Female Domination 10 Book Bundle: Femdom, Findom, BDSM, Chastity Cage, Human Furniture, Bondage, Corporal Punishment, & More!

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Female Domination 10 Book Bundle: Femdom, Findom, BDSM, Chastity Cage, Human Furniture, Bondage, Corporal Punishment, & More! Page 8

by Audra Black

  This was a little more control than Tyler had thought about. Dawn Delilah didn’t just want a servant, he realized. She wanted a slave. She truly wanted full control over every aspect of his life. He’d only met her a few hours ago. Was he truly read to hand over everything to her control?

  “This is your last chance to walk out,” Mistress Dawn said. She rose from the couch to invade his personal space. She reached up and ran a few fingers lightly through his hair. With the other hand she stroked his cheek. “Once you agree to these final conditions you’ll be mine forever. I didn’t go far enough with Cal, and he betrayed me. I can’t take that chance again.”

  Tyler couldn’t think or breathe with Dawn so close to him. He stepped back. “Let me think about it while I clean up.”

  “You have until midnight. When my grandfather clock chimes you must decide.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” Tyler choked out, before escaping to the blessed silence of the kitchen. He was much too anxious now to eat, so he filled the sink up with hot soapy water and tried to force his brain to make a decision.

  His life before meeting Dawn was awful. He hadn’t felt a single moment of joy since Lisa died. Dawn was nothing like Lisa. Dawn was so beautiful and strong and commanding. She knew exactly what she wanted and she took it. She knew what Tyler wanted to, or at least what he needed. He hadn’t wanted her to beat him black and blue, yet it was precisely what he needed.

  His backside still burned. It hadn’t hurt too much to sit on the sofa because the cushions were so soft, but he could still feel bruises. He was going to feel today’s spankings for at least a week, maybe longer. But he also knew that when that week passed, his old sorrowful burdens would not return. He knew that he would never feel as hopeless and depressed as he had when he’d walked in Mistress Dawn’s door, that evening.

  For what she had given him, she deserved all his loyalty. All his money, too. She could have it. And his freedom.... If she wanted that, she could have it, too. Tyler wouldn’t even have a future if it wasn’t for her. It would be ungrateful and selfish of him if he refused to repay her.

  By the time the dishes were done, Tyler had it settled in his heart. And when the grandfather clock chimed twelve times, he went and knelt before Dawn Delilah. He handed her his wallet and his keys, and he said, “I surrender my life, my meager wealth, and my freedom to you, Mistress, because I want to serve you every day for the rest of my life.”

  The End

  Mistress Gina’s Sissy

  Audra Black

  Richard Sullivan was standing in line at airport security, waiting for his carry-on bag to be scanned for explosives or contraband. He didn’t have anything like that inside his bag, however, he was carrying something he didn’t want anyone else to see. Something that if discovered would be highly embarrassing for him.

  He had debated with himself whether he should even bring it with him. He was only going to a business meeting one state over. And would only be away from home for one night. Surely, he could sleep for one night in his boxer shorts. But he hadn’t worn his lacy lingerie for a few nights and he was anxious about this promotion he’d been teased about. Having his soft, feminine panties to wear as he lay in his hotel bed, worrying about impressing the big boss would calm him and make him feel better.

  And so he had taken the chance and buried his Victoria Secret lingerie at the very bottom of his overnight bag. He had gotten through security just fine on his way to the meeting, and he had worn his silky purple panties and negligee all night in his springy queen sized bed.

  And he had pleasured himself while watching porn, fantasizing that he was the beautiful lady in the movie being banged by the second gorgeous blond amazon. Richard only enjoyed watching lesbian porn because he didn’t find the male form attractive at all.

  Sometimes his own body disgusted him, although he didn’t feel that way all the time. He enjoyed being a man sometimes, with all the perks that came with it, but then there was this other side of him. This feminine side that he desperately wished he could express. There were times when he wanted nothing more than to dress up in a strapless black gown, pull on sheer pantyhose, some fine jewels and dance the night away at a crowded night club.

