Rise of the Alpha

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Rise of the Alpha Page 50

by Jessica Snow

  I never told you not to have fun, Carter. But we always knew this day would come, and you’ll have to stand up now.

  Carter sighed, even in his mind his mother’s voice was no nonsense. “Mom… it’s not fair.”

  Life often isn’t. You and I both know that Delilah’s filled your brother’s mind with nothing but hatred and anger for his entire life.

  “It’s not my fault that Dad loved you more than he ever loved her,” Carter grumbled, knowing he was whining to himself but not really caring. “How’s that my fault?”

  It’s not. But if you don’t do this… that will be your fault. Now go, Carter. I love you.

  Carter swallowed, and touched the photograph again. “I love you too, Mom.”

  Carter shook his head and slipped on his shoes, taking one more deep breath before there was a knock on his door. “Lord Ansbach, are you ready?”

  “Don’t call me that,” Carter muttered under his breath before clearing his throat. To the door, he called out more loudly. “Yeah!”

  He opened his bedroom door to find Bernard Swinton, one of the assistants around the estate, waiting for him. Bernard was a turned Lycan, and had served the family well for most of Carter’s life, although he found the man annoying. He wasn’t a Lycan, he was a puppy dog.

  “Lord Ansbach, the Clan is assembled,” Bernard said in his normal simpering voice. “Your father wanted to make sure things started on time.”

  “Things will run just fine,” Carter said, shaking his head. “Jesus Bernard, you act like this is somehow anything more than a dog and pony show.”

  Carter knew he shouldn’t have used the phrase, Lycans generally disliked any saying involving dogs, but Carter didn’t care about hurting Bernard’s feelings, the man was just an ass kisser.

  “Either way, Lord, it would look best to the Clan if you’re not late for your own Alpha Ceremony,” Carter said. “It’ll make your transition to power easier.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Carter bitched, pushing past Bernard and leaving his bed chambers. He figured that after today, he’d probably keep his room, he wasn’t a country Lycan anyway. The Clan’s territory included the outskirts of Carson City, he could just live there instead, someplace closer to some damn civilization and not stuck here in the foothills of the mountains.

  They made their way through the super large ranch house that made up the Manor. In a nod to the earthquakes that shook the area from time to time, the whole thing was one floor, over nine thousand square feet of main building that Carter had called home his entire life, even if he didn’t enjoy living there.

  “So are you looking forward to it, Bernard?” Carter asked as they made their way down the long hallway that connected Carter’s quarters to the rest of the house. “It’ll be a new era for the Clan.”

  “It will, Lord, but I can’t say I’m looking forward to it. Your father has led the Clan for a very long time. Sixty years, according to what I’ve been told, and the Clan has done well for those years. I know the past twenty five years have been amazing for me, I’ve been honored to have been accepted by your father to the Clan.”

  Carter stopped, surprised at how open Carter was being. “Do you really think I’d screw things up that badly, Bernard?”

  Bernard shook his head, immediately looking and sounding afraid. “No, Lord. It’s just that with any change like this, there’s going to be some nervousness. And to put it bluntly, a lot of the Clan doesn’t really know you that well. You’ve been… aloof.”

  “If you mean I don’t like spending all my time in the foothills of the mountains and prefer a faster pace to my life, you’re damn right,” Carter growled, getting in Bernard’s face. “Is there a problem with that, Bernard?”

  Bernard blanched, and shook his head. “Of course not Lord. Just… it would make it easier for the Clan if you became more involved.”

  “I’ll do what it takes to keep the Clan doing just fine,” Carter replied, grabbing Bernard by the throat. “Now, is there anything else you wish to say?”

  Bernard shook his head, and Carter let him go after a moment. He rubbed his throat, doing his best not to cough. “No, Lord.”

  “Then let’s get this damn show on the road,” Carter said, wishing the damn thing was over already. He stalked his way through the rest of the house to the central clearing between the rear wings of the rambling estate house. In the background the mountains that the Clan took their name from rose majestically up, dominating the view as trees grew thick and heavy, pines and sequoias that Carter knew provided plenty of hunting ground to the members of the Clan who participated in such animalistic pursuits. While he’d never killed anything in his life, he could admit that on the times he had Changed, the mountains were fun to run through.

