One Hot Winter

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One Hot Winter Page 6

by Weston Parker


  She grinned. “You would be eligible for that bonus!”

  “Oh,” I said, realization dawning. “Ohhh! Wow that would be a nice Christmas gift.”

  She laughed. “That's what I thought. Want to get lunch later?”

  “Sure, that'd be great. Thank you.”

  I leaned back in my chair. That phone call two weeks ago had been a surprise, but now I felt as if it was fate. The job had been very rewarding in more ways than one. I had met Carter, which was a huge benefit. I hadn't been looking for a full-time job, but this could be a very lucrative proposition. I wouldn't have to worry about the uncertainty of wondering when my next job would come in.

  I liked Donna, and I would enjoy working with her on a daily basis. It would be fun to put down some roots. My day kept getting better. I tried to find an appropriate time to go into Carter's office, but he was always busy.

  “Are you ready to go?” Donna asked as I was tidying up the copy I had been working on.

  “Yep. I hope you're in the mood for something completely unhealthy and greasy,” I teased.

  “You know I am.”

  We braved the chilly wind and walked down the street to our favorite greasy spoon diner. It had cheap prices and some of the best burgers around town. Most people who worked in the high-rise offices didn't know it was here and would never dare step foot inside, but Donna had introduced it to me when I took my first job with the company. I had been hooked ever since.

  We sat down and ordered our usual.

  “I cannot believe I have fed you this place numerous times, and you haven't gained an inch. This is why women hate you,” she grumbled.

  I chuckled. “Well, I’m sure it’s going to catch up with me one day. In the meantime, I’m going to enjoy the good genes my parents were kind enough to give me.”

  “So, what have you been up to since I saw you last? Got a man?” she waggled her brows.

  I hesitated. I felt like I could trust her. I hoped.

  “Actually, I may have a man.”

  “How do you may or may not have a man? Isn't that something you should know?”

  I laughed. “Well, we haven't actually established any rules. I don't know if it's a relationship. It's all very new and very tentative.”

  She nodded, waving a hand. “Do tell, do tell. I have to live vicariously through you.”

  “Well, he is very good looking, kind, but kind of a jerk.” I added the last bit and nearly made her choke on the drink of water she just took.

  “A jerk? Please don't tell me you are one of those girls who likes men who are assholes and treats their women like shit.”

  “No, definitely not. This is different. He’s a pushy guy, and I guess it can come across as being a jerk, but I think it’s because he has some really high standards and doesn't like to settle,” I explained.

  She leaned back in the booth. “Arianna?” she questioned, and I had a feeling she knew who I was talking about.

  I grinned. “Yes?”

  “Are you and,” she leaned forward and whispered, “are you and Mr. Frasier hooking up?”

  I smiled, cocked my head, and shrugged my shoulders. “Maybe.”

  “Oh. My. God.”

  I sipped my water, trying to keep myself from gushing about how great Carter was. I was pretty sure I could trust Donna, but I didn't want to take anything away from his authority. If Donna knew personal details, she may not be quite as intimidated by him.

  “I knew you two would hit it off. You two are so much alike. I saw the fireworks between you guys. I wasn't sure if you were going to kill each other or take each other to bed. I guess I know my answer now!”

  I laughed. “I think it's best we keep it between us. I don't know what we are doing or anything, so I don't want to start drama if I don't have to.”

  She nodded. “My lips are sealed. I'm happy for you. I know he's a good guy. Tough exterior, but a good guy deep down.”

  “Yes, he is. I am very glad to have met him. It kind of feels like fate.”

  “Aw, that is very sweet. I hope it all works out for both of you,” she said with a smile.

  Our plates were delivered, and we dug in. We chatted about office gossip and our plans for the holidays. I told her I would be going to the Christmas party with Carter, and her eyes widened.


  I shrugged. “Yeah. When he asked, I had no idea there was a chance I could actually work for the company on a permanent basis. I wonder if he knows that. I guess he would, considering he is the head of the department.”

  “Is that going to be a problem for you guys?” Donna asked with concern.

  “I don't know. I guess I’ll have to talk to him. I'm sure there’s probably some rule, but I don't see it being a problem for us.”

  “So, what are you going to wear? I can only imagine how beautiful you will look.”

  I laughed. “He said it wasn't too fancy, but for guys, that could be anything. You tell me what the standard is. Like gown, cocktail dress, slacks. What are we talking here?”

  “It is generally formal. A nice cocktail dress would be fine. A gown would also be acceptable. We ladies like to use the party as our one chance a year to dress up. Wear whatever you’re comfortable with.”

  “Thank you, Donna. I appreciate your friendship.”

