Female Domination 10 Book Bundle: Femdom, Findom, BDSM, Chastity Cage, Human Furniture, Bondage, Corporal Punishment, & More!

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Female Domination 10 Book Bundle: Femdom, Findom, BDSM, Chastity Cage, Human Furniture, Bondage, Corporal Punishment, & More! Page 10

by Audra Black

  Greg reluctantly began taking off all of his clothes. He tried not looking at either woman as he did so though it was impossible for his erection not to notice. Once he was fully in the buff, Emmeline bent down to pick them all up from the floor where they’d fallen. He couldn’t help but admire her generous cleavage which her maid’s outfit barely covered.

  “Thank you, Emmeline, that will be all for now. I’ll call for you when Greg needs them back.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Emmeline curtsied quickly, which Greg couldn’t help but think was adorable, before turning around and heading back the way she’d came.

  “Now that you are finally ready,” Mistress Lita said, “let the games begin,” she smiled a wicked looking smile and turned the key in the lock.

  Then with a small flourish of her black gloved hand she gave the door a little push. It swung open with a creak, like one would expect from a very old door, and she made an ‘after you’ motion which quickly propelled Greg through the door.

  He stopped just inside there to gaze around in awe. The walls were made to look like stone, the floor was concrete and there was a purposeful chill in the air which assaulted his poor cock. He could feel it falling limp as a nervous pit formed in his stomach. The electric wall sconces looked so much like fire torches that he couldn’t help but with he could pull one down and use it to warm his crotch.

  There was a small steel cage in one corner, just large enough to fit a man inside. In another corner he noticed a long bench with cuffs attached, head and foot. Long chains and ropes hung from the walls as did many different kinds of whips.

  “I have another man I have to deal with right now,” Mistress Lita suddenly said, so why don’t you finish admiring your new room from inside that cage over there? It will give you time to meditate on how your life choices and to reconsider what you have just signed up for,”

  Greg’s limp cock weakly thrilled at the idea of being locked up and confined in that small, cramped space. He willingly crawled inside (he had to crawl because it wasn’t tall enough for him to stand) and then once he was in, she slammed the door and bolted the outer lock in place.

  “Have fun, Greg,” she cackled at him, “I’ll be back soonish,” she said, then after a long pause for effect, “probably. No one else has the key to this room, so if something were to happen to me or if I forget to come back, I’m afraid no one else will be able to help you. That’s why we had you sign the waiver absolving us of all guilt were that to happen.” She laughed evilly then left him in silence to contemplate the possibilities.

  The cage was even smaller than he’d realized before getting in it. His back was to one wall, while his feet pressed against the door. His head brushed the smooth ceiling, and he found he was stuck in the one position because there wasn’t enough room for him to even turn around. He really hoped Mistress Lita was kidding when she said he could be stuck in there forever.

  As his limbs began to go numb from the lack of movement and the cold he noticed the dungeon was full of many other ways he could be restrained. From an old fashioned stock with head and hand holes, to a platform from which he assumed the victim would be hung from the wrists. He especially found his eyes drawn to the riding crops and paddles, harnesses and what he now recognized as a small paddock.

  Perhaps it had something to do with the human pony shit he’d agreed to. Greg sincerely hoped Mistress Lita would return soon so she could start using some of those implements on him. He ended up waiting a lot longer, or at least it felt like it to him, before he finally heard the key turning in the lock and he saw his glorious Mistress return to rescue and torture him.

  “Good, you’re still there,” she smirked. “Now, if I let you out of there what will you give me?”

  “Uh,” Greg was confused. “Was she bribing him or was this part of the game?”

  “I’m not supposed to do this,” she said crouching down in front of his cage so she could look him in the eyes. “Financial Domination is not on the permissions sheet, but frankly, a woman like me has needs, and they don’t pay me enough to meet them all. So how much will you give me to let you out of there?”

  She was serious! Greg didn’t know what to say. He’d already spent most of his savings to afford this all day play scene. “I, I don’t have much money left,” he admitted shamefacedly. “I’m sorry. I wish I had something to give you. I really do.”