  The Clan was arrayed in formal lines, everyone in their best clothes, large circles from the most senior and highest ranked Clan members to the newest first generation turned members of the Clan. Carter saw his father standing in the middle, his suit the same color as his, his dark brown hair standing out against his Clan suit. He was already looking weaker, the progression of his disease over the past five weeks had been very rapid, but Carter could see he’d pulled it all together for this last task.

  Carter stepped through the circle to approach his father, making sure that he looked the part. “Lord Vincent Ansbach.”

  “Carter Ansbach,” his father replied in a formal greeting, extending his hand. They clasped hands in the formal fashion, and Carter stepped back, assuming the position he had to hold for the ceremony.

  His father looked around, taking in all the Clan, and raised his voice. “It is rare for a Clan Alpha to have the opportunity to guide his Clan for as long as I have. I was young when my father passed away. And I was made the leader of a Clan that wasn’t quite sure what to make of me. I was only twenty one at the time, barely out of college… and at the time Unmated.

  “Yet for six decades, I have been lucky enough to have not only Mated twice, but have watched as our Clan has grown. No, we’re not on the level of the Mac Tire or the Lockwoods, but we can attend any Gathering and hold my head high, saying that I am Vincent Ansbach of Clan Sierra Clarita!”

  There was a light cheer from the Clan as even Carter had to admit, his father’s words were stirring. He felt a swell of pride in his chest, even though he knew he was nowhere near a rah-rah boy.

  His father grew somber, and looked at him. “Unfortunately, every Alpha must face the fact that some day, no matter how strong they are, no matter how much they devote themselves to their Clan, their time must come to an end. For me, that time is now. As many of you know, the illness that I’ve fought tooth and nail has proven stronger than anything we could try. I will choose to face my death with dignity, and will spend this last few weeks of my life ensuring that our Clan’s future is preserved. So we are gathered here today.”

  There was total silence as Vincent looked around the Clan, and Carter thought he could see a tear start to form in his father’s eye. Vincent cleared his throat, and continued. “My time has come. I can no longer serve as the Alpha of this Clan. Therefore, by the law of tooth and fang, the law by which all Lycans are ruled, I remove myself. Who is to step forward and take my position?”

  Carter knew that this was his moment. He stepped forward and raised his clenched fist to his chest. “I will.”

  It was supposed to be a ceremonial passing of the torch, nothing more than a mere formality. Carter lifted his head to receive his father’s official blessing when there was a stirring in the crowd, and another voice spoke up.

  “I will!”

  Carter turned in shock as Xander stepped forward, his eyes already glowing in challenge. Vincent turned to his younger son, shocked. “What is this, Xander? You are not to be Alpha!”

  “Shut up old man!” Xander snapped, his eyes blazing. “You’ve disrespected me for the last time, and by the very law you just quoted, you have no power over me any more!”

  “You worthless pup….” V
incent growled, but was cut off when another warning growl came from behind Xander, and Delilah stepped forward to.

  “You gave up your Alpha status, Vincent. You will not disrespect our son like that!” she said, her claws already starting to grow, “Or else your last two weeks of life will become your last two minutes!”

  Vincent swallowed, looking at Carter. Carter understood, the illness that was robbing his father of his life had already robbed him of his ability to Change. There was nothing he could do. Instead, he turned to Carter, his eyes beseeching. “Son...”

  Carter nodded in understanding. Xander was technically correct. As soon as Vincent had said he was no longer Alpha, the position was open. Any member of the Clan could step forward to lay a claim to the position.

  But it was supposed to be just Carter, they’d agreed on it! Xander would be Mated to an Alpha level female in another Clan, and the Sierra Claritas would be Carter’s. Now… “You’re challenging me?”

  Xander nodded, smirking. “You’ve never been my equal, Carter. You cannot lead the Clan, only I can.”

