her fingers caress my back, her legs still wrapped around my waist, and my happy cock still buried inside her pussy. This is fucking heaven.

  She turns her head, our lips meeting softly. We’re both breathing hard in the aftermath of our epic sex, as our lips caress and tongues dance.

  Knowing that she’s being crushed by my weight, I slip to the side, my dick falling from her body, and pull her with me. She fits perfectly in my arms, her small body nestled against my side.

  We both take a few minutes to recoup. My hand traces tender circles over her shoulder while her fingers toy with the hair on my chest. If I could feel this contentment for the rest of my days, I’d die a happy man.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Hector and the debt I was paying.” As much as I tried to hide that ugliness from her, I know that it was ultimately hurting us by keeping that piece of info in the dark.

  “I get why you didn’t tell me, but you need to know that I don’t care about your past or where you come from. That’s not important to me, but what is important to me is trust. I trusted before and it blew up in my face.”

  “I get that, baby, and I’m sorry. I do trust you, and I hope you trust me.”

  She moves until she’s straddling me, my drugged dick suddenly perked back up and ready for another round. “I do, Linkin. That’s why I’m here.”

  “I won’t ever take that for granted and I’ll never give you reason to question me,” I reply through slightly gritted teeth as she circles her hips and teases my cock.

  Lexi leans forward and takes my lips with her own. “So Viagra, huh?” she asks, that feisty look I fell in love with filling her emerald eyes.

  “Apparently,” I groan as she scratches her nails down my chest and sits on my groin.

  “Hmmmm,” she says, fire dancing in her eyes. “We can’t let that go to waste,” she adds, moving up on my hips and taking my cock in her hand. I can feel the wetness from earlier as she sinks down, taking all of me in one fluid motion.

  “Oh, God,” she groans, her body already tightening around me. “You know,” she starts as she moves up and down, “they say that pregnancy hormones make you horny.” She lifts up and slams back down.

  Yep, she’s going to kill me.

  “You don’t say?” I say, or think I say, but my words might have come out a rush of air and incoherent sounds.

  “Uh huh,” she says, swirling her hips and bearing back down on my cock.

  Pulling her down, my lips attack hers. She continues to move against me, taking us both towards the edge of release. My heart is wide open and completely hers. This feisty, incredible woman swooped in and stole my heart, ensuring it would never be mine again.

  She’s everything I never even knew I wanted in my life.

  And now we’re having a baby.


  It’s a damn good life I live, and it’s all because of her.

  “I can’t wait to find out.”


  hapter Twenty-Five


  Four weeks later

  Do you know what really sucks?

  Morning sickness.

  Mostly because mine isn’t morning sickness at all. Oh, no. I actually get up feeling great. No nausea, no weariness. I feel fine. Not energetic or anything crazy like that, but not any of the typical things associated with pregnancy.

  Now seven p.m.?

  That’s a whole other story.

  Like clockwork, my fatigue and nausea kicks in towards the end of my workday, which basically renders me completely useless. I’m suddenly exhausted and cranky and can’t keep anything in my belly. I’ve tried everything from herbal teas to topical oils, but nothing helps alleviate the early evening sickness that sweeps in.

  Linkin has been amazing. He’s not afraid of a little puke, which is great because there seems to be quite a lot of it lately. He’s also turning pro when it comes to shoulder and foot rubs. Seriously, the man is smoking hot, has more muscles than a gym locker room, a dick that would make any man envious, and can practically evoke orgasms when he gives a foot rub.

  Yep, I’m one lucky woman.

  “How are you feeling today?” Ella asks from her station next to mine.

  “Fabulous,” I reply, flat-ironing Maggie Drew’s long blonde hair until it’s silky and smooth.

  “Oh, I heard you were pregnant,” Maggie says, watching my every move in the mirror. “Your grandma was in the boutique last week and was gushing over some of the new outfits. She’s very anxious for the baby.”

  “It’s been a month and she’s already bought bags of unisex clothes and wants to go crib shopping. It seems a bit early, considering I’ve only had one doctor’s appointment. Next month, I’m scheduled for an ultrasound since their machine was down at my first one,” I say, removing the cape from my client.

  “Ultrasounds! What fun. They didn’t have those things when I had my Joseph. They just came out a surprise,” Maggie adds, carefully standing up from my chair.

  “I think I want to be surprised,” I say to the room at large. “There are very few real surprises in life, ya know?”

  “I agree,” Ella says. “Though I’m not sure I could make it nine months without shopping for specifics. I mean, it would be so easy to shop if you knew if you were having a boy or girl.”

  Very true.

  “What does Linkin say?” Barb wonders.

  “I’m not really sure,” I say somewhat absently. “We haven’t really discussed it.”

  “Oh, there’s plenty of time for that, right?” Cecelia adds.