  “Of course. We better head back, though. You may be sleeping with the boss, but I can tell you, he doesn't appreciate tardiness,” she chuckled.

  “Yeah, I already know he would never let that slide, even with me. That's one reason I think it could work between us if I did go to work for the company. He’s not the kind of guy to play favorites. At work, he is all business.”

  She laughed. “Yes, he is. The man can be very focused.”

  Her words were truer than she could possibly know. His lovemaking was the same way. When he put his mind to making me climax, there was nothing that would stop him. He had a drive about him that he applied to his professional world as well as his sex life. Thinking of the attention he gave my body made me all tingly all over. I could feel my face getting flushed and hoped Donna wouldn't notice.

  “Brr! We should have taken a cab. Your cheeks are red. You need to start wearing a scarf,” she lectured.

  I nodded. “You're right. I will.”

  I was glad she didn't know what had truly made my cheeks turn pink. Images of him naked and wanting were dancing through my head. I needed him again and wondered if we could squeeze in an office quickie after lunch.

  Chapter 12


  Yesterday, I had been far too busy to have any real time with Arianna. Today, it didn't look promising either. Despite this particular campaign going very well, my department had numerous other projects that weren't going quite as well. I had a lot of balls in the air, and things were getting very stressful with the end of the year coming up quick.

  I knew we could do it, but it was going to take me driving my team a little harder. That probably wouldn't go over so well, but I had to prove to the board I could handle this job. My phone beeped.

  “Yes?” I answered.

  It was my secretary informing me there was an emergency meeting with the board in an hour, and I was expected to attend.


  I didn't have time for a meeting, and I had a feeling it was going to be a lot more pressure put on me to get these other projects done. I had been dropped into a huge cluster, and finding my way out was proving very difficult.

  An hour wasn't long, but I managed to pull together reports and updates on each of the projects my department had going. Once I looked at everything, I realized it wasn't as bad as I initially thought. We could pull through this.

  “Good morning,” Derek greeted me at the door of the conference room.

  “Hi. What's this about?” I asked, feeling a little nervous about an emergency meeting that I was being pulled into.

  He grimaced. “Things aren’t going quite as well as
they could be. There's going to be some change happening.”

  I groaned. “Is my job in jeopardy?”

  I knew I could trust Derek to be blunt with me. “No. Not even. You're doing excellent work down there, but the bottom line isn't what it should be. Cuts are coming. We all wanted you to be involved in this part of the business planning.”

  I nodded, grateful for the invitation, but cuts could only mean one thing—firing people.

  I took my seat at the table and waited for the meeting to get started. Once it did, I wished like hell I had never been called in.

  As expected, it was revealed every department was expected to make staffing cuts. I didn't like the idea. I needed and appreciated everyone in my department. Faces and names drifted through my head. Each of them had families and needed the jobs to support themselves.

  “Don't you think that's a bad idea to fire someone two weeks before Christmas?”

  The CEO eyed me a little too carefully for my comfort. “Two weeks before or two weeks after. It is going to be tough regardless, but we need to get our numbers in line before we roll into the new year.”

  I nodded, obviously not willing to argue with the CEO. I could find my head on the chopping block.

  “Does it need to come from my department?” I asked.

  Derek shrugged. “All departments are facing cutbacks.”

  “I need each of my staff. We are stretched thin as it is. I’m trying to get things cleaned up down there, but cutting a staff member is going to make that more difficult.”

  The CEO looked at me, and right when I thought I was about to get fired, his expression softened. “I can see you appreciate your people, and that's a good thing. It’s why they’re all working so hard to help you turn things around. However, we can't worry about each and every person who works for us. If we don't make cuts now, the entire company is going to be out of jobs in a year. It's a handful of people now so the rest can keep their jobs.”

  I nodded. I still didn't like it.

  Another department head, one I couldn't remember his name chimed in. “It isn't like you get a say. You are told to fire someone, and you have to or they do it for you.”

  I narrowed my gaze at him. I didn't need his opinion.

  Derek stepped in. “Carter, I know it sucks. None of us enjoys letting people go at any time, especially the holidays. Think about who on your team isn't performing as well as the others. Who does the least amount of work?”

  I shrugged. I honestly couldn't think of any member of my team I could imagine doing without. Arianna's face floated into my brain. She wasn't a permanent staff member, although there had been talk about keeping her on. Her salary was significantly more than the rest of my team. I know the budget for next quarter had been factored with her salary included.

  “The freelancer,” I blurted out.

  “Arianna Clark?” Derek asked with surprise.

