Female Domination 10 Book Bundle: Femdom, Findom, BDSM, Chastity Cage, Human Furniture, Bondage, Corporal Punishment, & More!

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Female Domination 10 Book Bundle: Femdom, Findom, BDSM, Chastity Cage, Human Furniture, Bondage, Corporal Punishment, & More! Page 6

by Audra Black

  His tongue found the opening between her lips and soon he was licking her clitoris over and under and all around. He licked and nibbled just a teeny bit, which seemed to be the catalyst for her orgasm. At that point she grabbed hold of his hair, digging her long nails into his scalp as she hissed out, “don’t stop!”

  David gladly obliged, picking up a rhythm where he licked her womanly flower in time with the shudders of pain which soared up his body. He licked, fretted, and teased until her body began to shimmy and shake and she was holding so tightly to his hair that she was pulling long strands of it out. Then came the explosion like a cum-filled supernova, and soon he was soaked in it. It went into his mouth, into his eyes, his hair, down his back... It went everywhere.

  “You may be useful, after all,” Katherine said, throwing her head back and laughing heartily. “Has anyone ever told you, slave-toy that you have a most talented tongue?”

  “No, they haven’t, Mistress. Thank you for being the first.”

  “Don’t go getting a big head about it,” Katherine said. “You’re good at one thing. I still have so much to teach you if I let you stay.”

  “I will learn whatever you need me to learn, Mistress.” David said anxiously. Somehow, when the Kali’s teeth went on he’d assumed he had passed her test. But now, after giving her the ultimate oral fucking she was still considering turning him out? His disappointment and fear caused his dick to shrivel back to normal, thus causing the unrelenting pain to relent.

  “What more can I do to please you, Mistress?”

  “For starters you can clean up the mess you made. I am going to take a shower and while I am gone you can use that talented tongue of yours to clean up this bed and anywhere else you see bits of cum. When I return you may take your own shower.”

  Katherine got up and went into the bathroom leaving David alone with his task. He’d hoped she would take him into the shower with her. Perhaps another time, if she let him stay. If he questioned or disobeyed or disappointed her in any way she would surely send him packing. He would stay where he was and do his damnedest to clean up every last drop.

  He pretended his tongue, which was extremely sore and tired, by this time, was a magical cum vacuum and he worked diligently to suck up every single drop he found. He covered the entire bed, then got down on the carpet, and went over the parts of her bed covers which dropped down to the floor. He was busily inspecting the carpet when she returned from her shower.

  “You aren’t finished yet?”

  “Almost, Mistress. I’m sorry I wasn’t faster.”

  “You will be sorry. Honestly, slave-toy, this is the reason I hesitate to keep you. As soon as you are through I am going to give you a good caning which will hopefully deal with your speed issues.”

  He hadn’t endured enough pain with her cruel nail bracelet? As he hurriedly licked up the final few spots he found, he dueled with feelings of rage, helplessness, fear, and shame. He was angry at how unappreciative and demanding she was. Couldn’t she see how hard he tried and how much he wanted to please her?

  And he felt helpless because it seemed no matter what he tried to accomplish in this life it was never enough. The fear came more from being tossed out alone on the streets than the prospect of more pain, although he wasn’t thrilled about that part, either.

  The shame flooded him last because he was failing his mistress. He reminded himself she was a goddess, of course she expected perfection. She deserved it, too. She was rewarding him with the chance to serve her and he kept messing it up. He deserved to be caned, he felt. Maybe, she was right, and it would even help him deal with his feelings and to correct his behavior.

  He stood when he was finished and faced Katherine with his head hung low. “I’m sorry, I failed you, Mistress. I’m ready to receive any punishment you feel is necessary.”

  Katherine opened up a cupboard David had never seen before, it was painted to blend into the wall, so it wasn’t noticeable unless you knew it was there, already. And she pulled out a very sturdy looking ruler. It was thick and bendy and made from material that would not break.