  “Right,” everyone chimes in.

  I send Maggie on her way and glance down at my schedule. I used to be able to work through lunch, but not anymore. Being pregnant has forced a bunch of changes, in addition to the physical ones to my features. The biggest change is my boobs, which Linkin seems to find great joy in. Of course, they’re sensitive enough that I find great joy in them too.

  My book says I have thirty minutes until my next client, which leaves me just enough time to eat the chicken salad sandwich I brought. The bell on the door rings, announcing a visitor. When I glance up from the desk, I can’t stop the smile that spreads across my face.


  And he brought Chinese.

  The amazing aroma fills the salon and makes my mouth water. Of course, that could be the incredibly sexy man carrying the bag and wearing a smirk. “Hi,” I say as he approaches the desk.

  “Hi,” he answers, stopping in front of me and setting the bag on the counter. “How’s my baby mama?”

  “Suddenly starving,” I answer, grabbing for the bag of food and glancing inside. “Oh my God, you brought kung pao chicken and sautéed vegetables and rice.”

�I did,” he answers with that smirk and a twinkle in his eyes.

  “Your baby mama is hungry. Very, very hungry,” I respond, opening up a Styrofoam container and stealing a piece of chicken.

  “Take it in the back room before you get sauce on the appointment book,” Barb reprimands with a grin.

  Gathering up the bags, careful not to spill any of the precious contents, I get up and meet Linkin around the side of the desk. He bends down and places a kiss on my lips, one I’m happy to reciprocate. “Thanks for bringing me chicken.”

  “It’s not for you; it’s for the baby.” He winks before leading me through the salon and into the back room.

  While I pull the containers from the bag, Linkin goes to the fridge. “Got any water in here?”

  “Bottom drawer.”

  He pulls two bottles of water from the fridge and meets me at the table. Like a true gentleman, he doesn’t even say anything when he realizes I’ve already dug in (without silverware). Instead he just smiles down at me and spears a piece of chicken with a plastic fork.

  “Can I ask you something?” I ask with a full mouth.


  “Do you want to know what we’re having?”

  He glances up, considering my question. “I guess if you want to know, then I’m cool with it. But it would be pretty awesome to be surprised.” His answer makes me smile.

  “I kinda want to be surprised.”

  “Then we’ll wait and be surprised.” That’s it. End of conversation. It makes me incredibly happy that we’re on the same page.

  When we near the end of lunch, he finally asks, “Have you had any luck with the list?”

  “I actually have. I’ve narrowed it down to three,” I say, pulling the sheets of paper from my bag that’s next to the table.

  Linkin studies the papers carefully, mentally making his own lists of pros and cons. I watch as he keeps going back to the third paper. I hold my breath, anxious to hear what he thinks, especially since that one is my favorite.

  “This one,” he says, setting the papers down on the table and pointing to the third choice. “Three bedrooms, family room in back, and a fenced in backyard.”

  “That’s my choice too,” I beam happily.

  “I’ll call the number and make an appointment,” he says, folding up the paper and sticking it into his pocket.

  Linkin and I have shared a bed since we found out we were having a baby. After a few nights of bed-hopping between my place and his, he came to the conclusion that we needed our own place.

  While I love staying at the apartment, it has never really felt like my own place. It’s Abby’s. Almost everything was hers, except for the personal effects I took with me when I left Chris. Linkin says his place has always felt more like a place to sleep and shower. He never really made it a home.

  “The boys will love the backyard,” I say. Part of what attracted me to the place was the fenced in yard. Not only will that be nice with a small child, but it’ll help keep Linkin’s crazy brothers from running amuck in the neighborhood.

  “Definitely. And three rooms,” he points at me. “The Knuckleheads can have a place to stay when they come over.”

  Karen was able to find a full-time job with more stable hours at Blossoms and Blooms as Payton’s full-time employee. Even though she’s working day hours now, the boys still look forward to a night a week at our place. Plus, it gives Karen a night to enjoy a little peace and quiet without being slayed by a sword every five minutes.

  “Exactly,” I reply, smiling.

  Linkin comes around the table and kneels in front of me. “How’s my baby?” he asks softly, his hand rubbing my still-flat stomach.

  “Good, so the little peanut must take after me,” I sass.

  “Ha! Good isn’t one of the terms I would use to describe you,” he quips, the dirty smirk cresting his lips. “Unless we’re talking about blow jobs. Then, good definitely is on the list.”

  “Good? That’s it?” I ask, fretting outrage.

  “Great. Superb. Fucking awesome. The most amazing mouth to ever wrap around my cock,” he says, wrapping his hands around my neck.

  “Much better,” I say before his lips claim mine. The kiss makes my toes curl and my panties damp within the first five seconds.