  Of course, Richard was much too shy and ashamed of his proclivities to actually do anything like that. Instead, he kept his female desires locked up tight and never even allowed himself to go all the way when it came to dressing up.

  He wore women’s underwear at night, and that was it. Because he was afraid that if he allowed himself to take it any further that he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back anymore, and that one day he might do something reckless and dangerous, like dress as a woman in public! If people ever saw that side of him, Richard could only imagine what they would say or think. And what if his boss found out?

  Richard had slaved away in a freezing cubicle for too long to lose out on this brand new promotion just because he had an unusual fetish. No, it would not be worth it, and so like a responsible adult, he hid that side of himself and kept it buried down as deep as he possibly could. It was the only way to be safe.

  Richard moved up in line as his navy blue duffel bag was sent through the scanner. He held his breath while he waited for it to safely exit through to the other side. Once he saw it slide down into the safe zone, he let out his breath and casually walked through the human gateway.

  His heart began to thrum painfully in his chest when the alarm went off, and a tall amazon woman with short, shockingly blond hair and clear blue eyes waving a wand and a walkie, called him over.

  “Hold up your arms and let me scan you,” she ordered, deftly waving her electric wand up and down his body. Nothing went off again, so she ordered him to open his bag.

  “But it’s been checked, already,” Richard protested.

  “Not by me,” the security agent said. “Now unzip that zipper and let me check it now.”

  She had a very commanding voice and she frightened him a little. Richard quickly unzipped his bag and pleaded with God for the guard to not notice his frilly undergarments.

  “And what are these?” she asked, pulling out his purple panties and holding them up for the world to see. “Someone is a very dirty boy, or should I say girl? Are you a girl in disguise?” Her voice was loud and dripping with sarcasm and disgust.

  Richard’s cheeks reddened as shame and revulsion filled his body. All he wanted was to disappear into a melty puddle right there on the checkered tile floor. He heard a man laughing behind him and Richard snatched the panties out of the intimidatingly gorgeous guard’s hands, shoving it desperately back into his bag.

  “Embarrassed are we? Don’t want anyone to see your lady garments?” She mocked him, even more loudly this time.

  “Please stop,” Richard begged. All of his worst nightmares were being acted out in front of his eyes, and while his stomach muscles clenched and tightened in a painful vise grip, his cock, for some strange reason was warming and growing in an excited manner.

  The blond amazon grabbed his chin and pulled his face closer towards her, she smelled of jasmine and gardenia, and his body shuddered at her touch.

  “Tell the truth, girly-slut. You don’t really want me to stop, do you?”

  And in spite of the bizarre circumstances. In spite of the crowds watching and laughing and jeering at him she spoke the truth. Richard didn’t want her to stop. He didn’t want her to let go of him. Her scent and her touch and her strong presence hypnotized him and held him in her dark sway. He would do anything for this woman. He loved her!

  Before he could voice any of this, she pressed her thick luscious lips against his and kissed him hard and fast, before letting him go and tossing him back so hard, he stumbled and almost lost his footing.

  “You may go now,” she said in a bored tone, as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. Richard was flabbergasted and lost. He grabbed his bag and wandered off to the airline’s waiting area with a fuzzy, floaty head and a cock as hard as a rock.

  He sank down into an empty seat, then jumped when the fellow beside him burst out laughing, “That security bitch really nailed your balls to the wall. If you had any balls to nail, that is.” Then he stared at Richard in a creepy, lecherous way, as if he had x-ray vision and could determine Richard’s anatomy by peering through his gray, pinstripe suit.

  Richard felt shame again. He’d always known this was how people would react if they knew. This was why he’d worked so hard to keep his female side a secret. How could that security bitch have done this to him? If he reported her could he get her fired? If he somehow lost his job from this, could he sue her?

  “Leave the poor dear alone,” the skinny, brunette sitting on the laughing man’s other side said. “Don’t be such a bigot.”

  “I am not a bigot,” the man protested.