  She grabbed a taser from her belt loop and stuck it through the bars, extremely painful volts of electricity shot through his arm and up through his shoulder and neck. He screamed and tried to move away from the pain but the walls of his cage prevented him from going anywhere.

  “I’m sorry, Mistress,” she corrected him. “You will respect me by calling me by my proper title.”

  “I’m sorry, Mistress,” he gasped out through the excruciating glorious pain.

  She removed her taser and instantly the pain subsided.

  Greg was both relieved and disappointed. He had signed up for pain, after all, but wanting pain and receiving pain were two very different animals.

  “Lets’ try this again,” she said in a reasonable tone. “If I don’t let you of there you won’t be able to return to work. And if you can’t go back to work, you won’t be able to make any more money. But if I release you, you can return to work where you will be able to make more money. Money which you can give to me. Think of it as an ongoing thank you tribute for all I’m going to do for you, today.”

  “What about my safe word, Mistress?” Greg asked. “If I say Mundane will you stop the scene or will you ignore it and continue to blackmail me?”

  “If you wuss out and use your safe word, then this scene will end. I’ll let you out and you can return to your mundane, unsatisfying, boring little world, never knowing what exquisite joys you missed out on.”

  “Mistress, if you let me go, I could have you arrested or at least fired,” Greg said. He wasn’t sure why he was being stupid enough to threaten an angry woman with a taser, but he didn’t feel like he was threatening her. More like testing her, to see if he could trust her enough to give in to her demands. The truth was, Greg was getting a massive hard-on from her manipulations. The taser had warmed his body enough to allow his cock to come alive once again and neither of them wanted to leave the dungeon early.

  “You could do that,” Mistress Lita said. “But you forget, I can see your erection. I know you’re as turned on by this as I am.”

  Greg felt his face turn red, he had forgotten. “What you say is true, Mistress, but what if after I leave here and return to work I decide to renege on our deal? What would you do?” He and his cock waited anxiously to hear her response.

  “I would hunt you down, find you at home and make you very, very sorry,” Mistress Lita whispered so softly he had to strain to hear her. Nevertheless all the hairs on his body stood up and his cock hardened even more.

  “Of course, I might do that, anyway. Just because its fun for me.”

  “I’ll give you 10% of my earnings in perpetuity,” Greg offered immediately.

  “Make it 30%. I need shoes,”

  He almost choked. “15%?” He counter-offered.

  “30,” she smiled in a way that brokered no argument.

  “Please Mistress,” he begged. “If you take 30%, I won’t be able to make my house payment.”

  “Move to cheaper housing, problem solved.”

  Greg could see he was not going to win. He could see he would never win anything but what Mistress Lita chose to give him. “All right, Mistress. I’ll give you 30% of my income if you’ll please let me out of this cage.”

  “Done,” Mistress Lita smiled and slid the padlock open, then she stood back, making room for Greg to pull himself free.

  He’d been numb before, but the taser had reactivated every nerve ending, and they were all screaming at him as he forced his body to crawl out onto free concrete.

  “Let me help you up,” Mistress Lita, hooked an arm over her shoulder and with surprisi
ng strength lifted him up off the floor and helped him limp over to the hanging bar. “This should help stretch you out,” she said.

  Excitedly, Greg allowed Mistress Lita to yank his arms up over his head and fasten his wrists to the bar. This forced him to stand on his tippy toes, until Mistress Lita smacked his legs with a riding crop. Automatically he flexed his legs causing his entire body weight to fall upon his upturned arms for support. He screamed in agony because it felt like his arms were being torn from their sockets, before he was able to frantically lower his feet and find contact with the ground again.

  “The point of the hanging bar is for you to hang,” Mistress Lita said, before smacking his legs out from under him again. “Just relax your body and let the pain flow through you.”

  Greg had never experienced this much pain before, but he tried his best to follow her instructions. He imagined the pain as red lines racing down his body, starting from his shoulders and running down and out through the soles of his feet. That didn’t help much, and every time he’d lower his feet Mistress Lita would smack him again, using harder and heavier items each time she did it.

