The Final Countdown [Beyond the Angel Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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The Final Countdown [Beyond the Angel Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 14

by Maggie Walsh

  “Um…not sure.” Thad concentrated and took stock of himself. It was odd, but Nobin was right―all the little aches and pains he normally felt weren’t there. He still felt anxious about Nikolai, and his heart still hurt, but other than that, he felt amazing. Thad looked back to Nobin and saw that the little man was now looking at him with a warm smile. His silver eyes were freaky, but beautiful. “Who are you exactly?”

  “First answer my question. How are you feeling? Better than ever?” Nobin asked.

  “Surprisingly yes.”

  Nobin’s smile grew. “Fabulous,” he said, and then stood up in one fluid, graceful motion and sat on the bed. “Now it is time to tell you who you really are, Eakul.”

  “Why do you keep calling me that? And who are you?”

  “I am Nobin, your big brother, and I am here to watch over you and protect you while you went through your transformation. Now I am here to explain to you who you are.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I know, which is why we must talk now,” Nobin replied, and then went on to tell Thad all about who he was and where he came from. He explained everything to him about separating him from Nicco and the stalker he now had. Nobin left nothing out. He even told Thad about Nikolai and the crystal.

  “So, I’m a freaking genie and have powers? Like what? What can I do?” Thad asked.

  “Well, to start you will have to do small things until you get the hang of it, but eventually you will be able to do so many wonderful things. Just about anything you want. All you have to do is think about it, and it will happen. Not wish someone dead, or brought back to life, or anything like that, but close to it.”

  “All I have to do is think about what I want, and it will happen? So if I say I want Nikolai to love me again―”

  Nobin held up his hand, stopping him. “No. I’m sorry, but a true heart’s desire is not part of it. If you want something, think of it, and it will come to you. If you want to go somewhere, think of that place, and you will be brought there. And the best part is you don’t even need to know what the place looks like first.”

  Thad’s eyes suddenly filled with excitement, and he sat up. “Wait. What about the crystal? I can just ask for Nikolai’s crystal, and it will come to me.”

  Nobin’s eyes saddened. “Unfortunately, no. That is all part of the love thing.”

  “But it’s just an object?” Thad argued.

  “It’s more than just an object. The crystal holds a piece of Nicco’s soul that was placed inside by a spell, done by a witch. It is highly guarded by the spell to protect it, and from what I heard, only Nicco can release the soul within. You wouldn’t be able to release the soul if you did have it. It is still part of a love spell and will only listen to Nicco. You can try to ask for it, but I think it may backfire on you and fill this room with every yellow crystal known and unknown.”

  “But you said I could ask for just about anything I wanted, and it will come to me. I didn’t even need to have been somewhere to go there first, so I don’t understand why I can’t ask for the crystal.”

  Nobin sat forward and clasped his hands on his lap. “The gods gave us our wonderful life, and along with that they gave us this amazing magic. But as with all other creatures they created, they gave us all free will, and anything that has to do with the heart is part of free will. If you think about all the different types of magics they have created, if we all walked around using that magic against others’ free will of who they loved, this planet and a few other realms would be in big trouble. Filled with people who were with others that they wouldn’t normally be with or have chosen to love. I know it’s confusing, but it is part of the laws of the magic we have been given and part of the responsibility we must take to honor these gifts. There are witches out there that can perform love spells, and I always feel sorry for those it was used against. They are not where they are supposed to be, or with the one they are supposed to be with, and eventually that spell will turn sour, and the consequences to all are devastating. When I had a hand in sending you away, I could lessen your pain from walking away from your mate, but I couldn’t take it away completely or your love. If I had taken that away to make you leave easier, the consequences would have been too much for all of us to pay the price. Now, if you would like, we can try to call on the crystal, but I have a feeling this witch who placed a piece of Nicco’s soul inside it would have also cast a pretty strong guarding spell to make sure no one else could get their hands on it.”

  “I hear what you’re saying, and I understand. Especially about the love part. Yeah, that would suck if someone just cast a spell on me to love them and I did, and it wasn’t who my heart really wanted,” Thad replied.


