Rise of the Alpha

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Rise of the Alpha Page 21

by Jessica Snow

  Looking around at his slain enemies, Keith could feel the primal elation coursing through his veins. Looking to the sky, he tilted his head back and howled once again, his sonorous cry echoing throughout the Southside alleys and tenements. Blocks away, nervous mothers closed windows and held their babies closer, while in other side streets gangsters and hoodlums ran for the nearest indoor shelter. There would be no more crime in the Southside that night.

  Chapter 11

  In the resultant weeks, Melanie and Kimberly kept a close watch on the developments of the death of the three police officers in a Southside alleyway. Documents left on the body of Lieutenant Brandon Yankowitz revealed that he was a dirty cop, and the press had a field day raking the police over the coals when more poking around revealed more corruption. Sergeant 'Teo Blanco had resigned the force before the prosecutors could close in on him, and had disappeared, nobody knew where. With a new scandal, the heat on her dropped off, the District Attorney not willing to push charges on a case where most of the evidence bore the signatures of dirty cops. The warrant was kept pending, but the manhunt was called off.

  Melanie marked the time as she missed her first, then her second period in a row. It was mere confirmation, as she could already feel the psychic bond developing with the little life growing inside her belly. She was going to be a mother, and to a boy too, she thought. She could feel other changes in her body, as her breasts grew more tender, and her urges for rare meats grew stronger. She wondered about this, before asking Kimberly.

  "Your baby is telling you what it wants," Kimberly replied promptly, rubbing Melanie's stomach. Even though she had no swelling to her belly yet, Kimberly still enjoyed the touch, just knowing that her little nephew was growing in there. "He is a werewolf, after all."

  Keith was out of town for the day, up at the family estate, and Melanie felt that this was the perfect time to talk with Kimberly about something that had been on her mind since the night in the alley. "Sister, I wanted to ask you about that. You have mentioned that you and Keith were both born werewolves."

  "Yes, from a very long very old line."

  "Then there are those who are not?"

  "Yes, quite a few. None of them can be Alphas, their abilities are much too weak, but there are turned werewolves."

  "After what I saw you do in the alley, and because I love you two so much, I have to ask: can you turn me?"

  "Never," Kimberly said intensely, pushing back and away. "I will never allow you to be turned. Even if Keith himself demands it, I will never let you be turned!"

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down," Melanie said, seeing the emotional pain in Kimberly's face. "What happened? What did I say?"

  Kimberly's shoulders shook, as sobs wracked her slender body. She covered her eyes before she broke down completely, tears and cries wrenching from her throat. She collapsed to the floor, and Melanie sank down beside her, stroking her Sister's back gently, letting her know she was there. Finally, after fifteen minutes, Kimberly regained control of herself but remained in a fetal position on the floor. "I'm sorry," she whispered to Melanie, "I did not want you to see that."

  "Kim, I love you. You are my Sister. You don't have to hide your feelings from me. Tell me what happened."

  "Well, it all started almost twenty years ago....."

  Kimberly bounded out of her college dorm room, thrilled. It was the first time Father and Mother were coming to see her at school, and she wanted them to know that their little girl was doing just fine.

  "Father, Mother!" she called out, running down and enveloping them in a hug. Her father, all six foot six of him, squeezed his daughter tightly, lifting her into the air like he did when she was a child.

  "How are you, my darling?" he asked, sitting her down and giving her a kiss on the top of her forehead.

  "Oh Father, it's been so fantastic here. Thank you again for arranging for me to come."

  "It is no problem. Clan Mac Tíre has been our friends for a long time, they were more than happy to have you in their lands. Also, it seems that Connor, their Alpha, has a son who wants to go to school in our territory."

  "And where is Keith?"

  Mother smiled, fond of the bond between her two children. Twins were exceedingly rare in werewolf pregnancies, and for them to be so close warmed her heart. "Sadly dear, Keith is overseas in Asia, helping with Clan business. He sends his regards, and says that he promises to make it next time."

