Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Awakening Aubrey (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Jack 'Em Up Book 7)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Awakening Aubrey (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Jack 'Em Up Book 7) Page 3

by Shauna Allen

  I stifled my laugh as I scrounged through my duffel for my grungy coveralls. “They won’t kick your ass. They’re more bark than bite, trust me.”

  He shoved his fists into his pockets. “I’d rather not test that theory if they think I’ve done anything inappropriate here.”

  I frowned at him. Was he saying he wasn’t interested in anything inappropriate? Stupid thought, but I really, really wanted him to want me. Even if nothing could come of it. I brushed past him to lock myself in the bathroom, but he grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

  I glared up into his dark face and found myself lost in the obvious heat of his gaze. He licked his lips. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable either.”

  My gaze tracked down to his mouth. “I’m not.”

  Slowly, he released me. “Good.”

  I slipped away and closed the bathroom door. I stared at myself in the mirror and took in my pink cheeks, my wide, glistening eyes. On a shaky breath, I stripped out of my traveling clothes and pulled on an old white T-shirt and my coveralls. I brushed my unruly curls into a tight ponytail, then on a whim, spritzed myself with a quick squirt of body spray.

  I found Jude at the wide window, staring down at the parking lot. He spun when he heard me, his eyes tracking over my body. I brushed a hand down my thighs. “What? Never seen a girl in work clothes before?”



  A dimple showed when he grinned. “Never. I like it.”

  “Huh.” I tossed my clothes on the bed. “Well, I think that’s a first. Most people just think I’m one of the guys.”

  His eyes lit with a feral gleam. “You’re definitely not one of the guys.”

  I said nothing as we made our way back down to the car, but my heart was threatening to beat itself right out of my chest. Jude Cortez was unlike any man I’d ever met before, and he was stoking a wildfire deep in my body. God. I was in lust.

  ~ ~

  All lust and hormones and wayward thoughts were quickly forgotten once we got to work on the Charger. Micah, Blake, and I worked in our usual tandem, while Fletch and Jude helped out, pitching in wherever they could.

  Blake swiped his forearm along his brow. “Fuck, man. You towed her from next door?”

  “Yeah,” Fletch answered. “Was a little rough. Why?”

  Blake’s eyes got round as eggs. “Well, looks like your brakes are seized and the steering’s shot to shit. You’re one lucky son-of-a-bitch that it got this far.” He rubbed a hand through his short hair, studying the car. “You’re leaving in a month for your next mission?”

  Fletch offered him a drink. “Yeah.” He glanced at the engine. “That bad, huh?”

  “Well, yes and no. We can have Jesse bring the flatbed out with him to tow it down to the shop, but I’d feel better if we got some of the safety stuff worked out first.” His gaze was thoughtful as he studied the car. “The body looks good at first glance, but we need to give the frame a thorough once-over to make sure it’s sound, then we’ve got to fix the brakes and steering. Minimum.”

  I silently agreed as I caressed the straight body with my fingertips. We’d learned the hard way that sometimes looks can be deceiving. A straight, beautiful body could hide a dilapidated, twisted frame that would be nothing but a money pit. Better safe than sorry.

  Fletch eyed his car with affection. “Do what you gotta do, man. I’ll cover your hotel and expenses for however long it takes.”

  “You’re sure, man?” Micah asked. “Those things may eat up the entire month before you leave, even working our asses off.”

  Fletch nodded. “I’m sure. I’ve got some cash saved up for this project and I want her done right the first time.”

  Blake nodded then he, Fletch, and Micah huddled around a notepad to work out the game plan. I knew enough to know we had our work cut out for us, but I wasn’t sure exactly how long it would take.

  I caught a glimpse of Jude bent over, studying the underside of the frame and I silently prayed it would take every bit of the next month.



  It was long after ten o’ clock before we locked up the Charger in my garage and found ourselves at a 24-hour diner eating burgers and fries. Even in our oversized booth, I was still squished next to Aubrey, but I’d never been happier to have someone in my space while I ate.