  “Damn, I just feel like I should ask for the crystal and poof it will appear and make things easier,” Thad said in defeat.

  “I know, Eakul, and I wish it were so, for you and your mate. Like I said, we can try it, but we may get something we don’t want. And I fully believe if this witch was such a good friend to your man, then she protected that crystal from anyone else getting their hands on it.”

  Thad gave him a sheepish smile, and Nobin rolled his eyes as he shook his head. “Go ahead. Give it a try.”

  Thad narrowed his eyes at his new brother. “You know it won’t work but are just appeasing me, and you know something bad will happen.”

  “Not bad per se, but maybe not good either,” Nobin replied.

  “So what do you suggest I do?” Thad asked.

  “I suggest we start your training and get you familiar with your powers. Then, once you know what you are doing and maybe exactly what you’re asking for, then it might be worth the try.”

  Thad sat back against the headboard as he sighed. “Shit. You’re probably right. And what the hell do I know about all of this, anyway? I just woke up to find I have these powers, and without knowing exactly what I am doing, with my luck, a large crystal the size of a bus could pop in on top of me and squish me.”

  “I don’t think it would be that extreme, but close,” Nobin said with a smirk. “Tell you what, let’s start slow and small. We’ll start your training while they are still out there searching for the crystal or another answer, and once you have a grasp on some of the things you can do, I will help you to try to locate the one crystal you’re looking for.”

  “Okay, deal. So where do we start?”

  “How about like I said, small. Ask for anything you want.”

  “Anything I want, and poof it will what, just appear?” Thad asked, and Nobin nodded.

  “So, let me get this straight. If I said, let’s say, I’m starving and could really go for a burger, it would come to me?”

  “Be more specific, or you could end up with a room filled with burgers,” Nobin replied.

  “Okay, so if I asked for a bacon cheeseburger with fries one the side from Molly’s Grill in downtown LA, then what?”

  Suddenly a white sack dropped into his lap from out of thin air. Thad pulled back in surprise and just stared at the bag. It had the Molly’s Grill logo on it. Slowly he reached out for the sack and opened it. Immediately the smell of the delicious hamburger wafted out of the bag toward him, and Thad’s eyes closed as he drew in a deep breath. He opened his eyes and reached inside, pulling out a silver foil-wrapped burger. He opened the wrapper and moaned as he saw that it truly was a Molly’s bacon cheeseburger. “Holy shit. Is it really real?”

  Nobin giggled. “Go ahead and try it, and you will see.”

  Thad gripped the large burger with both hands and brought it up to his mouth, then took a big bite. His taste buds sang from the deliciousness, and he closed his eyes again, enjoying the burger, the explosion of different tastes across his tongue a symphony of goodness.

  After he had eaten half, and swallowed, he said, “Now all I need is a Molly’s double-chocolate shake to wash it down.” A soft drink takeout cup appeared on the nightstand beside him. Thad snatched it up and put the stra
w to his lips, then sucked hard. The cold, smooth chocolaty drink filled his mouth, and slid down his throat. “Holy shit. I can’t believe this.”

  “Well, believe it, my brother, because it is true,” Nobin said happily.

  Just then the door opened, and Micah’s mate, Jesse, walked in with Gabriel’s mate, Taylor, and Jesse was carrying a tray. The smile on his face dropped a little when his gaze fell on the bag in his lap, burger in one hand and shake in the other. “Oh, you’ve eaten. How did you…”

  “It is what genies do,” Nobin said matter-of-factly.

  “So you just wished this meal and poof, here it is?” Taylor asked as he came closer.

  “Yeah. Trippy, right?” Thad said.

  “To begin with yeah, but oh so cool too,” Taylor replied.

  “Then I guess you won’t be needing this,” Jesse said and held up the tray.

  Thad gave him a sheepish look. “Sorry.”

  Jesse placed the tray on a nearby table as he said, “Not a problem. As long as you’ve eaten, that’s all that matters. So how are you feeling?” Jesse came back toward the bed, joining them.