  I nodded. “She's a freelancer. We got along without her before, and we can do so now. Her salary was factored into the budget for next quarter. Eliminating that will free up funds that will allow me to keep the rest of my staff. Right?” I said, directing my question to the CEO.

  He shrugged. “I suppose. I don't know all the numbers offhand, but I will look into it. Why were we going to hire her if you don't need her?”

  The question was valid, and at first, I wasn't sure how to answer it.

  “She is an excellent copywriter, but I can do the job she did with the help of the rest of my team. We'll make it work. Maybe once things are better, we can consider offering her a job. For now, I think it’s the best move for the company.”

  Derek looked at me. He knew something was up. “Will she consider working for us again? This decision may not leave the best taste in her mouth. This is the freelancer we know our competition wants.”

  The CEO looked at me. “Is that true?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe. I don't know, but I do know we can make it without her. We have before, and I will demand my team step it up. Maybe the cuts will be the incentive they need to perform better,” I added, hoping that was the case.

  “Fine. It's done. Next, we need to talk about the art department,” the CEO announced.

  I turned my head to the woman who suddenly looked very uncomfortable. It was her turn to be in the hot seat. I didn't envy her one bit.

  With my department's cut made, I was excused. I left, feeling as if the weight of the world was on my shoulders. I hated doing that to Arianna, but of all the people on my staff, she would handle it the best. She would bounce back and find other jobs. She was the one who claimed to like the freedom of choosing her jobs and who she worked for. Now she had it.

  I had hoped to present her with a nice bonus check, but without her being a permanent employee, she was no longer eligible. Hopefully, she hadn't heard the latest gossip about a package being prepared to offer for her to stay on. Maybe, by some miracle, she didn't know she had a job. Then, she would never have to deal with the idea of being fired. I knew she wouldn't take it well. The idea alone was extremely frustrating. She was very good at what she did, and if she had been an actual employee, there was no way I would sacrifice her job. Someone like Donna Gray would have been forced out.

  The elevator dinged as it arrived on my floor. As I strolled to my office, I looked at all the faces of the people who would have a job in January. That was my solace. I saw Arianna. She smiled and waved. I smiled back before quickly stepping into my office.

  Losing her in my department was the lesser of two evils. It was all of us or her. She was the low man on the ladder. It only made sense she would be the one cut. I knew it was the right thing to do, but dammit, it didn't feel good.

  Now, all I had to do was hope the office gossip vine had failed to relay the information to Arianna about the potential for a full-time job and a bonus. It didn't seem fair that she put so much work into this campaign and earned the rest of us a bonus, and she wouldn't see a penny of it.

  It wasn't fair, but I didn't make the rules. I sat down at my desk, ran my hands through my hair in frustration, and cursed the company for making me make such a horrible choice. Sometimes, being the boss was not all it was cracked up to be.

  Chapter 13


  Maybe it was the idea this project would be my first as a permanent employee with Jacob and Sons or maybe it was because I got to see Carter every day. I didn’t know, but I was happier than I had been in a long time. The satisfaction of seeing a project through to the end and then actually reaping the benefits was very exciting. Usually, I came in, I did the work, and then I left. In many cases, I didn’t even get to take credit for the copy I wrote.

  Not this time. I'd been diligently working on this copy. I wanted it to be the best I'd ever done.

  “Arianna?” His voice sings out from the intercom on my desk.

  I pushed the button. “Yes?”

  “Can you step into my office for a minute?”

  I smiled. “Sure. Be there in a few.”

  These little office meetings were how we managed to stay sane throughout the day. I would go in, we would kiss a little, maybe cop a few feels, and then it would be back to work.

  The moment I stepped into his office and shut the door, I knew something was wrong. He didn't call me in to give me a quick kiss or shower me with compliments. He didn't stand but gestured for me to sit.

  I took a deep breath, knowing whatever it was he had to say wasn't going to be good. I automatically assumed it was something about us. I should have known better, I chided myself. You don't sleep with the boss, Arianna!

  “Just say it,” I blurted out, sitting in the chair, my back straight. I was ready for whatever it was he had to say.

  He sighed. “Arianna, I understand you heard a rumor about your position with the company being extended.”

  I nodded. Maybe this wasn't a bad thing. Maybe he was pretending it was something awful, so he could surprise me.

  “I'm sorry, but that
rumor is not true. In fact, we need to end your employment here effective immediately. Unfortunately, the company has run into some financing problems, and we’re all being forced to cut from our departments,” he said in a low voice.

  I could see the distress on his face. It looked as if he was actually in pain. I didn't want him to feel bad. It wasn't in his control. He wasn't the main man holding the purse strings, even if he flaunted that he did. I knew the hierarchy, and he was not the end all.


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