  She sipped her strawberry shake and laughed at something Fletch said. She was still in her coveralls, but they were peeled down and tied around her waist, leaving her in a tight white shirt that showed off her petite figure and gave me all kinds of dirty thoughts.

  I glanced up when Fletch asked her about school.

  “I’m planning to get a business degree then maybe open my own shop. Or take over Jack ‘Em Up when these geezers get too old to be under a hood.”

  “Ha. Ha,” Blake quipped. “This old horse still has a few good years left in him. Just ask my wife.”

  “Gross.” Aubrey feigned gagging.

  Fletch ignored them, focusing his attention on Aubrey like she was an anomaly. “When do you graduate?”

  “If I keep up the pace I’m going, I’ll graduate in two years.”

  Fletch frowned and I watched his face as he did a quick calculation, his eyes darting quickly to me. “How old are you?”

  I felt her stiffen next to me. “Nineteen.”


  She was barely legal.

  “A baby,” Blake quipped.

  She smacked his arm. “Shut up. I think you were married by my age.”


  “Besides, I’ll be twenty next month.”

  That was a little better. I swallowed the lump of meat that had lodged in my throat at the thought I was lusting after jailbait.

  She slid a glance my way as talk of the car resumed, but I was too distracted by the red curl brushing her neck to discuss chassis. Her eyes still on mine, she reached between us for the salt shaker, brushing my arm. I couldn’t tell if it was intentional or not, but it shot electricity straight up my core, directly to my brain.

  What. The. Hell.

  After we ate, we dispersed to our cars and said goodnight after agreeing to meet first thing in the morning. We planned to get in a good weekend’s worth of work in before Fletch and I had to be back to base on Monday, and I for one couldn’t wait to see Aubrey again.

  She offered me a small wave before sliding into their diesel and I tipped my head in acknowledgment.

  Yup. Definitely looking forward to spending more time with her and figuring out what the heck this pull was she had on me.

  ~ ~

  Everyone showed up bright and early Saturday morning just as I rolled my ass out of bed.

  “Morning, sunshine.” Fletch grinned and smacked my chest with a bag of donuts.

  I accepted them, my eyes tracking to Aubrey behind him with a carrier full of coffee in her hand. It was jeans and a Jack ‘Em Up shop T-shirt this morning, but she looked just as hot as she had in her coveralls and white shorts.

  I rubbed a hand over my head and let the sight of her wake me up more than any caffeine or sugar ever could.

  “Coffee?” she asked, lifting the tray toward me with a quick glance at the loose pajama pants I still wore.

  I grinned and grabbed one. “Thanks.”

  “Got one of those for me, Red?” Blake interrupted, making her roll her eyes and head his way.

  My mouth watered as I watched her retreating form. I shook my head at my own hormones. It was like being back in high school. Sipping my hot brew, I made a quick trip to my bedroom to change then met everyone back in the garage. They’d already propped open all three doors, letting in a small breeze and someone had turned on my stereo, filling the morning with “Fat Bottomed Girls” by Queen.

  Aubrey caught my eye over Micah’s head and tipped her head toward the radio with a grin.

  I shrugged.

  She laughed.

  Nobody seemed to notice.

And so went the morning—Aubrey and I exchanging small looks, tiny brushes of fingers, knowing smiles. It was like we’d been flirting our whole lives without words.

  About ten, a flatbed truck lumbered up the street at a snail’s pace. Aubrey’s face lit up like a flashbulb. “Jesse’s here.” She ran out to meet the guy she obviously loved and I fought the stupid, irrational surge of jealousy.

  Her sister’s husband, I reminded myself. Still, I’d give anything to have her light up like that for me.

  A big blond guy jumped out of the cab and collected her into a one-armed hug as they exchanged a few words. I caught something about a baby and a doctor’s appointment. I walked over when he made his way up to the garage.

  “Hey.” I offered my hand. “I’m Jude. You must be Jesse.”

  “Guilty.” We shook as Blake and Micah joined us and introduced him to Fletch. Once the formalities were taken care of, we got Jesse up to speed on the Charger’s status.

  “The frame’s rusted and bent and about to collapse,” Blake laid out matter-of-factly. “Tell me you remembered to bring the MIG machine.”