  “I feel really good. I mean really good. I can’t remember feeling this good in…I don’t even know how long.”

  “It’s because of who he is and finally getting his powers, isn’t it, Nobin?” Taylor asked.

  “Oh yes. Just like any other paranormal, we heal quickly. Not as quickly as some of you, but still faster than a human.”

  “So I gather Nobin has explained everything to you?” Jesse asked, concern evident in his eyes.

  Thad smiled as he nodded. “Yes. Nobin has spent the past few hours telling me everything. I must say, I’m a little pissed off at my family. How the hell you can bind someone’s powers like that and throw them out into the world at such a young age makes me want to throat punch someone.”

  The smile fell from Nobin’s face, and his eyes filled with sadness. “I know it is hard for you to understand because you did not grow up with your own kind, but please trust me when I say it really was for your own good. And even though you may have thought you were alone, you really weren’t. I was there every step of the way. I made sure none of those humans harmed you.”

  “I understand that, Nobin, and I thank you, but physical abuse and emotional abuse are two different things. None of my foster parents were abusive in any way, but their indifference and coldness were just as powerful to a young child. I know things could have been a million times worse, and there are plenty of children out there in the foster system who suffer for many reasons, and I really have no cause to complain, but my life was pretty damn lonely. No harm came to me, but on the flip side, no love was given either.”

  Tears began to fall down Nobin’s cheek. “I am sorry, my brother. I tried so hard to make sure you were safe and had everything you needed, but you are correct―I couldn’t make any of them love you. Part of that free will thingy, and all.”

  Thad reached out and grabbed Nobin’s hand. “I know you did your best, and I was safe. Thank you. And as much as I want to scream and be pissed about being taken away from Nicco, I confess I also understand why you did that, too. Now I just wish Nicco could be helped and the piece of his soul found.”

  Jesse and Taylor’s eyes widened. “So you told him about that, too?” Jesse asked.

  “Oh yes. Viktor came in to check on Eakul and told me what had happened. Now that his magic has been unbound and he has gone through his transformation, it would be very dangerous for me to lie to him about anything. A pissed-off genie is a very bad thing. He could go over to the other side and become a Jinn. I can’t take that risk.”

  “I think what Jesse is asking is, well, for someone who just woke up to find they are not who they always thought they were and found out their whole life had been a manipulation of sorts, even if mostly good, there is reason for concern that you would…well…go a little postal,” Taylor said.

  “I hear what you’re saying, but what would be the point in that? I heard what Nobin had to say. He explained everything that happened and why. I can understand where his great-grandfather―”

  “Our great-grandfather,” Nobin interrupted.

  Thad smiled. “Our great-grandfather. I understand where he was coming from. Look, fellas. I have spent the past eleven years in the celebrity life, and the people I have come across and all their elitist attitudes and spoiled rotten children who think they are better than others simply because their parents are rich…let’s just say I totally understand where the man is coming from. I don’t know how many times I thought things like, someone needs to take them down a few pegs, or they need to be slapped across the face with a fish of reality. It doesn’t matter who your daddy is, or who you think you are, or how much money and things you have, or how beautiful you are on the outside. When you die, you can’t take any of that with you.

  “And to treat others as if they are less than you because they may not have been as fortunate in life as you is just wrong. The elitists of the world think they are strong and powerful, and the average man, or poor man, are the weak ones, but I have found it to be the total opposite.

  “Take an elitist’s fortune, power, or fame away, and what do they have? Most of them don’t even know how to survive without all the luxuries in their life. But you take a hardworking man or woman and take away everything from them, and the vast majority will pull themselves up, wipe themselves off, and not give up. They will fight for survival and find a way to get their life back.

  “So when Nobin tells me about the Jinn, who to me sound like those same elitists, and the genie, who sound like regular people, I understand both sides, and I agree with this great-grandfather. I just don’t necessarily agree with his methods. But I do understand them.”

  “That is a very mature attitude, Thad, and I am thrilled that you have grown up to be such an honorable man,” Dante said from the doorway and they all turned to look to him.