  Melanie took her family on a tour of the campus, showing them her classrooms, the popular student hangouts, everything she could think of. It was a lovely visit, and young Kimberly could feel her heart lightening with every smile, kind word, or nod of approval she saw from her father. It was a lovely visit, and she was sad to see them go.

  That night, inside her dorm room, she was working on her reading for English Lit when she heard a thump at her window. Closing her novel with a snap, she tossed the book aside carelessly as she rushed to the window, opening it quickly. "Get inside! You're loud enough that everyone could hear you!"

  "Well, I tried tapping, but I've been out there for five minutes. You've been reading Faulkner again, haven't you?"

  Kim just shrugged, a smile on her face, as her visitor climbed in the window. Shane Vereen was the same height as her, which she adored as he kissed her hotly, their faces perfectly level with each other. He was a sandy-haired water polo player, and she reveled at his lean muscularity, so different from the male werewolves in her life, who tended towards massively broad. "I have, but that doesn't mean you needed to wake up the entire dorm."

  "As you wish," he whispered, causing goosebumps to rise on Kimberly's forearms. He knew her love of that film. "So, are you going to show me tonight?"

  "Are you sure? I don't want you to think I'm ugly."

  Shane took Kimberly's face in his hands and kissed her again, gently, lovingly. "I could never think you ugly, Kim. Besides, I did get that one view a month ago, even if it was from across the quad. And through the trees."

  Kimberly smiled, recalling how the two had met. On a whim after a long test, she had decided to go into her wolf form and just go for a run. Unfortunately, she had been sighted by Shane, who had followed what he at first thought was just a giant wolf back to the dorms. When he saw Kimberly emerge from the bushes the giant wolf had just disappeared into, he put two and two together. He formally introduced himself the next day.

  "All right. But stand back." Kimberly watched as Shane stepped back, almost all the way to her wardrobe, before sitting down on the vinyl tile. Kim rechecked the lock on her door, then started taking off her clothes. She felt nervous doing this in front of Shane, he was the first man outside of her family to see her naked form, but she was not going to destroy a set of clothing just for some modesty.

  Kim closed her eyes, searching for the inner gates in her mind, so familiar by now. With a mere grunt of mental effort, she opened the doors slowly, and she felt the Change begin. She sank down on her hands and knees, careful not to present herself to Shane (while she knew he was ignorant of werewolf Mating, she was also instinctively careful). She looked up from her position on the floor, as her skin first rippled, then burst out in fine silky brown hair as her pelt emerged from hiding. She could feel the pain as her bones first stretched, then broke before reforming in the familiar wolf patterns. Her ears perked and grew, migrating up her skull towards the top, before stopping in their familiar high position. Most powerfully of all, she could feel her muscles split, grow, reshaping in the ways needed to support her now seven foot four hundred pound body. Finally, she could feel the change subside, and she flexed her paws, the fingers capped by clawed tips. She looked over at Shane and winked. "Don't worry, I won't bite you," her now gravely voice rumbled.

  She could see Shane staring at her with open-eyed amazement. He carefully got to his feet, before coming towards her. "You are amazing," he whispered, reaching out to touch her pelt with adoration in his eyes. "I've never seen anything so beautiful."

Kimberly could feel her heart melt, and she made a decision. With a mental switching, she felt her body retreat, the momentary flare of pain passing as quickly as expected, closing her eyes to help it pass. When she opened them again, she was staring into Shane's eyes, as she leaned forward and kissed him softly. "If you think that was amazing, just wait a few minutes," she cooed, smiling as she pulled him towards her bed.

  Shane was no fool, and a great smile spread across his handsome face. He was out of his t-shirt and track pants in what was probably world record time, Kimberly giggling as she saw the eager anticipation on his face. He always made her feel beautiful, even with his unconscious acts.

  "My, what big eyes you have," she teased, as she held up her breasts for his inspection. Shane smiled, laying down next to her before kissing her jawline, as his hand stroked and caressed her left breast. Kimberly closed her eyes at the electric sensation, a lustful rumble growing in her chest. "And what soft lips you have."