  “And the hoist. We’re good.”

  Relieved noises filled the garage as we unloaded the machinery and they set about lifting the body off the frame so we could fully examine the damage.

  It was fucked.

  I quickly learned that these dudes were all business. By dinnertime, they were greasy and sweaty and up to their elbows in rusty frame bolts. When they fired up the welding machine, I had to tap out.

  Aubrey joined me at the back workbench as I stowed away the tools we didn’t need anymore. “Welding not your thing?”

  I glanced over and smiled at the smudge of grease on her cheek. “Nope. Never learned.”

  “Me, either.” She handed me a wrench. “Blake promised to teach me soon though.”

  I leaned against the bench. “You really love cars, don’t you?”

  “Yeah.” She lifted a brow as if waiting for me to say something disparaging about a girl who loves cars. “You got a problem with that?”

  “Not at all. I think it’s really cool.”

  She blinked as a blush filled her face then bent to hand me a socket that had ended up on the ground.

  Our fingers brushed and the now familiar bolt of lust and energy shot up my arm. Her dark eyes snared mine like she felt it too.

  I spoke before I thought. “Have dinner with me.”

  Her pouty pink lips opened to a surprised O then she snapped them closed. “Dinner?”

  “Yeah.” I turned away and shut my toolbox. “Never mind. Bad idea.”

  She ignored that. “Are you asking me out on a date?”

  I faced her. “I guess I am.”

  “Like a date, date?”

  “Is there any other kind?”

  Behind us, tools clanked and boisterous laughter belted out. She peered over her shoulder at her self-appointed guardians then met my gaze again, her eyes full of a strange mix of happiness and mischief. “Then yes.”


  She frowned. “Unless you’ve already changed your mind?”

  “No. Of course not. I just thought . . .” I couldn’t help my automatic glance behind us.

  She sighed. “Don’t worry about them. I’ve got this.” Spinning on her heels, she raised her voice. “Hey, guys!” It went silent as they faced her with lingering smiles from whatever they were discussing. “Jude and I are going to dinner tonight. Alone. Okay? Okay.” She pivoted back to me. “There. All set?”

  My eyes were pulled yet again over her head to the now frowning faces. Fucking shit. I forced a smile and met her eyes again. “All set.”

  “Great. Pick me up at the hotel in about an hour?”

  I swallowed as her co-workers/guardians started our way. “Sure.”

  With a grin, she kissed my cheek then spun away and sauntered up to Blake, holding out her hand. “Keys?”

  Round eyes met mine and I shrugged.

  “You can ride back with the other guys in the flatbed. I need to go get dressed.”

  He reluctantly dropped the keys into her outstretched hand. All eyes were on me as she strolled out, fired up the diesel, and drove away.

  “Dinner?” Micah quipped first, his gaze narrowed.


  “Alone?” Blake added.

  “Uh . . .” I was a pretty strong guy, but they had me outnumbered.

  Jesse threw his head back and laughed. “I’ll take care of this. Go pack up the shit and then dinner’s on me.”

  The other guys stood silently for a while then finally ambled away, Fletch taking up the rear, obviously oblivious to what was going on.

  I wiped my hands on a rag and stood straight when he approached, his eerie blue eyes serious now. I tossed down the greasy rag. “Look—”

  “Don’t get your panties in a wad,” he interrupted. “I’m not here to play chaperone or bust your balls.”

  “You’re not?”

  “Nah.” He leaned on the workbench.

  “It’s just dinner.” I hated that I sounded defensive. I was an MP, for God’s sake. I’d just never faced the firing squad over a girl before.

  “I know.” He chipped at a loose piece of wood on the table with his thumb. “All I wanted to say is that I love Aubrey like a sister. Hell, she practically is my sister. Not only would it hurt my wife if Aubrey was hurt, it’d fucking piss me off.” He met my gaze in the man-to-man way that pulled no punches. “She’s a good girl. She’s entitled to a little free time and fun. But if you injure one red hair on her head or break her heart, you’ll have me to answer to. Got it?”