  Before the couple’s argument could continue the loudspeaker crackled on, announcing their flight, something for which Richard was quite grateful. He stood and slung his duffel over his shoulder. He hoped his assigned seat would be far away from this couple. His seat ended up being right in the center of the plane, with either lavatory being an equal distance away. The plane was an older one with just two seats on either side of the aisle.

  Richard shoved his trouble making duffel bag into the overhead compartment, then took his seat by the window. He hoped his seatmate was not someone who had been in line behind him when his secret had been revealed.

  Then a familiar scent washed over him and he looked up in shock and horror to see his amazon tormentor standing over him.

  “Hello there sissy toy. Guess who’s sitting to next to you all the way to Boise?”

  “You may call me Mistress Gina,” she reached out a long, slender white arm for him to shake.

  Richard touched her hand and his dick stood up to salute her.

  “You have a little problem down there,” Mistress Gina said, as she settled into the seat beside him. “What if I said I could take care of it for you? Make it less of an issue?”

  Richard didn’t understand what she was talking about. “What do you mean?” He asked.

  “You aren’t really a man,” Mistress Gina said. “So you don’t need that cock of yours. I have the power to make that go away and to add something much more appropriate in it’s place.”

  While the airplane taxied to the runway, Richard tried to imagine living without a penis. His feminine side loved the idea, but the rest of him was terrified. But boobs? Could this beautiful, commanding stranger really give him breasts?

  No, he couldn’t. He had to hide this side of him. Boobies were not something he could hide under his shirt. Unless they weren’t permanent. “Would these changes just be temporary?” He asked.

  “That would be entirely up to me,” Mistress Gina said. “I don’t let my sissies make important decisions like that. It hurts their little heads too much.”

  Richard was not an idiot, he reflected as the plane ramped up its speed, racing faster and faster down the runway, before finally taking the leap and soaring up into the air. There was no way he was going to give up his personal autonomy to become Mistress Gina’s sissy slave. No matter how much the idea appealed to a small part of him.

  Besides he had a job, he had a life. Sort of. He couldn’t risk all that for a silly fantasy.

  Mistress Gina pulled something out of thin air, or so it appeared to Richard, who could see no pockets in her skin tight black Lycra pants or equally form fitting white blouse. Long black lace up boots completed the outfit, and she tossed one of those boots over her long slender legs in his direction.

  Richard felt like a bug in her presence and he feared that she could easily squash him with those long stiletto heels. His eyes were so focused on those glorious boots of hers that he almost didn’t recognize his drivers license when she flashed it before his eyes.

  “Hey, what are you doing with that?” He demanded.

  “I took it from your wallet,” she said nonchalantly. “While it was in my possession I did an internet search and I now know everything about you, including where you work. You wouldn’t want me to tell your boss what you wear in your free time, would you?’

  “That’s blackmail,” Richard cried, furiously. “It’s illegal. What I do isn’t illegal. I’m not hurting anybody.”

  “Oh, but you are,” Mistress Gina corrected, leaning in closer to him, so he could hear her over the sound of the flight attendant giving safety instructions over the loud speaker. “You’re hurting yourself by not going all the way with it. You are not a man. You are a sissy, and until you fully embrace your true status, you will never be a real person.”

  Mistress Gina was right, Richard thought. He wasn’t a real man. He didn’t deserve to have a cock or balls. He was a fraud walking around in a man suit.

  “I know you, my sissy. I knew who you were, the moment I first laid eyes on your fidgeting ass in the security line. You were nervous, anxious, miserable, afraid. Let me remove those burdens from you and allow you to be who you really are. You won’t have to think anymore. Won’t have to make decisions for yourself. You won’t be alone. You will be my sissy girl, and I’ll take care of you.”

  Richard felt tears prick his eyes. Hastily, he flipped off his seat belt and stood, not wanting Mistress Gina to see him cry.

  “Take your bag with you and put on your frilly underthings,” Mistress Gina said, loudly enough for the woman across the aisle to raise her eyebrows and stare at him, as he entered the narrow aisle.