  “Then prove it,” Carter said, his anger rising. Betrayed within his own Blood? He might not have been the most interested in leading the Clan, he personally didn’t care about Xander’s self centered lack of morals before, but this was too much. “How do you want to do it?”

  “Human form… with sticks,” Xander said, making Carter’s stomach tighten. He’d been baited, and he realized it. He’d given Xander the right to name the conditions of the fight, and Xander had taken advantage of it.

  Sticks… and his half brother had been training in martial arts his entire life. But there was nothing Carter could do without giving up his claim to Alpha status, and more importantly, letting Xander win automatically.

  Carter shrugged nonchalantly even as his insides boiled while he slipped off his suit coat and shoes. They were no help here on the grass, he needed every chance he could get to win. He undid his cufflinks and pulled off his shirt, exposing his ripped, slightly hairy upper torso to the bright sunlight.

  Carter wasn’t surprised when Joachim, one of Xander’s friends in the Clan, came forward with two pairs of fighting sticks. Solid lightweight aluminum, Carter knew what Xander could do with these, and his gut twisted again. Still… he had to try.

  “Whenever you’re ready… little Brother,” Carter taunted, setting himself as best he could. He’d thrown down with people before, he knew he could handle himself… but Xander had the advantage by a long shot.

  Xander didn’t take the bait though, and instead Delilah stepped between, her eyes going from side to side as she grinned. “Go.”

  Carter circled, hoping to see an opening in Xander’s style. He flicked out his stick, and Xander smacked it away, the return flicker of his stick so fast Carter barely avoided it. They closed, Carter hoping to negate Xander’s stick, get into grappling range where his size and strength could be used.

  Instead of dancing back like he’d expected, Xander closed too, the two of them meeting in a titanic clash that would have broken any normal human in half. Carter ducked, his experience with football giving him the advantage as he buried his shoulder in Xander’s ribs and lifted, driving him up and back before slamming him hard to the grass.

  Xander was like a snake though and they tumbled, twisting and punching each other, growls filling the air. Carter felt like he was doing well, despite the damage Xander was inflicting. He was stronger than his brother, always had been and at such close range Xander’s stick wasn’t as useful.

  “You traitor,” Carter growled in Xander’s ear as he threw an elbow that caught Xander in the temple. “You gave me your word.”

  “Fuck you and fuck your word,” Xander growled, jamming his stick against Carter’s ribs. They were so tight that nobody else could see, but Carter felt the hypodermic needle shoot out, piercing him deeply. Icy fire filled his body and Carter groaned, the pain immediate and paralyzing. “The Clan is mine.”

  Carter tried to hold on, but whatever it was that Xander had injected robbed him of his strength and Xander rolled them, a stick reinforced forearm shot to the nose shattering it. Carter’s head bounced off the turf and his head spun, stars shooting across his vision as Xander hit him again and again.

  Carter tried to push his half-brother off, but Xander didn’t relent, and his arms were lead, heavy while at the same time weak. Instead, Xander cracked him in the top of the head again with the butt of his stick before grabbing him by the hair and lifting him off the ground. “Now… you die.”

  “No!” Vincent yelled, stepping forward, his voice weakening. “Xander, please!”

  Carter could barely focus, his vision was hazy and his body ached. Xander was still sitting on his belly, his neck was twisted, and he could feel blood filling his mouth from the beating Xander had put on him. Worst of all was the chilling pain that still filled his body. “Fuck… you…. Xander.”

  “Xander, I’m begging you,” Vincent said, falling to his knees. “Let your brother live. You… you’re the new Alpha of the Sierra Claritas.”

  “Father...” Carter muttered, trying to do something, but his arms and legs wouldn’t work.

  “Fine,” Xander said, dropping Carter’s head back to the turf. He got off, and looked around, Carter blinking in the sunlight as Xander addressed the Clan. “Anyone else got anything else to say?”

  “You… cheated,” Carter rasped, making Xander look down at him. “I’ll… get you.”

  “No you won’t,” Xander said, bringing his foot up. “My first official act as Alpha. Carter Ansbach, you are cast out of Clan Sierra Clarita. If you are within Clan territory by sunrise tomorrow… you will die.”