  “You are my pain bitch,” Mistress Lita said. “Learn to love it because while you’re here it is all you will receive.” Then she unhooked his wrists and let him collapse to the floor in a sodden, soggy mess.

  Greg had actually cried, something he hadn’t felt safe doing since he was 7. He felt amazingly cleansed inside, a side effect he hadn’t expected. He also felt exhausted and extremely sore, but his session wasn’t even half over yet.

  “If this is too much for you just speak the word,” Mistress Lita reminded him.

  “No, Mistress.” He said as he forced himself up to his knees. “Please, don’t stop.”

  “I knew you were tougher than you looked,” she backhandedly complimented him. “I’m going to let you stay there on your knees for a bit. Don’t move,” she instructed.

  Greg watched with anticipation and dread as Mistress Lita removed a chain from the wall and approached him with it. Before he had a chance to question, she’d grabbed hold of his cock and wrapped the chain around it, tightly. He gasped out a strangled cry of alarm.

  Mistress Lita laughed as she wound the top of the chain around her hand and pulled on it without warning causing him to pitch forward. His face would have smooshed into the carpet had his hand not been free to stop his fall.

  Mistress Lita noticed this, too, and frowned. “Your hands needs some attention, too.” She temporarily dropped the chain to take a pair of ancient looking handcuffs off the wall. He winced as she pulled his still tender arms behind his back and snapped them into place.

  “There we go,” she nodded with satisfaction. “You are my two-legged pony now and ponies don’t have arms.”

  Greg couldn’t help thinking pony play had sounded a lot cuter on the permissions form.

  “True pony play involves chariots and wagons and running long distances, but that is for outside play. In here, we must improvise. Perhaps, one day, if you’re very good I’ll take you to a farm and we can do this for real. But first you must learn to walk. So giddy up, Pony!”

  She pulled on his cock chain again, he cried out as he pitched forward again, only this time without the use of his arms he was unable to stop his fall and he landed smack dab on his forehead. “Fuck,” was all he was able to say before she began dragging him across the floor.

  “It’s only going to hurt worse if you won’t cooperate, pony. Walk.” She commanded.

  And somehow, someway, he was able to find his feet. Not that this stopped the pain, of course. Instead this new pain was torturous, in fact it was way worse than that time his ex-girlfriend had gotten mad at him and stomped on his dick with her 3 inch thick heels then ground his poor injured member into the carpet. At the time that had been the most painful experience imaginable, but this, this chain and this leash, the constant tugging, and the constant movement ensured that the pain never stopped.

  It seemed as soon as he would get to where he was matching Mistress Lita’s stride, and the pain would lessen somewhat, she would speed up, causing a sharp tug and the pain would only increase again as he was forced to walk or jog or run a little faster. The dungeon was large, so there was plenty of room to run around in circles. He was breathing so hard and his heart was beating so fast by the end he was sure he was going to pass out.

  On their final lap around the dungeon, Mistress Lita led him to the circular corral built with genuine wooden log fences. Hay had been tossed across the concrete floor to form a soft, itchy carpet. “lie down here, like a good pony,” she told him.

  Greg gratefully collapsed and was almost too tired to notice her chaining him to the fence. “I have another man to take care of right now, so you stay here and take a well-deserved break. There’s water in the trough, here, if you need a drink, and there are some yummy oats in the feed tank. Your chain should be long enough to reach them both.”

  “Mistress, would you please uncuff me before you leave?”

  “Now why would I do that? Remember, ponies, don’t have arms. However, since you asked nicely, I suppose you will need them when you return to being a man.”

  “Thank you, Mistress,” he said gratefully, believing she was going to uncuff him.

  Instead she pointed to the water trough. “Notice anything special about this water?”

  In confusion, Greg tried to roll himself up to a sitting position so that he could see into the water trough more closely. What he saw reminded him of just how cold the dungeon was, all of the exercise, Mistress Lita put him through had actually made him hot and sweaty, but for placid water that wasn’t doing anything, the room was still cold enough to freeze it.