  Richard had never worn his female panties or bra in public before. Even under his clothes, he’d been too afraid to do it. But now Mistress Gina was blackmailing him and ordering him to do it. He had no other choice, right?

  Without giving himself time to change his mind, he hauled his bag out of the overhead compartment and carried it to the lavatory at the back of the plane.

  He had to hold it high to avoid smacking anyone in the back of the head, and he received a ton of curious looks and a few unfriendly glares. Richard had never liked being the center of attention, and he wasn’t liking it any better now.

  But he had choice, he reminded himself. Mistress Gina was making him do this. It was she that everyone was really mad at, they just didn’t know it. These thoughts comforted him and made him feel better about squeezing into the lav and setting his bag down on the toilet.

  He pulled down his black, manly business trousers, pulling them off completely and then he pulled out his purple, lacy, frilly girly panties. He loved how soft they felt and how just holding them made him feel. He gently pulled them up to his waist and then pulled out the matching brassiere. He hooked it around his lily white chest and admired himself in the mirror. When he looked at himself during these moments, he never saw a man, instead he envisioned a beautiful woman with long flowing brown hair, a pretty face, real breasts, and no cock. When Richard put on his girly clothes he didn’t want to be a man, in those moments he longed to be all woman. And maybe now that he’d met Mistress Gina some of his dreams were going to come true.

  “There’s a line out here, asshole,” a voice accompanied a loud knock on the lavatory door.

  “Sorry, be right out,” he shouted before reluctantly pulling his trousers back on. Now he looked like a man again. When he returned to his seat would anyone be able to tell what he wore underneath?

  Sliding the door open, Richard squeezed out and tried not to stare at the glowering man blocking the aisle and his return to his seat.

  “Excuse me,” he mumbled.

  “My old lady takes less time in the lav than you do,” the man complained. “are you more of a pussy than she is?”

  How was he supposed to answer that? No, I’m a man and if you don’t let me pass I’m gonna punch you in the nuts? Or yes, I am a pussy. I’m wearing ladies underwear right now, want to see?

  The hulking brute moved out of the way to enter the lav before Richard had a chance to choose his response. He blew out his breath and slowly returned to his seat, h
aving to duck into someone else’s row to avoid the flight attendant who was handing out beverages and pretzels.

  The row he’d invaded was occupied by two elderly women.

  “Excuse me, young man. Are you wearing women’s underwear?” One of the blue haired biddies asked in an extremely loud voice?

  Richard cringed and turned red as everyone in the immediate vicinity, including the flight attendant turned and stared at him.

  Fuck, now everyone knows, he thought.

  He slunk back to his seat beside Mistress Gina with the humiliation still ringing in his ears.

  “My sissy has returned,” she said. “And did you do as I commanded?” She stuck her right hand inside the waistband of his pants before he could reply.

  Oh My God! He thought as Mistress Gina’s hand fondled his girly panties, stroking his dick through the frilly lace. Something that should not be happening. It was so wrong, yet it felt so good. Richard shuddered under her hand.

  “You don’t deserve this dick, you disgusting sissy,” Mistress Gina hissed into his ear. “These panties are the only thing you deserve to wear, and I am going to rid you soon of the mistake of your birth.”

  Richard breathed hard as his despicable member shrank limply under her words. She was right, he didn’t deserve it, and part of him longed for it to be gone.

  “Don’t look so sad, sissy toy. I’m going to make you beautiful. I’m going to rectify nature’s mistake and you will be so grateful you will serve me willingly all your days.”

  “Now let’s do something about those appalling nails of yours. A sissy’s nails should never be without color.” While he’d been away, she had pulled down her own bright pink traveling bag and from within it she withdrew a bottle of red nail polish.

  “lLay your hands down on your tray table and let me paint them for you,” Mistress Gina instructed.

  “And I’m going to give you a new name. One more befitting of your station,” Mistress Gina said. “I think Richae is a nice name. So I will call you that from now on, and it is the only name you will answer to. That or sissy, of course. Do you understand me, Richae?” Mistress Gina asked as she unscrewed the nail polish bottle.


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