  With a harsh grunt, he stomped down, and Carter knew nothing but darkness.

  Carter stumbled along, his body aching and the pain still coursing through his chest and arms. He could barely breathe, but he knew that he didn’t have a lot of time. He’d been out for hours after Xander had stomped on his head, and waking up on the lawn as the sun went down, the only person left was his father, who had sat on the grass. “Father?”

  “I’m glad you’re awake, you still have time,” Vincent rasped, his body seemingly weaker than he’d been even a few hours prior. “I packed a bag for you.”

  “Father… he cheated,” Carter rasped, crawling to his knees. “His stick… it had a needle...”

  “When you took the sticks, you accepted whatever was in them,” Vincent had said with a sad finality. “Carter, I told you for years, you could never trust Xander. I’ve watched as he and his friends have taken over far too smoothly. And Delilah… she’s kept her position as Alpha Female.”

  Carter had taken the backpack, and now stumbled through the woods, heading north. He knew that he didn’t have long, but if he could get north fast enough, he could maybe get to the highway, hitch a ride.

  Carter heard a growl in the distance and turned, his eyes flashing as he saw the large Wolf stalking behind him, cutting him off from turning towards the road. “What?” he yelled, anger driving some of the pain from his body. “I’m leaving!”

  The Wolf growled again, and Carter realized… Xander had lied yet again. He barely had time to shrug off his backpack before the Wolf sprang for him and he grabbed it by the throat, throwing it over his shoulder and buying him time.

  He knew he was weak, he couldn’t fight even a lower level Lycan in Wolf form as he was, so he shifted, his body straining before bursting through his clothes, turning the remains of the suit into rags that barely clung to his body. It was just in time as the other Lycan sprang at him. Carter’s paws swiped and he caught his enemy in mid-air just as he identified him.


  Bernard flipped through the air, his body hitting a huge pine and bending at an unnatural angle, the sharp snap of his spine echoing through the forest. Bernard screamed even in his Wolf form, his body shifting back to human form even as Carter closed the distance, his lip curled and a growl coming from the dep
ths of his chest.

  “Please… please don’t!” Bernard whined, holding out his hand. “I’m no threat. My back… it’s broken.”

  Carter growled, his green eyes flaring in the darkness, and he shifted back enough to form words. “Why?”

  “Your brother sent me,” Bernard gasped. “There’s Hunters out in all directions, with orders to kill you on sight.”

  “I should kill you now,” Carter growled, his paw going to Bernard’s throat. “You were supposed to be loyal to my father, to me!”

  “I’m loyal to my Mate,” Bernard gasped, his face trembling. “And Xander threatened her with death if I didn’t Hunt.”

  Carter listened and smelled for a moment before letting go. There was nothing in Bernard’s words that said he was lying. “Then you lie there. A broken back… you could be down all night. If not permanently.”

  “I just pray they don’t find me first,” Bernard groaned. “If they do… I will be down permanently.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Carter asked as he walked back over to his clothes. They were useless, just rags and tattered bits of gabardine, and he knew he’d have to stay in his Wolf form if he was going to make it.

  “I didn’t think he was this insane,” Bernard replied. “And you… Carter, I thought you were going to be a disaster. You’re a spoiled playboy who’s more worried about who you end up in bed with than who in the Clan might need help. You’re more worried about your dick than your people.”

  Carter turned, growling again, but Bernard’s face was so set that he couldn’t do anything. The crushing truth hit him hard in the chest and he turned away, wiggling the straps of his backpack over his neck, he had just enough space. He turned back, looking back at Bernard who lay with his back on the ground, his eyes filled with pain and anger. “Maybe I was. Maybe I still am. But Xander won’t stay in power long, I promise you that.”

  Before Bernard could answer he turned and ran, falling into a long, loping stride that ate up the miles as he made his way north. As he ran, he thought. If Xander was looking for him, then Reno was out. There was no way that he wouldn’t have some of the strongest members of the Clan there, ready for him.


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