  “How much longer?” he asks, glancing at his watch.

  “My next appointment should be here in five minutes,” I reply breathlessly.

  “Five minutes, huh? That gives me just enough time,” he says, that wicked little gleam in his eye that I know and love.

  Linkin reaches down and pulls my flats from my feet. He starts with one and rubs the ball, before digging and massaging the arch. “That’s what I’m talking about,” I groan, my entire body relaxing into the chair. “You’re so amazing at this.”

  “That’s what you said last night,” he says with a wink.

  Yeah, he’s right. That’s pretty much what I say every night.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I’ve developed a foot fetish.

  Over these last couple of weeks, I’ve wanted nothing more than to help alleviate some of the aches that come with carrying a life. It kills me every night when she’s throwing up and I can’t take that away for her. But she powers through the vomit, even if it pains me to watch, reminding me that it’ll all be worth it in the long run.

  And hey, morning (or evening) sickness doesn’t last forever, right?

  But let’s get back to her feet. She’s on them all damn day, working her ass off and making a living. The least I can do is give them a little rubdown to help ease some of the pain, correct? Plus, it gives me practice for the end of the pregnancy when they’re starting to swell and really hurt.

  Did you know there are about a million books about babies out there? I know this because I went online and looked, and ordered ten. Each one is different, but the end result is the same. Lexi even reads them with me, even though she had already done a fair amount of research when she was trying to get knocked up the first time around.

  Damn, am I glad that douche got his balls snipped. That decision turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to me.

  My mom is over the moon and keeps asking when I’m going to pop the question. She’s not pushing me by any means, but I can tell she’s excited about the baby and the prospect of finally having a daughter (in-law).

  She told me a few weeks ago when we were alone that she finally paid off the debt. She was so happy and relieved, and after talking with Lexi, I decided not to tell her what I did. Mom is finally in a good place, even though she’s still legally married to the asshole, and I don’t want her to feel guilty or feel like she owes me anything. She doesn’t. Not one damn dime.

  The boys are thrilled, of course. They’ve already named him Thor because they’re both sure he’s a boy. They’ll teach him to ride his bike and climb trees and use a sword.

  I’ve scaled down my hours at Lucky’s, at least for a few more months and then I’ll quit altogether. My lease is up this month and I’m gonna move all of my stuff next door temporarily until we get our own place. Every penny I’m making there goes straight into the account Dean helped me set up for the baby. Lexi often comes up on the nights I work, usually sitting at the end of the bar, nursing a Sprite and devouring nachos. Well, until the evening sickness hits and then she’s in the bathroom in the back office, praying to the porcelain god and swearing like a sailor.

  The wedding is this weekend. Lexi’s sister Jaime gets hitched in just a few days. Everyone is getting excited, including me. This family has really welcomed me with open arms, and is treating me like I’ve been a part of their clan for years. It still makes me wonder how in the fuck Chris could have fucked this all up. How in the hell did he walk away from all of this, making the choices he made?

  I don’t get it, but I’m damn glad he did.

  I check my watch again, anxious to be takin
g the afternoon off. Ernie was thrilled when I told him about the baby and is letting me flex my time as much as I need to so that I don’t miss any of the appointments.

  Last month when we were there, the ultrasound machine had an issue. Even though we confirmed the pregnancy with a pee test, we didn’t get to take a peek at the baby. We were told that we’d get a look at today’s appointment. It’s been a constant source of excitement for both of us, especially in the last few days.

  At three-fifteen, I head out into the mid-April afternoon and hop in Lexi’s car. I dropped her off at work this morning so that we were only dealing with one vehicle. When I pull up in front of the salon, she’s already standing by the window, watching and waiting.

  She slides into the passenger seat, kisses me on the lips, and buckles up for the short drive to her OB. The Gods of Waiting Rooms is on our side today, too. When we walk in, there’s only one other woman there, and she’s called back before we even take our seats. Lexi reaches over and links our fingers as I start to tell her about the 454 big block I just started to rebuild. It’s going into an old El Camino that’s being restored to mint condition. I love the way she lights up when I talk about cars. It’s so fucking hot.

  The mood is light and playful as we walk down the hallway and she steps on the scale. I turn away, not wanting her to think I care about her weight. I’ve known enough women in my life to know you never ask questions or act like you care about whatever number is on the scale. It’s like sex suicide. You bring that shit up and you’re sleeping on the couch for a week, jacking off to old Playboys you found in the basement.

  “How have you been feeling this month?” the nurse asks Lexi.

  “Not too bad. I’m still getting sick, but not quite every evening.”

  “That’s good to hear,” she says, handing her the little cup to pee in. I wait in the hallway while she does her thing, and then we’re escorted to our room. “Everything off below the belt. We’re gonna get a look at your baby today.”


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