  “Hold out your hands, palms down, arms extended straight,” she instructed.

  David did as he was told.

  “I’ve known you for over a decade, wannabe-slave-toy. And in all that time you have carried around with you all of this emotional baggage, and it is inappropriate for my toys. My toys are to care about one thing and that is serving me. I can’t abide them caring about anything else. So what we are going to do is you are going to shout out everything that is currently getting in the way of serving me and for each worry or care I shall strike your knuckles with my ruler. It will hurt you and I want you to imagine the concern being carried away by the pain. When the pain is gone, so will be your fear. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” David said, though he was doubtful it would work.

  “You may begin,” she said.

  David didn’t know where to begin. “I got fired from my job,” he said.

  “Crack, Crack” the ruler sang as it connected with his knuckles.

  “And why were you fired?”

  “Because I was late too often,” he said, trying extremely hard not to pull his hands away when he saw the ruler swishing through the air. “Craack, Craack,” it sang while fire blazed through his hands.

  “Why were you late so often?” Katherine smiled as she watched the struggle behind his eyes as he tried desperately to think while preventing himself from dealing with the pain.

  “I don’t know. Sometimes I slept through my alarm, other times I just lost track of time or got caught in a traffic jam.”

  She swung the ruler so fast that time he heard it sizzle through the air like lightning before he felt it crash full force on his poor injured hands. He gasped and involuntarily dropped his arms down from the force and the sting. He brought them right back up, though he managed to rub them on his sides once, on the way back up.

  “That was not a truthful answer, wannabe. I can’t have toys who lie to me.”

  “I’m sorry Mistress,” he said through gritted teeth. He tried to think more deeply until a light bulb suddenly went off in his head. “I didn’t want it enough!”

  “Craaack, Craaack,” sang the ruler and as the fire burned through his hands he tried to do as Katherine suggested, allowing all of the guilt and shame he had carried for losing his job and his status as a money earner to melt away in the flames.

  “Why didn’t you try hard enough, toy?”

  “I’ve never tried hard enough,” David replied. “I’ve always held back with everything I’ve ever tried.”

  “Tell me why,” Katherine ordered.

  “Because I was afraid to fail,” David answered.

  “Craaaack, Craaaaack,” sang the ruler and he used the pain to gather all of his fear together and to dump into the burning center of his hands.

  “Are you afraid to fail me?” Katherine asked.

  “No, because I won’t fail you.” David was able to say this with complete conviction. He didn’t know what powerful voodoo she had had performed on him, but he totally believed that he would now throw himself 1000% into serving his mistress.

  Katherine must have believed him as well because she returned the ruler to its hiding place. “Go and take your shower. Be quick about it. When you return I need you to make me a cup of tea and then serve as my bedside table for the night.”

  On his way to the bathroom he remembered his chastity cage and wondered if he ought to wear it in the shower. He refrained from asking, however, because if his mistress wanted him to take it off she would tell him to. He stayed in the shower just long enough to wash off Katherine’s cum. He did add a dash of shampoo into his hair and spread it over his face, shoulders and neck. He felt soaping up his entire body would take too long, so he stuck to the necessities, then hopped out and dried himself off.

  When he re-entered Katherine’s bedroom, he found her relaxing on her bed with the TV on

  “About time. Now go make me some Elderberry tea, and hurry it up. We both have to be up early in the morning.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he said, before scurrying off to the kitchen. He had to admit enjoying being commanded to remain in the buff. It was rather freeing, although his cage felt unnatural and clunky. Sometimes he could forget it was there, until he moved or his dick did.

  David made sure to read the directions on the back of the tea box since he hadn’t made tea for her before. On his own he probably would have winged it, but when completing tasks for his mistress, time and competency were always the highest priority. As soon as the tea was done he carried the tea pot and a clean teapot back to his mistress. He would have brought a plate or a tray, but since he was to be her table for the night he figured his back would have to do.

  “Move that plant over by the door and kneel there in the corner between my bed and the wall.”