  Thad smiled shyly. “Well, I can’t take all the credit. Most of that goes to Nikolai, you, and your men. It’s what you had taught me all those years ago, and I saw it firsthand for myself that you were right. So thank you for that, Dante.”

  Dante returned the smile. “You are most welcome.” Dante moved farther into the room and stopped by the bed. “So now that you are awake, and have been told everything, and have gone through this transformation, we need to figure out how to stop this”―Dante looked at Nobin―“what’s his name, Oshi?” Nobin nodded. “We need to get him to back off and leave you alone, so what do we do, Nobin?”

  “I need time with Eakul to make sure he knows how to use his powers and how strong they are. One of the things the Jinn know, and why they want this coupling between Oshi and Eakul, is that genie magic is more powerful than a Jinn’s. If Oshi mates Eakul, he will be able to take half of his powers from him, like a dowry, becoming stronger than Eakul. Then he can use that power to rule over not only Eakul, but also combine it with his father’s powers and use it to try to defeat my father and take over The Twilight Moon.”

  “So genies are stronger than Jinn? I thought you all were pretty much the same except they have evil intent,” Taylor said.

  “That is mostly true. But when the Jinn wouldn’t listen to my great-grandfather and broke away from the clan, their magic was lessened. Part of what gives a clan their power is their leader. Just like with all of you. Your alpha, Micah, his power is more than his beta, then gammas, enforcers, and so on, and a lot more than his pack. But they can draw strength from him, as well as be calmed by him. Then there are your omegas, who were written as the lowest on the totem pole, so the gods gifted them with immense power so they would have a way of defending themselves.

  “An alpha and omega together are a very powerful force. Split them up and both their powers lessen. It’s the same type of thing with the genie and the Jinn. Genie are more the alpha and the Jinn more the omega, but opposite of your omega. Where a shifter omega is basically good and submissive, the Jinn a
re not good and so not submissive. Your omega has powers greater than your alpha, but our omega, or Jinn, has less than our alpha, or genie.”

  “If the two were reunited and brought back together then your Jinn, or omega, would regain all their powers?” Dante surmised.

  “Yes,” Nobin said simply.

  “What I am hearing is that Thad is actually more powerful than this Oshi? So if they come face-to-face, Thad should be able to defend himself,” Taylor said.

  “Yes, but Eakul needs to learn about his powers first. Otherwise Oshi is stronger and can overpower him just because Eakul is unprepared,” Nobin replied.

  “Then I think we need to get Thad prepared because I can’t see this Oshi now just walking away,” Dante said.

  “No, he will not give up until he makes Eakul his.”

  * * * *

  A week had passed, and Thad had spent every waking moment with Nobin working on learning the almost limitless powers he now possessed and how to use them. What freaked him out the most was standing out in the field behind the coven house, in the middle of the day, and finding no sun. Every day upon stepping outside, he could only look up into the darkness and feel a great sense of loss. The heavy black-and-gray clouds covered the sky, blocking out the sun, and millions of tiny specs of ash that looked like dirty snow swirled around everywhere, leaving a layer of it overhead.

  Dante had explained to him that by the grace and power of the fae, they were all safe within Micah’s territory. King Ryland, as well as his people, were using their powers to put a sort of dome over every inch of the area to keep them all protected from what was going on outside in the real world. Thad shook his head, thinking how big the dome must be, because Micah owned something like two hundred thousand acres. He heard that a lot of the pack that lived within this territory were afraid the dome would collapse, and they would all be buried, but Micah promised it would hold, and so far, it looked that way. Two days ago, all communication from outside the area failed, and they could no longer watch the news to see what was happening. The last report they did hear was that Yellowstone, the super volcano, was erupting, and a steady stream of molten hot lava was shooting about a mile into the air. Two other super volcanoes, Lake Toba in Indonesia and Lake Taupo in New Zealand were also showing signs of eruption. With all that ash and soot shooting up into the atmosphere, Thad couldn’t imagine what the world looked like now.


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