  “There is a key that will unlock your handcuffs frozen inside that trough. Figure out how to get that out and your hands will be free. If you don’t figure it out by the time I come back .... well, I’m afraid you’ll simply be stuck like that. You see, those are a very old pair of handcuffs and that key is the only one there is.” Mistress Lita smiled evilly and said, “Good luck, pony.”

  Mistress Lita was the devil incarnate, Greg cursed to himself as he watched her leave him. Only a wicked devious woman would do something like that to a guy on purpose. Greg was in love! Just like how his ex-girlfriend stomping on his dick had made him love her more and desperate to keep her, his love for Mistress Lita only increased the more badly she treated him.

  Loving his mistress meant he wanted to please her, and he was certain that if he found a way to free himself it would please her greatly. But how was he going to do it? Greg rolled over in the hay a few times until he was closer to the water trough. Then he strained all of his pectoral muscles to raise himself up to a sitting position. Once there he looked around and tried to think of what he could use to break that ice without the use of his arms.

  The only thing he could think of was his feet. His bare feet. Lifting them up into the trough he used his heels to try crushing the ice. But all he got for his trouble were bruises, at first. It took him a while to cool down enough to notice, but the air around him was a little bit warmer than it used to be. Perhaps Mistress Lita had turned up the heat. Not a lot, just enough to allow the ice to melt extremely slowly. Greg decided to give his feet a rest and laid back down in the hay to wait for the ice to get a bit softer. Like his penis.

  Greg could no longer even feel his arms, if he couldn’t see his shoulders he wouldn’t know they were there. He hoped this wouldn’t result in any permanent damage. For a while he fantasized being an amputee, having no arms and living life full time as Mistress Lita’s pony. She would fit him with a human sized halter, which he would wear all the time as a symbol of belonging to Mistress Lita. They would live together out on a working plantation, in the country. She would sleep inside the Victorian style mansion. He would sleep outside in the barn where she would leave him alone for long stretches of time, except for when she needed him. Then she would hitch him to a carriage and he would run, f
errying her all over the large plantation. He might even take her into town to do her shopping, if there was a town close enough. He imagined people watching him as he pushed himself, running himself almost to death, sweating bullets, to get his Mistress where she wanted to go as quickly as possible. He would tire often and she would strike him with her whip to make him run faster. Men would sneer in disdain at him while women would laugh jealously. He would, of course stay outside while Mistress Lita went into the stores to do his shopping. Men and boys would jeer and mock him for being a whipped pony, while some women would walk past with pitying stares and giggles. Others would ask questions of his mistress and offer to rent or buy his services. She would never sell him, but she might rent him out to parties. He would feel so humiliated yet turned on by his own degradation and by how happy it made his mistress to humble him.

  His fantasy was a rather pleasing diversion from his pain until his erection grew so hard that his balls began demanding relief. Not that there was anything he could do about that with Mistress’s chain wrapped so tightly around cock. But he had to do something to take his mind off of the agonizing pressure. The key? He didn’t know how long it had been since the last time he’d checked but it certainly felt as if he’d already lived a second lifetime.

  Greg forced himself upright and looked into the trough. The water was still frozen but not solid and this time the force of his feet was enough to break through the ice in one place. The only place he needed, the one with the floating key. He then swung himself forward several times until he was on his knees and able to bend forward and grip the key box between his teeth. Just as he was wondering how on earth he was going to open the box and use the key, his mistress returned to him.

  “What a good pony-man,” Mistress Lita cooed sounding delighted with him for the first time since they’d met. She retrieved the box from his mouth and opened it. She showed him the fruits of his labors and then she set him free. She even began to massage his arms and his shoulders and his back. HE Shuddered under her touch as she delicately ran her long skillful fingers up and down and all over his skin until feeling began returning to first his shoulders, then his arms. Of course all that touching was doing nothing for his cock but exciting and frustrating it even more. He was sure his balls must be as blue as the ocean, by that point.


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