  David gingerly moved the giant fake house plant then took his place on his hands and knees. Katherine draped a red tablecloth over his back and head, before resting the full teapot and her teacup on his back.

  “Lose your balance and I won’t need to punish you,” Katherine said. “The scalding hot water will do that for you.”

  “Yes, Mistress. I will not falter.” He promised.

  Once he was settled, Katherine promptly began ignoring him again. He could hear the TV but couldn’t see any light due to the thick fabric of the tablecloth which covered his head and face. He felt her movements when she would set her cup down or pick it back up. He began losing feeling in his limbs long before his mistress began snoring.

  It was going to be a long night, he realized, one in which he would get no sleep at all. Perhaps this was his penance for all the nights previous when he had slept in long after Katherine had gotten up and left for work. He had been a lazy bugger, he had to admit. But that was the old David. The new David was conscientious, dependable and absolutely loyal. To Katherine, anyway. If it wasn’t for her he knew he would quickly return to his old selfish ways.

  Truth be told, he had been miserable for years, the only thing keeping him going was his unrequited love for Katherine. Perhaps losing his job wasn’t the catastrophe he’d thought it was. What if it was actually the best thing that had ever happened to him? If he wouldn’t have lost his job, he reasoned. He would never have been desperate enough to offer to be Katherine’s slave, and if he wouldn’t have offered that he would have never discovered his true purpose in life.

  Who knew his true destiny would involve so much pain? But pain was pleasure, they were two heads of the same coin, and as David knelt stiffly there in the dark, he felt happier than he had in his entire life.

  The End

  Serving Dawn Delilah

  Audra Black

  TYLER BECKHAM YAWNED as he drove his dark blue Volvo into the driveway of 682 Turtledove Place. It was a bungalow, white trim on the outside, with a well kept yard and a picket fence. The American dream, Tyler thought sourly as he turned off the ignition and got out of his car.

  Tyler was a delivery driver for Willing’s Grocery. It barely paid minimum wage. If his employer didn’t compensate him for the gas he wouldn’t be able to make his rent. Even then he lived in a crack shack with three other dudes who never cleaned up after themselves. And who never failed to appreciate all the hard work Tyler put in to at least keep the place just below the safety code condemnation line.

  No, he couldn’t lie to himself anymore, Tyler thought, as he unloaded the four paper bags from the trunk and began heading for the front door – his life sucked big time. This was his last delivery of the night and it might be his last one forever. He wasn’t sure he could go on like this any longer.

  Tyler’s hands were full so he had to knock on the door with his shoe. Normally, he wouldn’t be so rude, but if this was to be his last run ever it didn’t matter.

  The screen door was opened immediately by a breathtaking woman with long curly black hair, gorgeous tits, the perfect figure, legs that lasted for days, and rippling stiletto heels. She was so beautiful Tyler could only stare, mouth agape, none of his usual business script coming out.

  “Well, don’t just stand there like a statue. Bring my groceries into the kitchen and set them down gently on the counter.”

  Tyler didn’t usually go inside customers houses. It was against the rules, but he didn’t care about the rules anymore. Besides, when a woman as captivating as she was gave him a command, Tyler felt compelled by every bone in his body to obey her. He was just wired like that.

  Tyler entered inside and followed the lady to the left, where she had a large, open kitchen which felt warm and cheery, nothing like the disgusting hellhole of a kitchen at his place. He set the bags down carefully on the big island counter in the middle of the room. He noticed large pots waiting on the stove. He was about to ask if she was having a dinner party, but she spoke first.

  “I am Dawn Delilah, welcome to my humble home. Can you cook?”

  “Um, a little. I haven’t really had a place to cook in, for quite a while,” Tyler said, at once entranced by her silky voice, (It sent delightful shivers down his spine), and confused by her question.

  “I’m having a dinner party for my friends this evening and the little shit who was supposed to do the cooking quit on me at the last minute. See if I ever blister his behind again. I suppose you’ll have to do for the time being.”