  "All the better to taste you with, my dear," Shane teased back, his lips brushing lower, down her collarbone before fastening on her nipple. He sucked softly, his tongue teasing and flicking on her nipple, causing her to gasp and moan. She could feel his hand drift lower, and she spread her legs just a bit, her knee bumping against the wall. His fingers teased her soft folds, gathering her sweet wetness on his fingers before bringing them to his mouth to taste. He suckled her juices directly in front of her eyes, utter rapture on his face.

  "Beautiful," he sighed, withdrawing his fingers from his mouth. "I could feast on that for days."

  Kimberly giggled at the cheesiness of the line. "Roll over, Cyrano," she teased, sliding over to the side. She waited until he was prone on the bed, his rock hard cock sticking straight up in the air, before she lazily swung her leg over his hips, and impaled herself upon him.

  "Before we continue, there are some rules," she said, leaning forward and kissing him. "The most important is, we can never do it 'doggy style.' Do you understand?"

  "I do," Shane replied, joy on his face. "Any other rules?"

  "Yeah," she giggled, her hips starting to rock and she began to ride him. "If you tell anyone I'm a werewolf, I'm letting my brother loose on you."

  Shane laughed, his laugh turning into a groan as she squeezed her inner muscles on his hard cock, sliding it in and out of her warm pussy. She loved the sensation and loved being in control of her lover. She was a future Alpha, after all. "You like that?"

  "Mmmmm," Shane replied, grinning. "Of course."

  Kim returned Shane's smile and began riding his cock more quickly. She could smell his arousal, as her senses expanded with the sexual energy coursing through her body. She could feel every pore of her skin as they opened, and sweet erotic sweat broke out on both of their bodies. She leaned forward and licked Shane's chest, her tongue roughly gathering his sweat, tangy and electric. "Now that is tasty," she sighed, lifting herself up again and then lowering herself on Shane's cock.

  "Any time you wish," Shane sighed, stroking her hair as his hips started his own thrusting, meeting her rolling hips with his own strong, firm thrusts. His hands went around Kimberly's back, and their lips met in a soft kiss that turned into a fierce jousting of tongues and lips as his thrusts became more powerful, faster, their building orgasms driving them to the point of ecstasy. Shane cried out first, his hands grabbing Kimberly's hips as he thrust one final time, his cock exploding within her, the surging sensations causing her own body to go over the edge, her climax shaking her body for endless moments until she settled down, his softening cock still trapped within her moist warm center.

  "You're good," Kim teased, sitting up and smiling down at him. "I think I may keep you around a while."

  "As long as you want," Shane replied breathlessly, his body still twitching from the stimulation Kimberly's pussy was sending through his cock. They stayed that way for long minutes, enjoying the post-coital warmth, their hands playing upon each other's bodies softly before he spoke again.

  "Can you make me into a werewolf?" he asked, as his hand caressed her breast again. He was definitely a breast man, luckily enough for Kimberly.

  She pondered it for a moment. Her Father had warned her never to do it lightly, and that she should seek guidance if she ever were confronted with the question. But she was a grown up now, not some blind suckling at her mother's teat anymore! "Of course I can," she purred, "But I warn you, it's not pleasant."

  "What isn't?"

  "The Change. The first time is.... quite painful. Why do you want to know?"

  "Because I want to be with you always," Shane replied immediately, intensely. "I want to be by your side as much as I can."

  "The politics will be complicated, you know," Kim said gravely, gazing in his eyes. "I'll be honest, you might be my lover, but my position within werewolf society means you might never be my Mate."

  "I don't care," Shane replied, his hand reaching up and stroking her face. "And I know I don't understand it all. But I want to be with you, in any way I can."

  "So you Turned him?" Melanie asked, interrupting Kimberly's recollection. She had to, she was feeling so much of what Kimberly was recalling. It had to be the psychic bond strengthening, because she could feel her own body reacting to the memories, and not just at the erotic nature of the story. She could feel Kimberly's regret, her horror, her shame, and her love for Shane.