  “Got it.” I leaned on the workbench next to him. “You have nothing to worry about. I like her, we have a lot in common. But she’s going home soon.” My throat clutched at the idea of saying goodbye to her when I’d just found her, but this wasn’t the time to admit that.



  Thankfully, the guys didn’t call or come back to the hotel right away after my gloriously rebellious exit. They were allowing me a little freedom and I’d had very little of that since my dad died a few years ago.

  After a quick shower and shave, I dressed in the nicest clothes I had with me, which happened to be clean jeans and a silky blouse the color of ripe cherries. Luckily, my toenails were painted a deep burgundy and I’d thought to throw my gold sandals in my bag. A little makeup, a dab of the newest Bath and Body Works scent, some mousse to tame the curls, and I was all set.

  Then I had time to second guess myself. Why had I pushed for tonight to be a real date? Why did I feel so free to toy and flirt . . . with a virtual stranger?

  Because he’s hot.

  I silenced my inner voice, though she was one hundred percent right. Jude Cortez was about as delicious as they came, but he was more than that. Even though we’d just met, and he was a friend of a friend of a friend, it was obvious he was the real deal. My intuition had never led me wrong before, and I was pretty sure it wouldn’t now, even if I had crazy wild hormones where he was concerned.

  I anxiously checked my cell phone. One hour and two minutes since I left . . .

  I jumped at a knock on the door. I took a deep breath and peered through the peephole.


  Tall and strong, his body was outlined in jeans that sat just so on his hips and a charcoal gray button down over a white T-shirt. With his hands casually tucked in his front pockets, he glanced around the hall and shifted his weight.

  I smiled and opened the door.

  His head snapped around and the smile froze on his face as his amber eyes raked over me. Now it was my turn to fidget as I wondered what he thought.

  I wiped my hands down my thighs and met his hot gaze. “Hey.”

  “You look amazing.”

  “Thank you.” I grabbed my purse from the bed behind me. “Ready to go?”

  “Yeah.” He closed the door behind us and walked with me down the hall to the elevator at a respec
table distance, but I still felt his body heat blazing up my side.

  I peeked at him from the corner of my eye. “You look nice, too.”

  I’d swear he blushed as he bit back a half-smile and held the elevator door for me. Inside, I had the rogue vision of him pressing me up against the cool metal of the wall and tasting my lips. Sliding his tongue along mine. Cupping my breast and . . .

  “Sorry?” Guilty, I focused back on the object of my fantasy.

  A knowing grin lifted his full lips. “I asked if you like Mexican?”

  My eyes popped open. “Wha . . . what?”

  A soft laugh escaped him. “Food?”

  “Oh.” Now I know I was blushing. “Right. Mexican food. I love it.”

  He waited for me to lead the way once we arrived in the lobby, but was a gentleman and didn’t say another word about Mexican anything.

  Outside, the air was thick and humid and smelled like rain as we made our way to his Trans Am. A gust of wind buffeted the curls around my face and I brushed them back to find him watching me, his hand paused on the door handle.

  I clutched my purse tighter. “What?”

  “Nothing,” he said, but didn’t move to open the door.

  I glanced away. Back. His skin glowed like melted caramel in the fading light and my fingers itched to trace the contours of every muscle and vein. My heart longed to know his.

  He finally let me in the car and I took a deep breath of air that smelled of him. Dark and spicy with a hint of mint and man.

  On the road, he kept the music low and the conversation light. “So, Jesse’s married to your sister?”


  “He seems pretty cool.”

  I studied his profile. “Did he get all protective and fatherly and say something to you?”

  Smiling eyes met mine momentarily. “Not at all. We talked a minute, but it was fine. No threats to my anatomy or anything.”

  I laughed. “Really? Wow, how disappointing.”

  “Seriously, he loves you and just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.”

  “What page is that?”

  “We can have some fun while you’re here, but it’s nothing serious. As long as nobody gets hurt, we’re all good.” He steered into the gravel parking lot of a tiny hole-in-the-wall restaurant and parked. “And that can’t happen over dinner.” He shifted in his seat to face me. “Right?”


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