  “I,” Tyler opened his mouth to protest, but his mind and his cock were too busy imagining being bent over Dawn Delilah’s knee while she blistered his bare bottom with a heavy wooden paddle.

  “You don’t have anything better to do tonight, do you?” Dawn asked.

  “What?” He snapped reluctantly back to reality.

  Dawn stepped closer to Tyler, her hands resting on his shoulders, her long red nails, digging through the inferior cloth of his blue polo shirt and down into his skin. “I said, surely, you don’t have anything more important to do tonight than serve me. I am Dawn Delilah, after all. And who are you?”

  “Ty, Tyler Beckham.” He managed to squeak out. He could feel his cock rising and hardening in response to Dawn’s intoxicating presence.

  “But who are you?” She asked again, nuzzling his ear lightly with her tongue. “Are you a servant or a master?”

  “I, I dunno. A servant, maybe?”

  “That’s what I thought you’d say.” Dawn said approvingly, removing her hands and stepping away from him. “Since you are a servant and I am a Master. It’s only fitting that you serve me here tonight.”

  “I guess so,” Tyler said, his hard-on still making it difficult for him to think clearly.

  “Wonderful, tonight’s menu is taped to the fridge. The ingredients you need are in the bags you delivered, and I’m sure you are at least intelligent enough to find the pots and utensils you need. All you have to do is open cupboards and drawers until you find them.”

  Dawn Delilah turned on her heels to leave the room. “I must go and prepare for my guests, when I return I want you to be naked.”

  Tyler was so shocked by this request that he let her leave the kitchen and disappear from his sight before the words of protest left his lips. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He spoke lamely into thin air.

  What was he supposed to do now? He wondered. He had agreed to make her dinner? Without Dawn’s physical presence his dick had relaxed and he was able to think more clearly now. Not that this helped him at all to figure out what had just happened to him, and what he was supposed to do next.

  Dawn did seem to need his help, and Tyler used to be a pretty good cook, back in the days before the crack shack, when he’d had a family to love and care for. Thinking of those times was painful, so he rarely indulged himself unless he was drinking.

  Tyler found the menu taped to the refrigerator, and he read it for something to do, to chase away the melancholy: Shrimp Gemelli, with Arugula and Feta. The directions on how to make it were written
below in very neat, elegant handwriting. It sounded delicious and intriguing. Tyler’s stomach grumbled as he read the ingredients. They were simple enough he believed he could do it. And so he grabbed the pasta and began to cook it.

  It felt good, he realized to be of service. To do something for someone who needed him. Sure, Willing’s Grocery customers needed him, too, but that was different. They didn’t need him specifically, and he was being paid, so the satisfaction was not the same. In this situation, he felt like he was the only man who was truly able to step up and take care of Dawn Delilah’s needs, and that felt really good.

  While he was adding the shrimp and garlic to the pasta another vehicle tried to pull into the driveway, but couldn’t because Tyler’s Volvo was blocking the way. The driver expressed his annoyance by jumping on the horn. Tyler wondered if this was Mr. Delilah, and his heart sank because that possibility hadn’t occurred to him before.

  Dawn suddenly appeared in the hallway, Tyler just caught a glimpse of her in a very flattering lacy, black corset, which seemed an odd choice to wear to a dinner party. But he didn’t have time to ponder this further before she flew passed to open the front door and bellow, “Lay off that horn, Cal. You lost that spot when you betrayed me.” And then she slammed the door shut and marched into the kitchen to check on Tyler.

  “Why aren’t you naked?”

  “I didn’t want to burn myself,” was the only answer he could come up with. His mind was too busy trying to figure out who Cal was, and what he’d done to betray Dawn. He must be a despicable person though, Tyler decided.

  “By the looks of it, you’re almost done, So take your clothes off now. You will be serving my guests tonight and my serving boys are naked as a rule. You wouldn’t want to disappoint my friends, would you?”


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