  "I did," Kimberly said, fresh tears coursing down her face. "Things were great for the first three weeks, until the next full moon...."

  "Are you ready? The moon will rise soon," Kim said, holding Shane's hand. He had been nervous, twitchy all day. She could understand the feeling. As a product of an Alpha line, she had lived with the pull of the moon her entire life, and could control it. As a Turned wolf, Shane had no such control, and had to run with Mistress Moon every month, the pull was too strong.

  "I guess," Shane replied, his feet bouncing on the grass surface. Kim had brought him here to an unused portion of the university's athletic grounds for his first Change. It was always easier when werewolves were in nature, and this lacrosse ground was the closest thing within walking distance. "How much longer?"

  "Just a minute," Kim said, glancing at the sky. The eastern horizon was already lightening, silver instead of gold, and she knew what would happen next. "Sit back, and just let it happen."

  "I'll try," Shane said. Kimberly let go of his hand and stepped back herself. Shane got down on his hands and knees, shaking like a leaf in the night air. He was nude, his clothes packed away in the backpack that Kim had over her shoulder. This first night, there would be no control or Changing back until moonset.

  The first rays of moonlight crept over the field, and Shane collapsed to the turf, screaming. Kimberly stepped forward, shocked. She knew the Change was painful, but she had never felt the sort of pain that she could see etched upon his features, as he writhed and clawed at the grass. "Shane?"

  Shane's only reply was a growling cry as she saw his body start to ripple, his muscles reforming and shaping into the familiar wolf-like pattern. He continued to growl, his voice deepening and reaching the animal pitch. She watched as the last moments of his Change happened, and she stood back as his eyes opened again, flamingly green. "How do you feel?" Kim asked, kneeling next to her lover.

  He didn't even reply. Instead, he swung a massive paw, backhanding her and sending her flying through the air. As soon as she landed she rolled, getting to all fours. Shane ignored her, looking towards the moon before sending a screaming howl towards the sky, and bounding off towards the dorms.

  "He had gone insane," Kimberly explained, her horror written plainly on her face. "What nobody had ever told me was just how painful the first Change is. I've lived with it my entire life, and my first change happened when I was still an infant. I grew up with it, and my body was used to it. Shane hadn't, and the pain drove him mad. His mind was literally gone, and he was on pure predatory wolf instinct."

  "What did you do?" Melanie asked, terro
r struck.

  "I changed myself and chased him down. I caught up to him just outside the primary quad, and put him down."


  "I had to, you see. If I hadn't, he would have slaughtered most of the dorms. So I... I killed him and buried his body nearby. I told my Father what happened, and he called in a favor with Clan Mac Tíre, they helped make sure the body was moved and never discovered. I.... I killed my first love," Kimberly broke down, sobs again racking her body. Melanie held her Sister, giving what faint comfort she could.

  Chapter 12

  Three months later, Melanie woke up one morning, surprise written on her face. She looked around, wondering what had happened. Then, it happened again. She could feel it down near her bellybutton, which was just starting to swell outward. Reaching over to Keith's sleeping form, she shook her Mate awake urgently. "Keith, Keith, wake up!"

  Keith groaned, before rolling over. "What is it?" he asked, "Is everything okay?"

  "Better than okay," she sighed, taking his hand and placing it over her womb. "Can you feel?"

  Keith held his hand still for a moment, and then Melanie watched as a rapturous smile spread across his face. "Is that....?"

  "Our baby," Melanie whispered. "I've felt him growing for weeks now, and I can feel him in my mind sometimes. He's going to be strong, like his Father."

  Keith smiled and leaned down to kiss his Mate. "I like hearing that."


  "Mmmm-hmmm." He kissed her again, and Melanie felt her body respond to her beautiful Mate. She felt herself swept away in the sensations again, and the two made love tenderly, gently, until both were satisfied.


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